Super Soldier

Chapter 1298: Meet old acquaintances (two more)

Spiders, numerous spiders, and the number of black pressures are unclear.

These spiders are much larger than ordinary spiders. Each spider has the size of two slaps of an adult. Xiao Bing looks at the past carefully, and the spider army can't even see it at a glance.

Yamamoto Kocho began to scream, and trembled: "How... what?"

Xiao Bing suddenly laughed, pulling Yamamoto Kocho, turned and ran towards the distance. The spiders were chasing after the back. The sound of rustling made Xiao Bing, who was running in front, numb.

Finally, the front finally began to see the people of Aso Jun. They heard someone running from a distance. First, they stunned. When they saw Xiao Bing, Fujiwara immediately laughed: "Okay, good, this kid. Even if I voted for the net, this time I can't let go of this kid. The beauty is my friend, and the kid is yours."

Aso Jun shouted: "Dare to play with us, even if there is a few lives in that kid, I have to explain it here today."

When Xiao Bing ran to them, Fujiwara sang: "Bad boy, let go of Miss Yamamoto, you dare to play our big guy, now you are going to die?"

Yamamoto Komei didn’t expect Xiao Bing to run her here, so she is still in a state of ignorance, and she hasn’t responded to what she should say.

Xiao Bing looked at Fujiwara martial arts, and smiled like a smile: "Do you really let me fall to death?"

"Yeah, your majesty is dead!"

"Good...." Xiao Bing just said a good sound, suddenly took advantage of Yamamoto Koto, and went crazy in the other direction, those people did not react, I did not expect Xiao Bing just ran to them, now it is starting again ran away.

Fujiwara martial arts roared, and was about to lift his legs to chase. Suddenly he heard several horrified screams in the crowd. Fujiwara martial arts looked awkward and said: "What happened? What happened?"

At this time, he heard the sound of rustling coming from afar. He looked up and immediately became pale and white, but his head was blank, but not far from the front, the dense spiders crawled toward them, and the endless spiders .

When they reacted, the spiders had already arrived in front of them. They just had to pay attention to Xiao Bing's body. Otherwise, they would not be discovered by the spiders. So they have already taken care of them. Do not be afraid of Xiao Bing shamelessly, one by one hurriedly made their own 18 martial arts, while playing and retreating.

After Xiao Bing ran far away, he sighed with a sigh of relief. He said, "Let's go, those people have helped us stop the spiders."

Yamamoto Kombu swallowed his mouth and hesitated. He asked, "That... Aoki Jun, why are you so shameless..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am shameless? You didn't see those people who still want to kill me? Especially the Fujiwara martial arts, want to kill me, and want to take you away? The wicked have their own evil people, actually I am also a wicked person."

"I don't understand you a bit." Yamamoto Kodie said honestly, "A woman like me wants to live in that kind of environment. Besides being mindful, I have to try to figure out people's hearts, but I am a little bit. I can't see you anymore. If you say that you are too embarrassed, but because you have the eyes of someone you don't know, you will kill me, even now for the so-called justice, to deal with our entire devil. organization."

"But if you say that you are kind, when you kill, you don't even blink at all. Even if you count those people twice, the final estimate of those people will be 80% killed by you."

Xiao Bing said: "You will slowly understand what kind of person I am, let's go and continue to find unearthed treasures."

Yamamoto Kombu asked: "Do you know where the treasure is?"

"I don't know, but I know that there is a voice in my heart that is calling us. We will follow this voice, and we may be able to see what we want to see, or we may see... Hell."

Xiao Bing took Yamamoto Koto to continue moving forward, no longer thinking about whether those people who had just survived in front of the spider. Of course, in Xiao Bing, those people will definitely die, but they will certainly Live a few, but those are not things that Xiao Bing needs to care about. Xiao Bing only needs to be concerned with completing this task and then how to get out of here.

"This place is simply hell." Yamamoto said that "even if it is the devil's total altar, it is far less than the horror here."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So no one can live here to leave, that is why."

Two people are walking, and Yamamoto Koto, who was smashed, looked down and saw several bones on the ground.

Yamamoto's little butterfly didn't scream like a normal girl, but there was a bit of worry in her eyes. Xiao Bing looked down and then got up and said: "These bones have existed for at least a few decades here. There are only a few bones left."

The two continued to walk, and occasionally they would meet the bones of several dead people. It can be seen that this place has also come in some people, and in the end they should all die here.

Yamamoto Xiaodie suddenly sighed and said: "In fact, if you can die here, it should be quite good."

"Oh? How do you say that? I think you are afraid of death."

"When you can live, who is not afraid of death? Unless it is the hope of severing survival." Yamamoto said, "In fact, I didn't know how many times I wanted to make my own life, but I didn't have the courage. I remember once I killed someone while I was dreaming."

Some of Xiao Bing did not understand and asked: "When you dreamed, you killed someone? Is that killing in a dream, or killing someone in reality?"

"In reality." Yamamoto Xiaodie sighed and said, "I dreamed in my dream that a brother wants to kill my life. Later, I was awakened by a nightmare. My brother would sleep not far from me. The place, that dream is really too clear, I was confused at the time, I don’t know whether it’s a reality or a dream, so I just killed my brother and killed him in order to prevent it.

Xiao Bing thought that her brother died very embarrassed, others made a dream, and when he woke up, he took his life.

Yamamoto Kocho’s tone carries a sorrow and says: “You may not understand, I am alive every day, but what is the difference between my reality and dreaming? Every day, except for watching others killing, I am myself. Killing, sometimes I don't want to kill, I am afraid to be killed, so I can only start with strong, even if my hands are contaminated with too much life, but I still feel scared every day, I am still scared. I am still afraid that one day I will be killed by others, even if my teacher is guarding me, but in the case that my teacher does not know? So I always keep hurting others, even I can’t wait to be around. Everyone is dead because I am afraid of being harmed by others."

Xiao Bing was silent. The words of this Yamamoto Xiaodie are actually from the heart. Xiao Bing can listen to it. Perhaps it is only in this desperate time that she will suddenly say so many true words.

Yamamoto said: "Sometimes I feel so tired and tired. Really, I am very envious of those who have been killed by me. When I die, I can become relaxed. Sometimes I live even more tired than death. But I hate that I don't live up to expectations. As long as there is a little chance, even if I am tired, I still want to live. As long as I am alive, I can't help but kill."

Yamamoto Xiaodie smiled and said: "If this time I really died here, it is actually a good thing. Even if I want to ask for life, I can't live anymore. Even if I don't have the courage, I will die. I can be considered Freed."

Xiao Bing said: "It is a good thing... but you will not die here. If you die, you will eventually die in my hands."

In the distance, there is a cloud in the distance. It is about a hundred meters away. I can't see clearly what is behind the clouds. Two people continue to move forward. Xiao Bing faintly saw the shadows in the clouds.

Xiao Bing said: "Let's go, it's not far from calling us."

Xiao Bing and Yamamoto Kodie went over. The fog here is not particularly big, but the distance is too far to see clearly. When approaching, Xiao Bing saw seven people hanging around here. Among the individuals, one is to break the strong peak of the void, and one is to break the realm of the early stage of the void. In addition to these two superpowers who break the void, two of the other five are sturdy peaks, three are In the medium term, the strength is not to be underestimated.

When Xiao Bing came over, it was obvious that the other six people were more clumped. After all, the strong who broke the peak of the void was too strong for the six of them. Even if they were six people, they could barely Fight with each other.

When I saw Xiao Bing, the six people did not show any special expression when they saw Xiao Bing, but the other strongest one in the other camp had a hint of surprise in his eyes. He was about to open his mouth. Speaking, suddenly stopped by Xiao Bing's eyes, and then he looked at Xiao Bing deeply, and did not say anything.

Others in this scene did not notice that only the smart Yamamoto Kobe, who was next to Xiao Bing, discovered that she knew that Xiao Bing’s relationship with this person must be very familiar, and she really did guess it. People are not others, it is one of the giants of the dark world, and the Zeus of strength among all the giants in the dark world is second only to Xiao Bing!

One of the strong men in the muscle block looked at Xiao Bing and took a bit of contempt and disdain. "Even if we come in, we dare not say that we can protect ourselves. How do the two guys who have nothing to do at first glance come in?" of?"

In addition, there is a slightly wretched person who laughs: "It's just luck. If you want to come here except strength, the most important thing is to have luck. This girl is not bad, I like..."

Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a cold smile.

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