Super Soldier

Chapter 1257: Laozi is so hateful and revenge (3)

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't you say that I don't accidentally offend someone who shouldn't offend? You tell me, where are the people I shouldn't offend?"

Wu Qing finally couldn’t help but smile. Xiao’s mouth is really too bad. He is four in Kyoto. Is there a few people in Kyoto who can’t offend him?

Sure enough, Xu Pingchuan was still very embarrassed in front of Wu Qing, but after discovering that the person next to Wu Qing had taken off the sunglasses and turned out to be a dragon, he immediately began to succumb, and regretted that he was dying. He felt that today should not Come, not only does the woman not get married, but now her face must be swollen.

However, he still can't help but talk, and he can't escape directly from the landfall. He can only smile with a thick face and say: "Long Shao, I don't know that a big man like you will come to our birthday party for these juniors... just I am not right, I apologize to you."

Under the roof, people had to bow their heads. Xu Pingchuan’s face was burning, but if he said that, he still had to say that this head must also be low.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will apologize with my apology? This is not!"

Xu Pingchuan’s hate in his heart, but in front of Xiao Bing, he was only able to choose to whisper. He lowered his head and asked with respect and respect: “Long Shao, what do you want?”

"It looks like you are not very convinced."

Xu Pingchuan wants to cry without tears: "I am really convinced, I really admit it."

Xiao Bing said: "The person you really want to apologize is not me, it is Wu Qing."

Xu Pingchuan's face became more and more ugly. He turned his head to his own rivals today. This is probably the biggest shame in life for a man. The hall is completely quiet. Liu Yingying on the side sees this scene and endures. The unspeakable opening advised: "Dragon is less..."

Xiao Bing’s sharp eyes looked at Liu Yingying, and the stunned eyes turned Liu Yingying directly to swallow the words, and his heart was ashamed.

Xu Pingchuan's tone is difficult: "I am sorry... I will never fight with you again, Liu Yingying, Yingying is yours."

After Xu Pingchuan said this, the whole person almost collapsed and lost his soul.

Wu Qing hasn't spoken yet, Xiao Bing has said: "You are not sorry for Wu Qing's Liu Yingying. It's a young and prosperous one. There is nothing wrong with being jealous for women. But what you are really wrong is the fox fake tiger Wei, borrowing Xu Shao's The identity of the distant cousin exerts influence and suppresses Wu Qing’s military career. Even if you have such strength, you will enter the dragon tooth. Will Wu Qing go in?”

Xiao Bing’s words made Xu Pingchuan unable to refute. Wu Qing was somewhat excited and even more excited. He did not expect that it was already a scene of eating today. He thought that he could only watch Xu Pingchuan’s glory and Xiao. The office was able to help him to get his face back, and Wu Qing’s gratitude to Xiao Bing was nothing to add.

Xu Pingchuan took a deep breath and asked, "Can I go back?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Wu Qing hasn't said that I forgive you, you want to go back?"

Xu Pingchuan clenched his fist, but he was only able to stand there honestly. Liu Yingying whispered Wu Qing and shook his head.

Wu Qing saw Liu Yingying pleading for Xu Pingchuan and sighed, "That's it..."

"Forget it?" Xiao Bingxiao asked. "He has suppressed you for so long, and you can't be promoted with despicable means. You still sneer at you here. Are you thinking about it?"

Wu Qing snorted and looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "The meaning of Xiao is..."

"Are you still a man? A man and a man, you must use your fist to get back when you lose. Well, since you are not willing to look back on your face, please come and help me." ”

Xu Pingchuan whispered in front of so many people, especially those onlookers who were still flattering to their aunts. He only felt that his face had been completely exhausted. Seeing Xiao Bing still refused to give up, he finally endured Unexpectedly broke out and shouted: "Long Shao, I have already apologized, what are you going to do?"

With a bang, Xu Pingchuan was directly thrown by a slap. People flew two teeth while flying in the air. He fell to the ground, and the whole person was dizzy, and this slap took him away. All the dignity of the whole made him completely lose his senses. He stood up and snarled with some embarrassment: "You dare to smoke me, I am a native of Xu Family in Kyoto, Xu Shao is my cousin!"

Xiao Bing quickly rushed to the front of Xu Pingchuan, and it was a slap. This slap swollen the half of Xu Pingchuan’s face. He fell to the ground and climbed twice in a row. Standing firm, at this time he broke a half of the teeth, plus half of the face swollen and pigs like, how much more wolf how to look like, others see him like this and even feel a cool, Think about it if you change these two palms to your face, they feel chilling.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh, I almost forgot, Xu Shao is your cousin? You can also find your cousin to ventilate. That's good, I will call you a cousin to see your cousin. How to maintain yours."

Xiao Bing had already exchanged contact information with Xu Shao at the last time. At this time, Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and directly turned to Xu Shao’s mobile phone number. All the people held their breath and the scene was quiet. It is the dialogue between the two big and youngest people in Kyoto, and even the two people can easily decide the fate of any one of them present!

Xiao Bing dialed Xu Shao’s number and pressed the hands-free. Xu Shao’s tone on the other side seemed to be somewhat unexpected. He said with a smile: “Long Shao, I can’t think of you calling me, I’m planning I will contact you in these two days. Congratulations, congratulations on your return to the class office and the effectiveness of the country."

All the people held their breath, this is the voice of Xu Shao, the legendary Xu Shao’s voice that the patriarchs of the big family in Kyoto City dare not provoke, and they are not in front of Xu Shao’s. What are the politeness of Xu Shao’s attitude towards Long Shao?

Xu Pingchuan was squinting at this time, and his body was shaking. He was afraid and looking forward. He was afraid that Xu Shao would not recognize him as a cousin, but he wanted to say that Xu’s was in his body. Blood, Xiao Bing hit himself is equivalent to humiliating Xu family, Xu Shao should not let Xiao Bing only, so he is also looking forward to Xu Shao can hard Xiao Bing, when someone will vent their own.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you still congratulate me? Recently, there is a madness everywhere, saying that you hate me because of this matter, saying that you especially want to enter the military office before."

“Is there anyone else to say this?” Xu Shao’s voice showed a bit of coldness. “I have to look up the rumor who spreads.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Xu Shao can do it if there is no opinion."

Xu Shao said: "I naturally don't have any opinions. When I come to my house someday, I personally celebrate for you."

Xu Shao seems to be really a little prejudice. On the contrary, he feels very happy about Xiao Bing being able to sit in that position. Even if Xiao Bing is good at trying to figure out people's hearts, he can't hear a little hypocrisy.

Everyone else heard that Xu Shao and Xiao Bing were so talkative and laughter, one by one was stunned, and Xu Pingchuan’s heart was sinking bit by bit.

Xiao Bing took a look at Xu Pingchuan and then said to Xu Shao: "Xu Shao, there is another thing to call you today. You have a cousin who has provoked me. It is called Xu Pingchuan, the Kyoto Military Region. The person seems to have just entered the dragon tooth. I heard that it is your cousin, so I have to call and talk to you. If I accidentally hurt my cousin, I hope that Xu Shao will not be surprised. ""

Xu Shao was a little silent, and it was quiet and terrible. He could only hear the hearts of these people around him, and Xu Pingchuan put all his hopes on Xu Shao.

Finally, Xu Shao talked over there, but when he said it, Xu Pingchuan’s heart sank to the bottom: “Xu Pingchuan? It seems to be a little relative to me, but my relationship with him is not familiar... I have been tempted by Long Shao, so naturally it should be handled by Long Shao to deal with it. I don’t have any opinion about how to deal with this Xu Pingchuan. Oh, don’t forget to come here to eat, I want to be good for you. Celebrate the country again."

"Okay, I have to go when I have time."

Xiao Bing hangs up and looks at Xu Pingchuan.

Xu Pingchuan was completely dumbfounded. His face was pale and gray, and his feet were soft. He slammed on the ground. Today, Xiao Bing is not just pumping his two slaps. Finally, this phone is more likely to be directly smashed. Lost all his prospects, now Xu Shao directly gave up, who will scruple his surname Xu?

Xiao Bing is too lazy to look at him. It is reasonable to say that if it is really just jealous, Xiao Bing will not be so against him, but this Xu Pingchuan has even delayed the military career of a country’s talented person for his own selfish desires. This is Xiao. The soldiers can't stand it, Xiao Bing admits that this Wu Qing's temper is a bit thorny, but he must also admit that Wu Qing's strength is very good, even if he is into the dragon tooth, he is barely qualified, and he wants to enter the seven special forces. There is no problem with 100%, not to mention how it is possible to have a small team leader in the special forces reserve team.

This incident has already angered Xiao Bing, so Xu Pingchuan will be so unlucky today, and now the fight is also played. The lesson has also been taught. It is naturally impossible for people like Xiao Bing to continue to have a general knowledge with Xu Pingchuan. Waving his hand and said: "Go!"

Xu Pingchuan climbed from the ground several times before he got up, and then he left the hotel with a lost soul. It is estimated that he will never see his colleagues in the face anymore. He just flew up to Xu Pingchuan, who turned the phoenix into a branch. The wings of the phoenix were deprived of the deprivation by Xiao Bing.

Wu Qing walked to Xiao Bing and said in a low voice: "Xiao, did you tell me to keep a low profile before, tell me not to have a general knowledge of this kind of people? How do you still play your own face?"

Xiao Bingli said of course: "I want you not to have general knowledge, but I have not said that I don't want to have general knowledge. You are going to be opposite to him. It is a loss of grace. My general knowledge is called temperament, can it be the same?"

Wu Qing whispered: "Xiao, I don't support the wall, I will serve you."

Xiao Bing’s tone is more arrogant: “Not to mention, my soldiers can only bully, and others can’t even touch it! The soldiers under my hand, who dare to humiliate me besides me?”

Xiao Bing's eyes swept a circle, and the gaze was not there when he fell on the body of Wu Qing who was still friendly. When he fell on some people who had been ridiculed by Wu Qing, they directly felt that they felt If the **** is terrible, when the last fall on Wang Yuan, the woman’s legs tremble and pee directly!

Xiao Bing sneered: "Don't you say that no one in the world can use the eyes to let others scare their pants?"

Wang Yuan’s face was blue and white. He did not expect that there would be a bigger backing behind Wu Qing, and Xu Pingchuan was inferior to Xiao Bing in front of Xiao Bing. Before that, there was a chance to meet the dragon in Kyoto’s four young. She didn’t grasp it. Now, where is the face, she still stays here, and her heart regrets it.

Xiao Bing looked at her disdainfully and said: "Go!"

Wang Yuan hurriedly fled out to the door.

Wu Qing whispered: "Xiao, almost forget."

"Oh? Do you think that I am too overbearing?" Xiao Bing smiled. "You must have thought that this person is very temperamental, very compassionate, very generous?"

" always told me that."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Your misunderstanding of me is too deep. In fact, if you have known for a long time, you should know what kind of person your Xiao is. In one sentence, it is that I am so hateful!" .

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