Super Soldier

Chapter 1633: Akasaka Nakayama life

After Xiao Bing came back, the people who were first appointed by the Dingwu Office were surrounded. Everything was said to be non-stop. It was just a feeling of tears. During this time, they were indeed enough to be wronged. The position of the Dingwu office is to constrain the ancient Wumen school, but after Xiao Bing disappeared, they began to have deterrence against the ancient Wumen faction. Later, everyone thought that Xiao Bing was dead, so he feared Xiao Bing. The heart disappeared completely.

After that, the Kunlun School began to integrate the Eight Great Schools of Guwu, so that all the Guwu Eight Gates all loyal to them, especially the outside world has spread two things. The first is that Xiao Bing is dead, and the second is because he loves his disciples. Killed by Xiao Bing, Dao Xuan taught to the highest martial arts overnight, and entered the peak of the saint in just a few months!

Under the circumstance, the eight sects can not withstand this pressure, and they have vowed to loyalty to the Taoist teachings. This is not the most anger of the Dingwu office. After all, the Kunlun school was the ally, but only the former. This time it was a loyalty to the watch, but then Kunlun actually took people to besiege the fairy door, forcing all the other seven sects to participate, the Dingwu office came forward to stop, the Kunlun faction completely ignored, and finally seriously injured several people in the fairy door, Forcing the Fairy Gate to swear that it will never be enemies with Kunlun and then take Aydin away.

This incident has been seen by the whole world. The Dingwu office has lost control of the Guwu sect. The Dingwu office was directly beaten and became very unsuccessful. It was originally created to constrain the Guwu sect. The office, now unable to restrain the Guwumen school, immediately became very embarrassing.

Now that Xiao Bing is back, they have seen the hope again. One is naturally very excited, and some people even cry.

Xiao Bing comforted them. The people of Xiaofu, such as the leaves, ran after hearing the news. When they saw Xiaofu’s people coming over, the people in the office all dispersed their interest. Although they were particularly worried about Xiao Bing. Although I was very excited, I know that most of the people in Xiaofu are relatives of Xiao Bing, and now I don’t want to delay the family reunion.

Everyone just dissipated, and the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao directly rushed into the arms of Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing opened his arms and hugged two people at the same time. In the past, Su Xiaoxiao was still worried about everyone. Now, under such a large audience, it is thrown into the arms of Xiao Bing. It shows how worried she is for Xiao Bing during this time. How excited she is at this moment.

Xiao Bing patted the shoulders of both of them and kept comfortingly saying: "Okay, nothing is all right, it has passed, it has passed, rest assured, Xiao Da Ge Fu is big, nothing is there. ""

The people in the Dingwu office in the distance whispered one by one to the ear: "Look, see, the two big měinu sent a hug to Xiao, I wonder, I heard that there are several girlfriends in Xiao. Sure enough, it’s not too light!”

"Hey, if you have half the skills of Xiao, you can't know how many měinu are throwing at you."

"Hey, if I have half of Xiao’s ability, I can wake up dreaming."

The leaves came out of Xiao Bing's arms and said, "You and Rose sister also say a few words. Don't think that only two of us are worried about you. The people who worry about you don't know how much."

The red rose came over at this time, looking at Xiao Bing, biting his lip and not saying anything.

Xiao Bing loosened Su Xiaoxiao and went straight to the front of the red rose. He said softly: "I'm sorry, I am worried about it."

The red rose shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter. If you are really killed by Kunlun, I will only fight for the martial arts, until the hard work of the old men of Kunlun, then I will kill them. Kill a few of them every day until they are all killed, so that they will live in fear before they die."

The words of the red rose are very calm, but it is this calm that shows her determination. Everyone around me feels a little creepy. If she is offended, she can not offend a woman.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So the Kunlun faction should feel lucky."

Xiao Bing said that it is not wrong, and it is not a joke. The red rose has an unparalleled talent. Although this talent may not be able to be higher than Xiao Bing, it is definitely stronger than most other people, even in Xiao Bing. The talent of the red rose is not weaker than that of Gao Fei. Compared with Gao Fei, who is taller and who is not necessarily high? Compared with the red rose, Gao Fei is only a terrorist metamorphosis and a terrible shārén determination!

The red rose said seriously: "Yes, their people have temporarily saved their lives, but this account will be liquidated sooner or later."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Hey, this account is cleared by me. They dare to start with our Dingwu office. I will not let them go."

The red rose sighed and it looked like everything was under Xiao Bing.

After pacifying the red rose, other people in Xiaofu came over one by one. Xiao Mingyue flew directly into Xiao Bing’s arms. She was not too excited, just very happy. In her words, she knew Xiao Bing. In fact, it is not dead, because if Xiao Bing really has an accident, she can be sensed. It can be seen that although Xiao Bing has entered the devil world, the two of them have not been cut off.

After Xiao Bing looked at a circle, Xiao Yu had only Liu Xiaorui, Akasaka Nakayama and Xiao Bing’s righteous daughter Xia Hongyin. After Xiao Bing asked, the leaves said: "The small flower is in the school, so the Guwumen people It's not clear, their intelligence is not as sophisticated as we are, so we simply let her continue to live in school, don't come out, and the weekend is in the school. As for the summer aunt... she just started to follow The Dingwu office has been here, just left three days ago."

"Oh." Xiao Bing asked. "What did she do?"

"I don't know, I asked, she didn't tell me," said the leaf. "Ash Aya's recent mood is not very high. Although she is not here for a few days, she is not worried about us." Less, Xiao Brother, I see that she is really affecting you."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I don't know why, there is a kind of intimacy that can't be said to Aunt Xia, maybe this is called fate."

"Yeah, so this is not very good."

Xiao Bing saw that the emotion of the red scorpion was not very high. He immediately thought of Akasaka, and said: "Is it true that Akasaka is not injured because of it?"

The eyes of the red scorpion branch immediately became red, and there were tears in it. The two goods quietly grasped the hand of the red stalk, and all the eyes were distressed. This big-looking big man could not help but be exposed at this moment.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The branch, rest assured, I have brought a panacea this time, there must be a way to heal the father."

Akasaka’s eyes blinked and he couldn’t believe it: “Really?”

"Well, really. It’s just that the age of the old man is big. What is the effect? ​​I am not quite sure, right, Zhang Yizhi is the father?"

Ye Zidao: "Zhang Lao is in the room of the old man, Akasaka, and is giving the red-handed father a needle."

"Let's go." Xiao Bing said, "Everyone has gone out first, branch, you take me to your grandfather's room to see, leaves, little, roses... and Goofy, you guys are coming along. Let's go."

So everyone went with Xiao Bing.

After arriving at the door of the room where Akasaka’s father lived, Xiao Bing gently knocked on the door. Zhang pointed to the sweaty door and opened the door. When Xiao Bing came back, his face could not help but smile, although laughing It looks very weak: "When you come back, I know you won't have anything to do."

"Trouble you, Zhang Lao, how is the body of Akasaka's father?"

Zhang Yizhi shook his head and sighed and said: "He was accidentally injured and hurt his heart. Although I temporarily saved his life, but..."

Zhang Yizhi suddenly looked at the red scorpion branch, and then closed his mouth. Although he did not say it, but everyone basically heard it, I am afraid that it will not live for a few days.

Xiao Bing’s heart was tight, and he said with a self-blame: “It’s all because of me, I’m hurting my father.”

"No wonder you..." Akasaka Zhongshan lying on the bed, hoarse and very weak voice passed over. "I saw the branches have a home before I died, and I also saw the artifacts, and even touched the artifacts. It’s worth it to die now.”

Xiao Bing said: "Don't say that, Father, you have to go to the grandson. You can't have anything. Otherwise, I can't be safe in my life. Right, I brought the medicine here. After you take it, maybe It will be better."

Xiao Bing gave the small pill bottle out, and Zhang Yizhi reached out and said, "Show me."

Xiao Bing handed the bottle to Zhang Yizhi’s hand. Zhang Yizhi opened the medicine bottle and smelled the scent of the medicine inside. He immediately showed a surprise, then poured out a grain and asked: “This medicine What constitutes?"

Xiao Bing didn't know much about this. Gao Fei said at the side: "The konjac, the angelica, the half sage..."

Gao Fei said a series of names of medicines. Zhang Yizhi was more surprised when he heard it. Finally, he showed a stunned color. He said with amazement: "There are several of these medicines, I have only heard of some materials. It’s all a long time, how do you get it?”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I can't say this, I want to ask, can this medicine help?"

Zhang Yizhi hesitated a little, and then carefully pondered it. The others all held their breath and waited for dáàn. After a few minutes, Zhang Yi pointed a smile on his face and said: "Help.... ”

Everyone showed a smile on his face. Xiao Bing also breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Yizhi said with some regrets: "But Mr. Akasaka has spent too much effort on the swords made these years. Plus this serious injury, even if it is a rescue. Come over, I am afraid that time..."

Zhang Yizhi’s tone paused. Obviously hesitated to say no, but Akasaka’s Zhongshan was a calm face. He said, “Let’s say, no matter how long I can accept it.”

Zhang Yizhi sighed: "The time will not exceed half a year, we can save lives, but if you want to hook the dead book from the hands of the prince, you can't do it in China."

After everyone listened, all of them were silent, but only Akasaka and Haha laughed.


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