Super Soldier

Chapter 1510: Arrived in India (second)

Calm as Xiao Bing can not help but be amazed, although now that the strength of Xiao Bing has broken through to the sage level, but does not mean that the world's sage level is really a cabbage radish, any sage level in the whole world It can be regarded as the existence of a patron saint of a country. There may be more saints in China. Xu Mu, Shaolin abbot and Kunlun teach, but we must know that Huaxia is a martial arts holy place, so this is not unusual.

Just like Russia, a military power, only a saint master like Raytheon sits on the town, and other ordinary small countries are enough to break the void to be the strongest master of a country, let alone the saint.

How many sages can there be in the world?

Any saint is enough to be immortal, even if it has been a few hundred years, it will still be remembered by the world. For example, if China is over a few hundred years, everyone will still remember that there was once a Chinese patron called Xu Mu!

And Bai Xiaosheng actually let himself kill a sage level? Is this crazy?

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and asked if he wanted to know the secret he wanted to know. "Who is it?"

Bai Xiaosheng said: "This person you have never heard of, nor is it the Huaxia country, his country is the Indian country, and he is also the most mysterious patron of the country!"

Xiao Bing was surprised: "You let me go to kill the patron saint of the Indo-China? No, the Indian corpse is dead!"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled: "Of course you don't know the truth. Otherwise, you are Bai Xiaosheng. The corpse of the Indian country is indeed dead. The first master of the Indian state is the Indian corpse, but it is printed. The real strongest person in the country is not the Indian corpse, but another person."

"Who is that person? Why haven't you heard of it!"

"Because he did not dare to show up, he was afraid of being condemned and retaliated by the heavens and the earth!" Bai Xiaosheng said, "He is hiding in the Indian country. After so many years, he has almost controlled the entire upper level of the Indo-China, and all the Indian countries will be like his god. Enshrined, but they kept secrets for him. The Indian corpse once wanted to challenge his authority, because the Indian corpse also wanted to achieve the same status as him, but unfortunately it was not as good as him, so he could only give up. The name of this person is called Su Weiyang, and his strength is unfathomable."

Xiao Bing asked: "Why are you killing him?"

"This has nothing to do with you, you only know that this is an exchange."

Xiao Bingdao: "Well, why should I kill him?"

Bai Xiaosheng's tone is cold and cold: "This Su Weiyang began to live in India after he arrived in India for twenty-nine years ago. He was not willing to be an ordinary civilian in his heart, so he began to use himself slowly. The strength has won the trust of the Indian government, and even the entire Indian government regards him as a god-like existence. From then on, if the Indian government encounters something that absolutely cannot be settled, he will be handed over to him. You know the war. The reason why the Pakistani country has never fought in the Indian country. What is it because? In fact, in addition to the reasons for national strength, it is because this Su Weiyang secretly killed many soldiers in the Pakistani state and slaughtered several troops. !"

Xiao Bing frowned: "There is such a thing."

"You don't know too many things. The domestic chaos in India is dare to provoke. Do you think he has no reliance? But these are not the most important. The place he should kill is because he is a color. stick!"

Xiao Bing asked: "Strongly robbing the women?"

"Not only that, he has a large manor in the Indian city of Darban. There are all kinds of beautiful girls from all over the world who are his **** slaves. There are beautiful women dying every day, but every day there will be When the beauty is added, the total number of people is always controlled at more than one hundred. In those years, there are thousands of women who have committed suicide or ill-treatment.

Xiao Bing’s head screamed and said: “Is this true?”

"If you look at it yourself, you will know that the Indian country itself is a socially chaotic country. There are countless people missing in India every year. Therefore, he often takes the opportunity to kidnap some people, but he will not find it. The most important thing is the country. The government supports him behind the scenes, and even if someone investigates, he will find a scapegoat."

Xiao Bing's tone is cold: "Well, such a person really should kill! But if I kill him, what benefits can I get?"

"I will guide you, the secret about your life is a secret you never knew before."

Xiao Bing has always had an unusual obsession with his own life. When he heard Bai Xiaosheng say this, Xiao Bing immediately agreed: "Okay, let's say a word."

The breath inside the alley is gone, Xiao Bing can feel that Bai Xiaosheng has gradually gone far.

Gao Fei asked: "Why don't you catch him, don't you want to know anything?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "He has never done anything that can't stop me. I have never enemies with me. I can't do that, let alone I can't take risks. Many things I can only slow from his mouth. Slowly snooping out, this is my chance."

Gao Fei said: "Well, I will accompany you."

"No." Xiao Bing said, "You should go back to Jiangcheng first. I will go alone in the past. According to my current strength, there will be nothing."

"Well, then I will return to Jiangcheng tomorrow, and you will leave tomorrow?"

"Well, I will leave tomorrow."

After Xiao Bing went back in the evening, he couldn’t sleep and couldn’t sleep. He suddenly turned and sat up, left the Dingwu office directly, and quickly rushed to the position where his ears were.

When walking to the door of the wooden house, Xiao Bing could hear the even breathing of the ear. Xiao Bing knocked on the door and suddenly thought that the ear could not hear the sound, so he had to push the door and go in, then lit a Root candle.

The room lit up and the ears opened his eyes. He saw Xiao Bing standing in the room at this time, but he didn't feel too strange.

Xiao Bing said with a wry smile: "I can't help it, ear predecessors, I have something to do today to ask you to inquire, more anxious."

The ear snorted, sat up from the bed, dressed, and said in a calm tone: "Let's talk, but I have to congratulate first, I can feel that your strength has gone further."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, the thing I want to inquire about is the patron saint of the Indo-China. Have you heard of Su Weiyang?"

"I heard that." The tone of the ear was calm. "What do you ask him to do?"

"I want to know what kind of person he is. I met Bai Xiaosheng, and Bai Xiaosheng said that he has no evil."

"Bai Xiaosheng said that it is correct." So the ear said the bad things that Su Weiyang had done, even more detailed than Bai Xiaosheng said, from the mouth of the ear, this Su Weiyang is simply a no Put anyone's life on the cruel executioner who is in your heart.

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "I understand, it seems that he did not lie to me, but what I want to know now is that this Su Weiyang came to India in twenty-nine years ago, before he was in India. Where is the person? What is he doing?"

"I can't answer you. I don't know where he came from. I only know that one day he arrived in the Indo-China and soon lived in such a manor."

Xiao Bing said: "The strength of a character like him does not have any past, isn't that strange?"

“It’s really weird.”

Xiao Bing sighed: "I also suddenly thought of this question, so I want to ask if you know, if you don't know, then it will be. Oh, yes, how do you know the existence of this Su Weiyang? ""

The face is mysterious: "I naturally have my intelligence system."

Xiao Bing nodded and no longer asked. The reason why he and his ears can coexist peacefully today is because they trust each other and no one can listen to each other's secrets.

After knowing what to ask from the ear, Xiao Bing and his ears casually chatted for a while, then hurriedly bid farewell to his ears, returned to the Dingwu office, went back to sleep.

The next morning, Gao Fei flew to Jiangcheng at 8 o'clock, and Xiao Bing's plane was at 11 o'clock noon, and arrived at the Indian country at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

After Xiao Bing explained the work of the office, he came to the airport with Tian Congyun. At the security checkpoint of the airport, Xiao Bing took out his own documents. Tian Congyun was allowed to pass the security check. Xiao Bing’s certificate possessed this document. There are many special rights, so basically you can do it all the way.

Xiao Bing arrived at Dalba City of India with all the way to the sky. Then Xiao Bing did not rush to the manor that Bai Xiaosheng said. Instead, he went to a local small restaurant and started to order a local special meal. .

This restaurant is not big. There are only five tables in total. At this time, there are no other guests. Seeing Xiao Bing alone, there are so many people. The boss’s music is not close to the mouth. Finally, Xiao Bing has a local wine. Then eat and eat, and called the boss.

The boss smiled and walked over and asked what was needed with a fluent English.

Xiao Bing asked: "I came from abroad."

"Oh, look out, I don't know which country you are from."

Xiao Bing knows that China and the Indian country have some conflicts on the border recently. In order to set up the boss here, they said: "I am from the Han Dynasty."

"It turned out to be Han Guo. It is a good country. The economy is developed and the people are very wealthy."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You should be very wealthy here. When I came by car, I heard what the local driver showed. You have a big and big manor here. Is that true?"

"This..." The boss’s face showed a hesitant color, but seeing Xiao Bing is a foreigner, it’s no problem to talk about it, so he whispered, “It’s better to keep some distance in that manor, don’t just ask.”

Xiao Bing stunned and asked: "Why? There are some wealthy people in our country who live in the manor. Is it illegal to buy a manor in your country? Or people who live in the manor are too honorable, and others can’t talk. ?"

Xiao Bing showed a contempt for his face. The attitude was obviously saying that your country is too backward, and the class is too strict.

The boss hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no!"

Xiao Bing smiled in his heart, and he deliberately wanted to get some evaluations of the owner of the estate from the mouth of the boss.

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