Super Soldier

Chapter 1592: Agreement

Xiao Bing's mood has become slightly more complicated. For this unknown enemy, he always has to be extremely careful. Xiao Bing hates this feeling. His current strength does not need to fear too much, but It is difficult for the gun to hide from the dark arrow, especially Xiao Bing is not a lonely man now. He has a close family around him, and with friends, he has concerns. This is the weakness of Xiao Bing.

Exhibition Hongyan asked: "What to do, are we going to go back now?"

"Go back? Where are you going? Barbecue we haven't eaten yet!" Xiao Bing smiled loudly. "Boss, come and have a beer!"

Several other people looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Look at what I do, even if I chase it out now, we can't catch up with her. Even if we catch up with her, we may not be able to catch it. To live, not so much, we are better to eat and drink here, happy, why should we be affected by that kind of person?"

Maggie smiled and said: "This is called a high person. The wind is light and dark. You are not in a hurry. Those who want to harm you are even less emboldened. They will have some scruples in their hearts."

Xiao Bing applauded and looked at Maggie and said: "So I don't want to do useless work. You really don't know how to grow this little head. It's obviously a student. This IQ is comparable to the enchanting. The poisonous fox once told I, he saw you are scared."

Maggie chuckled and said: "I can't do it. Although I said the head is the way, but I can't do it. If you are so light, you can't think of it. If it's a particularly confident person, now How can you sit here calmly like you, neither returning nor chasing away."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, it’s not easy to get a compliment. Eat a skewer!"

Everyone started to eat. Others still have a feeling that they haven’t recovered from the recent things. Xiao Bing and the second goods are like a heartless look, as if nothing has happened before. .

Xiao Bing is confident and calm, and the second is really big....

After eating, Xiao Bing took out a paper towel and wiped his mouth, and asked the boss to pay for the food. Then several people went out together and left the barbecue shop. It was easier to get a taxi than before. Several people Blocked two cars and opened them separately.

Back in Xiaofu, the leaves have already returned home. At this time, the moon has already fallen asleep. Xiao Bing is lying beside Xiao Mingyue. When I open the phone, I have information. I don’t know when it was sent. It’s Bi Tingting. Message sent: "Are you at home?"

"Well, it's already here, how are you, how are you tired?"

Xiao Bing has watched Bi Tingting's two concerts in total. Every time I feel a little bit of doing this, it is really not easy. I have to sing and dance on the stage for several hours. There is almost no rest time in the middle. Actually and below. There are not many time for fans to talk and interact. Most of the time they are singing. This is also for the fans to think about the money, always let everyone deserve the fare.

Bi Tingting replied: "I am used to it. I just ate a piece of throat lozenge and I feel much better."

Xiao Bing replied: "Then rest early, take a good rest for two days."

"OK, good night."

"good night."

After Bi Tingting sent the message, Xiao Bing turned off the phone and put it on the side, then began to sleep.

The next day is Sunday. In the afternoon, Xiao Bing and the other girls have already made an appointment. Today they will accept their invitation to eat, and accept their thanks to themselves.

It is reasonable to say that Xiao Bing does not care about thank you or not. Xiao Bing himself is willing to help Peng Shanshan. As for the other two girls to have concert tickets, they are all handy, but they are so sincere invitations. Xiao Bing is not very good if he doesn't go.

In the afternoon, Xiao Bing packed up and walked out of the house, drove to the door of their school, but saw that the three of them had been waiting there, and the three girls sat together in the back row.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Today, you treat guests, I am the guest to accompany the Lord, and talk about where to go."

Zhang Xin said: "I can't afford too expensive, but there is a rotisserie nearby that is delicious. Let's go eat barbecue."

Xiao Bing made a snap and said: "Customers will follow the Lord, and you will command the road."

Hu Mei has some happy words: "Horse car, this car is very expensive."

The configuration of this car is indeed good. It is reasonable to say that Xiao Bing is not picky about the car, but the people in the house do not agree with Xiao Bing to deal with it casually. After all, Xiao Bing’s status is here, this car It cost 1.9 million yuan and it is very expensive in the market.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Fortunately, more than one million."

Hu Mei asked: "Uncle, are you particularly rich? Gao Fushuai."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Where do I get any money, it's all a face-filled look."

Zhang Xindao: "Uncle, you are not the kind of face-lifting person, you are a superior, and people like you simply don't care about face, even if it's a shackle, it's the same for you, because others are fancy Not your dress, not your BMW Mercedes, it is your right to see. In fact, money and rights are the best appearance of a man."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think so? Well, in fact, you are already very mature among the peers, and very sensible, but compared with those who really see everything, you are still not profound enough. "

"Oh." Although Zhang Xin did not agree, he still did not refute Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know that you don't believe what I said. You think that a man's ability, identity and status are more important than his appearance. In fact, this is not superficial, but it is not very clever. I tell you that the real advantage of a man is not how much power he has in his hands, but the character he possesses. Rights can be obtained through the efforts of the day after tomorrow, but the character is difficult to change, often accompanied by a person's life. The reason why I tell you this is that I hope to help you when you are looking for an object later. Find someone who owns one million yuan and loves you more than one million but not one. People who love you should be strong, do you know?"

Peng Shanshan nodded seriously, and Hu Mei’s mouth muttered that it made sense. Zhang Xin was a faint smile: “What is love.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This topic can be more esoteric. If you encounter such a talent, you can understand, let me tell you something, I can't tell you."

Zhang Xindao: "Then I can talk about it. I actually think that the so-called love is that a woman attracts a man in beauty or other aspects. The power of a man attracts a woman. This is love. There is nothing love, but actually It’s not called love. For example, there are two men, one of whom is just good for me, but he has nothing. The other one is Gao Fushuai, and it’s good for me. As long as it’s a person, it’s going to compare it. After I compared it, I found that the man who was particularly good to me was actually much worse than the other high-ranking and handsome. I obviously felt that he was far away and could not worship him at all. Is that love?"

Xiao Bing gave a slight indulgence and said: "I don't know what to say. What do you mean worship?"

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "Men's love for women is mixed with protection. Women's love for men is inherently worshipped. If even worship can't be worshipped, how can we love?"

Xiao Bing blew a whistle and said: "I have a little bit of you, although I don't think you are right, but I respect your right to have your own view of love. After all, everyone's understanding of love is not. The same, there is no way to talk about right or wrong."

Zhang Xin said: "I think so too."

When she said this, her eyes were looking at Xiao Bing's side face, and Peng Shanshan looked at Zhang Xin and his brow slightly picked up.

Xiao Bing’s car drove to the door of a rotisserie in accordance with their instructions and then stopped outside.

This shop looks like the taste should be really good, although it has not yet entered, but Xiao Bing saw a lot of people in the queue at the door, Xiao Bing took a number in the past, but there are more than a dozen people in the queue. Among them, Xiao Bing looked at Peng Shanshan and asked: "When you go to the car for a while, still stand here for a while?"

"Stand up." Peng Shanshan smiled and said: "It’s good to bask in the sun. Uncle, how is my uncle?"

"He, I am teaching him Kung Fu." Xiao Bing said, "It will take a few days. When someone will bully you in the future, you don't need me to go out. He can play more than a dozen. ”

Peng Shanshan’s eyes brightened and she was surprised: “Is it true?”

"Of course it is true, can I lie to you?" Xiao Bing laughed.

Peng Shanshan suddenly pulled up Xiao Bing’s arm and swayed, and pouted and said: “Uncle also teaches me, well, I promise you will definitely learn with you.”

This Peng Shanshan has always looked sweet, is the class flower in the class, plus the beating mouth to sell Meng, the average man has to melt, Xiao Bing can not help but feel a soft heart, pointing finger on Peng Shanshan's head gently Bounced a little and smiled and said: "Well, you have a little girl, look how good it is now, like a little girl, so beautiful, but I have to be a little girl."

Peng Shanshan spit out her tongue.

Xiao Bing said: "Your task is still to study hard. Learn as much useful knowledge as possible in the school. It is not necessarily used when you enter the society. As for learning Wu, it is not something you should do. Don't worry about it."

"Why!" Peng Shanshan snorted. "Sex discrimination?"

"That is not **** discrimination, mainly because I don't want to teach, hahaha."

Peng Shanshan slammed her feet and the other two girls laughed.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But, if you graduated from college, your test scores will be ranked in the top five in the class. At that time, I will teach you martial arts."

"Really?" Peng Shanshan's eyes lit up, and some excited.

"Of course it is true, the gentleman is hard to chase, but there are two witnesses next to it."

"Okay, then that's it."

Peng Shanshan extended her little finger, Xiao Bing shook her head and smiled. She also extended her little finger and hooked her up: "Tag!"

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