Super Soldier

Chapter 1535: Is Xiao Bing still alive?

Xiao Bing killed the cockroaches that blocked the road, and went all the way along the taste. This time it was all the way through, and finally found a fruit tree in the forest. The tree has a total of ten fruits. The fruit is very bright. The variety that Xiao Bing has never seen before, exudes a very attractive taste.

Whether it is from the appearance or the smell from the fruit, it is enough for anyone to look at it, even if Xiao Bing can't help but swallow two saliva, and then turn back without hesitation.

Since it has existed for so many years, it is not afraid that the fruit will be evacuated in such a short period of time, so Xiao Bing quickly followed the road back to the place agreed with Gao Fei.

Xiao Bing sat there for about ten minutes. Gao Fei also returned from the opposite direction. And Gao Fei’s appearance was still harvested. Compared with just now, there was a bamboo slip in his hand.

Seeing that Gao Fei is back, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What is inside your hand?"

"I don't know much about the above text, but it was seen in a cave. In addition to this, there is a sharp dagger inside." Gao Fei pulled out a dark dagger from the cuff, said? "This dagger is a spirit that can be cut into iron."

Xiao Bing surprised: "This is so good, it is really an extra surprise. How can there be this in the cave? Is it because someone came in and lived in the cave?"

"It seems probably that in addition to this dagger, there is a body that has already become a pile of white bones in the cave. It looks like a person."

Xiao Bing sighed and took the bamboo slip from Gao Fei’s hand. The bamboo slip used above was actually the ancient text. Fortunately, Xiao Bing as a special person of the country has been involved in all aspects, so in addition to it. A few of the uncommon words are not known, and most of the rest can read one or two. Soon Xiao Bing understands what is going on.

It turned out that in the era of the gods and devils, there were two outstanding children of the two gods and the devils who met on the battlefield. As a result, the male and female demons were all seriously injured, just as they fell from a mountain. Near the Ghost Gate, they then found a ghost gate with various fruits and wild animals to repair.

These two people were originally born with deadly enemies. As a result, they couldn’t take each other with each other. I didn’t expect to have feelings during the rehabilitative period, and even a relationship happened.

Later, this **** and a demon did not break the fate, and agreed to leave their own traces in the ghost gate. The Mozu man left the Yuraku grass, and the Protoss woman left the seed of a **** fruit. The cultivating soul grass that Xiao Bing and Gao Fei saw before was planted by the Mozu men. Later, the apes that they saw themselves were guarded by the gods of the Protoss.

After reading all the Xiao Bing, he immediately said the contents of the bamboo slip to Gao Fei to listen, and then said: "According to the latter, the bamboo slipper is the descendant of the protoss woman, she is also the devil man. The descendants of the birth. After the relationship between the Protoss and the Mozu men, they knew that they were not possible, so they cut off their feelings and went back, but did not think that the Protoss woman was pregnant."

Gao Fei said: "It is very difficult for a Protoss woman to conceive a child of a Mozu."

“Yes.” Xiao Bing sighed and said, “So the Protoss woman was chased and killed by her own people. Finally, she escaped with the child who was born soon, and hid in the human race. Later, the gods and the demons were sealed. The Mozu man did not die, but was sealed with the other Mozu people in the enchantment. The **** Yuanguo and Yushengcao here witnessed the crystallization of their love, and did not know how many years passed. A generation of descendants of the Protoss woman, because of the identity of the descendants of the demon family, was not allowed to be in the world, so they came to this ghost gate, and wanted to get the gods and souls to enhance their strength and deal with the outside world. The Terran pursued him."

"Unfortunately, he is still dead after all. He was seriously injured here. He knew that there was no hope of living. So he wrote his experience and his ancestors' experience on the bamboo slip, and then died silently in the cave. ”

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said: "I just saw the **** Yuan Guo."

So Xiao Bing told Gao Fei what he had just seen. After Gao Fei listened, he was excited. "The Soul Grass is used to nourish and enhance the spirit. The **** Yuan is used to enhance the power. They can complement each other, and these two things are not common even in mythology. It can be seen that the two people at that time should have a high status in their respective families, so they can have such seeds. After the end of the mythology, the world's aura and soil can not be compared with the same year, these two things are even more rare, this time we are really a great harvest."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can tell you so many words at a time. It is obvious that our harvest this time is really great. Well, we will go to harvest the **** Yuanguo now, and then continue to turn it in this ghost gate. A few days, see if there are other gains!"

"Good!" It's no wonder that Gao Fei is so excited. According to Gao Fei's current realm of strength, once he takes Shen Yuanguo, this time his realm will soon reach the saint.

Xiao Bing took Gao Fei to find the **** Yuan fruit. After Gao Fei’s identification, it was true, and it was also the top product in the **** Yuan fruit. It is rare in the world, but according to Gao Fei’s judgment, the fruit still needs three days. Only then can we really mature. In order to avoid the abandonment of the past, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei decided to guard the fruit tree for three days. They have not gone anywhere in these three days. This trip will have to be delayed for a few days, but Compared with this harvest, it is worth it.

When Xiao Bing and Gao Fei were full in the Ghost Gate, the outside world had begun to flow under the sneak peek. Xiao Bing had provoked too many enemies before, especially those Guwumen who hated Xiao Bing. To die, because of Xiao Bing's sake, the strength of the Guwu Eight Gates has been reduced by about half. Because of Xiao Bing's sake, the collusion between Kun and Xu Shao was completely defeated.

So now the eight major sects in the Guwumen school are better to say that there are national and Dingwu offices staring at them. Because of their strength, they have suffered too many losses in front of Xiao Bing, so even Kunlun is from China. They don't dare to act rashly.

However, Kunlun is not necessarily there. Therefore, the Ministry of National Security has sent many people to secretly monitor Kunlun. At the same time, it has sent some people to secretly protect the house of Xiao Bing. Now it is different from the original. They used to be completely ordered. Protection is equivalent to completing a task. Now Xiao Bing is the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security. They are equivalent to protecting the families of leading adults. Naturally, they must be more dedicated.

But what everyone didn't think was that the Kunlun faction never showed the intention to start with the people around Xiao Bing. Everything was calm and calm. Even many outsiders who planned to watch the show felt a bit boring. It is weird.

Kunlun is different from other sects. The Kunlun faction has always belonged to an extremely overbearing martial art. It has been said to be one of the most important in the martial arts. It is also extremely overbearing to do things. It is often even slap in the face of a political situation, such as the existence of Kunlun, which was just in Xiaobing. The hand has eaten such a big dark loss, how could it be so stopped?

The days when Xiao Bing entered the Ghost Gate have become farther and farther. In the blink of an eye, ten days have elapsed. The outside world has more and more voices saying that Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are dead in the ghost gate. No way, Xiao Bing The thing is that there are too many people and too many countries are paying attention. Now almost all of the world has determined that Xiao Bing is the first martial artist of China's future, and is the guardian of China's future, so some people are looking forward to Xiao. In the soldiers, some people are looking forward to the death of Xiao Bing. The attention of all national security departments is concentrated on Xiao Bing.

Under the circumstances of this concern, Xiao Bing did not come out for ten days. The news of Xiao Bing’s death is naturally spread throughout the world.

In the Ye's group, Ye Xiaoxi and Su Xiaoxiao came home from work together, Ye Xiaoxi drove, Su Xiaoxiao sat in the position of co-pilot, Su Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Xiaoxi's face and sighed and said: "Leaves, you The mood doesn't look too good, the care is chaotic, you still don't come to work these days, rest at home for a few days?"

The leaves shook their heads and said with a little exhaustion: "Now everyone is saying that Xiao Brother will not come back from the ghost gate. Even the top business people in China have already spread the news. I know that he must not. There will be things, good people don’t live long, bad people live for a thousand years, how can a big bad guy like him die? He will be alive and will return home safely, but those who say these things can be true. hate."

Su Xiaoxiao sighed and said: "The leaves, in fact, these are also what you want to listen to, otherwise those people can not say this in front of you, how can you know? We all have confidence in Xiao Bing's brother. But we all care about him. If we care about him like this, how can we not worry about him, how can we not think about it. But your work has been so hard, and you have to face so much pressure every day. If you still think about it every day, if you are ill, wait until Xiao Bing's brother returns, he will feel bad."

The leaves looked at Su Xiaoxiao and said, "You still said me, you don't know if you secretly shed tears in the room last night?"

Su Xiaoxiao heard the leaves say her heart, biting her lip slightly, and her eyes were a little worried.

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