Super Soldier

Chapter 1515: Killing into the capital (one more)

However, Xiao Bing will not give them so much time. About fifteen minutes or so, Xiao Bing has already left the cave, listening to the sound of the sly helicopter flying above the sky. It is estimated that there will soon be The soldiers landed from above. The most important thing for them now is not to send people in to kill themselves, but to make sure that they are in this mountain, and then estimate that nuclear weapons are the most likely to launch. Even if it is Xiao Bing. People of all kinds of strengths must also die under nuclear weapons!

Xiao Bing left the cave and walked all the way up the mountain. Suddenly the road ahead was sealed by the mountains, but there was a small stream in the middle of the mountain. There were fish in the stream, Xiao Bing sat. Above the ground, looking up, I can see that several figures above the sky were dropped from the top by the helicopter with a steel cable.

It is very simple for Xiao Bing to kill these people now, but it is estimated that the Indian country will immediately blow it here to the ground after the killing.

Xiao Bing is now injured, even if the other party does not use nuclear weapons, Xiao Bing now absolutely does not want to fight hard with the other side of the military, after all, in the end, when they face Su Weiyang, they must fall into the wind.

Xiao Bing's gaze began to wander around in the foothills. Seeing that there was only one road above, it was to climb up from the foothills, but if that came, it would have to fight hard with each other.

Time waits for no longer, the longer the entanglement is, the more time it will prepare for the other party. Xiao Bing is about to climb up. Suddenly, the heart moves and looks at the stream on the ground. The mouth exclaimed: "Yes. I didn't think that this mountain must be not the rootless water. Otherwise, how could there be live fish in the stream? I am so stupid!"

Xiao Bing jumped in excitement and plunged straight into the stream. Sure enough, the stream of this creek was very deep. Xiao Bing forced himself to sink all the way, but he was surprised that this place that seemed to be a creek had With such strong buoyancy, Xiao Bing sinks into the depths, because the buoyancy of the water is too strong, but it can no longer sink, and it will almost be rushed back by this powerful buoyancy.

Xiao Bing grabbed his breath and used the martial arts of a thousand pounds. He instantly sank for another four or five meters. The front suddenly appeared bright, followed by a rapid torrent that involved Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing struggled with his hands. I kept arguing to the front, and I didn’t know how far I had drawn. Finally, it was a bright light, and it seemed to be a good day.

Xiao Bing slammed his feet and rushed straight to the top. When he rushed out of the water, he took a long breath and looked around. He couldn’t help but shouted excitedly: "I see it again!"

However, it seems that this is just out of the mountain range, and there are even many fishermen's houses in front. When those people dreamed that they were looking for Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing was out of the search range at the bottom of the water.

Xiao Bing did not dare to stay too much here, and rushed all the way to the distance.

The President of India was sitting in his own office at this time. He listened to the phone constantly reporting to himself. He listened to the progress of the other party. Obviously, he was not very satisfied. He could not help but scream loudly: "I must kill him anyway." Even if you want to turn the entire Indian country to the bottom, you must catch him. You will send more people and police dogs to find his whereabouts. Just make sure that he has not escaped from the mountain, and immediately give everyone by helicopter. Pick up and start the nuclear missile immediately. Even if the entire mountain range is flattened, I will kill him!"

"Yes, yes." The military department on the other side of the phone said quickly, "We can't follow the footsteps of the country. We killed so many troops. If the peace is finally gone, the Indian country will really want Become the laughing stock of the world!"

"You know it," said the president. "Not only that, this matter is related to Mr. Su, who is our patron saint. You and I know how much energy he has in India. I was in Mr. Su. With this support, you are sitting in this position, and you are not like this."

"Yes, yes, this person dares to be right with Mr. Su, then it is a place to live without burial, but this person is also very powerful. Even younger Mr. Su Weiyang is not his opponent. You must know that the corpse was the first time. They all lost to Mr. Su Weiyang..."

"Oh, the more this is the case, the more this person is going to kill, don't forget that he is still a Chinese national, and our relationship with China... I think this is the Chinese country specially asked him to give us the Mawei, since this is the case. Use his life to pay homage to our dead sergeant!"

The military commander said: "Yes, the military strength of our Indian country is not comparable to that of the r country. This time we must kill this Chinese person on the land and will never give him the opportunity to leave!"

According to the strength of the military, the Indo-China is indeed one of the world's great powers. It is not a good thing to judge who is strong and weak in the military and the r-country. It is these years that I invested in money to buy weapons at all costs, so my heart has also expanded.

They hung up the phone and even the nuclear weapons were ready, but then they were stupid. Twenty minutes passed, half an hour passed. They didn’t find the shadow of Xiao Bing in the mountains, but in the woods. Also sent a large number of hounds, but did not find Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing is like disappearing out of thin air.

The Indian President’s nuclear weapons have already been prepared, and they can be started at any time. They have found that Xiao Bing has disappeared from the air. This is like a person who took a sigh of relief and finally prepared a big move. I have to send it out, but the other party suddenly disappears. This kind of powerful and nowhere makes it almost let them spit out a big blood.

However, they did not know that Xiao Bing had already appeared in the capital of the Indian state at this time, even before the Su Weiyang first arrived in the capital.

The Indian country can't think of it, and Su Weiyang can't think of it. Xiao Bing himself is doing special work, so all kinds of documents on his body are carried by several people, all of them are different identities, and there are masks for easy tolerance. Xiao Bing is not to be It was discovered that it was easy to become another image of identity. He arrived at the head of the Indian state directly by plane, and that Su Weiyang still ran on the road.

Xiao Bing ate something in the capital of the Indo-China. After eating and drinking enough, he watched the red dot flashing on the tracker getting closer and closer. Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile and paid for the meal. Going out inside the restaurant, I walked straight in the direction of the city gate. When I walked halfway, I saw a team of more than ten people in front of him, and Su Weiyang came over to this side.

Su Weiyang all the way to the servant, looks very tired, but his face is a bit proud. In this country, he is like the emperor's existence, he is the helm at the back, if the president of India is The leader of the whole country during the day, then he is the leader in the dark.

In contrast, he is a low-key person. Although he is very influential, he is playing a woman in the manor every day. It seems that eating, drinking and playing is more important than anything else, so that he knows the country outside. The corpse king, but only a very small number of people know the existence of Su Weiyang.

Xiao Bing went straight to the front and Xiao Bing’s body was carrying a Tian Cong Yun Jian wrapped in black cloth. When the two people were only five or six meters apart, Su Weiyang immediately stopped and looked at Xiao Bing in a sullen mood. Xiao Bing continued to walk slowly toward the front.

Su Weiyang quickly stepped back and shouted in horror: "You stop, you stop me!"

The ten-member team on the side was a little embarrassed. I didn't know what happened, but they quickly pointed the gun at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Sui Weiyang, you better let them put the gun down, you know that these guns are of no use to me."

Su Weiyang saw that it was Xiao Bing, but calm down, Xiao Bing also stood up, two people stood face to face, Su Weiyang's face was gloomy and said: "How did you do it?"

"Guess what?"

Su Weiyang sighed and nodded. "I understand, these wastes can't even stop you, but what I don't understand is how do you determine my position? I was thinking about this problem on the road, in order to Make sure there are no trackers on the body, I am still taking a flight on the road."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You may have to bring these doubts to hell."

Su Weiyang suddenly smiled, haha ​​laughed: "Okay, good... Xiao Bing, you forced me too much, but do you really think that I am afraid of you? I just lived to this age, I have already been no longer I am willing to fight everywhere, I can take risks without taking risks, but I am definitely not afraid of you. If you want to kill me, will you be sure that I will not kill you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Whatever you say."

"No." Su Weiyang said, "Now you will leave, I can guarantee that no one will start with you, we will let you go safely, and you and I will not risk falling. Otherwise, you and I must die between them. There is no resentment between you and me. Just for those women, why bother?"

At this time, the soldiers finally understood, and the leader of the team leader was surprised: "He is Xiao Bing? I understand, he is Xiao Bing after Yi Rong!"

The general rushed to inform Xiaobing of the incident in the capital through the walkie-talkie. Xiao Bing did not stop him. In fact, after Xiao Bing stood here, he was already destined to be unable to keep the fire, and he could not hide it, so he It is not important that the notice is not notified.

The news was spread throughout the entire Indian military, and finally passed to the office of the President of the Indo-China. The President of the Indian State answered the phone and looked stunned.

The military commander who called the Indian president to report the work, carefully asked: "Mr. President, what should I do? Do you want to mobilize the missile?"

"Missile? Bombing him with missiles? Are you crazy?" The president of the Indian state screamed. "Your head is eaten by the dog? Are you crazy? Where is this? This is the capital! Bombard the capital with missiles." You and I will be finished! No matter... no matter what, their things let them solve it themselves, I believe that Mr. Su Weiyang must be no problem."

"If... If Mr. Su Weiyang is really dead?"

The President of the Indian State said: "That will wait until the **** Chinese people leave the capital, and then use missiles to kill him! If necessary, you can use nuclear missiles! Damn, I should learn the same as the country, use the big price to buy through the United States. laser weapon!"

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