Super Soldier

Chapter 1567: Care for the heart (two more)

Xiao Bing softly said: "Silly girl, if you are so cheap, if it is not Xiao Brother, if you change to other people, then is it not to bully you?"

The leaves smiled and said: "You are Xiao Brother, you are not someone else. If you change to be someone else, even if you say a thousand times of sweet words to me, I won't even look at it."

Xiao Bing said: "How many degrees to look at."

The leaves took out the thermometer and glanced at it. At thirty-eight degrees, Xiao Bing said: "It's still a little fever, but it should be a little bit of a little back. When I woke up, I felt that you were at least 39 degrees. It’s really scaring me.”

The leaves spit out the tongue and said: "I am such a big person, do you still worry about me?"

Xiao Bing looked at the leaves with a serious look and said: "If you are an adult, in my eyes, it will always be my baby. It will always be a baby that I have to take care of."

"Okay, I know, I don't know what happened to you. This is how the mouth is smeared with honey this evening. Is it because I saw Anna, so I feel better? The words are beginning to be so sweet."

Xiao Bing said: "That... don't mention Anna now, just talk about you. Come, you turn over and kneel on the bed, I will wipe your back."

The leaves whispered: "No need."

"Why don't you use it, if it doesn't work, if you don't use it, you can go to the hospital for an injection, or the effect of the injection is fast, but the total injection has no resistance, but it can't be delayed..."

Xiao Bing changed his character into a mother. The mother-in-law started to get up, and the mouth was lingering, and the leaves were lying on the bed with a touch of smile on her face.

Tossing to the early morning, the high fever of the leaves finally retreated, but the fever did not completely subside. It just changed from a high fever to a low-grade fever. The face of the red leaves gradually turned into a normal color, and probably because of physical weakness. So I still fell asleep in bed.

Xiao Bing sat in the chair, covered the leaves with quilts, and held the small hands of the leaves, watching the leaves quietly.

An hour passed, two hours, three hours... It was dawn, Xia Hongyin knocked at the door and called Xiao Bing and the leaves to go out to eat. Xiao Bing quietly opened the door and said to Xia Hongyin: "Mom, let's go eat it first. Don't come over and call us, the leaves are feverish, and now the fire has just retired, still resting, I take care of her."

"Oh." Xia Hongyin looked worried. "How many degrees of fever? Do you have to go to the hospital?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "There has been a lot of retreat. Let's take a look at the situation today. If it doesn't work, go to the hospital. It should be OK for the time being."

"That's it, then take care of it, the leaves are good girls, it's good for you, you have to take care of it."

"Yes, I know, Mom, go eat."

Xiao Bing returned to the room and continued to sit on the edge of the bed. This night, I didn't sleep. Xiao Bing was still full of mental heads. His eyes were staring at the leaves, and he was afraid that the high fever of the leaves would be repeated. .

Sitting for more than two hours, more than nine o'clock in the morning, Xiao Bing also yawned slightly, but heard the leaves turned over, then face Xiao Bing, blinked and opened his eyes.

When she saw Xiao Bing sitting here, she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and was surprised: "Yeah, it’s so late, have you been sitting here?"

Xiao Bing smiled and took a bit of a favor: "Is it better? I am not too sleepy, just sitting here watching you."

"How silly you are." Some of the leaves blamed. "You are very tired these days. When I don't know, why are you still sitting here looking at me? I have nothing to do."

"How can it be done? You can say nothing, I have to see it with my own eyes." Xiao Bing said, "I want to see you with nothing, burn completely and then I will rest assured. You are hungry, I am going to find something for you."

"Not very hungry, it is a bit thirsty."

Xiao Bing distressed: "Then I will give you some water, then I will give you some porridge, come, let me touch how it is now."

Xiao Bing touched the forehead of the leaf with his back and felt that there was still a slightly hot temperature. He nodded and said: "There has been more than half of the burn. I don't think it is necessary to have an injection. Today, you should lie down and rest. I will take care of you."

"How can this be done? Anna just came over. You should stay with her more." The leaves said quickly. "No, if you really don't feel relieved, let Xiaoxiao go home from work early today and let her take care of me." All right."

Xiao Bing pinched the nose of the leaf and smiled and said: "Stupid, of course, this kind of thing must be done by the husband personally. Anna is not in a hurry. She just came over, how can she stay for a few days before going back, let alone you get sick. Well, I am not taking care of you, she can understand."

Xiao Bing got up and poured a glass of water on the leaves. Then he sat up with the leaves and gently fed it into the mouth of the leaves. Then he lay down on the leaves and said, "Let's lie down first, I will give you 熬Order porridge and come back soon."

Xiao Bing walked quickly to the door, opened the door and just went out, suddenly heard the name of the leaf behind him, Xiao Bing looked back at the leaves, and the leaves smiled with a happy face: "Xiao Big Brother, and you are Together, I am very happy."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I am waiting for me."

Xiao Bing closed the door and went out. He met Peng Zhiqiang in the corridor. Xiao Bing said, "Let's practice it yourself today, or let Gao Fei go and give pointers to you. I have to take care of the leaves. I can't train you today. ""

Peng Zhiqiang said: "I know, is the head lady good?"

"Nothing, the fever is already better than half a year." Xiao Bing wanted to let Peng Zhiqiang not call himself the head, but he thought that this person's character was stubborn and had no choice but to help.

Xiao Bing walked through the corridor and walked to the hall. He saw Xia Hongyin watering the flowers in the yard. When Xiao Bing came out, Xia Hongyin asked: "How is the leaves? Are you hungry? The kitchen has food. ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The leaves woke up, I went to give her porridge."

Xia Hongyin walked in from the outside and smiled. "Where I still need you, I know that the leaves just woke up must have no appetite, so I have specially given her a good meal, just as you drink a little later. Right, right, steamed the steamed bun, you are such a big and big man, but you can't drink enough porridge. You can eat two more steamed buns, and there are dishes, in the pot."

Xiao Bing said: "Mom, thank you."

"What do you and I say thank you." Xia Hongyin said with some distressed words, "I haven't slept overnight?"

“Nothing.” Xiao Bing smiled and said, “I am a martial artist. Don’t say that I don’t sleep all night, even if it’s three days and three nights, it’s not a big deal. It’s not a big deal.”

Xia Hongyin said: "That doesn't work either, you still have to pay attention to your own body, you can't be overworked, you have to rest properly."

"Well, I know, I went to the kitchen first, I didn't talk to you, Mom, you have nothing to do, don't take a break."

"My age is not big, where can I get free..."

Xiao Bing went to the kitchen to help the leaves pop a bowl of rice porridge, took a small spoon and returned to the room.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Look at how good your aunt is, I have already helped you with it, and I am thinking about you."

The leaves smiled and said: "I also think that Xia is very good. To be honest, sometimes I feel like she is like your mother. She looks at your eyes, it is really full of concern, and you two There are a few similarities, I think this is fate."

"Yeah, this is fate." Xiao Bing smiled. "Although not, I will treat her as my mother."

"Well, that's right, Xiao Brother, you are back so soon, don't you eat it first?"

"I am not hungry." Xiao Bing went to the bed, sat down on the chair, took a spoonful of porridge, blew it gently, then handed it to the mouth of the leaf, softly, "Hurry up." If you are full, you will have the strength and strength to recover."

The leaves looked at Xiao Bing and said: "You are such a big man, definitely faster than I am hungry, and said that I am not hungry."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you fighting with me? Are you not a patient? Come eat it, come, open your mouth, ah..."

The leaves know that if they don't eat enough, Xiao Bing will not go to eat, so despite the distressed Xiao Bing, they still open their mouths, and they will soon drink a bowl of porridge.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will go to give you a bowl."

The leaves hurriedly said: "I am full, really are going to eat it yourself, and then take care of me. If you are sick, I will see who cares for who."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, good, I will go eat something."

Xiao Bing just stood up, and the door suddenly sounded like a knock on the door. He heard Anna’s voice with a foreign voice coming in from the outside: "Leaves, I can easily come in."

The leaves struggled to sit up, but it seemed that the body was too weak. Although sitting up, it was a sweat.

Xiao Bing hurriedly held her, letting her lean on the head of the bed, with a pillow on the back.

The leaves smiled and said: "It's okay, come in."

With a bang, Anna opened the door and walked in. After seeing the weak face on the leaf, Anna came over and said with concern: "Is it so serious?"

"Nothing, it was a high fever last night, and Xiao Xiao brother took care of me for one night. I originally planned to let Xiao Big Brother go around with you today."

Anna blamed: "I am not worried about this, and I can change around myself, or you have to take care of your body. Otherwise, Xiao Bing will be distressed. Have you just had breakfast?"

"Well, I just finished eating." The leaves looked at Xiao Bing and said, "Let's go eat something, don't have to stay with me here, don't you see Anna coming over?"

Anna also said: "Yeah, I am here to accompany the leaves for a while, you can go to dinner soon."

"Well, that's fine." Anna was here, and the high fever of the leaves has faded. Xiao Bing is more reassured, so she promised, "I will go eat first, soon. come back."

Xiao Bing went out and carefully closed the door.

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