Super Soldier

Chapter 1572: Loud slap

After the girl was careful, Xiao Bing directly angered the fire. It turned out that Peng Shanshan had a reputation since he entered the university. On the one hand, it was a long-term good-looking, it was a class flower in the class, and many foreign boys and seniors. They are all coveted. On the other hand, they often skip classes, and they are still with a group of little Taimei. If they are okay, they go out to sing songs or go to nightclubs. They are even criticized by the school and remembered once.

Xiao Bing licked his temples, but he did not expect Peng Zhiqiang to be an upright person. His niece turned out to be such a worrying little girl.

Peng Shanshan’s long is indeed good. When Xiao Bing saw it before, it was also very bright. The long one is actually very pretty and pure, but all aspects of talking and doing things are not related to the simple, it is a female mixed child. Of course, the school flower level may not be able to talk about it, but the class flower is definitely no problem.

If such a girl can study well, the future will definitely have a great success. Unfortunately, this girl has said that she often skips classes when she is fine, and this girl and Peng Shanshan are not a class. It seems that Peng Shanshan is indeed at school. It is quite famous.

Xiao Bing felt a little headache, and smiled bitterly: "I know, I think I have to tell her uncle to educate her, thank you, rest assured, I will not say that you told me."

"Well, it doesn't matter." The girl nodded and looked at Xiao Bing's eyes and asked, "I can ask, why do I feel like you are familiar?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Maybe the public face, goodbye, little sister."

"Oh, goodbye."

According to this girl, Peng Shanshan is not necessarily at home in the evening, and it is hard to say during the day, but since I have come here, it is better to look at it in the past.

So Xiao Bing began to find the No. 2 dormitory that the girl said, and then went straight to the door of the dormitory building, and walked out of the guard room next to a 50-year-old aunt, her mouth cried: "哎哎哎This is a female dormitory, how can you just squat?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Auntie misunderstood, I just want you to help me find someone. It is Peng Shanshan's family who let me come. Can you call her out?"

“Peng Shanshan?” The aunt immediately became a little cold and said, “How can her parents not come over by themselves? It’s really strange, such a child, the parents are not good at managing it? Wait until after graduation. Society, still unchanging, is lawless?"

Xiao Bing accompanied and smiled: "You are right, it is too reasonable. After I go back, let her parents take care of her. Is Peng Shanshan in the dormitory?"

Aunt’s face was slightly relieved and said: “Let’s wait, I’ll let people go and see.”

Aunt looked back and saw two girls wearing short sleeves and ultra shorts coming out from inside. She immediately stopped the two girls and said, "Hey, Zhang Xin, is Peng Shanshan in your dormitory? ?"

"No, play in the Internet cafe!" said a long-haired girl who looks long and white. Although this woman is not as good as Peng Shanshan, she is also very good-looking and has a big eye.

Aunt said: "This person is looking for Peng Shanshan, know the parents of Peng Shanshan, which Internet cafe Peng Shanshan is in, you tell him."

The two girls began to look at Xiao Bing, and then Zhang Xin smiled and said: "Is still a big handsome guy, what to do with such a large sunglasses, long so handsome, will not be Peng Shanshan's uncle?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can also be when I am her uncle."

"Cut, this thing is also casually confessed?" Zhang Xin smiled. "But it doesn't look like you are a bad guy. Let's go, just we have to look for her in the past, let's go along the way."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you guys."

"No need to be covered."

Xiao Bing hurriedly followed the two girls, and chatted to learn that Zhang Xin, who was just talking to himself, was called Hu Mei. The two girls were all Peng Shanshan’s roommates. Xiao Bing asked Peng Shanshan’s usual performance in school. How about these two girls did not answer, Xiao Bing did not ask again.

Not too far from the school gate, they came to an Internet cafe that was opened underground. The three people went down together. This Internet cafe is very big. There are probably more than one hundred machines, but the business is very good. About 80% of the position seems to be more profitable.

Zhang Xin pointed to a girl who was wearing a headset and playing lol not far away. She said, "No, that's not what, our Shanshan! Let's go first, let's go and brush the ID card first."

Zhang Xin and Hu Mei went to the bar, and Xiao Bing walked quickly behind Peng Shanshan. Peng Shanshan did not notice the arrival of Xiao Bing, wearing headphones, while manipulating the keyboard and mouse with his fingers, and shouting loudly in his mouth. "Kill him, kill him, kill him... Hey, hello, how stupid, don't understand, you're a pen..."

Xiao Bing took a look at Peng Shanshan's shoulder. Peng Shanshan shouted in his mouth: "Don't bother me."

Xiao Bing took another two shots. Peng Shanshan’s hero died. She was so angry that she dropped the earphones on the table and vented her anger to Xiao Bing. When she turned her head, she shouted: “Hey, no. Listen to me and tell you not to mess with me, oh pen... how is you?"

After Peng Shanshan sighed two sentences, he found that Xiao Bing, who was met on the street yesterday, first stunned and then smiled again: "I can’t see it, Uncle, you actually found it, how do you mean it? If you want to be a group or a heads-up, if we are a group, we will marry you. If we are single-handed, we will pick one of you, and you will choose the same!"

Several people around saw it, including men and women, some students, and the appearance of the child and the girl. When they looked at Xiao Bing, they showed hostility.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can't see it, it's really a little girl."

"Less nonsense, haven't you seen it last night?"

At this time, Zhang Xin and Hu Mei came over. After seeing the two men’s arrogance, Zhang Xin was surprised: "What is this, Shanshan, isn’t he your uncle?"

"Hey, who is he, he is a uncle who is not acquainted!"

Zhang Xin said: "I don't think it should be. Look at this handsome guy is still very young. It should be much smaller than your uncle."

Seeing Peng Shanshan's face unhappy, Zhang Xin hurriedly said: "I just made a joke."

Peng Shanshan looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Hey, are you really looking for trouble? Just right, you just interrupted me to play the game. I am just angry. I am taking you out today!" Peng Shanshan stretched her hand and stroked Was beckoning, but I saw a few vibrators around the game who were playing.

Xiao Bing's face is serious: "You are still a student. I am mixed with these people who are not in the same age at school. Have you ever thought about your family? Have you thought about the tuition fees they gave you?"

"Grass, you **** who is not the same?" The nearest gangster couldn’t listen, and he punched the head of Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing grabbed his wrist directly. With a bang, he fell to the ground.

The other few gangsters shouted at the same time and rushed to Xiao Bing, one by one, began to pull the posture and started to move.

These people, you punched me, but they couldn’t even touch Xiao Bing’s clothes. Xiao Bing gave them all to fall down in almost three or two times. In the blink of an eye, there were a total of seven mixed children. All of them fell to the ground and couldn’t stand up.

There are also three little Taimei who had to do it. After seeing this scene, they all stood honestly, and they looked at Xiao Bing with great surprise and never dared to come close.

Peng Shanshan widened her eyes and swallowed her mouth.

Zhang Xin eats and eats: "How... how so powerful."

Xiao Bing looked at Peng Shanshan. Although Peng Shanshan said that it was quite mixed in the weekdays, it was the image of a big sister, but she was also a girl after all. Seeing Xiao Bing was so powerful, she was also afraid of it for a while, and trembled: "You... ...What are you doing? Don't mess with me, don't think that you can play, I know this piece of Zhang Ge, have you heard of Zhang Er? He is the boss of this film, he used to be a man, he used to It can be played better than you. If you come over, you can't run when you run."

Xiao Bing frowned and looked at Peng Shanshan and asked, "How can you play? You look at the people you know? You look at them one by one... well, it’s your same dormitory. The images of these two girls are still better. Other hairy look, like a student? These boys are like a street boy. Yes, Jiangcheng Vocational University is really not what. Good school, but any school can learn things. Any school must pay tuition. Since you have been admitted, your parents will find ways to spend money for you to study. How do you reward them?"

"Your parents give you food for each month. Are you playing games here every day? Going out to sing at night?"

Peng Shanshan said: "I don't use their money, I also received a protection fee."

"Oh, what about the face? You mean that you still receive protection fees? What glorious thing do you think? Compared with your future, what is the protection fee? Calculate a fart!" Xiao The soldiers were completely angry. "You are not ashamed, you are proud of it. Do you still have a little bit of shame? Do you still understand what is called positive progress? Others are going upstream, you are here. Going down the river? One day, one day, I will give you a rush to the ground, and you can’t climb again!”

Xiao Bing loudly said: "I am ashamed of the grandmother who has worked hard to take care of you. I feel worthy for the uncle who cares about you every day! I am ashamed of your deceased parents!"

"Don't let my parents!" Peng Shanshan suddenly turned red, and slaps and slaps toward Xiao Bing, but she did not expect her speed to be too slow. Xiao Bing slaps her face first, slamming The slap in the face is loud!

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