Super Soldier

Chapter 1514: Crazy advancement (three more)

Deafening roar, Xiao Bing's Tian Congyun sword draws a half-month general light, suddenly two tanks and do not know how many people directly disappeared, and countless gunfire also bombed around Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing's cover It began to tremble and finally broke down. The whole person flew out directly.

This is the first time that Xiao Bing has been injured since he entered the Indian country. These guns are too close, plus the missiles that have been consumed by Xiao Bing on the way have not known how much infuriating, and they have been chasing all the way, so Xiao Bing is slightly at this moment. Some tired.

Xiao Bing was not smashed and sturdy. Even so, his chest was broken with a lot of flesh and blood, and his clothes were full of blood.

The former Xiao Bing has always been like the **** of war. Whether it is in the country of r or in the country of India, their hearts are a little scared. At this time, Xiao Bing is finally injured. For them, it is like breaking the myth of Xiao Bing. They strengthened their confidence, and everyone even cheered up, and then the gunfire and the gunfire began to attack the Xiaofeng, like a raindrop, even if the speed is fast, it is impossible to completely escape.

And at this moment, in the sky, more than a dozen planes passed through, and a single bomb began to be sent from the sky. After the Indian team spent most of the infuriating of Xiao Bing with the missile saturation attack. Finally, I began to reveal my fangs and laid down the nets. It is necessary to destroy Xiao Bing here!

Countless missiles, bullets, and shells landed around Xiao Bing. This saturation blow can't be avoided even if you have a faster speed. Even the glare of the explosion can make everyone unable to open their eyes.

At this moment, the top of the world is watching this scene, and countless people are cheering. They are convinced that in this big bang, Xiao Bing must have died, even if it is a saint, it will never be in the explosion. Live it!

There is a lament in the headquarters of Huaxia, but no one can do anything, even if the old class and the dragon tooth captain who are most confident of Xiao Bing are sinking.

"Is it finished?" the old class muttered to himself. "Bad boy, you don't really want to die?"

When the glare of the glare disappeared, all the people saw that there was a ruin around the position where Xiao Bing was standing. There were deep pits everywhere and the ground was uneven.

And Xiao Bing is lying in a deep pit at this moment, holding the sky cloud sword in his hand.

Is he dead?

All the people were holding their breath, including the Indian team also holding their breath and watching this scene.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

When the silence lasted for more than three seconds, the Indian team began to cheer up collectively, their crazy cheers and crazy celebrations.

"What God of War, what the devil, it turned out to be a blow!"

"I heard that he was in the r country and turned upside down? Finally, it was not killed by our Indian country!"

"Ha ha ha, that's for sure. How can the military power of the country r compare with our Indian country?"

All the people are cheering and celebrating, and Xiao Bing has slowly climbed up from the ground.

The sound of the celebration was getting weaker and weaker, and finally came to an abrupt end.

"He...he didn't die?"

"Is it a devil... Just the Iron Man in the Hollywood script has to be bombed into pieces?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed with blood-red light, and the surface of the body also glowed with blood-red light. At the crucial moment, Xiao Bing’s mask was broken, but the genetic power inside the body was directly activated. Then the mask is re-enclosed on the surface of the body, even stronger than ever.

Suffering from this wave of saturation attack, Xiao Bing finally breathed a sigh of relief, but no longer dare to give these people any chance. If the attack just happened again, even if Xiao Bing can not bear the price, it is estimated. It is not necessary to be buried here!

Xiao Bing disappeared in the same place in an instant, and his power was raised to the extreme, even faster than when he was at its peak.

"Mom, if it was the mysterious power in my body, I am going to die!" Xiao Bingxin was all ignited by anger. About a hundred meters away, he instantly rushed into the army, and the hands of Tian Congyun The slaughter began in the crowd without mercy.

The fighters above are groaning, they are a little embarrassed, Xiao Bing is in the crowd, they don't know if they should put a bomb!

Finally, one person went down one by one, and a tank and a tank were broken into two pieces. The entire army...the army of thousands of people completely disappeared in front of Xiao Bing.

There was only one dead body around, and there was blood flowing all over the floor. At this moment, Xiao Bing, who was red with eyes, was in the center of the dead body like a devil who came out of **** to harvest human life.

The above fighters finally began to bomb, and Xiao Bing suddenly rose up and jumped up, and the sword jumped out. The sword light went straight, and the two planes fell directly. The other fighters wanted to To escape from the wild, Xiao Bing flew forward tens of meters in the stunned world, and then two other fighters also fell to the other two, which slowly fell to the ground.

"He... is he still a human?"

Although Xiao Bing’s war was still alive and dead, he directly destroyed the army of a division of the Indo-China. At this time, the blood-red power in his body was completely activated, and the whole person had never been strong. The power has never been filled, so he kept on going, and continued to pursue the direction of Su Weiyang's escape!

The missile still flew from a distance. Xiao Bing used his own speed to dodge, or he used the Tian Congyun sword to fight back. This time his speed was faster and he was no longer able to continue to be distanced by Su Weiyang.

After more than half an hour of chasing after, an army appeared in front of him. Xiao Bing once again entered the crowd. This time, he did not give the other party a chance. The army of more than 100 people completely disappeared.

At 4:30 in the morning, 2,600 people from the 15th Division of the Indian State were collectively killed.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the 16th Division of the Indo-China elite group, 100 people collectively killed.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Bing met with a total of 4,000 people from the two divisions of the Sixth Army of the Indo-China. In the case of serious injuries, the two group armies were wiped out by 3,400 people. Others were seriously injured and retreated.

At 7:30 in the morning, the third division of the Sixth Army of the Indian State met with Xiao Bing, fighting for ten minutes, Xiao Bing destroyed the third division, and 1,500 people were collectively killed.

At 7:45 in the morning, Xiao Bing entered the jungle and disappeared completely from the surveillance satellite.

Xiao Bing is gone?

Countless helicopters began to look around the jungle, and two troops entered the jungle with wolf dogs, but Xiao Bing was really completely gone.

The high-ranking Indian countries were furious, and the Indian side was furious. The whole world was stunned. No one could understand where Xiao Bing went.

At this moment, Xiao Bing is resting quietly in the cave in a canyon. It turns out that he has already realized that if he continues to fight like this, he may really lose his life, even if it is exhaustive. Xiao Bing also underestimated the fighting power of a country. At this moment, he is covered in blood. He is full of injuries everywhere. There are several serious injuries on his body. There are countless minor injuries. If it is the abnormal constitution of Xiao Bing, change it to other ones. The sage may be dead at this time.

This pursuit, coupled with the other side's saturation attack, Xiao Bing has no room for rest, and there is no chance to replenish physical strength, especially those missiles landed, and even if Xiao Bing uses Tian Congyun, there are many The missile passed through the sword net of Xiao Bing, and finally fell on Xiao Bing's body. There was no problem in bombing the missile to resist a missile. The two were no problem, but the three four missiles were bombed in turn. It is as strong as Xiao Bing and will not die and peel off the skin.

Xiao Bing took off his clothes, teared them into pieces of rags, and with the healing drugs they carried, began to deal with the wounds themselves.

According to the strength of Xiao Bing, this gorge is a gap in the jungle. Xiao Bing jumped in and was a waning canyon. It is estimated that the army will eventually think of this possibility, but because the gap above is too narrow, the plane It is impossible to land, and people must climb down from above, and the canyon is so long and narrow, even if someone comes down from it, there will be no Xiaobing for a while, so Xiao Bing still has a lot of rest time.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party will send nuclear weapons here. If the Indian country really wants to kill itself, then it is really possible to do so. From the current situation, the probability of doing so is very high. Big.

However, Xiao Bing is not worried about this. On the one hand, it is a very important matter to send nuclear weapons. Any country needs urgent consultations. In addition, nuclear weapons are not ordinary weapons of long-range missiles, and one nuclear weapon. The cost of a missile usually reaches several hundred thousand Chinese dollars. Even if they kill themselves at any cost, they are unlikely to send nuclear missiles without knowing that they are in the canyon, and the money is only one side. However, there is another aspect that is the impact of nuclear weapons on the world. It is really shocking to the world, but if they are not here, they are sending a nuclear weapon to an open space without a person. It is estimated that they will become the same international joke as the country of r.

According to Xiao Bing's estimate, a large number of soldiers will land in the canyon through a parachute, etc. within twenty minutes, and then find their whereabouts within forty minutes, and then they will determine the next step. Specific actions, the next step must be the killing at all costs!

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