Super Soldier

Chapter 1527: Keep moving forward (one more)

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei rushed all the way. The speed of those ants is fast, but it is still slower than the pace of people. The main reason is that the marching ants are vast, in order to avoid being copied, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei The two men have been running far to the left front, and the tail of the marching ant has been left behind, which is finally relieved, knowing that they have got rid of those terrible marching ants.

In the process of running, some trees and strange flowers also attacked Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, and some of them were able to spray venom with strong corrosiveness, and those trees and vines were difficult. The two people have also added some minor injuries in the process. At this time, they have already got rid of it, so they have slowed down their steps, and they have to avoid the shackles and the vegetation covered with cover. attack.

After walking more than a thousand meters away, Xiao Bing wiped a sweat and smiled bitterly: "It seems that it is completely rid of now."

Although Gao Fei has always been shocked, but after getting rid of the marching ants, he could not help but sigh and said: "Yes, the number of marching ants is too terrible. If there are only marching ants alone, we can also pass through the march. Stepping on the big tree is a leap forward, and no wings are just the weakness of these marching ants, but these trees are weird, and the way to get rid of it is likely to be self-investment."

Xiao Bing glanced at the map and smiled bitterly: "The next road can only rely on ourselves. The Tianshan old man has already withdrawn before he has come here. I think you may have been the most in the Ghost Gate. Far people."

Gao Fei looked decisively: "No matter what is ahead, we are careful."

The two men continued to move forward. In about an hour or so, although the demon was more and more intense, but they did not meet any more dangerous than before. During the period, they only encountered some beasts, but they were all Xiao Bing. And Gao Fei two people to give peace, as for those strange trees that dare to attack Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are also flattened by Xiao Bing and Gao Fei.

After five or six hours, it was finally a piece of flat land with hundreds of meters of vegetation and no vegetation. Xiao Bing said, "Let's take a break."

Although Gao Fei is very hard inside the bones, but it is already a little tired at this time. After the ghost gate is closed, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei have gone for about twenty hours, even two people like this. At this moment, there was a little bit of exhaustion, so both of them sat down on the ground.

Xiao Bing took out food and water from the bag. Gao Fei said: "I am not hungry, just give me some water."

Xiao Bing threw the mineral water to a bottle of Gao Fei. After Gao Fei drank half a bottle, the other half was placed next to it and then lay down on the ground.

Xiao Bing said: "There is a smooth road here. Even if a spider climbs over, you and I can feel it. It is a rare place to rest. Now you and I have gone about twenty hours or so. Let's take a nap before, add supplemental strength, otherwise I worry that once I finally encounter something like a marching ant, then you and I don't have that kind of physical strength."

Gao Fei sighed and said: "The boss is a person who really knows how to survive in the wild."

“Oh?” Xiao Bing smiled. “How do you say that?”

"If you want to survive in the wild, many people think that as long as they have enough perseverance, they can do it. In fact, it is not only that, but in addition to having sufficient ability and ability in all aspects, we must know how to do everything possible. Add your own strength."

"Yes." Xiao Bing said, "In fact, rest is not a shameful thing. It is not a glorious thing to not rest. Sometimes the cost of life is to pay for your own life. Follow the army in an early age and later lead the dragon. The teeth, then entered the dark world, performed a variety of tasks, and the survival of the wild is really no longer a problem for me."

Both of them lay down on their heads. The two closed their eyes and completely emptied the whole person. They completely relaxed themselves. From the time of coming in, apart from physical fatigue, their spirits were always in a state of tension. Proper relaxation is also a very important thing.

And in this relaxed situation, instead of any wind and grass around them, they will be very keen to know that they do not need to intentionally capture them. This is an extremely mysterious state, as if they are sleeping with their eyes closed. At the time, everything around them was clearly seen.

The two quickly fell asleep, an hour, two hours, three hours, in the absence of danger, the two people went straight to sleep for nine hours, then the two suddenly jumped from the ground at the same time At the same time, they made a blow to the sky, and they each punched a punch, but they saw it above the air. Several vultures that were diving down with Xiao Bing and Gao Fei were directly bombarded by the power of their fists, several of them. The screams fell or there was no direct bones, and two strange screams flew away.

It turned out that when two people were asleep, it was really safe at first, but in the last hour, there were several vultures hovering in the sky or falling in the distance watching Xiao Bing and Gao Fei. When the vultures encountered humans, Generally, they don't dare to attack easily. Unless they encounter some small animals, they will attack directly. When they encounter humans or other large animals, they will choose to eat the other's corroded bodies.

However, after discovering that Gao Fei and Xiao Bing had been lying on the ground all the time, they thought that Gao Fei and Xiao Bing were already dead, so they swooped down directly toward Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, but did not expect Gao Fei. And Xiao Bing reacted at the same time, directly killed a large part of them, leaving only two emperors to escape.

Xiao Bing stretched out and laughed happily. "Comfortable, sleep well."

Gao Fei said: "We should have been in the market for more than a day?"

Xiao Bing glanced at the watch, because there is no signal here, and the phone may not have electricity when it is, so Xiao Bing also specially wore the watch to come in. Xiao Bing counted the time and said: "Yes, It’s been twenty-eight hours since we came in, which is equivalent to one day and four hours."

Gao Fei said: "I don't know how far we have to go."

Xiao Bing said: "The main thing is that we are not just going to go. If we come to the end, we still have nothing to gain? We will continue to sweep in the ghost gate. Whether it is left or right, we have to sweep around and see if there is any What is worth what we get."

They came in not to go to the end of the ghost gate, but to see if there are any rare fruits like the true fruit, or other secrets about the gods.

So even if they both come to an end, they will not leave the ghost gate immediately. According to the size of the ghost gate, they want to sweep the entire ghost gate, at least for a week or so, and that is still If it is faster, it depends on whether there are any special circumstances in the middle.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei were both sleepy, and then they took a cushion and drank two drinks, and then proceeded together.

It took about half an hour for the two people to walk again. There was a shocking ground in front of them. The footsteps of the trembles, and Xiao Bing and Gao Fei saw the appearance of four or five shadows in the distance in front. Each shadow is about four meters high. When you look closely at five black bears, these black bears are not only about four meters tall, like giant towers, but also very wide and strong, like several giant towers. .

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei glanced at each other. Xiao Bing was planning to go out. Gao Fei had already gone out first. The tone was calm: "If you give it to you, you can rely on your Tianyun Yunjian, basically a few swords. I can solve them. Although I can save a little effort, I have lost the meaning of honing myself this time and handed them over to me."

When Xiao Bing heard Gao Fei say this, he immediately stopped and sat down on his knees and said, "Give it to you!"

Goofy walked forward, Goofy's body is not short, but compared with these black bears, it is so small, like a child facing several adult big men, but Gao Fei's figure It looks so tall, like a javelin that can stand on the same pole, and the sky will poke a hole.

Gao Fei’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Even now, his use of momentum is more skillful than Xiao Bing, and even has reached the realm of freewheeling. It is like a natural thing to eat and drink. .

He is getting closer and closer to the black bears. Several black bears have seen Gao Fei even dare to approach them. They are also animals with IQ. Obviously, they all see Gao Fei’s contempt for them. All of them were angry, and the five black bears began to madly rush to the high flying. The power was even if a car came over and they collided with them and it was estimated that they would be hit!

Gao Fei’s figure quickly disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he had already hit the first black bear. He slammed, and Gao Fei only felt that the black bear was like a tank. It was wrong, even more than The strength of the tank was several times larger. Soaring the whole person was directly hit and flew backwards, but when he flew a few meters away, the black bear fell to the ground, but the position of the black bear’s heart appeared directly. A blood hole!

Gao Fei licked the blood of his arm and hands, his expression was cold, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves. He felt a little numb in his hand, and he just killed it directly despite his sudden blow. A black bear, but the body of the black bear is even harder than the rock, and with a piece of iron, the right hand that is soaring is directly numb.

The four black bears seemed to be psychic, and each looked at each other, then dispersed, showing a pocket of encirclement, and then carefully walked toward Gaofei!

Ps: Going out for a few days, going home next Monday, these days will guarantee the speed of two chapters every day, and continue to three times a day next week.


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