Super Soldier

Chapter 1573: Tiger into the flock

Except for those players who are still immersed in the game with headphones, everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and they were all stunned. .

Peng Shanshan widened her eyes and trembled: "You dare to beat me, no one dares to hit me! I am looking for Zhang Ge, I want Zhang Ge to cut you!"

Xiao Bing sneered: "Cut people when you are not moving. Is this what your family teaches you? Of course, I feel that this is not your family's problem, but your own cultivation problem!"

Peng Shanshan was so angry that there was a boy who climbed up from the ground and hurried out of the Internet cafe. He shouted in his mouth: "I am going to find Zhang Ge."

Seeing that the boy ran out, many people looked at Xiao Bing's eyes as if they were watching a dead person. Obviously, although Xiao Bing had a skill, they still felt that Xiao Bing could not beat the brother.

Peng Shanshan also smiled: "Hey, you still have time to leave now, otherwise you will not be able to go away for a while, but Zhang Ge is my brother."

Xiao Bing helplessly said: "When you just recognize a street punk as a dry brother, how do you drop the price?"

Peng Shanshan gritted his teeth and said: "You don't have to be hard now, you will have a good look after a while."

"Okay, then I will wait a little while to see it." Xiao Bing took a chair and sat down directly, patted the table, loudly, "Boss, come for a cup of coffee!"


At this time, the people in the entire Internet cafe felt that it was wrong. Basically, there was no sound of playing games. Everyone looked at this side. The boss twitched and sent the coffee. Xiao Bing took it out of his pocket. Fifty dollars, thrown to the boss, said: "Don't be afraid, I don't eat overlord meals, don't have to find money."

Peng Shanshan, aside, said coldly: "Cut, still loaded with local tyrants!"

Xiao Bing was too lazy to take care of Peng Shanshan, and blew his coffee gently. Then he took two sips. He sat here leisurely and sipped coffee, as if he didn't treat the thing of Zhang Ge as one thing at all.

Peng Shanshan stood behind Xiao Bing and really wanted to take the opportunity to find something directly on Xiao Bing's head, but he did not dare. He looked at Xiao Bing as if there was nothing like drinking coffee there, which made her teeth itch.

Xiao Bing, while drinking coffee, said: "Oh, the sugar is a little bit less."

The boss stood still and didn't leave. He hurriedly asked, "I will give you a packet of sugar again?"

"No need to use, this is also very good." Xiao Bing said, "Boss, this Peng Shanshan is my big niece, I don't like her to run the Internet. If she comes over, don't let her come in, know?"

The boss wanted to refute Xiao Bing, but he thought that Xiao Bing had just been the same, and that the few gangsters who had just gotten up from the ground, he had to accompany him and smiled: "That... we open the door to do business. Unless she does not have an ID card, we cannot stop the guests."

"It doesn't matter, if she has to play, you will call her out. Even if you don't worry, you will be fine. I am her uncle and will not bother you."

Peng Shanshan was anxious and ruined: "Don't be a shame, who is your uncle!"

Xiao Bing took a look at Peng Shanshan and sneered: "The big niece, just gave you that slap, you haven't learned yet?"

Thinking of the slap in the face that had just been drawn, Peng Shanshan smothered her face. Although she was indignant, she still could not speak.

Xiao Bing snorted and said: "Is this right? I blame my discipline for not being strict. I usually only care about my work and neglect to discipline me as a big niece, so that she is now lawless, and all the students look like No, it just makes me lose my face, because she, I have no face to see people."

Peng Shanshan's face is mad, and other people don't know the true and false, they can only listen honestly. Peng Shanshan is now dumb to eat berberine, and can't say it!

Xiao Bing continued to say in his mouth: "I don't study hard in the school, don't listen, don't always go out to the nightclub to play. Yes, I will find a nightclub to find the past, so that those nightclubs will not let her in. Otherwise, when she went to the nightclub, I took her to the nightclub, and then I didn’t lose money. I directly took her there and asked her to make a chorus directly in the nightclub to make up for the loss. very good."

Peng Shanshan’s teeth are very loud, and the people next to them are also dizzy. You still say that your big niece is lawless. You have nothing to do with it. You can do this kind of thing. Your old man still has to be shameless.

Xiao Bing continued to keep saying: "Then I will go to her class teacher and let her class teacher give her strict discipline. Later, she found that she skipped school or skipped school, or smoked in school. Fighting, let her teacher in charge of the class call me, I will come over and clean up her. If I come over, I can't speak so well with their class teacher. I will smoke directly after a big ear photo, and I will never stop after the stop. Dare to commit."

Xiao Bing took a look at the owner of the Internet cafe and asked: "Boss, what do you think?"

"I think... is it a bit rough..." Seeing Xiao Bing's gaze became fierce, he was scared and shivered, and hurriedly, "Oh, it's quite good, I think your approach is very good." The wise **** is worthy of emulation."

"Well, I think so too!"

Peng Shanshan gritted his teeth and said: "You... you don't have to take a inch. Also, I don't know who you are at all. It's not that I provoked you yesterday. Do you want to retaliate against me? Can you not pretend that you are my uncle? My uncle That person is very honest, a good person, and very good to me, not like you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Is it good for you? Then I will teach you this way? I don't think your uncle is a good thing. The so-called Shangliang is not right. Your uncle is very close to you. Because his character is corrupt, it has led you to the point where it is today."

"You are not allowed to say my uncle!" Peng Shanshan slapped again, and her wrist was caught by Xiao Bing. She shivered and hurriedly closed her eyes. She thought that Xiao Bing would slap back. After pumping it, I didn't expect Xiao Bing to have no shots. When Xiao Bing loosened her wrist, she quickly quit two steps backwards. She was relieved and her body was almost soft.

"Not bad, still a little conscience, it seems that your feelings for your uncle are OK."

Peng Shanshan bit her lip and said: "My uncle is not easy, so you are not allowed to say him."

Xiao Bingdao: "Your uncle is not easy, so you are in lawless and incompetent in school?"

Peng Shanshan did not say anything.

Soon, there was movement outside the door, the door of the Internet cafe opened, and a group of big-waisted rounds of savage walked in. It was probably more than a dozen people. Immediately after rushing in, the Internet cafe was slightly crowded.

The headed gangster was long and thin and tall. It looked like he was in his twenties. When he was less than 30 years old, Peng Shanshan ran over and pulled the other's arm and pointed at Xiao Bing. "Zhang Ge, that is just he. Bullying me, I also took a slap in the face!"

"Yeah!" The gangster nodded and then walked to Xiaobing, and his younger brothers were all around.

The height of the mixed head is more than one meter eight. His face is thin and looks cold. He still has a knife in his hand. He looks at Xiao Bing coldly and says, "I am Zhang Er."

"Oh, Zhang Er, I have never heard of it."

The other gangsters screamed one by one, Zhang made a gesture, and those people closed their mouths, and then they heard Zhang continued: "I am the big brother of this film, this Peng Shanshan is my dry sister, you just Hit her, I don't want to treat you, just lie on the ground, ten heads to my sister, I will let you go!"

After listening to Zhang Er's words, Peng Shanshan seems to have found a mountain, his eyes are provocative, and everyone else has been gloating to see Xiao Bing, so that it looks even more deflated, so that Xiao Bing's head is obviously better than Xiao Bing. It’s much more deflated.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Shantou? That is not very good, I even want to gimmick, I guess she does not dare to let, she can not afford."

Zhang Er asked: "What do you mean?"

"This is not easy, I am her uncle, I give her a girl, she is not afraid of thunder?"

Zhang Er hurriedly looked at Peng Shanshan, with an inquiry in his eyes. Peng Shanshan was anxious and ruined: "Zhang Ge, don't believe him, this person is too shameless, it is shameless, I don't know him at all, he is not my uncle." ”

"Oh." Zhang two eyes are colder, screaming Xiao Bing, said: "Do you dare to tease me?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How can I tease you? I am playing with you!"

Zhang Er screamed, and he cut the knife directly. His hand was quick and accurate, but he was measured. The goal of the knife was Xiao Bing's shoulder. He didn't say hello to his neck, otherwise it would be easy to kill.

His speed is much faster. In Xiao Bing's view, this Zhang Er is obviously not a martial artist, but he can play a lot more than the average person. It is estimated that the fights in the week have already produced experience.

If such a person is going to deal with other miscellaneous, it is estimated that other miscellaneous people will be scared, but in the face of Xiao Bing, they are just like jokes.

Xiao Bing reached out and grabbed the blade in his hand. Everyone else looked stunned, and the empty hand entered the white blade? They don't say they have seen it, they can't even think about it.

Hey, the knife broke into countless pieces, and then Xiao Bing squatted on Zhang's chest and Zhang Er flew out.

Immediately after Xiao Bing entered the gangster like a tiger into the wolves, all of these gangsters fell to the ground.

The entire Internet cafe was a mourning voice.

All the people are stupid, all the people are sucking in the cool air or stunned!


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