Super Soldier

Chapter 1307: Impeccable? (three more)

"The speed of reaction is very abnormal." The hearts of those who watched the war were raised, almost jumped out of the chest, but Xiao Bing gave a chuckle, then a finger, a fingertip of a terrible force , like the sword of the split space.

The average octopus has only eight tentacles. This octopus has four heads and thirty-two tentacles. The two tentacles that were first touched are barely cut off, and then six or seven tentacles are swayed by power. Open, but the remaining more than 20 tentacles are still very sensitive to the entanglement of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing’s face became serious. The just one finger, even if it was replaced by a tank, was enough to be cut off by Xiao Bing, but facing the tentacles of this mollusk, Xiao Bing was only stunned. Broken two, the enthusiasm has been exhausted by more than half, and then smashed six or seven, all the anger is exhausted, the toughness of these tentacles is not even weaker than the few black bears !

However, after all, it was broken two, and six or seven were opened. All the tentacles immediately showed some flaws. Xiao Bing’s body was like a stroll in the air, but he went straight through the gap and then One palm was shot on the octopus, and then quickly retraced backwards, and it has been tens of meters away before it stopped.

Xiao Bing's pupil shrinks slightly, and his heart secretly thinks that this octopus is not easy to deal with from a distance or a melee. It is a card that has been developed in decades and has a realm that is comparable to Tianzun. The power, all-round no dead angle, toxic ink can be used for long-range attacks, you can look down on everything, if you are farther away, you can even directly attack with sound waves. If you are close combat, these tough tentacles that you want to break down are struggling. It is the biggest trouble. I am afraid that once I am caught by the tentacles, it will be difficult to get away.

A member of Kimura asked: "Mr. Zeus, do you see if the situation is not good?"

Next to Biel said: "I also think that the situation is not good. This octopus blame is simply a loophole. If you are far away from the kilometer, he can directly attack with sound waves, if you are a little closer He has poisonous ink. If you have a melee, he has abnormal defensive power and tentacles. It is difficult and difficult. Long Gongzi is afraid to lose here this time."

Others heard that the mood also sank to the bottom.

Zeus's tone is calm and faint: "Unless the last moment, no one can easily make a judgment. You say this because you have never seen the true strength of the dragon son. In the world, except the Buddha. Who else is his opponent? But this octopus is really difficult to deal with. If it is me, I am afraid it is dead now."

Although these people listened to Zeus, they still supported Xiao Bing, but they did not dare to hold too much hope in the mood. They all sighed and sighed, and their faces were ugly to die.

Yamamoto Xiaodie thought secretly, Xiao Bing, if you die, I can only commit suicide. Of course, this is not for you to bury, but I can say that nothing can fall in their hands to make life worse than death!

Xiao Bing once again stepped toward the octopus blame. Suddenly, Xiao Bing disappeared from the place. When he had just landed at the next stop, the octopus blame had already sprayed the toxic ink one step at a time. Sprayed to the foot of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing changed his position again. The poison juice fell on the ground where Xiao Bing had just stood, making a rustling sound, and the ground was eroded out of a deep pit.

No matter how the position of Xiao Bing changes, the octopus blame can even pre-judgment, and it is inevitable that anyone will be desperate at this moment, even if Xiao Bing will think about it at this moment, can this octopus be able to see through me? The heart is not? When I thought of entering the bamboo sound city before, this octopus blame could rely on the sound wave to almost set off the negative emotions in my heart. Is this octopus blame really horrifying to the human level? What are you thinking about anytime, anywhere, he has already predicted in advance?

If this is the case, even if you are in the middle of the sky, how can you fight this battle?

With a bang, Xiao Bing was dark in the eyes, the ink was already very close, and Xiao Bing hurriedly evaded, but the ink still fell a little on Xiao Bing's body, and the sleeve of Xiao Bing was eroded.

Good and dangerous, almost a little fell on Xiao Bing's body.

Zeus shook his head and said: "The situation is not very good, because the heart of the dragon son has been chaotic. Once a person is upset, he will be caught by the other party."

The rest of the people were all face to face, and there was only despair in one eye.

Fukuda Hideo has walked out of the cave under the protection of the two skeletons that broke the void level. He looked at this scene and said something smug: "Young man, you will not be its opponent, it is my ultimate Weapons, no one in this world can defeat it, he is an invincible being."

Xiao Bing's tone is calm: "Professor Fukuda, you have left the world for too long. You have already known the world, otherwise you will not say it. But it doesn't matter, let me break your fantasy. All right."

Fukuda’s face was cold and said: “Do you really have to bear up against it? If you are willing to cooperate with me now, I will not kill you, and I will not let you become a beggar. You just need to take us out. I have not left here for decades, I can't find a way back!"

Fukuda’s eyes became a little crazy, and the crutches were forced on the ground. The voice was excited: “Listen to my words, young people!”

“Impossible!” Xiao Bing asked. “Let you take your results and leave here, and then kill thousands of ordinary people? Impossible!”

"What do the people have to do with you?" said Fukuda, who said loudly, "I can do it well. I have understood this truth for decades. For the compatriots? For the people? For the country? For the Emperor?" It’s all shit, I understand this now, how long will it take you to understand! You just need to live for yourself, to live for yourself!”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Maybe you are right, you only need to live for yourself, but then I have to stop you, because I can't accept you to plunder those lives, so I only stop you." It is my heart, for me, living for myself is equivalent to living for the country and the people, because those things are engraved in my heart."

Inofu Fukuda asked: "What is engraved in your heart?"

Xiao Bing replied without hesitation: "Respect for life!"

"Respect for life?" Fukuda Hideo’s eyes were shaken a bit, but the moments of shaking suddenly disappeared, because his hatred of the world was too deep and could not be shaken completely.

Inofu Fukuda smiled and said: "Well, since you are so stubborn, then I will let it ruin your hands and feet, let you lead the way, just give you a brain is enough?"

Fukuda Hideo said: "The octopus is strange, leave him a life, knock him down!"

The octopus blame opened four large bowls of mouth, the ink fell like rain, and Xiao Bing once again flashed back, and the two sides began to confront each other fiercely.

The two sides have not known how long they have been playing. Xiao Bing has already exposed sweat on his forehead, and the poisonous juice of the octopus is obviously not inexhaustible. Now, see who can persist until the end.

However, overall, even if Xiao Bing’s physical strength is exhausted, the octopus blame’s ink will not be replenished, but the octopus blame will not smash Xiao Bing even if it is a close combat, so the final defeat is still Xiao Bing. It's hard to have other chances of a comeback.

Bil sighed. "What should we do? Our hopes are still shattered. It is impossible to escape now. These spiders, white wolves and the strange birds in the sky, these guys will eat us all."

"Hey, I really regret coming here." A village in Kimura also said, "If you don't get anything, you have to take a life."

They are all desperate, but Zeus is still a little calmer, but his face has sunk, and obviously he is less and less optimistic about Xiao Bing.

Zeus’s heart is dark, yeah, the dragon son is also a human being. Since it is a person, how can it compare with this level of monsters?

They are thinking, suddenly see Xiao Bing laughed, Zeus's eyes showed a fine light, next to Yamamoto Kocho also looked excited: "Why did Xiao Bing laugh? He actually laughed."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Professor Fukuda, I have already told you that your octopus can't be invincible, now I will prove it to you!"

Xiao Bing had enough strength and clenched his fists. The blue veins on his forehead violently used almost all the strength of the whole body. He screamed with great madness. Suddenly, he punched the ground and the ground cracked open. It cracked a huge gap of about two or three meters wide. The crack was as deep as tens of meters. Of course, it did not reach the depth of the bottom of the mountain. Then Xiao Bing and the octopus blame directly from the gap. It fell in the middle.

All the people hurried to the edge of the crack, looking down at the crack, but see Xiao Bing and the octopus blame are falling.

Zeus widened his eyes and looked puzzled. "What does it mean to be a dragon son? Is it because you want to smash the octopus, but this is impossible, only a few tens of meters high, with the toughness of the octopus monster Unless there is a fall from the cliff, there is no possibility of death."

Fukuda smiled and said: "This young man is already crazy. What is the name of the sentence? Oh, yes, you are poor, now they are in the crack, the space is narrower, he can't escape, he will die." (.)

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