Super Soldier

Chapter 1305: The source of strength (one more)

I want to kill you. This sentence is as simple as eating and drinking. It seems to be easier than killing a chicken. There should be no such easy thing under the sun.

Fukuda Hideo’s face was gloomy and his body slowly receded. No one except Xiao Bing could stop him, but Xiao Bing was left unmoved and he returned to the house where the rocks were stacked. Then It disappeared.

Those who are lying on the ground are all awkward, and they don’t know if they should get up. If they have been lying there, they are too shameful, but if they get up, can Xiao Bing be the opponent of these three black bears? They are not optimistic. It was difficult to get up and down between the moments.

One of the three black bears stepped toward Xiao Bing step by step. Every time he took a step, the ground trembled. He was too tall and too strong, even if he was walking to a person casually, you are It is inevitable to give birth to a feeling of powerlessness.

"Dragon son is its opponent?"

"Impossible, these guys are not animals at all, they are monsters, where are such tall and solid animals? Even tigers and leopards will be torn in front of them!"

Xiao Bing looked at the black bear step by step toward himself, his face showed a faint smile, he greeted step by step, walking slowly, like walking on the street.

Yamamoto Koto said nervously: "You are careful!"

Xiao Bing looked at Yamamoto Kodie and said, "You don't want to move there, don't come over, you know?"

At this time, Xiao Bing and the black bear are close, the black bear is thundering, and a slap is coming. This slap is even a tank that will be flattened by him, slapped, and even the air is almost distorted. Seeing one by one, his eyes widened, and even Zeus became nervous.

Xiao Bing did not seem to see it. Many people sighed for it. When the slap was about to fall on Xiao Bing’s head, Xiao Bing’s one hand suddenly appeared, grabbed the black bear’s arm and then turned it up. The black bear of four meters or more gave it a high lift, fell heavily on the ground, and then lifted it again, once again kneeling down, bumping and bumping, all the people were dazzled, the heart was almost ready Jumping out from the inside of the chest, as if to look at the eyes, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Bing has grasped the arm of the black bear, and put the black bear on the ground hundreds of times, everything seems to be so heavy weight, as if What caught Xiao Bing was not a black bear weighing more than a kilogram, but a cotton ball.

The ground was so violently bombarded with Xiao Bing, and it began to crack open at this time, and there were still several deep pits. Xiao Bing finally broke the black bear into the deep pit, then went up to make up two feet, then Shi Shiran came out of the pit.

All the people were dumbfounded and took a breath.

"Is this the strength of the Lord of the Dark World?"

"Yes, the dragon son is not one of the two sons of the dark world. It is the most powerful man in the world. This power is stronger than the black bear who breaks the void. In his hands, it is just like a mud." You can knead casually."

Xiao Bing took a look at his wrist and glanced at the other two black bears. He said, "I am in a hurry, let's go together."

The two black bears looked at Xiao Bing, and at this time, Yamamoto Xiaodie suddenly gave a cry. The black bear who had just been squatted on the ground for hundreds of times stood up behind Xiao Bing, although it looked very embarrassing. It’s blood, it’s blood, but it’s not dead!

However, when Yamamoto Kobashi wanted to remind Xiao Bing to pay attention behind him, Xiao Bing suddenly had a lightning-like kick, and the black bear’s head was directly kicked by Xiao Bing. The body fell to the ground again.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "It is a beautiful body that is not bad for the second-largest realm of King Kong. It is amazing!"

This time, the two black bears were completely irritated. They both made a roar. Everyone covered their ears and opened their mouths. Even then, they felt that their eardrums were going to be damaged. Some people are still snarling and are involuntarily pushed back by a wave of waves.

This power has indeed surpassed the level of breaking the void, and even enough to compete with the half-step Tianzun, but compared with Xiao Bing, it is still not enough, and it is too far and far.

Others slammed their ears hard, the painful color of their faces, and Xiao Bing was a light expression, and gently walked toward the two black bears, completely unaffected by the slightest.

The two black bears saw that Xiao Bing was so indifferent. The two black bears rushed to Xiao Bing at the same time. They were so large, but their speed was faster than lightning. This is the most terrible, just those people. When you are working with a black bear, whether it is strength, toughness, or speed, you can't match the two black bears. These guys are simply impeccable monsters.

Two angry black bears want to tear Xiao Bing into pieces. Their speed is indeed fast, but Xiao Bing disappears in front of their eyes. When they go around looking for Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing punches one. They directly shattered the heads of both of them, and rumbling, the two black bears like the tall tower fell to the ground.

Those people were all watching, and a few people on the ground stood up and trembled, and two people who had passed out before were already awake, just to see this scene, the three heads in them The eyes are completely unmatchable monsters, and even Xiao Bing is so crisp and neat, even for Xiao Bing, it’s as simple as tickling, a little bit of challenges and threats can’t be said. What kind of strength is it?

There are only two words in their minds: "Invincible!"

"The dragon son is too powerful."

"Dragon son is the first person in the world."

"Yes, this time, no matter what treasures, we will not fight with the Dragon King. Everything is a dragon son."

"You want to fight, do you dare? If Long Gongzi can take us down the mountain, the dragon son is too strong."

"Hey, I used to think that I was already very powerful, but now I know that the Dragon Son is so much stronger than me. I can't even match a mosquito in the hands of the Dragon King."

These people are not deliberately touting, but are all from the heart, saying that Yamamoto Koizumi is also watching a stunned jump. She has long known that Xiao Bing is powerful, but she did not expect that it would be so powerful. In her eyes, I am afraid that the word God of War can describe this man.

"Let's go in now."

"Yes, smashing the roots, killing the old man, otherwise who knows what animal he will have to deal with for a while!"

The master who broke the void primary said: "I am going to kill him!"

After he finished speaking, the whole person rushed into the cave like a lightning bolt. He just wanted to perform well at this time. If there is any treasure in time, is it more than that? He will be able to score a little bit by then.

Others saw his movements so fast, one by one regretted that he was too slow, and he was preemptive. After all, the old guy’s card is gone, but they think about it, the old guy’s side is followed by two. Those who break the void level, if they change in, they are really looking for death, but only that person can make some moves with the other party.

But no one had ever thought that this person had just entered for less than ten seconds, and he immediately gave a short scream, and then there was no sound inside.

Everything is due to calm!

The same calm as death.

How is this going?

Everyone doesn't understand what it is like. There are two masters around the old guy, but in any case, it is impossible to kill a strong player who broke the void at such a short time. At least they have to fight dozens of strokes. What is this? Is this a spike?

Zeus said in a serious tone: "I am afraid there is still weird inside."

"I have already thought of it already." Xiao Bing said, "I can feel that there is something in the depths of the ground that seems to be calling me all the time."

Everyone else looked awkward. They had that feeling when they first entered Zhuyincheng. Later, the feeling slowly disappeared. Now it has disappeared. Now they listen to Xiao Bing. I suddenly remembered why the feeling was completely gone?

Xiao Bing said: "When you just entered the city gate of Zhuyin City, you must feel that there is a devil's power to seduce you and inspire your body's magic. At that time, some people should be dead, some people directly Losing reason and killing each other, and I think the source of that power should be here."

Hearing this, some people's eyes have already revealed the color of horror. You must know that the distance between the other party can control their minds. How terrible is this power? This is hardly the power that human beings can possess. It is simply the power that the devil can have in mythology.

The voice of Fukuda Hideo came out inside: "You are right, so there is no treasure at all. If you really talk about treasure, it is that I created it, and I can use it to control it. The whole world, I want the whole world to be destroyed. I want to retaliate against this world and retaliate against this country. I want to let all those outside know that we have abandoned those loyal people and what kind of price they should pay!"

Fukuda Inf was still not confused at this time.

Xiao Bing’s tone is faint: “If that’s the case, let me see ‘it’!”

Ps: The second chapter is this afternoon, the time is not certain (.)

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