Super Soldier

Chapter 1634: The Buddha son is whipped!

Looking at the smiling red scorpion in Zhongshan, the red scorpion branch directly cried out and squatted at the bedside of Chishao Zhongshan. He said, "Grandpa, how can you laugh, Grandpa."

Akira Nakayama smiled and said: "Why can't you laugh out, I can still look at my granddaughter for half a year. Shouldn't I be happy? Life and death are rich in the sky, I am dead now, although I still can't say No regrets, but I am very contented. I can live for a few more months. I feel that no one in this world is more fortunate than me."

After Zhang Yizhi listened, his eyes showed a color of approval and nodded. "It is not afraid of life and death, but there are too few people in the world who can do it. You can really see through this. It’s worth learning. Don’t feel too sad. If a person can be happy and calm, how big is life and death? We are satisfied and happy to be the most important.”

After listening to other people, although I still feel sad, it really feels a little lighter.

Zhang Yizhi handed the medicine to the father and said: "If you take it directly, the effect of this medicine is very good, but the effect is not so strong. It doesn't matter if you take it directly."

"Okay." Akasaka Zhongshan did not want to put the medicine directly into the mouth, and the medicine grain was directly imported.

After taking the Akasaka Zhongshan, everyone was nervously watching the Akasaka Zhongshan. The red stalks were nervous and asked: "Grandpa, how do you feel?"

The eyes of Akasaka’s Zhongshan were slightly brighter and said: “I feel like there is a warm current in my stomach...”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This feeling is right. This is the effect of the rapid effect of the drug. This medicine is mainly for life-saving, so the effect of the drug is relatively fast. Red-hearted father, you have a good rest these days. It is estimated that it will take less than a few days to get to the ground."

Zhang Yizhi said with some excitement: "Bad boy, you tell me, where did the drug come from? It has great research value for our medical school."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Sorry, Zhang Lao, even if I told you, you can't get it, don't say it is you, even if you go to the big head, there is no way."

Zhang Yizhi is skeptical: "Hey, this gives you a lot of things that you can get. The big heads are not good at making it. When is your kid more powerful than the head."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am an ordinary citizen. Well, it’s a good cadre to say that it’s a good cadre. I can’t compare it with the big head, but this is really special, even if I want it now. If you think about ways to get more bottles, I am afraid that you will risk your life. Fortunately, this time I have collected several bottles of this medicine. In addition to this, there are other medicines that I will give you."

Xiao Bing unloaded the bag that he carried on his body. Apart from installing a few spirits, the rest is the elixir that was brought out this time. The weapons usually have ordinary weapons, treasures, spirits, and artifacts. The same level of weapons are also divided into the following products, middle products, the best, and Xiao Bing's Tian Cong Yun Sword is the next artifact of the Chinese artifact, but even so, because of the rare degree of artifacts, so in other artifacts In the case, even the next artifact is enough to make people feel scared, enough to make all the big forces crazy.

The angel's scepter of the Holy See obviously reached the level of the Chinese artifact, so it was able to force Xiao Bing to this extent several times in a row. As for the Kunlun chess, the Xinghe chessboard also reached the middle grade, so Only once can I trap Xiao Bing, and I can’t even get out.

As for the spirits, those that Xiao Bing got from heaven are counted as the lower spirits. Those spirit swords are still shallow, and the ten-handed swords are not very likely. Even so, the old man in Tianshan held the ten-handed spirit. The power of the sword and the ten-handed spirit sword is definitely more than the best sword. However, if only one handle is taken out, it can only exert the power of the sword.

In addition to weapons, drugs are usually divided into herbs, elixir, and medicine.

Herbs are herbs that can be picked on weekdays, but there are also common and best products. For example, ginseng for more than 100 years is the best herb. If it is ginseng that reaches hundreds of years or even thousands of years, it is equivalent to elixir. In addition, there are many herbs that are the category of elixir, but they are extremely rare. Each one belongs to the category of pricelessness. Even if you go to grab it, you don’t know where to go. .

The herbs that Xiao Bing brought out this time are basically in the category of elixir. Although they are basically low-level elixir, even this is basically a priceless market. Herbs and weapons are not the same. God Grass is more rare than artifacts. Even the original **** fruit is not a **** grass. The real **** grass can never be planted, but it is gathered by the aura of heaven and earth.

Zhang Yizhi saw a large number of refining elixir brought back by Xiao Bing and the spirit grass that had not been refining, and could not help but widen his eyes, and even his hands trembled. Xiao Bing looked at it. I looked forward to it and asked: "This... How do you feel this time? Can you let the red-breasted father live for a few more years?"

After Zhang Yizhi’s excitement, he grew a sigh of relief and said, “It’s still not good. I said, even if Hua Tuo’s life is useless, these are the elixir and the grass, which is indeed extremely valuable, but even valuable. The elixir cannot make a person go against the sky."

Akira Nakayama sighed and said: "Xiao Bing, give up, don't think about it anymore. In the next days, I can see that you are all good, this is the greatest happiness."

Xiao Bing sighed, although he said that he was unwilling, but he had to give up, just like Zhang Yizhi said, everyone has a day to die, this is irreversible, but fortunately, Akasaka’s father has not lived in this life. Too much regret.

At the moment, Akasaka’s face is much better. Zhang Yizhi put down the spirits and medicines. In the past, he gave the veins to Akasaka, and then smiled and said: “Not bad, the effect of the drug works, it is estimated. You can get out of bed in a few days."

Zhang Yizhi took away some of the small medicine bottles and all the herbs and said: "These are repeated in your place, especially if you use herbs, it is useless. I have left you some elixir. It’s already refining, you can take it when you have something to do, and the rest of these herbs are for me.”

Xiao Bing’s eyes turned and said: “Zhang Lao, you can’t be so good, and you have to take it away without asking me. If you really like it, I don’t understand it. I think This is good. After you have refining, no matter how much refining it is, two-thirds will be returned to me."

“So greedy?” Zhang Yizhi said. “It’s ok to give you half. You know that these herbs are not in your hands, but they are not very useful. However, it is far too far from Ling Dan."

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "Things are rare, Zhang Lao, you can say that it is not fair. Your old rumors in medicine are invincible, but you want to refine these grasses, even if you are not looking for you. If you are so powerful, you can find other top medical scientists. And my elixir can be different. Even if I am a drug, I have no place to buy it. I am right? You Is it too greedy for me to process half of the production?"

Xiao Bing said this, saying that Zhang Lao’s old face is red, and his words are not wrong. Zhang Yizhi’s medical attainments are naturally unique, but these elixir are simply not found, and they want to Finding a medical rumor that is close to Zhang Yizhi is not impossible. Although it may not be comparable to Zhang Yizhi, refining the elixir should still be possible. Zhang Yizhi will go halfway in one sentence. It is indeed Too much.

Zhang Yizhi coughed and said: "Well, whoever makes the relationship between the two is here, one third is a third."

Xiao Bing smiled. In fact, he did not refuse to take care of his old friends. However, it was a lot of one-third of Zhang’s finger. As a result, Zhang Yizhi really promised to be very happy. This old fox ....

After this matter was finalized, Xiao Bing collected the remaining elixir and then looked at Akasaka and said: "Master, you should rest well, let's go out first, and we will call us again."

"Good, good." Akasaka Zhongshan promised two sounds.

After Xiao Bing came out of the room, he suddenly felt a pain, but saw a hand of the leaf squatting on one piece of his own meat, and then twisted it hard.

Xiao Bing’s painful mouth licked his mouth and cried in his mouth: “Hey, why, just rush to meet the murderer.”

"Oh, let's just say, I just lost people, just crying, and forgetting to punish you. Have you forgotten what you promised us before?"

"This..." Xiao Bing said, "I promised that I will never let you worry again, but this time it is definitely an accident. This time it was not for me to take the initiative to cause trouble, but those people who voluntarily ambushed me and Goofy, I am awkward!"

"I don't care, anyway, this time you made a mistake, sisters, let's think about how to punish this big bad guy who doesn't count!"

The red rose and Su Xiaoxiao all laughed. Although they said that their bodies were being shackled, they saw their smiles and knew that they finally got rid of the fear of fear all the time. Xiao Bingxin felt very happy inside. The beggar felt very comfortable, Xiao Bing whispered in the heart, Nima, I am not a tendency to abuse!

On the towering peaks of a straight cloud, at this moment, the Buddha is standing in the wind, followed by the dark whip of the horrible power of the Buddha.

Ps: The next chapter I am going to update at three o'clock. Yesterday it was too sleepy and too sleepy, so today's update is slightly later.

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