Super Soldier

Chapter 1508: R country defeated (three more)

When the sound is heard, everyone’s brains are all blank. Is this fire dragon being hidden?

But seeing Xiao Bing jumped out of a deep pit and sighed and said: "All the clothes are all dirty..."

There was not even a single injury on his body, as he said, purely dusty clothes and dust.

Xiao Bing’s hand holds Tian Congyun’s sword and smiles and says: “The artifact is really an artifact!”

Several tankers first responded. Several shells directly bombarded Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing responded instantly. The Tian Congyun sword was slightly drawn, and the swordsman immediately let the shells blow up automatically, followed by Xiao Bing. The sword in the hand swept out, and a wave of light spread to the distance, like the spread of water, but all the tanks it touched were instantly disintegrated and dissolved, one by one.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight tanks disappeared.

The remaining tankers shouted in horror: "Flee, run away!"

They have not dared to go with Xiao Bing again. They have lost the courage to continue fighting. These tanks are starting to go crazy and want to escape. Unfortunately, Xiao Bing will not give them this opportunity. Sometimes the opportunity needs to be cherished. If Xiao Bing killed the helicopters at the time, the tanks would escape directly. Xiao Bing might have let go of a large part of them, but now it will not, because these tanks have just fired themselves. The mercy of the enemy is cruel to oneself.

The speed of the tank is far faster than that of Xiao Bing. He rushes forward, and the Tian Cong Yun Jian constantly throws it out. Even the Tian Cong Yun Sword does not need to inject his own strength. By relying solely on the power of the Excalibur, the tank can be broken into two. half.

The emperors, prime ministers, and senior officers in the general headquarters of Jingdong City must be mad. Watching these elite main battle tanks disappear one by one in front of them, they are going crazy.

The Prime Minister sat directly in the chair, eyesless, muttering to himself: "It's over, it's over..."

It is indeed finished. Three helicopters and dozens of main battle tanks have been eliminated here today. This is the biggest injury suffered by the country after World War II. After today, I am afraid that the position of his prime minister will not be maintained.

Suddenly, the Prime Minister yelled wildly: "Starting the missile, yes, launching the missile, can't let him go back, can't let him leave from the country!"

In his view, perhaps killing this culprit is the only way to save himself.

The faces of other people are very ugly. When no one listens to them, the Prime Minister has widened his eyes and looked at the officer next to him. He asked: "I am telling you, can't you hear the order I gave?"

The officer swallowed his mouth and said, "Yes, Mr. Prime Minister."

Other people are silently looking at the big screen, but seeing the big screen, there is only Xiao Bing alone, one person and one sword!

The voice of the Emperor is a little trembling: "The sky is a cloud sword... The power of the sky cloud sword is really terrible. You can't let him take it. He can't let him take it anyway!"

Xiao Bing wiped out all the helicopters and tanks that had been chasing them, and then suddenly looked up and raised a **** against the sky!

The people in the command room who saw this scene were all ugly and ugly. They knew that no matter what the ending was today, the faces of their country would be greatly lost. From now on, they are the jokes of the whole world!

In fact, this is indeed true. This scene is not only seen by the top officials of the R countries, including China, the M countries, the Eagle countries, Russia and other military powers, they are watching this scene through satellite.

They have long expected that the country will not let the Tian Congyun sword be brought out of the country, so there will be a battle, and all the high-level officials who saw this scene broke out in the headquarters of China. In addition to the exhilarating cheers, other countries are silent. The power of Tian Cong Yun Jian exceeds their expectations. The strength of Xiao Bing is also beyond their expectations!

Even the Russian Raytheon was already sitting in their command center. The Russian president sat in a chair and turned to look at Raytheon. The tone was dignified: "Mr. Raytheon, are you the opponent of this Xiaobing?"

Raytheon shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No."

"If he doesn't have a cloud in his hand?"

"Not at all."

The Russian president took a breath.

This kind of similar dialogue takes place in every country. They are repeatedly measuring the strength of Xiao Bing, making them unacceptable but have to accept a result. That is, there are two guardian **** levels in the country of China. The characters, one is Huaxia Shenzhu Xu Mu, one is Xiao Bing, and even Xiao Bing's potential is even more fearful than Xu Mu!

In addition to China, the rest of the world is basically praying that the r countries can sigh. They have no time to laugh at the country, and they have no intention to treat the country as a joke. They are looking forward to the country’s ability to The life of the country is left in the country of r.

Xiao Bing killed more than 20 tanks and three helicopters and was about to leave. In the distance, he suddenly did not know how many missiles came in.

Xiao Bing quickly shot in the direction of the city, and those missiles also followed the shape, and the speed even passed Xiao Bing.

"Mom, these **** really want to kill me! Hey, Laozi helps you to kill you, you dare to sin behind me!" Xiao Bing saw that the missile was getting closer and closer, and suddenly stopped. Infuriatingly injected into the sky, the sword was thrown out, the space was torn, and several missiles blew in the air in a row, followed by several consecutive swords. Once again, I did not know how many missiles exploded in the air. .

However, this time Xiao Bing is not as easy as killing helicopters and tanks. It is mainly because it has been fighting for a long time and consumes a lot of infuriating. Xiao Bing does not dare to stay, although he has now reached the saint, but he has now reached the saint, but If the other side uses a missile to saturate himself, it is probably a trouble.

When the infuriating is always exhausted, the other’s missile library must be a special filling. At most, it is a waste of large sums of money, but if they do not care about any gains and losses, even if they are exhausted for two or even five years. Inventories have to kill themselves, and it’s really hard to settle.

Xiao Bing hurriedly continued to shoot in the direction of the city. In the distance, he saw countless tails coming towards this side.

"Nima, endless!" Xiao Bing ran for less than two minutes, once again stopped, Tian Congyun sword swung out, the horrible swordsman instantly shrouded in the air, all the missiles were stopped and destroyed in midair. .

Xiao Bing took a breather of two and continued to shoot at the city. In this way, Xiao Bing has destroyed 40 or 50 missiles in succession, but the infuriating body has already consumed more than half of it. Finally, finally It was only a sigh of relief when it rushed into the city.

The Emperor’s face in the command room was gloomy: “How did you stop? Didn’t you see that this Xiaobing should be the end of the strong?”

The prime minister’s face was indefinite, and finally he did not dare to take the world’s big sigh. He sighed and said: “If you continue to bomb for a few minutes, you may be able to settle this Xiaobing, but now he rushes into the city, the city. There are more than 200,000 people in total. When the blood flows into the river, it is not the responsibility we can afford."

The Emperor took the case and angered: "The most important thing now is to kill him. We lost three helicopters, thirty tanks, nearly one hundred excellent soldiers, such a loss, if we give him Let go, and it will become a joke around the world! And he kills so many of our soldiers, that is, the declaration of war against our country. Under such circumstances, the woman’s benevolence will be incredible!"

The senior officers here did not say anything, they all went to see the Prime Minister and the Emperor. For them, no matter what choices they made, they all had the highest leaders above to take responsibility. They only had to be obedient.

The Prime Minister shook his head and said with a gloomy face: "This is the first thing that will stop here. Emperor Majesty, although I respect you, I can't use 200,000 people to make jokes. This time we still shake hands with him. And, I want to deal with this Xiao Bing, there will always be opportunities in the future."

The Emperor’s eyes seemed to be angry and angry. He directly patted the armrest of the chair and said loudly: “Mr. Prime Minister, I also want to ask you to understand that we are not afraid of death, nor can we let the soldiers under our hands be in vain. Making sacrifices, if you really let the murderer leave the country, then I must warn you that the position of your prime minister may not last long."

The Prime Minister’s tone is deep and deep: "At least I am still the highest head of state, the highest head of the military and political circles. Listen to my orders and temporarily take a truce. Let them go!"

The Emperor squinted at the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister’s heart was irritated. He didn’t know that he had left the culprit in the case of hundreds of soldiers who died. I am afraid that he will soon step down, but this is always Better than a military court!

If at this moment, he is dealing with Su Shizun, he is very likely to give the order, because Su Shizun committed a massacre in the country of r, killing too many villages, Under such circumstances, as long as it can kill Su Shizun, even if it is to sacrifice a lot of people, it is not hesitating.

However, the situation against Xiao Bing is not the same. Xiao Bing did not commit the evil deeds after all, although there are hundreds of soldiers who died in the hands of Xiao Bing, but it is completely different from the killing of the people. And Xiao Bing is a passive murderer, not an active killing of their army, so if he gives orders to sacrifice the cost of a city's people, he will also kill Xiao Bing, I am afraid that he may actually accept it. Trial of a military court.

And he is the supreme commander of the three armed forces. Although the Emperor’s Majesty is constantly beside him, the Emperor’s Majesty will not take responsibility. This is his most annoyed place, so even if he does not continue to be the prime minister, he will not Will listen to the opinions of His Majesty the Emperor.

Xiao Bing quickly came to the bustling downtown area, and kept looking up at the sky. Seeing that there was no movement in the sky from beginning to end, Xiao Bing was relieved. It seems that the military of the country of R did not dare. Take the world by big.

Oh, but this time you played with me, the next time I said something to retaliate back!

Xiao Bing called Gao Fei on a phone call and asked Gao Fei to come to him. Then the two people left the plane directly. When Xiao Bing left the plane, the whole world shook. Xiao Bing could not say this time. It is a person who is against a country, but in fact it is also a person who has let a military power eat a big loss in his own hands.

The world's major countries have finally re-experienced what is called the power of the strong. For centuries, the strong people have been submissive under high technology, and this time Xiao Bing finally reminded the top leaders of the world once again. The martial arts powers in history have made the world have to be jealous of it!

The name of Xiao Bing also utterly resounded throughout the world.

The world is shocked, and the country is terrified!

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