Super Soldier

Chapter 1528: Wicked ‘Red Bella’ (two more)

Xiao Bing saw this scene and muttered to himself: "These beasts can all produce such wisdom and show a humanized side. This is probably not the reason for the living environment. And these demon must have some Relationship, and the demon here is so strong, even with the degree of visible to the naked eye, the power of this monster is probably stronger than the gossip snake, at least it is not the gossip after the resurrection. The big snake is going to be strong. As for the gossip snake in the heyday of the mythology, who is strong and weak, this is hard to say."

The four black bears step by step like dumplings seemed to be flying toward Gao Fei. Gao Fei looked at them four, his face was cold, his eyes were as cold as ever, and he secretly thought that the four black bears would not come out at random. The opponents, but the black bear's defense is too abnormal, high flying kills one, there will be a pause, and then will give other black bears a chance.

Moreover, it can be seen that these black bears are much more powerful than the animals they have encountered before, so although Gao Fei has reached the realm of half-step saints, it will not be big, and the four black bears are not completely Gao Fei has already started first, and the first step is to rush to the rightmost black bear. The two big bears of this black bear are directly shot toward Gao Fei, even if it is a car in front of the black bear at this moment. It is also a slap in the face of a black bear to give a relaxed shot. His bear's paw is such a terrible force!

However, Gao Fei suddenly disappeared. The next second appeared behind the black bear. His eyes were cold. Generally, this level of masters might choose to win positively, but Gao Fei did not want to. For Gao Fei, he wanted It is more important to decide **** the other party more easily.

With a bang, Gao Fei took a palm on the back of the black bear. This palm was shot on the back of the black bear. It was a metal collision. Gao Fei snorted and temporarily added strength and a bang. The black bear's head was directly smashed and directly fell to the ground.

Gao Fei’s cold road: “There are three left.”

Gao Fei continued to rush up. At this time, the eyes of the other three black bears showed a bit of fear, and as a result, their movements were slightly slow, but they were caught by Gao Fei. A little bit of flaws, Xiao Bing has been watching from the side, found that Gao Fei will never fight with his weaknesses and their strengths, but also will not fight with the strengths and strengths of the other side, but choose their own strengths To deal with the weakness of the other side, and he seems to be so murder all the year round, so always find each other's flaws like a reflex, and then immediately issued a fatal blow, without hesitation.

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but secretly nodded, feeling self-talking: "I am a warrior, but Gao Fei is not, he is really a natural killing machine!"

Xiao Bing has never seen such a person like Gao Fei since he was a child. He has never seen a person who has applied the skill of killing to such a superb level. It is simply ridiculous.

Soon, all the black bears have been solved by Gao Fei. Xiao Bing walked over and looked at the bodies of the black bears lying on the ground and looked at Xiao Bing. He smiled and said: "To you. It is very easy."

Gao Fei said faintly: "Everyone in this world is flawed, not to mention these animals. The defensive power of these black bears can be compared to the early stage of the second realm of King Kong's not bad body, and their Power can also kill the masters of strength. It can be said that the strength of any black bear can compete with the strong players who break the void level. Even the toughness of the body may not be able to match them even if they are strong. But their bulky figure is their weakness!"

Gao Fei’s voice just fell, and the front did not know where a sudden sound came from, a sound that sounded sharp, crazy, excited, and hateful. The voice was sharp and high, and shouted wildly: “Human... ...for so many years, even the people have come!"

Xiao Bing’s pupil shrinks slightly, and this sound actually causes space to tremble. This strength is not even under the saint!

Gao Fei’s face is also dignified. According to the realm of strength, Gao Fei has not yet reached the saint, so he is the weakest one. If he faces the monster, he must go all out. Only then.

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said: "Let's go, I will attack you in a while, you will cooperate with me."

Gao Fei did not refuse. Although he has always been arrogant, he knows that sometimes it is not only harming himself but also his own companion.

The two men continued to move forward. The demon in front was thicker and thicker. The demon was already in the essence. When facing the gossip snake, Xiao Bing had never encountered such a situation. Of course, this is more Probably because the monsters in it have been blocked in this space, only a very small part of the enchantment has entered the dead forest, and most of them are in the enchantment, so the last It will accumulate such a strong, it does not mean that its realm is above the gossip.

However, its current strength is definitely more than the gossip snake that Xiao Bing encountered in the beginning. This Xiao Bing is absolutely certain!

Although the demon gas is getting more and more heavy, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei have no troubles any more. No beast continues to attack Xiao Bing and Gao Fei. Even the beasts can't be seen all the way. I am afraid because The monster is too powerful, and the beasts are afraid to approach the monster.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei actually went again for more than an hour, and the shadow of the monster was gradually appearing in front.

The shadow is very large, and it seems to be seven or eight meters high. It seems to be a dinosaur.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are getting closer and closer, and gradually they finally see the true face of this monster, but they see a dinosaur with three big heads, and the dinosaur has large wings on its back. It seems that it is flying!

Xiao Bing’s heart sinks. The most troublesome encounter here is the flying beast. Because Xiao Bing can’t fly here, although he can jump up, he will fall to the ground very quickly after jumping. The ability to stagnate inside is completely unusable here.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei and the monster stopped at a position of thirty or forty meters. Even if they kept thirty or forty meters away, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei could not help but stare at each other with vigilance.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you Dongdong? Dinosaurs? Didn't your dinosaurs have been extinct more than 6,000 years ago?"

That's right, this monster looks exactly the same as a dinosaur. It's no wonder that Xiao Bing first determined that he was a dinosaur.

The three dinosaurs of the dinosaurs looked at Xiao Bing and Gao Fei with their big eyes, and said: "I originally intended to swallow you in one bite, but the three of you are very interesting. The most important thing is that it has not been for many years. The humanoid toys like you are coming in, and the demon holy will accompany you to say a few more words."

"Oh, are you a demon?" Xiao Bing finally knows the specific strength of the other party. The so-called demon saint is a monster with the same strength as the saint among the monsters.

"Yes, I am the Red Bella of the demon level!"

Xiao Bing asked: "You are also a monster that survived the mythology?"

This monster looks at Xiao Bing like a monster. Yes, it is a monster, but it looks like a monster looking at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing is a little bit forced, what kind of look is this, does it think I am an idiot? Xiao Bing feels a little speechless.

Red Bella said: "Do you think that the life of the monster family can support it for thousands of years? I can't think of the current idiots, oh, but how can this world be ruled by such a stupid race? It is simply Shame, shame!"

Xiao Bing is speechless, and Gao Fei is also speechless, but Red Bella is also good. The monsters should not be able to live to the present era, but this can’t blame Xiao Bing’s judgment. It’s because Before Xiao Bing, he encountered several monsters that have lived from the mythological era to the present, gossip snakes, chisels, and vegetarians. They all lived from the mythology to the present.

However, the monsters that Xiao Bing encountered before also have a unified similarity, that is, they were seriously injured in the fainting of the mythological era, and they have been sleeping for thousands of years, that is to say, in these thousands of years It was spent in a coma and sleep. It may be very slow for their monsters to sleep for a long time.

Some people may think that if the life disappears in the sleep, it will be slower, then they will not sleep well, but the account is not so calculated. On the one hand, it is not the same as it is normal sleep. It is like a human being, even if you are lying on the bed, you may sleep for ten or eight hours and you can't sleep anymore. The sleep of the monster may be better than that of human beings, but it is also limited.

On the other hand, if you keep sleeping, this can slow down the passage of life, but even if you live for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, the results are all spent in your sleep, what is the point?

So in theory, the monster can not survive for so many years, those few are just an exception.

Xiao Bing curiously said: "If you are not sealed here in the mythical era, then you were sealed here in the later period?"

The beast red Bella is cold and shouted: "You guys? It's so funny, can the humans in the district seal the strong and great ancestors of our monsters? The Terran, but the ants!"

The beast looked at Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, and the eyes sparkled with disdain and banter.


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