Super Soldier

Chapter 1576: Xia Hongyin's insights

Xiao Bing drove the car back home, and then came to the place where Peng Zhiqiang accepted the cruel training. Peng Zhiqiang did not find the arrival of Xiao Bing, still doing push-ups with alternating hands and hands, and his body was soaked with sweat and sweaty. under.

Xiao Bing stood nearby for a long time, Peng Zhiqiang couldn’t take it anymore, tired and squatted on the ground, Xiao Bing walked over.

Upon hearing the footsteps, Peng Zhiqiang rolled over and struggled to sit on the ground while rubbing the sweat on his forehead and panting and said: "The head is good."

His sweat has even soaked his hair, and his clothes have been soaked. You can see the muscles inside through the soaked clothes.

Xiao Bing asked: "How is the practice?"

Peng Zhiqiang said as he gasped, "I have been practicing as you said, and I can practice for a few more hours."

"Not bad." Xiao Bing gave Peng Zhiqiang the devil training in the eight special forces. Although it is still far from the dragon tooth, this is already the biggest limit that Peng Zhiqiang can bear now. Peng Zhiqiang can persist. If you have great perseverance, if you take out the set of dragon teeth, it will inevitably be too late, and it will easily collapse the body.

Xiao Bing kneels down in front of Peng Zhiqiang and throws a few bottles of mineral water next to Peng Zhiqiang. He said: "First take a break, then drink water again. Right, I have already sent it to your prostitute, your prostitute. It looks very good, and the character is very lady. Let me tell you that you should not be too hard and pay attention to your body."

"Yes." Peng Zhiqiang heard his niece, and his face immediately showed a warm smile. "She was very obedient since she was a child. I used to hold her before I joined the army. In recent years, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely have a pass with her. On the phone, I know that her parents have died and have dealt a heavy blow to her. The death of my family is really big for me and my mother, but after all, I am an adult, and my mother has a son like me, and she All parents are gone."

Xiao Bing nodded and said from the heart: "It is really pitiful, I can feel her kindness and loneliness."

Peng Zhiqiang said: "So every time I call or every time I come back, I will not only care about my mother. Every time I will let Shanshan pick up my phone, I will look at her every time I come back, buy her a toy, and take her out to play. I just want to make up for the loneliness of her lost family."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "You are such a good uncle. If you have children in the future, you will definitely be a good father."

Peng Zhiqiang smiled and said: "Who, who will marry me? I don't have money for money now, I have no room, and I am 40 years old. Who can still not marry me, marry me like a man." ”

Xiao Bingdao: "You can't say this yourself. You are not just not confident about yourself. You are also insulting the image of the soldiers. What happened to you? No car, no room? What's wrong with you? There is a kind of arrogance, you are upright, money can be earned at any time, quality is accompanied by a person's life, want to find a quality like you is so easy?"

Xiao Bing continued: "And I have already thought about it. You have to have an identity for doing things for me in the future. From then on, you are a member of the Dingwu Office. The identity and treatment of the Dingwu Office is no worse than Longya. ""

After listening to Peng Zhiqiang, excitedly stood up directly, his eyes lit up and asked: "Really?"

"Of course it is true." Xiao Bing laughed. "If I don't give you this status, what do you do in the future? Although I can also give you a pension, you can even give you a lot of money to support the elderly, but say it. I don’t have a public office anymore, and with my current identity, this is also a little effort, so you don’t have to be with me.”

Peng Zhiqiang said with excitement: "Thank you for your head."

Xiao Bing patted Peng Zhiqiang's shoulder and smiled: "Work hard."

Peng Zhiqiang immediately began a high-intensity training. Xiao Bing stared here for a while. In fact, he knew that Peng Zhiqiang didn’t need to stare. Peng Zhiqiang’s strength was not weaker than himself, especially helping him. After that, he also developed a kind of mentality for the confidant to die. Now, one mind is to increase the strength. Later, he can help himself, and he will not drag himself back. Although his talent is average, he will wash his marrow and add it. With such perseverance, Xiao Bing is also very optimistic about his future. Even if he can't break the void, he can at least enter the category of strong and strong, and it is basically a strong person who can be independent.

Xiao Bing let Peng Zhiqiang continue to practice here alone. One person returned to Xiao Fu and saw Princess Anna in the yard accompanying Xia Hongyin to trim the flower branches. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Anna, you are the imperial Princess of the House, I am afraid Not that?"

Princess Anna screamed with some blame: "You know how to laugh at me."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "How can I laugh at you? You are a princess. I have always been taken care of by myself. Even if I lack a point in these areas, it is normal."

"But I..." Princess Anna's smile was warm, her eyes were a bit shy, with a bit of gentleness, "but I want to be more, I want to help my man one day more, don't want Be a burden to your own man."

Xiao Bing is about to talk, Xia Hongyin suddenly smiled and said: "Who stipulates that women must be surrounded by rice, oil, salt and vinegar tea is considered excellent? Who stipulates that women must plant flowers, plant trees, and clean up housework?"

"But..." Princess Anna hesitated and said, "Is this not for a family of ordinary people, what should a qualified wife do?"

Xia Hongyin’s face was smiling with a kind smile. “Everyone has their own strengths and their own shortcomings. This is like Tai Chi. Tai Chi’s martial arts emphasizes the combination of rigidity and softness, yin and yang. But if Unbalanced? Then the same circle, a little more yin, a little less yang, if the yang side is slightly more, the yin side will be slightly less."

Princess Anna was a little confused, but she was somewhat thoughtful. Xiao Bing was surprised to see her mother. She did not expect that she would have such deep insights.

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "A person can't always be a shortcoming, it's not a good thing, and everyone's energy is limited. Some of your life is in the rice, oil, salt and vinegar tea and these hands. The ability is worse, because you spend more time enhancing your knowledge, nurturing your cultivation, and making you more temperament, isn't it?"

Princess Anna suddenly realized that she nodded and said, "Auntie Xia, what you said makes sense."

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "So, although you will not trim the flower branches, but I have seen the temperament that most girls don't have on your body. This is the advantage of your body. Their advantage is that you don't have it. Your advantage is also that they may not be comparable, gold is not enough, no one is perfect."

Xia Hongyin glanced at Xiao Bing and smiled and said: "If your man doesn't even understand this, and wants to blame you for your shortcomings, then he is not qualified to enjoy the advantages of you."

Princess Anna took Xia Hongyin’s hand and said softly: “Auntie Xia, thank you.”

"Auntie is older and has experienced more. Naturally, I can tell you something you don't understand. You don't have to thank you. It should be."

Princess Anna was full of respect for Xia Hongyin at the moment. Xiao Bing looked around and showed a happy smile on her face.

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