Super Soldier

Chapter 1546: Jiang Ziying's provocation (two more)

Jiang Ziying slammed the vase in his room to the ground. No one wanted to get such a temperamental girl who would have such a big temper, even she could not imagine.

Ovkar's face was gloomy and a bit annoyed. After Jiang Ziying's temper, Ovkar said: "Zi Ying, this thing is indeed beyond my expectations. Xiao Bing's strength is not in my Expected."

Jiang Ziying looked at Ovkar, and he said with some anger: "I have already said that he is strong and strong. He is the strongest man in the world, but you will never believe it, but you look at it. Now he has already It was picked up by the military, and such a rare opportunity, you missed it directly."

Ovkar frowned slightly and said: "This time directly sacrificed five cardinals, each cardinal in the Holy See is a high weight, sacrificing any one is a huge loss, ten years, we The red cardinal of the Holy See did not sacrifice so many people. This time the loss was worth the loss of ten years, and everything was caused by me. My father was angry and reprimanded me directly. ”

Jiang Ziying looked at Ovkar and asked: "Is this mysterious to blame me?"

I don't know what kind of means Jiang Ziying used. Although Ovkar felt a bit indignant, it quickly became soft under Jiang Ziying's gaze.

Ovkar sighed and said: "Now you have no idea how to lose your temper. No one wants anything. I have a huge loss here. It seems that this Xiao Bing is really bad, the top ten cardinals. Adding so much toughness is not his opponent, no wonder it can be dominated in the dark world. This matter has come to an end for a while, I don't know why you hate him so much, but this is the end of the matter, we have no other way. ""

Jiang Ziying looked at Ovkar, and her face, which was intended to lose her temper, also eased. She also knew that although she used the means to catch Ovkar, Ovkar was the son of the Pope, and it was still the heaven. Pride, always have a face, everything is too far, so Jiang Ziying's tone has also eased a lot, softly said: "His Royal Ovkar, Ziying knows that this thing is difficult for you, but also let you in the Pope It’s hard to tell that, and Ziying is here to say sorry to you.”

When I heard Jiang Ziying apologize, even if Ovkar had any grievances and anger in his heart, he immediately turned into nothing at all. He immediately said generously: "It doesn't matter, things are gone, no need to think again. More Moreover, that is my father, what can I do with me? At most, I said a few words. Fortunately, this time I did not sacrifice Doug and Grasse, and the scepter was not lost. Otherwise, I am afraid that even if I am the Pope. The son is also hard to blame."

Jiang Ziying sighed a sigh: "It is reasonable to say that you should not continue to persuade you at this time, but His Highness Ovkar, you think about how serious this time Xiaobing is hurt, if he does not die this time, Will he put hatred on your Holy See, and according to Xiao Bing’s temper, I am afraid he will not endure, and maybe he will directly kill the Holy See."

Ovkar proudly said: "The depth of our Holy See is so deep, even if he is so strong and how, I am afraid it is difficult to directly compete with our entire Holy See."

Jiang Ziying said: "What you said is, but are all the people in your Holy See getting together every day? Is it necessary for Xiao Bing to fight everyone down?"

Ofkar's face changed slightly.

Jiang Ziying continued to say: "How much is this Xiao Bing's temper, you should be clear. He used to scream in the country before, and later screamed in the country, which is vividly in sight. Can you think of it?"

Ovkar sank and slowly walked.

Jiang Ziying knew that Ovkar had already figured out the key. She hurriedly hit the railway: "His Royal Highness, you think about it carefully, you will have a battle between you sooner or later, even though you have sinned for me." Bing, but we don't think about it, think about the established facts. If you don't kill him, he will deal with your Holy See sooner or later, and if you want to kill him, is there a better chance than now?"

Ovkar’s eyes lit up and muttered: “You’re right, now he’s been seriously injured, and life and death are not clear. It’s really the best time to kill him.”

Jiang Ziying’s mouth showed a smile.

Ovkar turned his head and looked at Jiang Ziying, then asked: "You hate him so much?"

Jiang Ziying sighed and said: "He is a knot in my heart. In fact, your people are very good. I also like you very much, but if this knot is not extinguished, I will never be able to convince. I am your own woman!"

This is the second straw that Jiang Ziying pressed on Ovkar. Ovkar nodded and said: "Well, you are convincing me, this thing is so determined, according to what you said, Let him be sick, ask for his life!"

Gao Fei was lying in the room. The commander of the military area and the two ministers were sitting in the ward. Gao Fei was also in the ward. Several people were chatting. Xiao Bing was finally able to speak and speak, although the voice was still weak. But finally I can say: "You can rest assured... I am fine."

The old class excitedly said: "Can you talk? Great! This time you are really scaring us. The next time you can't take such an adventure, it's just killing!"

Xiao Bing’s mouth twitched, but he smiled bitterly: “This is not a blame for me. It’s not that I messed up with them. They came over to assassinate me... Goofy, it’s great that you’re fine.”

Gao Fei said calmly: "I have said it long ago, I will kill him. He thought he was the **** of ninja, the king of assassination, but he did not know that I was more proficient in assassination than him, because I am proficient in human psychology. ”

It turned out that Gao Fei had been chasing all the way. In fact, he had consumed most of the infuriating body in the body, but Gao Fei was very indifferent on the surface. The more he did, the more uneasy the **** of the ninja running in front. Because in his calculations, Gao Fei can't be chased so tightly, it's impossible to be so breathless.

At that time, the heart of the ninja, Miyazaki’s heart, had already produced flaws, and then Goofy also revealed his own cards. His strength surged in a flash, screaming at the depths of Hayao Miyazaki’s heart. He hid above.

Miyazaki should have been more cautious if he changed his usual routine, but at the time he was completely disturbed in his heart, and then stopped to subconsciously look for the whereabouts of Goofy. In fact, Hayao Miyazaki was still on the lookout. But in the end, after all, it was unguarded that Gao Fei’s blow would kill, and it was so dead.

To put it bluntly, Gao Fei’s endurance, determination, perseverance and mind are all above Miyazaki, so he won in the end. Of course, if it’s just a technique of assassination, Miyazaki may be better, but Gao Fei simply Did not give him such an opportunity, his death is indeed a bit too embarrassing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know, you said that you will not fight, but you will kill. How, I think you are injured?"

Gao Fei shook his head slightly and said: "There are no multiple injuries."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing looked at the two ministers and the commander-in-chief of the military region and said, "I have a proposal that the hospital immediately began to double guard."

The old class asked: "What do you mean? In the military hospital, there are people who dare to start with you?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Before, the Holy See and I did not have any serious hatred and hatred, so everything is still indifferent, but now I am already a vendetta between the Holy See and the Holy See. No matter from which point of view, they must I hope that I will die now, so that they can have less trouble in the future."

The old class was cold-faced and coldly said: "If they dare to start here, we will go to the Holy See."

The Secretary of Defense looked a little ugly at the side: "The Holy See's power is huge, and the most important thing is that it is located in Europe. We are afraid it is very difficult for them to do it."

The old class also knows that the Minister of Defense is right, but he is still sullen, and his heart is full of anger. Xiao Bing is growing up with him. He is like a son to Xiao Bing. What?

The defense minister sighed: "Don't think about it, Xiao Bing said it is right, we still double defense, and protect it here."

Xiao Bing said: "If the Holy See is bold, it will definitely not dare to fight directly with the Chinese army. So if you look too strict here, you will naturally retreat without fighting. Things are not so troublesome."

The old class sighed and said: "Forget it, first keep them in the Holy See, let them go. A stinky boy, you get better soon, and he will be well injured here."

"I know, old class, you also go back early, don't worry too much about me, but also tell the above, just say that my life is hard, nothing!"

“Yeah,” said the old class. “I will let the masters of the National Security Bureau come over and protect you.”

The commander of the military region also said: "I will send more troops around."

I have already arranged it, and all the people except Gao Fei have gone back.

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said: "Gofei, you don't have to stay with me here. Go back to Xiaofu early, see the army here, they don't dare to move."

"Yeah." Gao Fei looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "Are you really okay?"

"I'm really fine." Xiao Bing smiled. "And I'm not just fine, even a little good."

"Good thing?" Even Gao Fei couldn't guess what was going on in Xiao Bing's heart.

Xiao Bing smiled slightly, and the eyes suddenly flashed a pale golden light.

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