Super Soldier

Chapter 1512: All the way to chase (one more)

Su Weiyang continued: "The saints are robbed and destroyed, dyed with cause and effect, and are not touched. Together with the heavens, they live with the avenue. This is called a saint. No matter what I do, whether it is right or wrong in your eyes, There is no cause and effect. You can not love me, but you can't hate me. No matter what I do, it is a avenue, because the saints and the avenues coexist, the avenue is me, I am the avenue."

Xiao Bing’s disdainful color said: “Look at you should be regarded as the saint of the older generation. It may take many years to enter the Holy Land, but God’s level is still an unreachable dream for you, because you are right. The understanding of martial arts is really wrong."

Su Weiyang did not seem to be anxious to start with Xiao Bing, while holding the Asian girl, and said to Xiao Bing: "So, what is the saint in your eyes?"

"The Holy Spirit is a sage, the ancient sages are all dedicated to the people, the ancient sayings have clouds, and the talents are all saints. First we must have talents, but also have virtues. You have talents and no virtues. You have only one skill in this air. What kind of saints do you count? So you will only be able to stop in this realm in your life, not to blame others, but to blame yourself."

Su Weiyang laughed and said: "There are thousands of avenues. We can only choose one, so no one can say who we are, and whoever says no."

"Then we will stop talking." Xiao Bing stared at Su Weiyang and said, "You put her in, as a generation of saints, you are holding such a girl in the hands of a hostage, even today I am not Can kill you, you are not afraid that this will become the demons of your life, can you never step forward?"

Su Weiyang smiled and said: "I am different from you. You look like it is about thirty. It’s like a genius like you. It’s so young to be able to step on the saints. It’s hard to see in history. It’s naturally forging ahead. However, I have already been more than 60 this year. In addition, I have been spending a lot of time for so many years. Although my strength has not regressed, my energy has not been as good as before. The potential is exhausted. Is it true that the demons are not for me? Too important. What's more, the things we have experienced are different."

"What I have experienced is that you can't even experience this little doll in your life. You can't even imagine it. People like me have already seen everything, even if it's progressing, even if it is Breaking through the middle of the saints and even the peak of the saints, everything is just an empty space, only timely and happy is the right way."

"What kind of devil is not demon, it is important for me not to have a life. Don't chase it, otherwise I will kill her directly and make you look good!"

Xiao Bing tightened the hands of Tian Congyun, his eyes were cold and glamorous.

Su Weiyang haha ​​laughed: "Xiao Bing, are you not self-satisfied with kindness? Are you not a saint? Are you not talented? Then you will not want to watch her die because of you." Oh, yes, this is a little girl who travels to China. I have been caught here for less than a week. I just adjusted my training. I am going to open up tonight. You are also very timely, if you Don't want her to die, just don't move in this room!"

Seeing that Su Weiyang grabbed the girl and walked toward the doorstep step by step, Xiao Bing frowned and said: "Su Weiyang, your strength is also a saint, my strength is also a saint, and I am just breaking through to the saint. You can look at this, but I will let go of the sky, and you and I will be empty-handed!"

Su Weiyang laughed and said: "Sorry, I don't have that kind of interest. Maybe I can kill you under the empty hand. But I have never played the game with no confidence. This is just a manor. I can leave here. Create ten twenty such manors, why bother to fight with you here, that is not in line with my character, remember, don't move, stand there honestly!"

Seeing that Su Weiyang grabbed the hostage step by step and walked out from the door, Xiao Bingxin was really helpless and somewhat annoyed, but he really couldn’t help but watch Su Wei’s killing the hostages. I die by myself, so I can only do this.

Xiao Bing really did not think that Su Weiyang was so difficult to get rid of this point. Even the strongest person of Tianzun level could not be like a rogue like Su Weiyang. Even if he was a strong person who broke the void level, it would be a big one. It is also impossible to be like a faceless face like Su Weiyang, so Xiao Bing, who has always been countless, has been missing, and this is a misstep.

But no matter what, first save the people in this villa, it is also a merit.

The other girls in the bed were all drilled in the bed, wrapped in quilts, and looked at Xiao Bing with timidity. Xiao Bing hurriedly said to them in English: "You are free, rest assured, I am here to save you." You can leave, you can go home!"

After the girls listened, they all embraced each other.

Xiao Bing ran to the window and saw that Su Weiyang grabbed the hostages like lightning and rushed out of the manor. Xiao Bing flew straight out of the window and then circled in the manor, and the guards in the whole manor and Su Weiyang The running dog, even the people who are responsible for cooking here, don’t even leave one, all of them are killed. In Xiao Bing’s view, since these people help Su Weiyang to do things, then there is no need to live, all are accomplices. !

Then Xiao Bing let the girls run away, and he chased the manor.

Xiao Bing’s current sense of the five senses has been keen to the unimaginable degree. When Su Weiyang fled, he remembered the beauty of Su Weiyang and the girl. At this time, he followed the breath and chased it. The atmosphere of Su Weiyang has disappeared categorically, and the girl’s breath has become weaker and weaker.

Xiao Bing was shocked and his speed was raised to the extreme. He finally saw the naked **** the side of the road. She was covered in blood and lying on the side of the road.

Xiao Bing hurriedly took off his coat and helped her to wrap it up. Seeing that she was going to die, Xiao Bing said quickly: "I will send you to the hospital."

"Don't... don't care about me... I won't be able to... He... He ran to the right after he started, thank you, thank you for saving me."

The girl died, and Xiao Bing’s eyes were red. This Su Weiyang, he clearly put him, but Su Weiyang still said nothing, and finally killed the girl.

Xiao Bing’s heart was full of anger, and all the chambers were ignited by anger. He held the **** the side of the road, put it in the grass, and then called the police station, let the police come over to find the body, and then quickly turned to the right. The direction to chase.

Su Weiyang's breath will disappear, it must be what he used to hide the breath of his body, plus Xiao Bing, although five senses, but does not mean how far the other escaped, can not escape their own tracking The sharpness is just that if you are not too far away, you can feel the other's existence.

Xiao Bing madly chased, crazy chasing, his mouth screaming hard: "Siu Weiyang, whether you flee to the ends of the earth, I must kill you!"

At this time, the voice of Bai Xiaosheng suddenly came from the forest on one side of the road: "You hold this!"

One did not know what was flying out of the forest. Xiao Bing gave it to his hand and found that it was a tracker. Xiao Bing was surprised: "This is..."

"I have been laying out for a long time. He can't escape. Su Weiyang will not believe that someone can quietly put down the tracker on his body, and he can't absolutely find it. You use this to track. , can be guaranteed nothing."

"Well, I will go after this."

This upper hand in Xiao Bing can accurately determine which direction Su Weiyang has escaped. There are many points on it. One of the flashing red dots is the direction in which Su Weiyang escaped.

Xiao Bing began to chase after the crazy, the speed of the other side's running is also very fast, but Xiao Bing is also a little closer.

The two people gradually got out of the city and ran to the mountain road outside. From here to the capital city, even at the speed of the two of them, at least more than ten hours, at this time, one o'clock in the morning, a little bit You must be able to escape to the capital city at noon without stopping.

Xiao Bing has a full grasp of him to catch up before he flees to the capital city.

Although Xiao Bing will fly now, he can fly a little distance, but it is like a chicken rib for chasing people, because the speed of flying is not faster than when running, but it is also very expensive, so Xiao Bing and Su Like Weiyang, I can only run wildly.

Xiao Bing thought about why Su Weiyang didn't go to the airport. It is estimated that he is very cautious in this person's heart. He is afraid that he has already arranged the manpower in various places such as airports and passenger stations. Once he has passed, he will be discovered by himself. Then he still needs to wait for the car, and at that time he is likely to catch up with him.

As for why not find a means of transportation, such as driving, because the speed of driving is actually not comparable to the speed of the two running.

But now Xiao Bing has this tracker on hand, so even if it is tired or how, he is not worried that he will lose it. This person ran for a while and could not run for a while, and Xiao Bing was even more curious about Bai Xiaosheng. Who is he? It’s really not easy to install a tracker on a stupid sage without knowing it.

Of course, in Xiao Bing's view, Bai Xiaosheng must rely on Zhimou to do this. Otherwise, he does not need to kill himself. He can kill himself.

All the way to rush for more than an hour, the distance began to draw closer, according to the current speed, if two people compete in the speed of running, Xiao Bing can catch up with him in another three hours or so.

At this time, above the air, more than a dozen long-range missiles came to their own!

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