Super Soldier

Chapter 1306: Fukuda Hideo's card (two more)

Who is it?

What is it?

None of these people know, but they all know that this must be the last card of Fukuda Hideo.

At this time, the sound of rustling came from afar. Some people began to shout loudly: "Spiders, those spiders are coming."

But seeing the dense spiders crawling over here, all the masters are all waiting, and these dense spiders completely ignore Xiao Bing, and all the rest of the people except Xiao Bing are surrounded.

Yamamoto Xiaodie couldn’t help but yell: "Aoki."

Xiao Bing faintly said: "I will call Xiao Bing or Xiao Bing brother in the future."

Yamamoto Komei looked at the spiders around, and for the first time felt fear and trembled: "What should I do?"

Fukuda Hideo said: "Reassure, you will all be my jealousy, so as long as you don't move, my darlings won't hurt you."

Xiao Bing said: "If you hear it, they won't hurt you. Stand honestly and don't move, Zeus, take care of her for me."

"Okay." Zeus agreed and grabbed the wrist of Yamamoto Kobe. At this moment, his performance is relatively calm. Although these spiders are troublesome, they are still talking about a strong man who breaks the peak of the void. Not too big a threat.

At this time, there were a group of wolf screams in the distance. More than 20 white wolves ran from a distance, but they were all far away. When they saw Xiao Bing, their eyes were full of fear, then one They are all screaming in the distance, and no wolf will come forward.

There are also some strange birds that don’t know how to appear in the air, and they are constantly hovering. The claws of these big birds can even be torn by the strength of the master’s body. Even the claws can directly be a person. The intestines are directly caught.

These people are afraid to move. If these animals really start to attack, in addition to Zeus’s ability to save their lives, other people may be killed. Xiao Bing is certainly not included because these animals do not seem to be Running toward Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing’s opponent is not them, Xiao Bing’s hands are in the cave.

Infuse Fukuda said: "As long as they don't run away, the little babies won't hurt them. Young people, it's your turn now. If you promise to take me out now, we will let you go when we go out. What do you think? kind?"

Xiao Bing said without any room: "No interest."

Fukuda’s tone of coldness has cooled down: "That is what you are looking for."

After the words of Fukuda Hideo finished, there was no movement inside.

Zeus said with some concern: "Dragon son, you have to be careful, I feel a little uneasy in my heart, it seems that there is something there."

"I can feel it." Xiao Bing said, "In fact, there is no treasure at all this time. This treasure should be something to kill us. It is the last card of Fukuda Hideo."

Among the crowd, some people began to kneel and cried on the ground: "There is no treasure, what am I going to do this time? What am I for?"

Others are not so, but the hearts are full of confession. They regret that they have come here this time. Now they can still live here to leave an unknown. All is just for this treasure that does not exist at all. They are very likely to leave their lives here.

At this time, the earth suddenly swayed, and the cave burst with it. Under the protection of the two shackles that broke the void, Fukuda began to slowly recede, steadily receding and shattering on the ground inside the cave. A big, big hole, at this moment, a head is oozing out, followed by a second head, then a third one. These heads are weird and weird, soft, like octopus, head There is no nose and no nose on the top. There is only one big, big mouth. When you open your mouth and roar, there are sharp teeth inside, and the teeth are even sharper than the teeth of the beast.

The eyes of Zeus suddenly showed a hot light, his body was shaking, muttering to himself: "This power has reached the point of breaking the void."

Xiao Bing’s eyes are also staring at the monster without hesitation. Now three heads have emerged. Obviously this monster has not been fully drilled from the ground.

Then, the fourth head came out, and then its body was drilled out from it. This is a huge octopus. This octopus is too big and too big. A white wolf is bigger, plus the body and the unclear tentacles. If the octopus stands up, it can be six or seven meters high.

And the power contained in the body of the octopus is so terrible, Xiao Bing can feel that even a strong person in the early days of Tian Zun is hard to take advantage of in front of this octopus.

As for Zeus and those who are together, it will not be the opponent of this octopus. Its power is too horrible and too evil.

When it made a shrill cry, it seemed as if all the evil thoughts in the heart of the heart were picked up.

Zeus is still struggling to resist, but the eyes of those people beside him are already red, and when they look at it, they will be enchanted. Xiao Bing has a shouting at this time. The shouting and the monster’s piercing screams are mixed. Together, although those people still feel that they are still not very good, the devil has gradually faded.

Xiao Bing used his own voice to destroy the sound waves emitted by the monsters. Finally, he took a slight breath and his eyes showed a dignified color.

Just in the other party's sound waves, even if Xiao Bing is almost instigated, the control of this monster's greed for the human heart is too terrible.

Xiao Bing asked: "When we enter the city gate, is this guy controlling us?"

"Yes." Fukuda said, "It is made up of all evil thoughts. It can control all negative emotions of the human heart, but at that time it used to transmit sound waves, you can't feel its sound, but the heart In the depths, it accepts its call for evil. It is just a little test for you. Otherwise, you will die more people."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "It is really powerful. You are innocent and one of the best scientists of the last century, but you have used these things in the wrong place."

Inofu Fukuda smiled and said: "These inventions are all used to deal with the war. As long as it is useful, where is the right or wrong? This monster is called the evil octopus. If it is on the battlefield, it can even control two. All the enemy troops within three kilometers, at that time, you think about how terrible it is?"

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "This is indeed a bit horrible."

Zeus and others have changed their faces. If this is the case, the army of the r country is really invincible.

Fukuda Hideo’s face was annoyed: "It’s a pity that the government has abandoned us. This is their biggest mistake. The failure of war can also make a comeback, but they will never get our results. They will never win the war. The opportunity."

"Evil octopus, my little baby, it’s okay to kill this person, remember not to kill him. We all depend on him when we leave here!"

The four heads of the evil octopus are all facing Xiao Bing. Suddenly, the four big mouths are open at the same time. The black ink is sprayed to Xiao Bing like a downpour. Xiao Bing naturally cannot let these inks spray on himself. Xiao Bing can even smell. To a smell, these inks are definitely different from the ink of ordinary octopus, which is probably the presence of venom.

The cockroaches were released instantly, and the ink was all blocked by the sturdyness, but Xiao Bing clearly felt that the inks quickly eroded the suffocating power that they had released.

So terrible power.

These octopuses opened their mouths for the second time. Once again, the ink sprayed down like a downpour. Xiao Bing hurriedly leaped high and flew directly off the ground at a height of thirty or forty meters. All the people looked up. Looking at Xiao Bing, Yamamoto Xiaodie was surprised: "It's too powerful!"

These octopuses also looked up one by one. They had no eyes, but they obviously could feel where Xiao Bing was. This was more terrible than having eyes. They opened their mouths again. Wow, the ink was like a water spray gun. The ink was shot at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing was in the middle of the air.

The speed of the octopus is very fast, and the speed of Xiao Bing is also fast. There is an attack on both sides, a defense, and no one can dare to relax.

Xiao Bing originally thought that this monster was big, but the reaction speed was not as good as himself, but Xiao Bing soon found that no matter where he hid, they were able to capture themselves in the first time. Yes, it was the first time because They do not need to rely on the naked eye to see, directly save the time to find their own, this reaction speed is impossible for anyone in this world, this is the most terrible.

Xiao Bing constantly dodge, the ink sprayed from the four heads of these octopuses kept shooting toward Xiao Bing, and it was difficult for the two sides to separate up and down.

Fukuda Hideo smiled and said: "It's not bad. I don't think you have this strength. You can play with my baby octopus. I am afraid that in the world, when it comes to martial arts, you are the first person."

Xiao Bing sneered: "That is that you are too ignorant. What is your octopus?"

Xiao Bing has begun to fall. Once he is close to the ground, it has become completely passive. At this time, Xiao Bing not only did not find a way to fly up again, but instead made a thousand pounds of effort, like a shell. Generally, the octopus is hitting the past.

His speed is too fast and too fast, so that the inks sprayed by these octopuses are all empty, and Xiao Bing is also approaching.

Xiao Bing’s mind is secretly thinking that long-range attacks must not prevail, but as long as he is close to this big guy, it’s not so easy for such a big guy to dodge, and he’s won.

Xiao Bing is very good at calculation, but when it is close to the octopus monster, countless tentacles suddenly rise at the same time, just like a net, the Xiaobing is given to the net, and the rapid will be **** with Xiao Bing! (.)

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