Super Soldier

Chapter 1575: Xiao Bing's charm

Xiao Bing looked at her like this, knowing that she had already had remorse in her heart, but she was like a girl like Peng Shanshan. Sometimes she might not understand some truth at all, but once she went downhill, she might not be able to control it. Self, so Xiao Bing can't easily compromise, at least give her some color to look at, so scare her.

Xiao Bing deliberately coldened his face and said with a sneer: "You have all fallen to this point, skipping classes, skipping classes, going to nightclubs, smashing with little girls, and saying that you can change? Who believes? Not to mention I think you shouldn't care if your family knows it, or how dare you be so arrogant in school?"

Peng Shanshan grabbed Xiao Bing’s arm and cried: "I changed, I must change. I know that they are all good to me. I don't want them to be disappointed with me. I don't want them to be sad, so I don't want them to know. These are... oh, it’s all wrong with me. Grandma is so good to me, but I still don’t study well. In the end, I didn’t have a good university, but I’m self-defeating.”

Xiao Bing coldly said: "I don't think you are a little bit ignorant. Why do you go to this point today?"

"I... I don't want to. I just went to elementary school. My parents are gone. My grandfather is not there. My uncle is still serving in the army. There are only two of me and my grandmother. There is no man at home, my grandmother is still old, the children outside are bullying me, and my classmates are bullying me. They think that even if I am looking for a parent, it is useless. They are not afraid of me, so later..."

Xiao Bing asked: "So you started to become a little girl. If someone else bullies you, then you will bully others, go to be a big sister, and never be bullied again. What am I saying? ?"

"Well, that's it... I did a good job in elementary school, but when I was in junior high school, I was getting worse. I finally went to high school and went to this college."

Xiao Bing’s heart was soft, and he suddenly thought of himself. The original self was not like this. His parents were not there. They grew up in the orphanage. The people in the school all laughed at themselves and bullied themselves. Then I will make my fists harder, and others will punch themselves, and at least they will fight back with ten punches.

If it is because of the appearance of the old class, will it become the second Peng Shanshan? Maybe it's the same.

In Xiao Bing’s heart, it’s actually a moving heart, but his face is not changed at all. The tone is calm: “It’s also ridiculed, some people can use good academic results to fight back, so not just let each other There is nothing to say, and it is a return to the family's expectations of themselves. Some people choose to start to fall, and look down on it, what is your choice?"

Peng Shanshan shyly bowed her head and said: "The latter."

"Yes, you choose the latter. The choice is to start falling down from now on. People want to make progress difficult, want to fall easy, this thing since I have seen it, I will not tell you uncle, your uncle later Don't you hate me? So you don't want to stop me."

"I promise, I promise to change it." Peng Shanshan whimpered. "I said that it would be impossible to change it."

"Okay, then I will give you some time." Xiao Bing said, "You are not saying that you want to change it. This is not something you can say on your mouth. If you want to give practical action, then I will give you a month." I will go and have a chat with your teacher. By the way, ask about your scores on the last exam. Should you have a monthly exam?"


"Well, if the score of the next monthly test is better than this one, and it can't be copied, if I don't skip classes, I won't tell you your uncle. Otherwise, I will still be with you after one month." Uncle said."

"I... I know." Although it is difficult to make progress in a month, Peng Shanshan has no choice but to promise.

Xiao Bing said: "Then we decided so, let's go, I will go to school to meet the teacher, and the money is your living expenses."

Xiao Bing took out the envelope and handed it to Peng Shanshan. He said, "Put it up, this is what your uncle brought to you. Remember, these are the hard-earned money of your uncle. Don’t take any protection fees with your classmates in the future. And stay away from those little sisters, if you really want to get in touch with them, unless you have the ability to let them all go on the right path."

"I... I know."

“Yeah.” Xiao Bing said, “And, I can’t go to the nightclub in the future.”

"Well, I promise you."

"You have so poor academic performance now, you can't fall in love unless you can get into the top of the class unless you have academic results."

"I didn't want to fall in love, although there were several boys in the class and in the class who were chasing me, but they were rejected by me."

Xiao Bing screamed: "It’s like the rejection last night? I won’t use that kind of rejection in the future.”

"I know, I won't be in the future."

"Okay, all the things you promised me to remember must be clearly remembered, and they should be kept in mind, but don't agree to it today, and all will be forgotten tomorrow."

"No... no." Peng Shanshan bit her lip and said, "I know that you are all good for me. No one has ever managed me since junior high school. Even the teacher gave up me, let me casually." Oh, why. If you hit me, you still marry me. I hated you in my heart. I am very grateful to you now."

Xiao Bing snorted and said: "I don't care if you are grateful and don't appreciate me. I only care that you should not let down your grandmother and your uncle's painstaking efforts, study hard, add more knowledge, and be useful to the society in the future. people."

"I know, starting today, I will definitely study hard."


Peng Shanshan was very sweet in appearance, and she was actually very pretty dressed. From the outside, it was not the same as those of Xiaotaimei. Xiao Bing was estimated that she did not dare to let her grandmother see her face, so she was on the outside. The above is still very attention to the image, but in the weekdays, it looks like a slap in the face, but now it is different. She is honestly behind Xiao Bing, and she is a lady like a beautiful girl.

They are heading in the direction of the school. All the way, countless eyes are full of curiosity and unbelievable look to Peng Shanshan, obviously can't believe how Peng Shanshan will reveal such a ladylike appearance.

After entering the school, Xiao Bing asked: "Is your class teacher at school today?"

"The teacher is on holiday today..."

"Oh, that's okay, you can go back to the dormitory to study now, remember, you can't just come out at night, and you can read the books in the dormitory. I will test your results in the next month's monthly exam. The time is not waiting." !"

"I know, I will work hard."

"Well, in addition, I will come over next Monday and have a good chat with your teacher."

When I saw Xiao Bing’s death, I was leaving. Peng Shanshan hurriedly called: "That..."

“Well?” Xiao Bing looked at him and asked, “What happened?”

"That, what do I call you?"

Xiao Bing said: "You didn't call me Uncle before, continue to call my uncle."

"But, but your age is actually not big, you are much younger than my uncle."

Xiao Bing faintly said: "A title is just, just call it."

"Well, my uncle... don't tell my uncle, don't forget."

"Don't worry, don't forget what I told you. Go back soon, goodbye!"

Xiao Bing left. After leaving the campus, he drove in the direction of Xiao Fu. Peng Shanshan watched Xiao Bing drive away and was ready to walk in the direction of the dormitory.

At this time, Zhang Xin and Hu Mei just came over. They immediately came over and said with curiosity: "Hey, what did that person have to do with you?"

"Yeah, how did he care about you?"

"Is he really not your uncle? But it doesn't look like it. After all, it is still very young."

Peng Shanshan said: "This is my uncle's friend, um... I heard that it seems to be my uncle's boss, my uncle is helping him to do things."

"Then he is too unusual for you. It is estimated that your relationship with your uncle is very shallow. Then you have time to ask him to come to school again, we can have a meal together."

Peng Shanshan looked at the two people who were acting strangely and couldn’t help but show their curiosity.

Zhang Xin’s face showed a few different appearances. Hu Mei’s mouth kept saying: “You don’t know, then you left, we listened to Zhang Ge and said that your uncle’s friend is the eldest brother of Zhang’s eldest brother’s eldest brother. ... In short, the biggest big brother above, Zhang Ge also said that he did not even give this person a shoe."

Peng Shanshan was stunned and showed a look that she couldn't believe. Even if she had already prepared herself, she was shocked by the news.

Hu Mei said: "If you let the whole school know the news, it is estimated that no one in the whole school dares to provoke you, no, even if it is outside the school, no one dares to provoke you, even Zhang Ge will have to tie you up."

Peng Shanshan swallowed a mouthful of water, and she did not expect Xiao Bing to have such a large amount of energy.

Zhang Xin said: "Shan Shan, if there is a chance, I will really invite him to come over, I will treat you."

Peng Shanshan asked: "Zhang Xin, what do you mean?"

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "We are all good sisters. I also said it straightforwardly. If you are not interested in him, then I want to try to be able to have a relationship with him."

Peng Shanshan trembled: "What happened... you don't know him at all, and he seems to be more than a decade older than us."

"What happened?" Zhang Xin’s eyes sparkled with light, a little excited. "I have the opportunity to climb a man like this, not to mention a man of about 30 years old, even if it is a big ten." How old is it?

Peng Shanshan was completely shocked. She did not expect that Xiao Bing had such a big charm, but there were some people in her heart who did not want to agree, just like a delicious candy, and did not want to share it with her own little friends.


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