Super Soldier

Chapter 1509: The third person to be killed by Bai Xiaosheng (one more)

Xiao Bing returned to China, just stepped out of the Kyoto City Airport and saw that the old class had taken people outside to wait for themselves.

Xiao Bing walked over and smiled and said: "Old class, are you not bringing someone to arrest me?"

The old class patted Xiao Bing’s shoulder and laughed happily: “Big people, big people! I arrest you for what you do.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I thought that what I did would make you feel embarrassed."

"Rely on, what kind of **** is so embarrassing, those people on the week have to avoid the crimes they committed at the beginning, arrogant to the limit, this time is to give them a profound lesson, let them dumb to eat coptis, there are Can't say it!"

Xiao Bing smiled, and the old class was a big laugh.

Xiao Bing said: "So, this time, what I did is still quite satisfactory?"

"Of course I am very satisfied. Tian Congyun is in your hands. This is a good result. Um... but your kid is also a curse. This time it doesn't matter, they come over and provoke you, you go. Help them to do things, and they immediately sent troops to yin you. If they are angry again, they will not dare to come to China’s troubles.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am sure that this is the case, but they are not the first time they are yin, and there are two more times, no more."

The old class was serious and said: "But your kid can't get into trouble. This time they are yin, you are self-protected, and although they say that they are suffering a lot, but it is not big in front of the public, plus Shang Suzhen respected this time too much, and the public’s eyes were transferred to Su Shizun’s body, so it’s no problem. But if you take the initiative to look for them, if you’re too big, I’m afraid it’s not It’s a good time to end, and they will inevitably leave you there at all costs. The country itself is an extremely crazy country.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, I have a number in my heart, but when did you see me eating a loss? So even if you come to persuade me, I can’t give up, even though I killed a lot of them this time, They also ruined so many main battle tanks and helicopters, which made them lose a lot, but if they stop, I will not be Xiao Bing. But now I am not in a hurry, I will wait for a while."

The old class understood Xiao Bing's personality and no longer offered to persuade him. He looked at the Tian Congyun sword behind Xiao Bing, and his eyes showed light. He asked: "Is this the legendary artifact?"

"Yes!" Xiao Bing said. "The power of this artifact is indeed shocking. What kind of spirits and the like are simply in front of it. But the spirits have souls, but I can't feel the soul from it. This is very strange."

The old class said: "I have heard that the soul of the artifact is usually activated after you and the artifact reach a certain tacit understanding, or when your strength reaches a certain level. Now you can't feel its soul. It can only show that you have not really been recognized by the artifacts, even if you are not really recognized by the artifacts, he will not be able to do this after at least resurrection."

Xiao Bing was a little excited: "Isn't that saying that if its soul recovers, it will become even stronger?"

"In theory, this is the case." The old class said, "This is all recorded in the national archives. I have not seen it personally."

"Since it has been recorded, it will definitely not be wrong. I am really looking forward to it, and I look forward to the day when the soul recovers." Xiao Bing’s eyes sparkled with light.

The old class looked at Gao Fei at this time and said: "Gofei, this time you have worked hard. You help Xiao Bing to grab the artifact. As long as the artifact falls in the hands of our own people, you are equivalent. Helping the country make a big contribution."

Gao Fei said calmly: "I am not for the country, I am helping the boss."

Gao Fei’s tone is cold, but the old class doesn’t mind at all. Instead, he laughs happily: “Well, no matter who you are, the country is very grateful to you in the heart. Let’s go, this is not a good thing for celebration. Feast, so I will come alone to have a good meal at night!"

Xiao Bing said: "Drinking is not anxious, I still have something to ask, go to your office and talk about it."

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei sat in the old class car. The car drove into the National Security Bureau more than an hour later. Several people walked into the office of the old class all the way. After all sat down, the old class said: "What do you want to say? Hurry up."

Xiao Bing looked at the old class and said: "I want to know about the ghost gate. Do you know about this place in the old class?"

The old class stunned and asked: "Do you know what to do there? Are you planning to go?"

"Well, there is this idea."

The old class’s face became dignified and said: “Then I have to advise you to dispel this thought. It’s best not to go to that place. It’s one of the world’s forbidden places. The National Security Bureau says it has the biggest Chinese An intelligence network, but the information about the ghost gate is really not, only know that countless people want to break into the search for opportunities, and the results are dead inside."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Although Xiao Bing said that he was very likely to be disappointed, he was still disappointed when he determined that the National Security Bureau had no information.

The old class said: "The reason why the forbidden land is forbidden is because you don't know what the danger inside is, but it can still live after no one has entered. This is the most terrible, so never try to challenge the forbidden land. What's more, no one can be sure if there will be opportunities in the inside, so if you go in, you are likely to take great risks. In the end, even if you are alive, you will have nothing to gain. This is not worth the loss!"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Ghost Gate is a must for us. Not only me, but also Gao Fei, we both have to go. As for danger, there must be some, but now we are in this realm, if It’s hard to make progress like this.”

The old class said helplessly: "You are already a saint now! Even if you look at the history of the whole of China or even the world, the saints can be passed on through the ages."

"I know, but I am not willing." Xiao Bing said, "I said that after the mythology, I can no longer cultivate into a **** level, but I don't believe that things that others can't do don't mean I can't do it. But if I am so rigorous in practicing martial arts, I am afraid that I am really in the same stage as the others, I am not willing!"

The old class looked at Xiao Bing's eyes and could feel the extreme desire for martial arts from Xiao Bing's eyes. He finally sighed and smiled bitterly: "I can't persuade, but if you really go, you can Be sure to come back alive... I don’t know about it, but I’m sure it’s going to be alive and come back. It’s not just the country that needs you, but your family needs you...”

"I understand." Speaking of this, Xiao Bing's face has become serious. "Whether it is for myself or someone else, I will definitely come back alive!"

In the old class, there is no clue to the ghost gate, but this is also within the expectation of Xiao Bing. Fortunately, Xiao Bing knows more about Ghost Gate than everyone else in the world. He got the relic of the Tianshan old man. On the above, there is a road map of Ghost Gate, which indicates some traps, caves, river ditch, etc. in the Ghost Gate. However, according to the Tianshan old man, he and the other two Chinese powerhouses entered the Ghost Gate, but there is no It is very likely that only two or more of the Huaxia strongmen have fallen. Only the other Tianshan old people have survived. Even the Tianshan old man is seriously injured.

The Tianshan old man is a strongman at the sage level. His two companions will certainly not be weak. Even if it is not a sage level, it must be a strong person of the Tianzun class. It is such a top three strong players, and finally two fallen. I have escaped one, and it is obvious that the ghost gate is one of the five forbidden places in the world. This time, if the strength of Xiaobing broke through to the sage level, and also got the Tian Congyun sword, according to the real strength, Xiao Bing is now more likely than the original. The Tianshan old man, at least it should be no worse than the Tianshan old man of the year. Otherwise, Xiao Bing did not dare to venture to the ghost gate at this time.

After dinner at night, Xiao Bing called his driver to pick up himself and talked to Gao Fei on the side of the road while waiting for the driver to come.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two men looked at the opposite side of a black lacquered alley, and then two people rushed to the alley at the same time.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei just rushed to the alley, and heard a deep voice inside: "Stop!"

Xiao Bing stopped for the first time. Gao Fei saw Xiao Bing stop. Although he did not know, he stopped.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Bai Xiaosheng?"

"Yes, yes, Long Gongzi, your strength has broken through to the realm of saints, and I am grateful."

The other party really is the mysterious Bai Xiaosheng. At the beginning, Xiao Bing helped Bai Xiaosheng to kill two people. He also got some secrets about his life experience, knowing that his father is dead, and his mother may still live in this. In the world, I even know that what is flowing in my body is not the blood of human beings. According to Bai Xiaosheng, what is flowing in my body is not the blood of the Protoss or the Mozu.

This time, I finally met Bai Xiaosheng again. Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said: "Bai Xiaosheng's predecessor, you want me to kill you this time?"

"This time I let the people you kill are not so good, but with your strength, you should still come."

Xiao Bing said: "You said, but you should know that I must make sure that the other person is the one to kill. If there is no such thing as killing, I can’t give it to my own selfish desires anyway. To die."

"Of course he has the killing place." The tone of Bai Xiaosheng in the alley suddenly became a little excited. "If this person should not kill, there is no such thing as a killer in this world."

Xiao Bing is somewhat surprised that a hundred Xiaosheng who is so calm and intelligent will become emotionally fluctuating.

Bai Xiaosheng seems to realize that his emotions are not too calm, slightly calming down the emotions, and then the tone has returned to calm: "The strength of this person is very unusual, he reached the sage level!"

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