Super Soldier

Chapter 1534: Search for baby

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There are so many responsible guardians, it looks like a baby inside."

"Isn't it baby, it's not what you can do, human." A gorilla headed by him spoke up. ”

Even if Xiao Bing has more knowledge, he can't help but ask: "Can you talk?"

This orangutan king is about three meters high. Like a giant tower, the other orangutans are probably more than two meters long, so he seems to stand out from the crowd.

And the difference is that in addition to the scarlet and brutal light in other gorilla eyes, there is no longer any emotion, and the orangutan king is different. The orangutan’s eyes are deeper. There are more emotions inside.

After listening to Xiao Bing’s words, the orangutan Wang said coldly: “Human, here is the land of my lord Ouba. The things inside are guarded by me. It’s not that you can smash. Go away quickly, otherwise I will let the family People will eat you together!"

Xiao Bing hesitated a little, he was not afraid of these gorillas, these gorillas would not bring too much threat to Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing was never a robber who was arrogant, nor was that kind of Indiscriminately killing innocent people, usually Xiao Bing is the first person to deal with himself when killing, or the other is a heinous generation, so facing these orangutans, although they are not human, but there are some human Emotion, so Xiao Bing can't do it.

When the orangutan Wang saw Xiao Bing, he began to hesitate, thinking that Xiao Bing was afraid, so he said cruelly: "There were people who broke into us a few decades ago, and several of them were eaten by other wolves. There are a few rivers that have been feared and turned into bone scum, and the last two are broken into me."

Xiao Bing knows that the wolf he said should be the white wolves, and the river of fear should be the river that can instantly erode any life.

"The two remaining races are a man and a woman. After breaking into us, unlike you, they were killed by me and my fellows. The man of the race was given by me and my companions. It happened that the body of the women of your Terran is too weak. I just met me and my three companions died."

The orangutan Wang intended to scare Xiao Bing, but he did not expect his words to be finished. Xiao Bing changed his mind. The celestial clouds were squirted, and the sacred breath immediately made the orangutans squint one by one, even A few have been smashed down, the animals are born with fear of higher levels, just as most humans will fear God and call God a god, they are the same, whether it is Protoss, Mozu The monsters are the objects they fear, and the artifacts are called artifacts. It is because of the power of the gods, which is the power of God level that can be used at the level of God!

So this fear is from the heart, they just kneel down, Xiao Bing has already rushed into front of the orangutan, the Jianguang is constantly flashing, these orangutans fall one after another on the ground, they face to kill them Xiao Bing did not dare to give birth to any sense of resistance, one after another was slaughtered on the ground.

In the end, there was only one of the orangutans, and Xiao Bing slowly walked over to the stunned orangutan king. It was not Xiao Bing’s mercy for him, mainly because Xiao Bing found that other orangutans had pure killings in their eyes. Later, after feeling the power of the artifacts, they only had pure fear. Although they were also animals with IQ, they were far from the extent of the orangutan king. The orangutan king is still a gorilla in appearance. It has reached the level of humanity.

In the eyes of the orangutan, the color of fear is also revealed. He clearly remembers that a man and a woman broke into here a few decades ago. His strength is similar to that of him. However, because the man and the woman were injured, they were killed. As a result, the strength of this person today is so terrible. The most terrible thing is his artifact. The power above is to make your soul feel fearful.

Xiao Bing looked at him and smiled and said: "Yes, you can try it and see if you can kill me."

"I... I am joking. I actually admire you human beings. Human beings are friends of our orangutans."

Looking at the attitude of this orangutan king changed so fast, Xiao Bing felt a little bit of a smile, but his face was a face and said: "I ask you, you answer, you can answer more."

"Yes, yes." The orangutan Wang promised.

Xiao Bing asked: "When was the last time someone came in from outside?"

"This... probably more than twenty years ago, we live here every day, repeating the day, the time is not so clear."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing asked, "What strength is the man and woman killed by you?"

"I heard the two people said that they said that they are a realm of enthusiasm. I don't know how powerful it is."

Xiao Bing said: "I understand, with these gorillas, the two savvy masters are certainly not able to beat you, I am afraid you are also very difficult to kill them?"

The orangutan said: "I just said that both of them are injured. In fact, even if we don't kill them, in this place, according to their strength, they will die sooner or later. It is absolutely impossible to go out alive. of."

Xiao Bing said: "Well, I understand, then I will ask you again, why are the two people killed by you, and because they are licking the baby inside?"

"" said the orangutan king. "The **** inside is only two hundred years old. When I was mature, I was not born yet. When the two came over, the fruit was still very green. I haven't given off the sweet smell yet, so the two people don't know that there is fruit inside."

Xiao Bing asked: "Why are you killing them?"

The orangutan king hesitated and secretly looked at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing’s cold voice: “Say!”

"Yes... is..." said the orangutan king. "Our orangutans are also attached to the powerful pterosaurs here. We knew that outsiders were here, so we thought about killing them and going to the pterosaurs to ask for merit. If you want to mix well here and want to have a status, you must please the pterosaur king. Even the gods here, we are only guardians, we can mature ten fruits in 200 years, our orangutans It can be divided into two, and the other eight will be taken away by the pterosaur king. It is estimated that the pterosaur king is coming soon, and the fruit should be cooked in these two days."

Xiao Bing snorted and his face was calm. The orangutan Wang wanted to see the color of fear in Xiao Bing’s face. He deliberately wanted to use the pterosaur king to scare Xiao Bing. Of course, he said that he is also true, but he also wants to use it. The reputation of the pterosaur king scared Xiao Bing away, but did not expect the result to disappoint him. Xiao Bing’s face was as calm as ever.

The orangutan Wang cautiously continued: "You may not know that the strength of our pterosaurs here is as powerful as the gods. Our orangutans have circulated stories about the pterosaurs. The world has no idea how many years have existed. The life of the world can come in, but we can't go out, but those who come in will never be the opponents of the pterosaurs. They are like the masters here. Even the strong life outside can't be the pterosaurs. Opponent."

The orangutan Wang Xiaosheng said: "The pterosaur king will come these two days, the respected human strong, I think it is better to leave immediately, otherwise you will not be his opponent even if you are strong."

On the surface, the orangutan is kindly persuaded. What I think in my heart is that if you meet with the pterosaur king, the pterosaur king will not kill you. It will definitely avenge our orangutans, but you are too dangerous. I will first It is better if you send it away.

Xiao Bing said: "Oh, let's not say your pterosaur king anymore. He has been killed by me. Oh, yes, there are two other pterosaurs besides the pterosaurs, which have already been killed by me. ”

The orangutan widened his eyes and exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Why is this impossible? The pterosaurs have three heads in total, and each can spurt out the fire. I am right."

The Orangutan King finally completely confirmed that if Xiao Bing had not seen the Wing Dragon King, he would not say so clearly, but if he had seen the Wing Dragon King, the Wing Dragon King would definitely want to kill him. Now the Terran is still alive. That means the pterosaur king is likely to die.

Even if Xiao Bing is so powerful, he never thought that this human race could kill the great pterosaur king. The orangutan king showed more fear and no longer dared to play any tricks with Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing wanted This is such an effect.

Xiao Bing said: "You said that the fruit inside is called God Fruit?"

"Yes, we gave it the name ourselves, because I heard that the fruit contains very powerful power. Even the reason why our bloodline gene has evolved to the present level, and even opened up intelligence, because of this fruit." The orangutan king said, "And I can achieve it today because I have been smelling the fruit for a long time. If one day I get the ripe fruit that I have given to me, I will eat it myself. I am afraid it is not just now. This level will become even stronger, and the generations of our orangutans have been rewarded with fruit."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "I understand, OK, your mission is complete."

The orangutan sighed and said, "Can you let me go?"

Xiao Bing and a sword were drawn out. This orangutan king completely disappeared from the human world. Xiao Bing took the sword into the sheath. The tone was calm and said: "I only said that you can live for a while, I have already spoken and counted, as for killing. Killing you, it’s in my heart."

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