Super Soldier

Chapter 1522: The origin of the body's strength (two more)

The appearance of the artifact directly made Akasaka Nakayama become old and tearful. Xiao Bing was allowed to study the Akasaka Zhongshan for a while. The Tian Congyun sword was almost worshipped in the middle of the mountain. After watching it for a while, he returned the Tian Congyun sword to Xiao Bing. It is.

I chatted with you at home for a while, Xia Hongyin went to the kitchen and cooked with the new maid in the house. About five o'clock, Su Xiaoxiao and the leaves all returned.

When Xiao Bing was already at home, everyone was relieved, but they did not ask much. Some people did not know the relationship between the Indian country and Xiao Bing in the past few days. Some people have a lot of thoughts, so it is not convenient for so many people. Chat with this.

After dinner, Xiao Bing chatted with the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao in the room. Xiao Bing told the Indian tour about it. When I heard that this matter is related to Xiao Bing’s life, no one will ever To blame Xiao Bing, after all, everyone knows that the problem of life experience is a knot of Xiao Bing. This heart will not be solved in a day, and Xiao Bing will never be truly happy.

Several people were chatting, and suddenly there was a knock at the door. Maggie shouted outside: "Bing brother, there is a child outside to see you."

Xiao Bing walked over to open the door and looked at Maggie. He was surprised: "Children?"

"Yeah." Maggie said. "I let him in. He still refuses to come in. It is not for you to go out and say, are you outside the other women with illegitimate children?"

Xiao Bing looked helpless, and the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao also giggled outside.

Xiao Bing stretched out his finger and bounced on Maggie's head. He said helplessly: "Eight."

Maggie slammed her head and said, "Hey, hello, people are big girls now, can you not play my head?"

Everyone laughed again.

Xiao Bing turned back to Su Dao: "You talk here first, I go out and see, I will be back soon!"

The leaves said: "Xiao Bing big brother!"


"Be careful!"

Xiao Bing knew that he was too dangerous every day, so it would inevitably make the leaves a little grassy, ​​so Xiao Bing gave her a look of peace of mind and said: "Reassured, I am fine."

Xiao Bing followed Maggie out of Xiaofu and came to the entrance of Xiaofu. She saw a dirty child with a dirty face at the door. Xiao Bing squatted down and looked at the little boy and smiled. "I am Xiao Bing, I am coming out now, let me talk about it, what do you want me to do?"

"Yeah!" Maggie said, beside him. "If this is your father, you will tell me directly, I will be the master for you."

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes, and the little boy looked up and looked at the slim Maggie, who had grown into a big girl and developed. He said, "What the goddess sister said, how can I not understand."

Maggie likes to eat: "I know how to distinguish between beauty and ugliness at a young age. It’s really not normal. If you are not his illegitimate child, what are you doing for him?"

The little boy pointed in one direction and said: "Not what I was looking for. Someone gave me a hundred dollars over there. Let me come and ask my uncle to look for him."

Xiao Bing sighed and asked: "What does that person look like, have you seen it?"

"No," said, "I didn't see him clearly."

"Oh, then I know." Xiao Bing stood up and touched. "He is dark, you can go home soon, my uncle will pass!"

Xiao Bing quickly walked in the direction pointed by the little boy. Tian Congyun was already placed at home by him at this time. However, even in the world today, even if he is empty-handed, it is difficult for people who want to hurt him to find out. Gao Bing is daring, Xiao Bing will not be afraid at all, let alone Xiao Bing has guessed who is going to see him.

Xiao Bing stepped into the woods in the direction of the little boy. Finally, a vain voice did not know where it came from. This voice is not male or female, but Xiao Bing directly heard it. It is the voice of Bai Xiaosheng: "You really killed him."

Xiao Bing’s heart is full of emotions, but his mouth is very calm: “Yes, so you should fulfill your commitment to me and tell me the secrets about my life.”

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Yes, I can tell you a secret about your life."

Xiao Bing said: "I am listening!"

"What you have is the blood of the gods."

"God and blood?" Xiao Bing asked with amazement: "What is the blood of the gods? What is the blood of the gods?"

"That is to say, you have the pure blood of the Protoss and the Mozu. In the world, I am afraid that no one will be more pure than your blood."

Xiao Bing was shocked and asked: "The blood of the Protoss and the Mozu? That is to say, isn't it..."

"Yes, your mother is a demon, your father is a protoss, and they were born under the combined circumstances. Is this detailed enough?"

Xiao Bing was a little excited: "The ridiculous, this is really too sloshing. The Protoss and the Mozu have not been sealed in another world. Are they not in this world yet? The Protoss and the Mozu are still How to combine? What's more, the Protoss and the Mozu are not dead in the mythology, how can they combine? It is simply absurd! Bai Xiaosheng, are you when I am a three-year-old?"

Bai Xiaosheng said: "I need to deceive you... If your body is not the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu, then I will ask you, where does the golden light in your body come from? The possession in your body Where did the genes of red power come from?"

Xiao Bing is silent. This secret is even confused by Xiao Bing. The strength of Xiao Bing’s deep seal is obviously different from the red power in his own gene. Xiao Bing can feel the power inside the gene. The evil, but the strength of his own Dantian is powerful and sacred, completely different from the two forces.

Bai Xiaosheng said: "I must have felt it. You are not a force in your body. In fact, the genes in your body inherit more aspects of your mother, so once your genes wake up, you are the one who owns the magic. The power of the family."

Xiao Bing asked: "What about the strength of my deep Dan Tian?"

"That is the power of your father. Your father put a pure power of God in the depths of your Dantian. I hope that one day this power can be completely awakened, and even merge with the power of the magic. You are the most unique being in the world. If you have a new power, that power is not divine power, not magic, not human instinct."

Xiao Bing did not expect his father to be so painstaking about himself. So, he should not want to abandon himself. If that is the case, why should he give his strength to himself in such a painstaking manner? Inside the body?

Xiao Bing wanted to understand this, his eyes could not help but red, and his tone became excited: "What about my father?"

"I said it, he is dead!" the voice said. "If it is not that he is dead, how can you abandon it in the kindergarten?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Who killed my father? Didn't you say that my mother is still alive? Since she is still, why did she give up on me, is she something unspeakable? Where is my mother? ...Bai Xiaosheng, you talk, you answer me!"

Xiao Bing shouted at the air, and Bai Xiaosheng disappeared completely.

Xiao Bing clenched his fists, and the emotions in his heart were one after another. He once abandoned his own because his parents didn't want to be himself. During that time, he had only hatred for his parents. The reason why he is still obsessed with this is that he wants to ask why they abandon themselves, but now they know that everything may not be what they think. In fact, the father is still very good at himself. When he knows this, Xiao Bing The heart is deeper than the previous obsession, and the heart is more excited.

Xiao Bing is now eager to know who killed his father. Why did he die? What happened to his mother before he gave himself to being forced to abandon it? Who is your parents?

Xiao Bing walked toward Xiaofu step by step. He walked into the house and saw Xia Hongyin sitting on the stone bench of the yard to enjoy the moon. Xiao Bing did not say anything. He was planning to go in. Xia Hongyin suddenly asked: " Soldier."

"Well? Mom."

"Yeah." Xia Hongyin said, "Do you have a heart?"

Xia Hongyin’s eyes are full of concerns.

"Yeah." Xiao Bing smiled a bit, his eyes were a bit complicated, he said, "I just knew today that my father and mother may not really want to abandon me at the beginning. They may be forced to do so. I am now Inside the heart...somewhat complicated."

Xia Hongyin's eyes fluctuated a bit, curiously said: "Do you know what these can do? In fact, if your parents still live in this world, perhaps the most hopeful thing is that you can live in a faint, happy life. In this world, you don’t want to be immersed in these unknown things forever."

"But..." Xiao Bing hesitated and said, "But I may have loved ones in this world, so I can't control myself. I want to see her, ask her, why do it?" ""

Xia Hongyin sighed and then asked: "How do you know what you said? You are already so big, is there anyone who knows what happened when you were a child?"

"Well... a predecessor named Bai Xiaosheng." Xiao Bing said, "Mom, I will treat you as a mother now. You are the same as my mother in my heart, but there are some past things, I still want to I have to ask a question."

"I understand." Xia Hongyin smiled. "Mom is not jealous. If you regard me as a mother, you will listen to me and live your life. Happy days."

"Good." Xiao Bing in the eyes of Xia Hongyin's kindness, it seems that the excitement in the heart has subsided a little, so kind eyes.


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