Super Soldier

Chapter 1566: The leaves are sick

Xiao Bing took Princess Anna on the famous street in Jiangcheng. It is full of unique buildings in the northern ice city. The pedestrian streets are full of fashionable young couples, and there are many special snacks.

Xiao Bing took Princess Anna with some local specialties and bought two cheap but exquisite accessories. Then Xiao Bing drove and stopped at the door of a hotel.

Princess Anna’s eyes looked a little hot and looked at Xiao Bing and asked, “How come here to stop? Isn’t it going to go home?”

"It’s still early.” Xiao Bing took a look at the time, at 9:30 in the evening. "And you don't know what the leaves are dedicated to creating the time for the tricks."

Princess Anna smiled: "In fact, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Xiao Bing stunned.

Princess Anna smiled: "It can be solved in the car."

Xiao Bing whistled and cheered, then drove straight in the direction of the house, and then stopped in the wilderness not far from home.

The car just stopped, the two people had been entangled together, they kissed each other, stroking each other, Xiao Bing down the position of the co-pilot, and then the whole person rode over and squatted directly on Princess Anna. There are fewer and fewer clothes on two people...

After more than an hour of tossing Princess Anna, Xiao Bing returned to his seat and put on his clothes. Princess Anna was also satisfied with the clothes, and looked at Xiao Bing with a burning look. "Your famous writer in your country." Zhang Ailing said a word..."

"Okay, needless to say." Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile: "I can see that you really understand the culture of China."

Princess Anna grinned: "The sentence that Miss Zhang Ailing said is still very reasonable, but it sounds very colory, and it is very bold, and it is very different from the implicitness of your Chinese people."

Xiao Bing took the Princess Anna over and then kissed him on the mouth and said, "In fact, I am also very colory and bold, and it is very different from the subtleties of the Chinese."

Princess Anna giggled: "See it."

"Let's go, let's drive home, um, it's already eleven o'clock."

Xiao Bing returned to the house with Princess Anna. The family had already arranged the residence for Princess Anna, and then Princess Anna was sleeping in her room. Xiao Bing slammed back to the room of the leaves.

The leaves slept very sweetly, and Xiao Bing quietly lay down beside the leaves and began to fall asleep with the leaves.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Bing made a dream. In the dream, he seemed to be very hot and hot. He kept taking off his clothes, and then dreamed of dreaming. Xiao Bing woke up and found that his arms were really hot and hot. Still talking nonsense, his mouth whispering his name.

Xiao Bing surprised his hand on the forehead of the leaf, and the leaf turned out to be a fever.

Xiao Bing whispered: "Leaves, leaves."

The leaves opened their eyes in confusion and looked at Xiao Bing. The voice was a little hoarse and weak. "Xiao Bing Big Brother... I... I feel a bit cold."

Xiao Bing said: "You have a fever, you are hot and hot now, I will take you to the hospital."

"I don't want to go." The leaves shook his head. "I don't have anything, I want to stare at you."

Xiao Bing has some anxious words: "Stupid hoes, have already had a fever, and said nothing. You can't go, I will first ask you for medicine, and then physically cool down. If there is not a little bit better in two hours, I I have to take you to the hospital, can't I?"

"Well, that's alright."

Xiao Bing hurried out of bed to turn on the lights, then went to the closet and found the medicine box. After half a day, I finally found out the antipyretic medicine inside. Xiao Bing took a look at the instructions, first poured a cup of warm water, then Pour out two pills and walk to the bed, but see the leaves are already asleep.

Xiao Bing gently opened the mouth of the leaf, stuffed the medicine, and then took a sip of water. The leaves sipped two drops of water and swallowed the medicine.

Xiao Bing put the water cup aside, and the heart is both distressed and anxious. It is still not felt in the weekdays. But when the leaves are sick, Xiao Bing can’t wait to replace the leaves immediately to sin, even if he sees the leaves. A little bit of suffering, Xiao Bingxin is uncomfortable in the heart, and even feels sour nose, under the universal sky, I am afraid that only the leaves alone can trigger Xiao Bing's strong emotions.

"I blame me, I blame me, you are not comfortable, I don't even know."

"Do not blame you." The eyes of the leaves did not open, and said in a confused way, "I don't know when I was sick. I felt very sleepy in the middle of the night, sleeping very heavy, faint..."

Xiao Bing sighed and knew that the leaves were actually correct. Even if he was present, it would be difficult to know that the leaves were sick. He thought that the leaves were only too tired recently, so it would be better to sleep.

However, I know that I know that self-blame is inevitable, and I feel distressed and self-blame. Xiao Bing’s heart is hurting badly. When I see the leaves stumbled and fell asleep, Xiao Bing moved the chair. Sitting next to the leaves, gently holding the small hand of the leaf in the palm of the hand, gently kissing the lips on the top, while gently kissing the little hand, said: "Leaves, you can get better soon, hurry up. Get well, don't let your husband worry too much."

The leaves slept very faintly, and the little blush fluttered. Xiao Bing thought for a moment. After a few minutes, he went to the bathroom and soaked the towel. Then he came back and opened the quilt, carefully untied the pajamas of the leaves. Open the pajamas, revealing the pink bra inside and the sleek upper body.

The body of the leaf is so slim, and the small waist of Ying Ying has a grip. Xiao Bing seems to be able to hold both at the same time, which arouses the infinite ** of Xiao Bing’s heart. Xiao Bing only feels his breath. It became a rush in the moment, and there was a heat wave in the nose.

Every day, sleeping with the leaves, Xiao Bing's heart is not without **, Xiao Bing is very love of the leaves inside, this love is not only the spiritual level, but also the physical level, both.

However, Xiao Bing’s love for the leaves is too deep and deep, so he can control himself and be willing to leave the leaves for the first time on the night of the wedding night. This is respect for the leaves, but it is more The love of the leaves.

Xiao Bing gently kissed the position of the lower abdomen of the leaf, then put the wet towel on the forehead of the leaf, and then went to the bathroom to find a towel to soak, and then started to slow down with a wet towel. Slow and gentle, wipe it over and over again. After the rubbing is almost finished, Xiao Bing went to the bathroom and washed the towel again. Then he came back and continued to wipe it. As time and again, Xiao Bing did not stop.

After more than an hour passed, the leaves suddenly stumbled and opened their eyes. Xiao Bing hurriedly asked: "Leaves, how are you feeling?"

The leaves looked at Xiao Bing in a confused way and asked: "Big bad guys, what are you doing?"

"I... I will wipe it for you, wipe your body, physically cool down, and be better and faster."

"You rest, I am fine."

"No." Xiao Bing stubbornly, you wait a minute, I went to the thermometer, you measure the body temperature.

Xiao Bing ran into the drawer and turned it up. The leaves opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Bing’s busy look. The heart felt very warm. The bite bite his lip gently, and the eyes were a little red, but The corner of the mouth is with a happy smile.

Xiao Bing, my brother, although I am sick, my body feels so uncomfortable, but I feel happy and happy in my heart. I like this kind of look that you are taking care of. I like how you feel bad about me. I am at this time. It is more true to feel how much love you in your heart, your baby leaves will always love you, and love you all your life.

Xiao Bing found out the thermometer, and then let the leaves be clipped under his armpit. He said, "It's a good sandwich. You can't let go. I see how much your body temperature is now. It's really not going to the hospital."

"Yeah." The leaves are soft and gentle. "I feel a fever, but it is much better than before."

Xiao Bing sighed: "I blame me, it must be that you are too busy at work. These days, I rushed out to see my duel. Every day I am so tossed, your body can't eat, but I can't help you share it. I This husband is too useless."

"Don't say that, you will say it again, I will feel bad."

Xiao Bing grabbed the hand of the leaf, and some excitedly said: "I am telling the truth, it is the heart of my heart. Of course, my husband is hoping that his wife is better, and that he can be stronger than others. I am happier than other people, but my husband’s heart is like this, but it has never been done. It’s not just that you have been running around, but you are also worried about me every day. I’m afraid those who are vigilant and military will not Every day, like you, I am worried about it, I am running around for the country, but you are scared for me, my husband can’t hold you."

The leaves sighed and said: "I can't understand my own man?"

"And her husband is still screaming, and he can't control himself." Xiao Bing said, "Whether it's Su Xiaoxiao, Liu Kexin, Red Rose or Anna, or Ayi Ding, I never thought about one day." I have to attract so many girls, I always hope that I can stay with you all the time, you don’t just blame me, even understand me, take the initiative to help me solve the problem, and even create opportunities for me. My husband doesn’t know What is said to be good, although the heart is moved, but more is also awkward!"

Xiao Bing said and said, his eyes are a little red, because he is moved, but because of his own blame, he has not been able to take good care of the leaves.

The leaves listened to Xiao Bing’s feelings, and the backhand gently held Xiao Bing’s hand and smiled and said: “Actually, you can say this to me, I am very contented and very moved.”

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