Super Soldier

Chapter 1299: Killing and killing (three more)

Xiao Bing was too lazy to take care of these people. He took Yamamoto Koto to go over and stood side by side with other people. Looking at the front, he saw that all the front grounds were dead bodies, and dozens of top players were like ghosts. Swaying in front, they completely turned a blind eye to Xiao Bing and others, as if they could not see Xiao Bing.

And these people are very strange, because Xiao Bing can hardly feel how much life they have from their bodies, and their eyes are all lifeless, their eyes are godless, like a dead person.

The strength of these people is basically a realm of enthusiasm, from the beginning of the enthusiasm to the peak of enthusiasm.

And there are actually four or five people who are known by Xiao Bing, one is from the special forces commander of Ghana. This person once met Xiao Bing in the World Special Forces Contest. At that time, his strength was in the middle of the battle. Now it has reached the realm of enthusiasm.

There is a person who is a master in the dark world. Xiao Bing has seen him during the mission of the Dragon Tooth Brigade. Later, he left his life and left him alive. In recent years, he disappeared. I didn’t expect it to be here. The strength is in the midst of sturdy.

In addition, there are two or three people who have dealt with Xiao Bing, but now they are collectively patrolling here like a ghost.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath, and any one who is a master of the world can be regarded as the name of the name. Who will not take the master? Nowadays, so many masters of enthusiasm, even collectively patrolling here like ordinary guards, no, if they are like the same corpse.

Xiao Bing shouted: "Roy Shatner, what are you doing there?"

The person called by Xiao Bing is Roy Shatner, the captain of the special brigade of Ghana. Among those who are the top strengths of the top!

Xiao Bing originally thought that he was finished, and the other party should look at himself at a glance, but did not expect such a close distance, the other party clearly heard clearly, but it was a little bit of reaction, as if it could not hear I am calling him the same.

Next to a top expert from Greece, like a hilarious laugh, said: "You call, keep calling, see if he will respond to you!"

Xiao Bing looked back at this person. Since entering here, Xiao Bing has been playing pigs and eating tigers, but at this moment his eyes are very sharp and terrible. The strength of this person is a peak, but in After being arrested by Xiao Bing, even the heart of the whole person almost jumped out, and there was a feeling of guilty fear.

When Xiao Bing removed his gaze, he reacted. No, I am afraid what he is doing? Is he still a master? Unless his strength is above me, how can he hide the strong breath? If he is the top master of strength above me, then is he not breaking the void? But when Zeus looked at him, he didn't look awkward. It was like looking at an ordinary person. That's right, it must be that I think more.

This person thought, immediately revealed a look of anger, he was just scared by an ordinary person, it is unforgivable!

This man is about to worry, Zeus, who has never spoken, suddenly said calmly: "These people seem to have lost their will, no matter what you say to them, they can't hear, they are controlled by someone in the dark. The position we are standing now is equivalent to a safety line. The person who controls him should be able to control it at most. As long as we take another step forward, the person who controls him will immediately be able to attack them."

Xiao Bing frowns, this is dozens of sturdy masters, even if Zeus is afraid, it will be tricky, unless the strength has reached the realm of breaking the sky above the void, but who can control so many top-notch presence? Isn't the person who can control him even more terrible?

It’s a bit interesting...

Xiao Bing finally felt that this time it was really a bit challenging. According to the strength of Xiao Bing, he could feel the challenge. This kind of thing really rarely exists in this world.

The other strong man who broke the void level suddenly said coldly: "There have been a few people who have just entered, and all of them have died. You have seen it. The ground is full of dead bodies."

Xiao Bing saw that the ground was indeed full of shredded bodies, blood on the ground, and the scene was so miserable that people wanted to vomit.

Xiao Bing nodded slightly.

The strong man who broke the void level said something arrogantly: "So, this shouldn't be where your little children are like a family. It's not for you."

Xiao Bing smiled lightly and did not respond. The other party’s eyes showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

Just at this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the distance. Everyone turned their heads and looked at them, but they saw several people who were **** from afar and ran here. It was the old acquaintance of Xiao Bing.

Muhammad, Bil and Kimura are still alive, but they are all wounded. As for other people, the four great arrogances have also survived. There are also several Matsumoto masters, Fujiwara martial arts and Kagawa Yoko, from the time they just came in. Dozens of people, now only ten of them are left.

When they saw Xiao Bing, one of them could immediately spurt out the fire in their eyes. One by one, Fujiwara martial arts was able to break away from the help of Matsumoto master, and first rushed to the front of Xiao Bing, Fujiwara martial arts was actually less. One arm, the left arm is gone, he used a right hand to pick up Xiao Bing's neck collar, and gnashed his teeth and said: "Gossip! You are a bastard, you dare to kill us!"

Xiao Bing looked awkwardly: "Don't you always want to kill me, how can I become killed?"

Fujiwara martial arts incomparably said: "You lost an arm! I don't have an arm now, I have to give you eight pieces to vent your anger!"

Muhammad shouted: "Whatever nonsense with him, kill him directly!"

"Yes, kill him!"

These people all shouted in anger. As for the first masters who arrived here, except Zeus, they all watched the fun in a happy way. In this nervous time, there are some excitement and good looks. However, in their view, since an ordinary person like Xiao Bing has provoked so many masters, it is estimated that he will soon be torn into pieces. They can’t wait to see Xiao Bing’s miserable look. Only Zeus’s eyes are full of sympathy for Fujiwara martial arts.

Fujiwara Takeshi grabbed Xiao Bing's collar and smiled and said: "Yes, you are right, I just see you are not pleasing to the eye, just want to find a chance to kill you, so I hope you can go to the front to explore the road. You die It is my woman who is even more easily taken by this Yamamoto."

Yamamoto's little butterfly is detached from the side, thinking about whether or not to take the opportunity to escape when Xiaobing and these people collide, but now it seems that it is not a good time to escape. Now, if you leave Xiaobing, it is estimated that you will not use it. In a minute she will be buried here.

Xiao Bing has long known what Yamamoto is thinking, but he also knows that Yamamoto will not choose to escape at this time, because now is not the best time, he smiled and smiled: "Yamamoto Kocho, he said to you Do him a woman, or else I will give you a chance, are you interested in him?"

Yamamoto Kobuki stunned Fujiwara martial arts and looked disdainful: "I am not familiar with him at all!"

Fujiwara martial arts some crazy sneer: "You have lost an arm, I want to kill you this man, then I will take you Yamamoto Koto, accompany me every night, until I get tired, Sell ​​you to the brothel and let thousands ride!"

Yamamoto Kocho is not irritated by Fujiwara martial arts. Instead, her eyes look at Fujiwara martial arts, as if she were watching an idiot.

In the mouth of Fujiwara’s martial arts, he shouted loudly, loosened the collar of Xiao Bing, and then grabbed it directly toward Xiao Bing’s throat!

Xiao Bing grabbed his wrist with his backhand and then twisted his hand to the back. When others saw this scene, they all stunned. But they thought that Fujiwara martial arts had just lost an arm. The whole person is When it is weak, it doesn't feel strange.

Xiao Bing sneered and said: "You also saw that Yamamoto has no interest in you. You are only unilateral. In fact, I am very sympathetic to you. The **** from a big family has been a child since childhood. People give them a favor, they are used to it, and when they come out, they want to get what they want, and they want women to even rush to see them. See who is not pleasing to the eye and find out who to kill. But the result... you I was thrown into the palm of your hand by a pocket that couldn’t be pleasing to the eye in your eyes. If I were you, I would just kill it directly. What kind of strength is it here?"

Fujiwara martial arts listened, and an angry roar was heard in his mouth, while the Matsumoto master next to him was cold and cold: "You let go of the young man Fujiwara, kneel begging for mercy, I will give you a whole body."

Xiao Bing looked at Master Matsumoto and smiled: "I thank you, you better not give me the whole body, if you can do it!"

Master Matsumoto snorted. Although he was injured, he thought that killing a Xiaobing would be like playing. He didn't have to waste a little effort, so he directly slashed his sword and stabbed it to Xiao Bing's chest.

Everyone thinks that Xiao Bing is dead, and Fujiwara martial arts even laughed. The eyes of Kagawa's Yoko are also mocking Xiao Bing's self-discipline, and Xiao Bing's other hand is casually pointing. The bomb, the long sword was suddenly broken, and then Xiao Bing’s **** pinched the half-cut blade casually. The broken blade flew out like a lightning bolt and directly penetrated into the throat of Master Matsumoto.

Master Matsumoto’s throat was pierced in an instant, and the whole person fell backwards. He fell to the ground with his eyes horrified, with unbelievable, **** mouths, and very difficult to say before dying. One sentence: "I look away..."

Master Matsumoto did not close his eyes when he died. In addition to fear in his eyes, the rest is repentance. Regrets should not be provoked by Xiao Bing, but it is already late.

There was a dead silence around him, and everyone looked at Xiao Bing’s eyes with awe.

Ps: Add today, the update time of the fourth chapter was originally set at ten o'clock, and now temporarily change it, the update time of the fourth chapter is changed to before midnight! I wish you all the best!

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