Super Soldier

Chapter 1526: Marching ants (three more)

Xiao Bing asked: "Gofei, have you thought about it? The old man of Tianshan in the past was also seriously injured and fled. You and I are not here without the danger of falling. Once it has fallen, it will be like those white wolves. Food that becomes vulture, or eaten by those marching ants, may also become a fertilizer for the surrounding plants."

Gao Fei said: "If you want to become stronger, you must have a determined heart."

Xiao Bing said: "Let's have a few words while eating. Do you have any wishes? If any one of us has an accident, and another person has gone out, it is possible to complete a last wish. ”

Gao Fei doesn't feel any frustration. The people themselves are putting their heads on the belts of their pants every day. No matter how strong your strength is, there are people outside the sky, and no one dares to say that they will never be. Fallen, such as the Indian corpse, such as the beast of the beasts of Bangladesh, are they not the top-level existence in their respective countries, they are enshrined as gods by the state, but they are still not fallen at the end. What?

Therefore, Xiao Bing said that although this does not sound very auspicious, but for the people like Gao Fei and Xiao Bing, it is taken for granted, and they will not feel that this is a big deal.

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said with a smile: "You said first, after I finished speaking, I will talk about my, and I will exchange it."

"Yeah." Gao Fei took the bread in his hand and looked up at Xiao Bing. He said with a serious look: "My biggest wish is that Maggie can live peacefully. I hope that you can protect me in time. She, if one day someone discovers that Maggie is in Xiaofu, and that person is the idea of ​​playing Maggie, you must not let that person live back, must kill him!"

Xiao Bing listened to Gao Fei’s words and curiously said: “Who is Maggie? Is there anyone who wants to deal with you? If that is the case, would you want to tell me if you are the one who started you?”

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "It is good to promise me."

Xiao Bing said: "I promised."

Gao Fei said very seriously: "Thank you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Maggie is not just your sister. She calls my brother every day. In my eyes, she and my sister are no different. Even if you don't say it, how can I? Maybe it doesn't matter."

Gao Fei said: "Talk about your wishes."

Xiao Bing said: "My wish is also very simple, to protect everyone in Xiaofu."

"Yeah." Gao Fei looked serious. "If you can't live out this time, I swear, I will be the guardian of Xiaofu in my life, and I won't let anyone hurt everyone in Xiaofu." ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will be more relieved when I hear you say this. Let's eat first, then we will continue."

At this time, the vultures in the distance have already eaten the bodies of the white wolves, leaving some skeletons with some blood and shredded remains, and other people will expect to spit them out, but Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are still here to fill their stomachs with a big mouth and a big mouth.

After eating, the two people continued to get up and walk.

The demon in the surrounding air is more and more intense. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei feel that each breath is full of rich demon, and that feeling is extremely obvious. The demon is not like other gas. The class has a particularly strong taste, but the feeling of the martial arts is different from ordinary people. It is different from ordinary people. If it is a short time, it is really not for Xiao Bing and Gao Fei. There will be any harm, but if you live here for many years, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei can determine that their physical aspects will inevitably be affected.

Two people are walking, and there are trees and vines wrapped around, but this time it was easily solved by Xiao Bing and Gao Fei. The last time was because of these **** tree vines, and finally they were attacked by white wolves. This time Xiao How did the soldiers and Gao Fei not give a second chance.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei thought it right before, and soon two people saw other kinds of animals, not only the powerful beasts who attacked people, but also some herbivores, except for the perfect The food chain, so animals like vultures can survive well.

For those herbivores that are not aggressive, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei have not gone to harm. For those beasts with strong attack power, Xiao Bing, who dared to attack Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, was killed. As for others, They were all released by Xiao Bing.

Two people don't want to make extra-budgets, keep moving forward, and they don't know how many poisonous insects, beasts, and vegetation have been attacked. From the beginning, the two people have been moving forward, and they have probably gone more than ten hours. But here is as dark as ever, so time has no meaning for the ghost gate, for them it will always be like this.

Xiao Bing took a look at the map and said: "We are now far from the position where the old Tianshan old people arrived. It will take about an hour to arrive. According to the Tianshan old man, they were here. At the time, the body was already scarred, and even two of the three were left. In the front position, they were attacked by marching ants. The companion of the Tianshan old man was sacrificed under the circumstance, and then three of them. Only the Tianshan old man was left, and then the Tianshan old man was attacked by a group of wild beasts while avoiding the marching ants. Under the serious injury, he was helpless and could only withdraw from the ghost gate."

Gao Fei said: "That is to say, they ended up losing because of the general intention in front of the marching ants."

"It can also be said that after the Tianshan old man left the ghost gate, he returned to the Tianshan Mountains, but his body also left a serious dark wound, so he died in a few years." Xiao Bing said: "From ancient times to the present The sage is not only the old man of Tianshan, but the old man of Tianshan once assisted Yuan Chonghuan in resisting the invasion of foreign enemies. His reputation is also the loudest. It is a legend that all the descendants admire. If it is because of this ghost gate, maybe he can still Live for many years."

Gao Fei said: "There is always a death, even if it is a **** level."

Xiao Bing said: "You are right. Even the **** level is no exception. Hey, don't discuss this. We must be careful, but we can't let their tragedy fall on us, even though you and I have been with each other before. I have left my heart's wishes, but my biggest hope is that we can all live out from here, and we all have something to gain."

At this time, Xiao Bing suddenly felt uneasy and stopped. Gao Fei also stopped. Then the two men looked at each other and heard the sound of rustling from afar. Xiao Bing raised his eyes. Looked, and finally gradually see it, it is a dense number of marching ants!

Xiao Bing can only see the infinitely dense ants crawling up on the ground quickly. Xiao Bing snorted and really thought of what he came. These marching ants can devour human instinct, so they cover them. Regardless of their usefulness, they can easily crush the mask and then swallow it.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei glanced at each other. When they were far away from the marching ants, the two men were brewing in the palm of their hands and then launched out of nowhere. This is the most powerful one of them. The palms and the palms of the wind swept past the marching ants, and even a thick layer of land was blown on the ground, and a large piece of marching ants died, and the number of dead marching ants was completely counted. It is not clear, perhaps it is 35,000, and there may be 100,000,000, but the marching ants who followed the succession are climbing here at a faster speed.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei continue to shoot a palm at the same time, but this palm is more hurried, so the power is far worse than just before, and the number of dead ants is only one or two thousand.

Although it sounds like a total of more than 100,000 marching ants directly under the two palms, the number of troops in a general army ant can reach one or two million. The number of dead ants is compared with their total. It is really too much difference, and they will hardly have much impact on them.

The marching ants in the back continued to rush forward, and Gao Fei asked: "What should we do? Are we backing?"

There are two ways in total now, but in fact there is only one way. They can't be forced to go out of the gate by the marching ants. It is estimated that anyone who comes in will not think that their biggest enemy will be these little ones. Ants.

Xiao Bing saw that these marching ants were only less than 50 meters away from their own distance. When they made a decision, they took out the sky and cloud swords, and lifted them up high. The sky-clouds and swords burst out with dazzling white light, followed by a sword. Swinging out, a white light cuts the ground about one meter away from Xiao Bing and Gao Fei in front of a tofu. It has a huge crack of about 100 meters and a width of about half a meter.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei walked over, and the depth of this huge crack was even deep.

Xiao Bing said: "This is the power that artifacts can have. I think it is very difficult to do this even if it is changed to the original Tianshan old man."

Gao Fei said: "Let's go, let's go around."

"Okay, go around!"

These marching ants went to the cracks, but this width is not wide, only about one meter. As long as an adult jumps from there to Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei stand in the gap. At the edge of this side, change to a normal person, and even jump from the opposite side to Xiao Bing's feet.

But the ants don't jump, and the marching ants don't have long wings. They don't fly. This is their disadvantage. These marching ants are beginning to flock and crawl deep into the cracks. They have to climb like a deep abyss. At the bottom of the crack, then climb from the bottom of the abysto to the opposite mountain, which is the top of Xiao Bing and Gao Fei.

This is the second disadvantage of marching ants. They are too powerful in this ghost gate. They are so strong that even a powerful beast like a white wolf sees them and flees. They can grind any animal. Pressure, so they don’t need to use their brains at all, so that their IQ is not like the bottom and middle animals of many food chains. If not, the length of the crack is more than 100 meters, they only need to be wrapped around the two sides. It will take a minute or two.

When they climbed into the 'abyss', Xiao Bing and Gao Fei had quickly ran towards the left, and had been running far away. Many marching ants finally realized that they did not need to climb into the abyss, so The dense marching ants finally reacted and started chasing toward Xiao Bing and Gao Fei!


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