Super Soldier

Chapter 1523: Enter the Ghost Gate (three more)

Although this incident really made Xiao Bing’s heart a little chaotic, Xiao Bing has always been a rational person. The life experience has been waiting for so many years. Xiao Bing is not in a hurry now. He can only step by step. Come, the most important thing now is to continue to improve the strength. Xiao Bing’s current strength is actually safe enough, but Xiao Bing always feels that there are still many unknown dangers in the world waiting for himself, not to mention Xiao Bing. It’s still young now, who doesn’t have a **** of glory? Others may have given up on this plan, but Xiao Bing is different. Xiao Bing is now sanctified, and still a young saint!

After Xiao Bing stayed at home for a few days, he called the old minister of the National Security Department and entrusted Xiao Fu to him. He then left Xiaofu and went to Ghost Gate with Gao Fei. .

When the old man of Tianshan was in the saint, he went to the ghost gate with two companions. He only walked halfway in the road. Later, both companions died. The old man of Tianshan escaped. The only gain was the topographic map of the ghost gate. That is the topographic map equivalent to half a ghost gate. At least it can help Xiao Bing to circumvent many roads.

The entrance to the Ghost Gate is a dense forest. This forest is called the Death Forest. Many people have never come out since they entered, but there are very few people who know that it is the entrance to the Ghost Gate.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei walked in.

Immediately after entering, I felt the scent of the surrounding area. Even the sky seemed to be a little dim. After Xiao Bing looked around, he said: "This ghost gate is really a bit evil, you can feel it. Going there, there is yin everywhere, there will be no ghosts here?"

Xiao Bing laughed.

Gao Fei’s tone is faint: “It’s hard to say if there is a ghost, but I think there should be a demon inside the ghost gate.”

Xiao Bing was originally a joke. I didn’t expect Gao Fei to be so serious, and then smiled and said: "There are monsters? How do you know?"

Gao Fei said: "Because this is not yin, but demon."

"Demon?" Xiao Bing thought for a moment. Suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared. Gao Fei said that it was really true. Xiao Bing once saw the gossip snake, and he once saw the chiseling. The breath that spread here is indeed somewhat similar to the smell of the monsters, but the demon is not so strong, so Xiao Bing did not think of it.

Gao Fei said: "If this monster is in this forest, its strength should not be too strong, but if his deity is in the depths of the ghost gate, the demon can spread to the whole forest here. Then its realm is terrible, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "So, is this monster be sleeping a few hundred years ago, and it is also a monster that survived the myth?"

"This is not easy to say." Gao Fei said, "If the Tianshan old man did not go to the depths of the ghost gate, he did not know that the secret of this monster is justifiable. After all, not everyone knows the existence of demon. You have seen the gossip snake, but although the Tianshan old man is a generation of legends, he may not have seen the monsters. If he has never seen a monster, he naturally cannot distinguish the difference between demon and yin."

Xiao Bing made a snap and said: "What you said makes sense, but the Tianshan old man really said that there are monsters in the ghost gate, but presumably he did not associate those monsters with the mythical monsters. After all, thousands of years have passed, and there are very few people in the world who know about the things of the mythology. Even if you know the things of the mythology, it has been so many years, and few people will connect them together."

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of something, annoyed: "If the inside is really just a strong monster's place of residence, then we are not happy, it is very likely that there is nothing in the ghost gate to let us Enhance the treasures of strength!"

Gao Fei said with a smile: "Boss, isn't the monster itself a treasure?"

Xiao Bing took a moment and asked: "What do you mean?"

"The body of the beast can be a treasure, whether it is a demon or their bones or even skin."

Xiao Bing hesitated: "Demon Dan? But can the demon Dan take it? The power of the beast is not the same as the power of our human race?"

"If it is a low-level warrior, it is naturally difficult to bear the power of this kind of demon, but you are now a saint, even if it is me, have enough ability to absorb the power of the demon, even in Xiaofu. The red rose in the middle, if she comes to absorb the power of the demon, I am afraid it will do more with less."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "You are right. We have already come here anyway. If you go back now, you will not be reconciled. If you go back, you will not be too much, even if there is not much gain, even if it is Just hone yourself, it’s hard to come by."

Gao Fei said: "It is really hard to get to reach our realm. It is not easy to upgrade. We must continue to fight and train ourselves in the war to make progress."

The two men walked toward the front while talking. Suddenly, a flower close to Xiao Bing’s close-up opened a big mouth, and the flowers all opened, and they bite down against Xiao Bing.

How fast is Xiao Bing’s reaction speed, quickly evasively, and casually took a palm shot, this flower immediately wilted, Xiao Bing frowned: “No wonder it’s a dead forest, even a eater’s flower ""

Gao Fei faintly said: "It seems that it is not just that."

Xiao Bing looked up and looked forward. The corner of his mouth floated with a smile and said: "This is really a ghost!"

The mouth is very serious. The expression on Xiao Bing’s face is very relaxed. There are not many people in the world who can make Xiao Bing look dignified. If he is dignified in this dead forest, I am afraid that Xiao Bing There is no need to continue to break into the ghost gate, after all, the death forest can only be regarded as the gateway to the ghost gate.

However, there were countless dead bodies in front of them who walked over to themselves. Yes, they were dead bodies. These people are dead people, but I don’t know why they are still able to act, but their pupils are already inside. It was dull and there was no expression on his face. The whole person did not have any anger.

Xiao Bing remembered the Indian corpse that he had met before, but these strange guys are not the same as those who are controlled by the Indian corpse. Those people are dead, and those in front of them are all Demon, yes, after Gao Fei’s reminder, Xiao Bing has been able to determine that these people are necessarily demon.

Gao Fei said: "These people must have stepped into this forest and then been killed. They are killed in this forest, showing that their strength will not be particularly strong, but they dare to step in Here, the strength should be fairly good. The most important thing is that these people are already dead, so even if you pierce his heart, he is still a dead person. Even if you pierce his head, he is still a dead person. There is no impact on him, so you only have to break his limbs so that he can stop his actions. This is the most troublesome for these people."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is it trouble for us?"

Gao Fei said: "If such a small guy is a problem, then we can go home."

"That's not it. They may be useful to deal with those who break the void, but they are actually vulnerable to us."

After Xiao Bing finished, Tian Congyun sword pulled out, completely lazy to nonsense, directly smashed out with a sword, encountered Jianguang tearing space, the trees in front of the fallen, and then dozens of dead people are all from the world Evaporated.

Xiao Bing took the sword into the sheath.

Gao Fei said: "The next monster that uses monsters to control them can be considered a big loss. The monster is obviously a little bit of a monster that spreads out. I don’t know how to control these dead bodies. Someone broke into here, and these dead bodies will automatically launch attacks."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "This means is also powerful enough to exclude ordinary people from the ghost gate. Let's go, it is important to continue."

Along the way, two people have encountered a lot of weird animals and plants that attack humans, and there are many traps that naturally form. If they are replaced by ordinary people, they are almost 100% dead here, even if they are here. It is a warrior of the Danjin period who basically does not have the opportunity to go out alive. If it is a strong person in the sturdy period, he may be able to barely protect himself, and he will always be in danger.

Two people may have walked for more than two hours. There was a darkness in front of them. Yes, it’s inexplicable. It’s like a darkness, as if the heavens and the earth were split into two halves, and the ghost gate is outside this world, because at this moment. It is clearly a bright sun, although the demon of the dead forest is very heavy, the air is slightly heavy, but at least it can be felt to be bright.

But the front is a bit dark, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei looked up at the sky, just a step away. The front step started, the sky in front was like the evening at 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and now at the moment of his own head and behind him The sky is a high sun.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is called a ghost."

Gao Fei suddenly stretched his hand forward, and when the palm of his hand was about to touch the black and white junction, the air in front of Xiao Bing suddenly burst into a white light, in the palm of Gao Fei. A ray of light blossomed out, but the flying hand did not stop, but continued to stretch forward, passing easily, even without a sense of barrier.

Xiao Bing asked: "What is the light of the punctured eye just now?"

Gao Fei’s tone is dignified: “It’s a seal.”

"Seal?" Xiao Bing was a little surprised. "What do you mean, the monster is sealed inside? But how can your hand reach it so easily?"

Gao Fei said: "The only way to say that this seal is very strange is that it can only seal the living monsters, but it is ineffective for humans."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "I still have such a magical seal. I am a long-sighted person. That is to say, can we just come in and out?"

"Probably this means." Gao Fei said, "This should be a very magical seal. It is a seal that has been lost in the mythological era. I guess it was before the end of the myth era that the monsters inside have been sealed. Up, otherwise, then the seal has been lost, and who sealed it to the ghost gate? That is to say, the ghost gate is actually a seal!"

Xiao Bing said: "No matter what, we will go ahead and see it."


Xiao Bing walked in. Xiao Bing just felt a white light when he touched the black and white dividing line, but he went in without any hindrance, and Gao Fei then walked inside without any hindrance. .

Xiao Bing stopped and suddenly turned and went out. He found that he was really free to go in and out. Then he re-entered the inside of the ghost gate. Xiao Bing’s eyes looked around and his eyes were a bit surprised. color.

Ps: Today, the public released the character map of "Yamamoto Kocho". Everyone vx searched for the extraordinary, paying attention to the unusual WeChat public account, and directly sending "Yamamoto Koto" to view.


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