Super Soldier

Chapter 1594: Pope's threat

The old man who came in looks like he is fifty or sixty years old. He has a long blond hair and he has a lot of wrinkles on his face. The pupils contain the great wisdom of the world.

After he walked in, he casually looked at Jiang Ziying, Jiang Ziying actually felt that he was already in the universe, but the illusion happened only in a flash, and soon all disappeared. .

Jiang Ziying took a deep breath and stood there honestly. She could feel that the old man could make himself robbed with a casual look.

The old man wore a black robes and a scepter in his hand. Jiang Ziying recognized the angel's scepter used by Xiao Bing that day, and was able to hold the angel's scepter in his hand, and he did not worry about it. In my own room, it is obviously the father of Ovkar... the Pope of the Holy See.

The Pope slowly walked into the room and sat down on the chair. As the emperor looked at Jiang Ziying, Jiang Ziying did not dare to move. So he stood for a long time, and the Pope said: "No wonder it will My sons and gods are not guarding, and even the interests of the Holy See are ignored. It turns out to be an oriental beauty that looks so moving."

Jiang Ziying does not know what the Pope’s intentions are. Just to see himself, or to settle with himself? Jiang Ziying swallowed his mouth and licked his lips, and did not dare to move.

The Pope asked: "Are you called Jiang Ziying?"

"Yes." Jiang Ziying replied honestly, I am from China. ”

"I know that it is a mysterious and powerful country. The most powerful ones in the past few hundred years should belong to us in the West. The ancient Wumen School of China is powerless to compete with our Western Holy See, even now they are each being Suppressed, but it is a breeze for the Western Holy See to crush the ancient Wumen School of China. But a few hundred years ago, the most powerful thing in the world was your China!"

Jiang Ziying listened honestly. She didn't know much about these things. She couldn't insert her mouth. She didn't dare to plug in.

The Pope continued: "Hundreds of years ago, China has always been a martial arts. It is said that in mythology, the martial arts of China is also the most powerful. There is no power to compare with it. Hehe, now the world of martial arts On the other hand, the only thing that can make our Holy See feel a little pressure is the Kunlun of China. As for the Shaolin, they never appear. No one knows what their current heritage is."

"But I really didn't think that in addition to Kunlun, there are other guys in China who threaten our Holy See, that is, the Chinese Xiaobing, the Diablo of the Dark World, who you challenged me!"

Jiang Ziying bit his lip and asked, "Are you going to kill me?"

"No." The Pope said calmly, "I am coming to see you. As for whether you are dead or alive, it should be up to you."

Jiang Ziying breathed a sigh of relief.

The Pope said: "That Xiao Bing, our Holy See will kill in the morning and evening. As for the loss of the Holy See, the past will pass, but your woman is beautiful and beautiful, but in the language of your Chinese, You are a scourge, I can't allow a scourge to stay in our home. Miss Jiang, I ask you to leave now and never come back."

Jiang Ziying asked: "You want me to go?"

"Yes." The Pope said calmly. "You leave immediately, and you are not allowed to return to your home. You must let me never find you."

Jiang Ziying hesitated a little, she naturally wanted to go, but she could not return home, this condition is too overbearing.

The Pope continued: "You don't have any right to choose, because I can put you to death anytime, anywhere. You have to know that my age is big, but killing or killing."

Jiang Ziying said: "I know, I don't dare to doubt at all. However, it is not that I am coming to your home. It is brought by my Highness Ovkar. If I am really gone, he is very likely. What should I do if I am going to pay my family in anger? Can you guarantee the safety of my family?"

The Pope shook his head and said: "I can't guarantee that I can only determine your life and death. If you leave, you can live. If you stay, you will die."

Jiang Ziying tightened his fist and looked stubbornly: "I would rather die here. Presumably, if I am here, my Highness, Ovkar, will at least give me some heart and will not go to me." The family started."

The Pope frowned and asked: "Don't I start with your family?"

Jiang Ziying suddenly smiled: "You forced me to die, and then I have to deal with my family? Do you still think that Ovkar is not enough to hate you?"

The Pope took a deep look at Jiang Ziying. Jiang Ziying said that in the heart of the Pope, his son was very proud and reluctant since he was a child. It can be said that he completely inherited his genes. Because of his pride, Ovkar I have never liked any girl. He feels that those girls are not worthy of him. Because he is stubborn, he will never relax easily if he likes it.

The Pope took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with murder, and his tone was calm: "Then I can't leave you. In fact, if I want to kill you, I won't be caught by the handles. I won't let Auf. Carl knows that no one can see the flaws."

"Father!" At this time, the sound of Ovkar suddenly came from outside the door. Ovkar stepped in quickly. He saw Jiang Ziying standing there safely. It was obviously relieved, but his eyes were a bit stunned. Said, "You still want to start with my woman, right?"

The Pope looked at his son with deep gaze. His eyes went straight through the soul. He had to see how deep his son’s deep thoughts on this woman were, and he plucked his eyes and stood up. A touch of words: "Ovkar."

Ovkar respectfully said: "Father."

"I hope she won't mistake you."

"Despite his father's reassurance, his son has his own thoughts in his heart."

"That's good." The Pope nodded slightly and stepped out. When he left, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Ziying. His eyes were deep and complicated.

When the Pope's footsteps went away, Ovkar sighed and said to Jiang Ziying: "My father's temper, even if I am his son, I dare not go against it."

Jiang Ziying said: "But you still violate this time."

"For you, do not hesitate!"

Hearing Ovkar’s tone firmly said this, the feelings in Jiang Ziying’s heart became more and more complicated. The person she loved was Xiao Bing. He was under house arrest by Ovkar, although everything It’s all she asked for, but she should hate Ovkar. Ovkar has to put herself under house and on the other hand has to deal with the man she likes, but Jiang Ziying can’t really hate it. Fukar, because Ovkar has always been very good to her, and even has not forced her in that regard until now.

Ovkar looked at Jiang Ziying and asked: "I heard that you want to go out for a walk?"

"Yeah, it’s too boring for a person to be here."

Ovkar nodded and said, "Let's go, I will take you out for a walk."

Jiang Ziying said: "No, I will do it myself. You can't worry about sending a few people to follow me."

Ovkar said: "I still have to go out with you. You just saw my father's attitude, although I am sure he will not carry anything that I am doing too much, but just in case."

Jiang Ziying hesitated for a moment, but had no choice but to agree: "This... well."

Ovkar smiled and said: "You are ready, let's go out."

"I am ready, nothing to prepare."

Ovkar opened the door, Jiang Ziying went out first, and Ovkar followed him out.

Jiang Ziying suddenly said: "His Royal Highness."


"Do you have to deal with Xiao Bing?"

Ovkar said: "I can't move him."

“Why?” Jiang Ziying was a little excited.

Ovkar said: "The current situation is not that I want to move him, but my father is also forced to move him, because our Holy See has already avenged him. His current strength is only a great threat to our Holy See. You think Will we let him grow up?"

Jiang Ziying frowned and said: "I don't want you to move him."

Ovkar has some unpleasant words: "Of course I know."

Jiang Ziying said: "It's not exactly what you think, but also for another reason."

"Oh? Then you have to talk to me, what is the reason." Ovkar's tone was mocking.

Jiang Ziying said: "You have enmaged with him. It is because of my sake that you continue to fight like this. No matter who is born or who is dead, I am a sinner!"

"Reassured, if it is really a life and death, the real death must be him." Ovkar said, "As for your feelings of guilt, there is no need, even if there is no reason for you, he chose this The road must have the awareness of life and death at any time."

Ovkar’s gaze reveals a bit of sadness. He said, “Don’t look at me as the successor of the Holy See. Then it’s not the same. Anyone who steps into this path will end up with a possibility of not being able to die. ... Oh, the Pope of our Holy See can basically end in life. That is because of the millennium of our Holy See, what does Xiao Bing rely on?"

Jiang Ziying's eyes showed a bit of self-blame, a sorrow, he saw that the heart of the Holy See killing Xiao Bing did not break, and all this was brought by her, all because of her!

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