Super Soldier

Chapter 1300: What is the ruler? (four more)

Xiao Bing loosened Fujiwara martial arts, and Fujiwara martial arts slammed into the ground and looked at the body of Master Matsumoto. The whole person shivered. If Xiao Bing had just given him the restraint, it was only because he was weak, plus Xiao Bing's strength is relatively large, so Xiao Bing can kill Master Matsumoto is not so simple, a handsome mid-level master, even by Xiao Bing to kill the finger, this is really terrible!

Fujiwara martial arts scared the pants, and the face was pale and terrible. What kind of existence did I provoke? What kind of existence did I provoke?

Fujiwara martial arts suddenly did not care about the face, turned around and squatted at the foot of Xiao Bing, and then slammed Tong Tong to Xiao Bing's head: "I was wrong, I was wrong, you have a lot of adults, I spared me a Let's make a life, I promise to do it for you in the future."

Xiao Bing sighed slightly, this sigh decided the fate of Fujiwara martial arts, and Xiao Bing’s fingers once again slammed into a bullet. This time it was a sound of breaking the air, and one finger directly penetrated Fujiwara’s martial arts. The head, Fujiwara martial arts die!

All of the people in this time were shocked. Xiao Bing murdered like a mowing, and even his eyes never smashed. Even the smile on his face was still there. It’s so rampant, so no one else, now it’s not just the dead Matsumoto master who knows The wrong eyes, everyone else knows that they are looking away.

At this time, someone suddenly screamed: "You are not... the dragon son of the dark world."

All the people have widened their eyes, and they know why Zeus did not reveal the slightest surprise from beginning to end. Zeus is also a giant in the dark world. Naturally, it is impossible to not know Zeus. Before, the group and the Thursday confronted. The hearts of those few people are about to hate Zeus. Fortunately, they are not too offended by Xiao Bing. Otherwise, they don’t know how to die. They can’t even beat Zeus. How could it be two of the dark world? One of the big sons of the dragon son's opponent?

"Dragon...Dragon son?" Yamamoto Xiaodie stayed and asked, "Are you not called Aoki Taro? How are you called Dragon Son?"

Xiao Bing faintly said: "These will tell you later, let us look inside to see what baby is there."

The African master Muhammad said with excitement: "The treasure is inside? Let me come!"

Muhammad smashed out like a sharp arrow. Obviously, at this time, he knew that his own strength had no upper hand. He chose to take risks and take the first step to grab the treasure.

The European Bil sneaked a sentence: "Idiot." Apparently in his opinion, who is the first to shoot at this time, who is the first bird, especially if their strength is not dominant, now everyone sees it. Before that, the strongest here was Zeus, and when I knew the true identity of Taro Aoki, it was obvious that the strongest one became the dragon son of the fake country.

No one stopped Muhammad, but when Muhammad rushed into the line that Zeus and others had smashed, the fierce masters who were like a dead body suddenly rushed to Muhammad, and Muhammad punched one of them. His fist has already penetrated the other's body, but the other party still does not back down, and even the face has no painful color. He directly holds him tightly and opens his mouth and bites him. On the throat, everyone else rushed up, some grabbed his arm, some grabbed his leg, and Muhammad was torn into pieces in the blink of an eye!

The strong and powerful of the sturdy, almost dead in the blink of an eye, and the dead body of the body is incomplete!

This scene shocked everyone, even if Xiao Bing frowned slightly, shook his head slightly.

Zeus faintly said: "The strength of these people has reached the realm of enthusiasm. The most important thing is that they have no pain and nerves at all, and they are not afraid of death. They only attack and do not dodge, fight offensively, even if they break the strong level of the void level. There is no way to face so many masters at the same time, but if we are all embracing it..."

"No need." Xiao Bing said calmly. "All of you are rushing. These people will naturally not be your opponents, but I want to hurry."

Xiao Bing glanced at Yamamoto Kobashi and warned: "You stand here, don't move."

"Good." Yamamoto Komaki agreed, but the heart is hot, this is a rare opportunity to escape, do you want to take the opportunity to escape?

When Yamamoto Kobayashi is tangled, Xiao Bing has already rushed out, like a lightning bolt over the safety line. Xiao Bing’s speed is even more intense than that of Ben Lei, even faster than lightning. Hey, all the people didn’t even see the shadows. So many of the sturdy masters fell down, but this time Xiao Bing didn’t have a killer, just slammed these people. Lost fighting power.

All the people are stupid, and the heart is mad, and this is still... is it human?

Yamamoto Kocho is also stupid, he has just begun to entangle, the battle over there is over?

Xiao Bing waved at Shan Ben Xiaodie and said, "Come on, the battle is over."

" fast?" Yamamoto Kodie eats the way, her words say everyone's voice.

In the few people before Matsumoto, there was only one person, Kazuo Kagawa. She was also dumbfounded at the moment. From the very beginning, they were all laughing at Xiao Bing, an ordinary person who dared to When the place came, I didn’t know how to live and die. Until then, they let Xiao Bing be a cannon fodder in front. Until now, she discovered that in fact, they are the ones who are stupid. The other party is just playing pigs and eating tigers, even they are in Xiaobing. It’s not a tiger at all, not even a pig...

Other people are also stunned to watch this scene.

Yamamoto's little sigh in the heart, it seems that he has no chance to escape, but in the case of the just one, in fact, it may not be able to escape, unless it is leaving the mountain, otherwise he will escape now. Still, I still have to die here, otherwise where can I go?

Yamamoto Kobira had just moved to Xiao Bing, and suddenly she widened her eyes and was surprised: "Be careful!"

Xiao Bing suddenly waved and punched out, and a bang, a man who was about to hit Xiao Bing was directly smashed.

At this moment, the people who had just been defeated by Xiao Bing all climbed up, and then face Xiao Bing with no expression. Their eyes were muddy and there was no vitality in their eyes.

Zeus said: "They are not afraid of pain, no pain, they seem to be unable to faint, unless you remove their arms and legs, otherwise they will not have no fighting power, even if there is a mouth left, they will go Kill you."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "What is the significance of a group of living dead people still living in this world?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and a horrible force emanated from the body of Xiao Bing. The horror of the horror even pushed the dozens of sturdy masters to the ground, no problem, just relying on This horrible momentum, Xiao Bing has already crushed these people on the ground.

Then Xiao Bing walked slowly to the top of a person's head, stepped on one foot, and slammed, the head of this man was trampled like a watermelon, and Xiao Bing walked one by one, when all the people died. Some people who watched this scene outside have begun to tremble. Xiao Bing is like the **** of death in mythology. Even Xiao Bing is more terrible than death. Xiao Bing kills people without a sickle and directly walks on it. The other party is already dead.

They were full of awe in Xiao Bing and felt that Xiao Bing was terrible, but Xiao Bing’s mood at this moment was not good. He sighed slightly and his eyes were reddish. These people are no different from dead. Otherwise, Xiao Bing will definitely not want their lives. For Xiao Bing, although these people may not be good people, they will never be bad people.

Xiao Bing is indeed killing and decisive, but Xiao Bing is also a principled murder. If it is those who have no evil or are evil, Xiao Bing does not have any burden to kill, but in the face of these people who are not good or evil, Xiao Bing one foot to kill them all, this is a dozen lives!

Xiao Bing sighed deep inside, but there was an anger in his heart. He wanted to know who made these people look like this. No one can use other people as playthings and tools. It must pay a price!

The anger in Xiao Bing’s eyes can’t be concealed. Even the whole body’s body seems to have a flame burned. All the people have found that Xiao Bing has changed. If the previous Xiao Bing is still hidden, then the present Xiao Bing has already released all his powerful atmosphere completely unscrupulously, who is the domineering of who I am, the horrible atmosphere of the world, so that all people can not help but want Desperate to the court.

Xiao Bing’s gaze glanced at everyone’s body. The Greek master slammed on the ground, his hands supported on the ground, sweating under the rain, and trembled: “I... I’m called Moti, I just didn't know... I don't know if you are a dragon son, I am ignorant, I am damn, I am damn!"

This person, while squatting at himself, draws his own mouth. This person is just the top Greek master who has just spoken and ridiculed Xiao Bing. His strength has reached the peak of strength. Among all the people here, he is also a top expert. .

When I saw that Moti was only swept by Xiao Bing, I was scared like this. Everyone is more honest than a white rabbit. That Kagawa Yoko is completely aware of what is called a real powerhouse. What is called the real 10,000 people, what is called the master, compared to their young masters and Missy in front of Xiao Bing, just like jokes!

According to legend, Yoko’s face showed a shyness and a smile.

Ps: The code is slower, but before 12 o'clock, the fourth chapter is finished. Haha, I wish you all a happy reading, tired and tired, and continue to go to desperate codewords, and strive to write the first chapter of tomorrow in the middle of the night. Otherwise, it will be before noon tomorrow, not sure, do your best! .

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