Super Soldier

Chapter 1593: Pope

Several people chatted here for about twenty minutes, and finally it was their turn. After four people walked in and sat down, they finished the barbecue and began to chat.

After chatting for a while, the barbecue and drinks came up. Xiao Bing asked Peng Shanshan whether he had encountered any problems during the past few days. He learned that Peng Shanshan had been entangled in the teacher and class to ask questions every day. Xiao Bing gave a thumbs up and it really looked at her.

During the meal, Peng Shanshan stood up and asked, "Who is going with me to the bathroom?"

"I will go too." Hu Mei also stood up and then looked at Zhang Xin and asked, "Are you going?"

"I won't go, let's go." Zhang Xin smiled and smiled.

When Pengshan and Hu Mei left, Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Xin and said: "I can see that Peng Shanshan is actually a good girl with a good nature. In fact, what I am most afraid of is that she can't stand the temptation of the outside world. See her now. I am really happy if I change something. If she does something wrong in the future, for example, if someone else advises her to go out to the nightclub, she can't stand the temptation, you tell me."

"Well, I know, in fact, her determination is very big." Zhang Xin looked at Xiao Bing, and his eyes faintly shone with Xiao Bing feeling strange.

Xiao Bing frowned slightly and asked: "Zhang Xin, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking... Do you have a girlfriend?"

Xiao Bing took a breath and suddenly thought of what Zhang Xin said when she was inside the car. Like a woman like her, maybe only a strong man would make her fall in love. Of course, this is not what it is. Good quality is just that everyone has different ideas about love. There is nothing wrong with it.

However, Xiao Bing does not want to let a girl fall into it again.

Xiao Bing immediately said: "I have a girlfriend."

Zhang Xin has a slight disappointment, but still does not give up: "Really?"

"Of course it is true, I love her very much."

Zhang Xin sighed and said: "I don't mean to split a pair. I just want to ask, can you accept me? I have your girlfriend? I am very young, I am not too bad. And I will think very much about my man."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am very grateful that you can look at me like this. Well, this is actually very encouraging for me, but I really have a girlfriend, I love her very much, you are also very Ok, but the person you love will always be the best in your own eyes. Am I right?"

Zhang Xin hesitated for a moment, suddenly Yan Yan smiled and said: "You are right, rest assured, I still like you very much, but I will not mention this anymore. I think there will be other things worthy of me in the future. The man who loves is waiting for me."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing sighed with relief and was very pleased. "You are actually a very good girl."

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "Is this a good card?"

Both people laughed. Zhang Xinchang is really good-looking, beautiful and youthful. When she confessed, Xiao Bing was still worried, but now it seems that the worry is superfluous. After all, not everyone is Jiang Ziying, and Zhang Xin It is very likely that I am only because of the worship of the strong, not the most sincere love.

Soon Peng Shanshan and Hu Mei are back. The two men looked at Xiao Bing and Zhang Xin, who looked and laughed. The two men glanced at each other, and they were secretly guessing whether Zhang Xin had just said anything, and Xiao Bing. How did you answer it?

Both of them know that Zhang Xin is looking for opportunities and Xiao Bing confession. According to their understanding of Zhang Xin, it may just be an opportunity.

However, they certainly will not ask now, and sit back to their position again. They found that everything is no different from the beginning. Xiao Bing and Zhang Xin did not show any difference. Didn't they confess?

After the meal, Xiao Bing checked out and then sent them back. When they were sent to the school gate, they were ready to get off. Peng Shanshan looked at Xiao Bing, who was sitting in the front row, seriously: "Uncle, no matter when it is time." I will not forget you in my heart. You are the benefactor of my life."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go back to rest, don't think too much. In fact, we are all kinds of people. This is the reason I really want to help you, not just because of your uncle."

Peng Shanshan showed a hint of surprise, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Goodbye, a few beautiful women."

Peng Shanshan got off the bus and waited until Xiao Bing drove away. Peng Shanshan asked Zhang Xin: "You just didn't confess?"

"It’s confession." Zhang Xin smiled. "The words that have been said have already been said."

"Oh." Peng Shanshan asked. "And then?"

"Then, I was rejected." Zhang Xin said with a smile. "But it doesn't matter. There is no grievance in my heart. There are already people in his heart. There are already girlfriends, but I am too late. What's more, a powerful man who is so good to his own woman, this proves that there is nothing wrong with my vision."

Peng Shanshan smiled and said: "You can come out, then I am too relieved, I am really afraid that you will not accept it."

"There is nothing that can't be accepted, it's not the end of the world." Zhang Xin took Peng Shanshan's hand and said with a smile, "Go, your uncle, let me supervise you."

"Well, welcome supervision."

These girls, they all have weaknesses, but after all, they are kind. The bones of Peng Shanshan’s little girl are kind. Hu Mei has sacrificed her family for her own sisters. Zhang Xin has seen Xiao Bing. But there is no such calculation.

They have their own shortcomings, but they are more energetic and have a bright future.

Xiao Bing returned to Xiao Fu with ease. At this time, Xiao Fu was just finished eating. Xiao Bing played with Xiao Mingyue in the yard. After a while, the leaves came over. Xiao Mingyue took a hand with Xiao Bing. One hand pulls the leaf and screams in his mouth: "Mother and Dad, I am going out for a walk."

"Okay, go out and walk." Xiao Bing smiled and kissed him on Xiao Mingyue's forehead.

At this time in a palace in Europe, Jiang Ziying was lying in the room watching TV. She has nothing to do in the palace. Every day, no matter what, there will always be a maid to take care of her. This is the pope. The palace where a family lives, that is to say, in this palace, one of the most powerful people in the world today - the Pope of the Holy See!

In addition, Ovkar naturally lives in this palace. After Jiang Ziying was brought in, he never saw Ovkar’s parents, but Ovkar came to see her every day and talked to her. It is difficult for her to smile again at Ovkar.

Because she has found that the person she really loves is Xiao Bing, and some things are hard to change.

At this time, someone knocked at the door, Jiang Ziying said: "Come in."

I saw a young maid in her twenties carrying a tray with lots of food and milk. After she came in, she respectfully said: "Miss, Your Highness said that you don't want to go out to eat, so let me direct breakfast." Come over and send it to you, it’s almost noon, don’t bother you to rest?”

"No, you just let go straight out."

The young maid put the food on the table in the room, then stood on the side and said in a proper manner: "His Royal Highness said, I must let my eyes see the young lady eating, I will be able to go out."

Jiang Ziying frowned, and such a simple expression scared the blond maid.

Jiang Ziying sighed and said: "Forget it, then I will eat it."

Anyway, I can't even add a maid to someone else, and then it is a bit hungry in the stomach, so Jiang Ziying got out of bed, sat down at the table and started to take the breakfast for a bite.

Seeing that Jiang Ziying had finished eating, the maid was relieved and said: "Miss Jiang, then I will go out first. If you have any instructions, you can call me at any time."

"Okay. Oh, wait a minute." Jiang Ziying said, "I will go out with me for a while. I have been in your palace since I have been, and I have never been out."

The maid hesitated and said: "I want to ask your Highness."

Jiang Ziying’s face is not pleasing: “I am under house arrest?”

The maid was so frightened that she hurried down and said, "No, your Highness says you are the most honorable person, just...just..."

"Forget it, I understand, you go and talk to him." Jiang Ziying sighed and said, "You don't have to swear to apologize, I don't have such a big temper."

"I know." The maid stood up, packed up the plate and went out.

"Hey." Jiang Ziying was left alone in the room. She sighed in a secluded voice and said to herself, "I don't know if the news was sent, I blame me... I don't know if he will forgive." I."

Jiang Ziying has now been confiscated, and he is worried about the connection between Jiang Ziying and Xiao Bing. His Highness Ovkar is very good to her, but it also limits her personal freedom. Jiang Ziying has no chance to escape. Did not dare to escape, because she did not want to even be tired of their loved ones.

She knows that although Ovkar is very fond of her, but it will not blindly condone, Ovkar's final bottom line is to ensure that she is by her side, not allowing her to leave!

Jiang Ziying’s heart suddenly regretted it, regretting that he was fascinated by the evil spirits, and he used Ovkar and Xiao Bing to form so many enemies. Even now, if you want to resolve it, you can’t resolve it.

Jiang Ziying was self-pity and self-pity. Suddenly the door was directly pushed away from the outside. Jiang Ziying was shocked. No one in the whole palace dared to push the door so quietly. Those who were next were not. Dare, Ofkar is never going to be, this is the first time she has come across this situation for several days.

She turned and looked at the door, first stunned, then tempted and asked: "You are...Ovkar's father?"

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