Super Soldier

Chapter 1513: India's Tianluo network (two more)

"Damn, I should have thought of it. Su Weiyang has such a high status in the Indian state, and the Indian country will certainly not see death!"

When Xiao Bing Jianguang came out, suddenly there was a sudden brightening in the darkness. The glare of white light shrouded the past. After the missiles hit the top, they exploded, but there was no missile that could break through the swordsmanship of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing possesses the strength of the early saints and holds the swords of the sky. These missiles are naturally not in the eyes. However, Su Weiyang has taken the opportunity to open the distance with Xiao Bing.

The missiles continued to be positioned and bombed. Xiao Bing pursued and continually went to dodge or counterattack these missiles. For a time, he was opened more and more distance by Su Weiyang.

However, Xiao Bing is not afraid that Su Weiyang will eventually run away. As long as the tracker is still on Su Weiyang, he will definitely not run. According to Bai Xiaosheng, Su Weiyang will not find the tracker, although he does not understand why Bai Xiao The students turned out to be so eloquent, but Xiao Bing believed that Bai Xiaosheng’s words would not be wrong, otherwise Bai Xiaosheng would not be Bai Xiaosheng.

Fortunately, Xiao Bing pursued all the way and began to pass through a city. After entering the urban area, he was relieved. The missile really stopped. At this time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still late at night, but the city estimated Many people have been awakened, although the missiles are now stopped, but they could not be heard just after the bombing outside the city.

Xiao Bing casually found a place to sit down and start to rest. He took a look at the tracker in his hand. The target in the tracker was still moving rapidly, but Xiao Bing was not in a hurry to chase it. He had already consumed Xiao when he was avoiding the missile. Part of the energy of the soldiers, plus all the way to run, at this time if they really chase the past, Su Weiyang once stopped to wait for his own words, Su Weiyang is equivalent to waiting for work, Xiao Bing naturally will not do this stupid thing.

When I had enough rest, I probably took a rest for more than ten minutes. I felt a little bit of strength. Xiao Bing continued to chase it out. Sure enough, after leaving the city, the missile began to come again. Xiao Bing used a sword to fight back. One side screamed: "Dry! You **** so much money, then I don't care. I don't waste my strength. A missile is at least a few million yuan. If you have money, you can do it with you!"

Xiao Bing is right. Normally, the cheapest of a missile is several million yuan. For example, those very advanced precision missiles can reach the level of tens of millions of yuan.

Even if these missiles in the Indian country are cheap, each one is five or six million yuan. Now, at this time, at least 100 million yuan is directly flooded, and the more they do so, the more they represent the millet. The higher the status of Weiyang in their printing in the country, the more they do not want to be merciless.

This country is almost unsuccessful, and the strength of Su Weiyang’s strength is even stronger, and then it’s hard, but can the character not care at all? They were able to be willing to be treated as a patron saint who regarded their people as a plaything, and even for this person to cover up the crime of murder! Thinking of this, Xiao Bing has no good feelings about this country. Moreover, the Indian country still has a border dispute with China. Xiao Bing has made up his mind. If you want to kill me, then I have to kill it!

Stop me, you will die!

Xiao Bing went through a city again. After a short break, he chased it out. Every time he went to a city, the missile would stop for a while. In the blink of an eye, it was not known how many missiles had bombed Xiao Bing. According to Xiao Bing’s estimate, he had been bombing. Until dawn, at least hundreds of millions of yuan or more will be lost for the Indian country.

Oh, they have money.

Xiao Bing stopped in the city several times in succession. In the blink of an eye, it was already more than five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright. The war in the Indian country also alarmed the whole world. The Indian country was even alarmed. After all, it was a night. With such a big movement, even the people must be alarmed, let alone the international world.

The international community began to pay attention to the war in the Indian territory. All major countries also began to closely monitor this war in the Indian country. When they learned that one of the big battles was actually Huaxia’s Xiaobing. All countries in the world are stunned. What is Xiao Bing? Is this crazy? Or is it that at the moment when China and India have disputes, China is not convenient to go to war, but directly invites a Xiao Bing to consume the national strength of the Indian state and transfer the sight of the Indian state?

Obviously, this possibility is also there. After all, the gunpowder between the two countries is full of flavor. The international community does not think that the two major congresses are going to fight, but if China uses this method, it will be said that it is Xiao Bing’s personal behavior if it is accused. In any case, there is no way for India to take China, and this is also possible.

In the country of M, a group of people in the headquarters were in a hurry. One of the commanders was a little excited: "Take the call immediately... Dial the phone number of the president, I want to report to the president immediately!"

After the call was dialed, the commander said the matter again. The president of the country of m surprised: "What? This Xiao Bing has also entered the Indian country? And he himself is alone? Killed in the direction of the capital of India? What is he doing?"

"Mr. President, the specific reasons are not clear, but we see that he is chasing the Soviet Union's Su Weiyang."

"Su Weiyang? Is that the spiritual leader who controlled the entire top of the Indian state, Su Weiyang? Oh, it is very interesting, you are now connecting the video screen to my office, this Xiao Bing is more and more interesting, hope The Indian country should not give us a big surprise like the country of r. Using their most powerful force to destroy Xiao Bing, it can help us solve a big problem."

"I want to kill this Xiaobing. At present, there are only two ways. One is a saturated missile attack, and the other is a laser weapon. The Indian country seems to have no laser weapons. Laser weapons are only available to several of our superpowers. Of course, except There is also a more convenient way to eliminate him directly by nuclear weapons. No strong person can escape in the face of nuclear weapons."

The president of the m country said: "The possibility of nuclear weapons is too low. They do not have laser weapons. It is estimated that their greatest possibility is to use a saturated attack method, or to send troops directly, and the ants will bite the elephant. In short, if the Indian country wants Killing Xiao Bing, the probability that Xiao Bing wants to live is still very embarrassing, unless the Indian country can't make up his mind."

Stronger warriors can't compete with a big country!

This kind of dialogue is being staged in many countries in the world at this time. Most of them are expecting Xiao Bing to be settled in India this time. In the past, Xiao Bing was called the World Special Forces King. At that time, they also returned to Xiao Bing. There is no jealousy. Except for those small countries, most big countries know that the so-called world special forces king is not the strongest trump card. The real trump card and foundation of each country will not be easily revealed. For example, China’s God pillar, for example, the martial temple of the country of r.

But now it is different. Now Xiao Bing really makes them feel the threat, so they can't wait to see the Indian country kill this threat in the cradle.

Only Huaxia’s reaction was different. This incident shocked Huaxia’s top management and the military. Now everyone is paying close attention to it. Head No. 1, Chief Executive No. 2, Director of the National Security Bureau, Ministry of National Defense The ministers, the captains of the Dragons and many other high-level countries are all in the national command center, and they all look grim.

The old class smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect this to happen."

The head of the No. 1 Shen Sheng said: "He went to the country to complete the national mission. There is nothing to say about it, and it is the beginning of the country before the r country. It also said that in the past, there is not much to say in the Indian country. But what is it for him to go to India? Now the Indian side has already issued two protests in an hour, saying that if we can’t solve it, they will have to destroy Xiao Bing in their land at all costs. on."

The head of the second hesitantly said: "Is it because of this border dispute?"

"No." The old class categorically said, "I understand Xiao Bing. He is definitely not such an impulsive person. There must be other reasons."

Even if they want to break their heads, they certainly can't guess the specific reasons. So everyone is talking about it here and there is no conclusion. The important thing is that Xiao Bing still doesn't answer their calls, which means they can only now Waiting for the results here, everything else can't be done.

The head of the No. 1 sighed: "The Indian country has been fighting for war for so many years and neighbors. They are different from the country of r. Their military strength is not weak. The most important thing is that they have the determination to fight. It is definitely not so easy to let Xiao. When the soldiers came back, Xiao Bing was probably in trouble this time!"

The eyebrows of the old director of the National Security Bureau are about to be screwed together. I am annoyed: "I hope this kid can come back safely, but even if the Indian country dares to do it, it will definitely not use nuclear weapons."

"That should not be." The Minister of National Defense said, "Even if it is a powerful country like m, it will not be easy to use nuclear weapons. However, the energy of a person is limited, even if they are ants, they can take Xiao Bing. The consumption is dead."

Everyone looked at the picture above the big screen. The missiles poured into the Xiaobing like a rain. They were all dignified and dripping water.

It was already early in the morning and the day was already bright.

Xiao Bing was crazy, and Su Weiyang seemed to be intentionally not going through those cities. Xiao Bing was continuously attacked by missiles. At this moment, the infuriating body in the body had already consumed half of it, and it was slightly tired. He suddenly eased his footsteps. The missiles stopped, but they saw rows of tanks lined up in front of them. At the same time, many soldiers were hiding behind the sandbags. The machine guns in their hands were pulled out from behind and the guns were aimed at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at it all coldly. The number of the other party was full of thousands, and there were dozens of tanks. Although these tanks are not as advanced as those of the r countries, if they are put into some small countries, they are counted as The main battle tank level, of course, the Indian country is also considered a country with good military strength, it is estimated that this should not be the most advanced tank in the r countries, they have no time to mobilize between the temporary rush.

At this time, a voice came from the rear of the army: "I am the fifteenth division commander of the Third Military Region of the Indo-China region. You will quickly retreat. Otherwise, it will be a declaration of war against my country. We will not leave any feelings until Destroy you!"

This is already the final ultimatum issued by the Indian state. At the same time, there was once a national army to issue a war on a person. It can be seen that Xiao Bing did not dare to look down on the eyes of a big country like India. At least it has already been Xiao. A soldier is an army and even a small country.

Xiao Bing stood there and smiled lightly: "Leave it, give it to Su Weiyang!"

The fifteenth division commander said loudly: "In a minute, you must evacuate unconditionally and withdraw unconditionally!"

Xiao Bing sighed: "That's a pity. You are the one who is insulted by the Indians. I am a soldier, and since I am a warrior, I must be sure to kill the people and kill God!"

At this time, the commander finally gave orders with impatience. All the muzzles were aimed at Xiao Bing. The machine guns were aimed at Xiao Bing. Even the top of the fighters sounded. Then the division shouted: "Collective fire!"

One person against an army!


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