Super Soldier

Chapter 1545: Golden Ocean (one more)

Xiao Bing killed the five red cardinals of the Holy See, and killed eight countries. This battle was immediately spread all over the world. The country was frightened, the Holy See was angry, and the Chinese was pleasantly surprised. All countries in the world lost their voices!

In addition, Xiao Bing's reputation in the dark world is even more like the sky. In the past, there were still three words that were not convinced by the dragon son. This time, they all worshiped and sighed.

As for the ancient Wumen faction, they were all shocked. Especially in the ancient martial arts, the eight martial arts were even more fortunate. Before Kunlun had secretly challenged the eight sects, the eight sects did not move. Otherwise, this time not only died. It’s only the people of the Holy See and the R countries, and their eight sects can’t ask for it.

In particular, they also learned that the Holy See had dispatched ten cardinals in total, and even used the angelic scepter of one of the three great artifacts of the Holy See. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable to say that they are enough to send their eight sects from this. The world has been wiped out, but the result has not been able to fix a Xiaobing. Even the **** of the ninja, who is deeply hidden in the r country, is still dead. Several of them are dead, and the ten bishops sent by the Holy See are also half dead. Now It seems that the strength of Xiao Bing alone is enough to push the eight ancient Wumen sects of Huaxia. Even if the Dingwu office is only one person, Xiao Bing, the Guwu Eight sects will no longer dare to let go.

However, in addition to the fear of Xiao Bing's strength, Xiao Bing's heavy news has spread throughout the world, and many of the strengths that have been suppressed by Xiao Bing this time are really stupid.

Xiao Bing has been lying in the operating room for more than four hours. Gao Fei’s body has already been bandaged. At this time, he sat calmly on the bench outside. Xiao Bing’s injury is probably already clear, and his heart is also very Shocked Xiao Bing's injury weight, for other people I am afraid that it has already been hung up at this time, it is impossible to have the opportunity to come to the operating room to rescue.

However, Gao Fei's temper is calm, although the heart is very anxious, but the appearance looks calm.

During this period, the poisonous fox once called to ask Xiao Bing's injury. In addition to the ear, the poisonous fox was responsible for Xiao Bing's intelligence system on the bright side, so other people in Xiaofu still don't know the news, but the poisonous fox I already knew it. He deliberately concealed the other people in Xiaofu. He called and asked for it.

Gao Fei knows that the poisonous fox has always been Xiao Bing's right arm and has always helped Xiao Bing to make suggestions. So the situation is explained. The poisonous fox listened very carefully. After listening to it, he entrusted Gao Fei to take care of Xiao Bing, and then Hang up the phone.

In addition to Xiao Bing in the corridor, the amnesty of several military districts are also waiting anxiously in the corridor. The identity of Xiao Bing is extraordinary. I will not mention the status of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Security. The name is enough for these big sisters to wait here. The Chinese soldiers almost all regard Xiao Bing as an idol. For so many years, Xiao Bing is the only man who has won the world's special forces king!

"Xiao Xiao does not know how to do it inside," said Zhang Zhihua, director of the military region.

"Hey, who knows, I heard that this time can not hurt." This is the deputy commander of the military region Zhou Qishan.

"Yeah." Commander of the Military Region Gao De said, "We have already let the best doctors in the hospital come over. The rest of the matter depends on Xiao Bing’s own life. We have no choice but to be resigned. But I I believe that Minister Xiao can do it. Don't forget who he is. He is the world's special commander. Even the most powerful special forces in foreign countries can't beat him. Will he fall down easily?"

"that's right."

"That's right, the high commander is right."

These people comforted each other, and there was still some anxiety in their hearts. On the one hand, they received orders from their superiors to rush over, but the result was still late. This time, Xiao Bing was seriously injured and they were all responsible.

On the other hand, they themselves do not want Xiao Bing to have an accident. They themselves have always admired Xiao Bing.

Several people were comforting each other. Suddenly a footstep came over. They turned their heads to look at it, but they saw that the Minister of Defense and the Minister of the Ministry of National Security came together. These people were all stunned.

High Commander hurriedly brought people to the past. The old minister of the National Security Department did not talk nonsense. He asked directly: "How is the injury of the stinky boy?"

He and Xiao Bing's feelings are different from other people, so they are not welcome after coming over, Zhangkou directly asks.

Commander Gao sighed and said: "The injury is serious, I think you have all seen it. Now the best doctor here is undergoing surgery. We have been here for four hours. This time is our fault, we are rushing It’s too late to go.”

The Minister of National Defense said: "This does not blame you. It is a sudden incident. Your speed is already fast enough. Unfortunately, you can only listen to your fate now."

Xiao Bing is still in a serious coma at this moment, but in fact he has his own consciousness, but his consciousness is not to feel the outside of his body, but to see everything inside his body, when he Although insisted, but after all, because the body injury is too heavy, so the head was faint, only fell.

Now he can clearly see all the changes in his body, but he is completely ignorant of the outside world. Even others are not clear about their own operations.

Xiao Bing clearly saw that every cell in his body was re-splitting and reorganizing. At the same time, the power inside the body was changing as always. In the past, the power in Xiao Bing’s body was a Yangtze River, now in the body. It is still a Yangtze River. What really changes is not the change in quantity, but the change in quality.

Xiao Bing watched the power in his body still changing constantly. This kind of power was even stunned by Xiao Bing himself. Xiao Bing knew that all this must be because of the golden power that emerged from his own Dan Tian, ​​and Xiao. The soldiers can feel that the golden power is just a part of it, and even half of it has not been reached. Even so, the power of Xiao Bing’s power in the body has to be doubled at least, and this change is simply ridiculous.

The golden power in the depths of Dantian is so powerful, what is it? Xiao Bing’s heart was hard to hide, and his consciousness began to wander in the long river of the body, and struggling to swim to the Dantian position.

After the consciousness crossed the long river and reached the edge of Dantian's interior, Xiao Bing felt that a powerful force had closed the Dantian place. Even if his consciousness wanted to cross the past, it was still very difficult. Xiao Bing struggled to send out infinity. Endless power, tough through this barrier, broke through the edge of the interior of Dantian, and then saw the endless glare of the golden ocean.

This power is so sacred, it is such awkwardness, but it is Xiaobing’s current inability to withstand it. That force has caused Xiao Bing’s heart to almost blast, and Xiao Bing just stayed for a second or two. With a scream, consciousness returned to the brain and opened his eyes.

The attending physician wiped the sweat and said to the side: "The operation is successful and can be sent to the intensive care unit. Let's observe some days first."

A nurse next to him suddenly surprised: "He woke up, and he woke up so quickly!"

This attending doctor seems to be very surprised, some can't believe it, but everything in the hospital will happen, and waking is not a recovery, although the surprise is not too unbelievable, so the attending physician did not say anything, Just let people push the bed out of the operating room.

Xiao Bing is lying on the bed, the consciousness is very clear, but the body is extremely weak, even weak enough to want to talk, but his eyes can see everything around him, he even finds that he is now more sensitive than before. However, his eyes can even see many of the dust molecules in the air, those things that are not visible to the naked eye but can only be seen with a magnifying glass, he can see!

This feeling is too subtle. Xiao Bing saw a small ant crawling across the opposite wall. Xiao Bing can see the tiny fine hair on the ants' six legs. He can see the developed upper jaw and can see it on the body. Everything that is very detailed and detailed is just like zooming in and seeing a person. You can see the oil stains on the person's face, but it is incredible.

Xiao Bing sighed with a slight sigh of relief, and with a smile in his eyes, with his current spiritual strength, he could even directly attack the saint with a spiritual attack in an unexpected situation, even if he faced the strongman in the middle of the saint. You can also use a mental attack to hurt each other. This is a very important weapon.

Speaking of yourself, I would like to thank Han Huabin for being able to have enough cards. If it is not Han Huabin, even if his mental strength is stronger, there will not be so many means of mental assault.

Xiao Bing heard that the old class kept asking if he had anything. Xiao Bing turned his eyes and thought that Lao Tzu is so weak now. How can you answer you?

Gao Fei silently walked beside him, his face was as calm as ever. After seeing Gao Fei, Xiao Bingxin was completely relieved, although he said that he was always confident in Gao Fei, but the **** of ninja After all, it is not a good deal to deal with, especially Gao Fei also let the **** of the ninja enter the forest one step at a time. It is simply asking yourself for trouble. In other words, Xiao Bing is likely to be injured, and Gao Fei is still alive, then it is proved. This battle is flying high!

It seems that Gao Fei’s hand does have too many cards that he does not know. His strength is definitely not what he sees on the surface.

At the moment when Xiao Bing was pushed into the ward, Jiang Ziying was tempered in his own room!

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