Super Soldier

Chapter 1638: Teasing vomiting blood!

Xiao Bing’s hand has already clenched the Tian Congyun sword, and he heard the Dao’s drinking. His movements stopped, his eyes were full of murderous eyes on the Taoist teaching, and sneered: “Old man, you still Anything to say?"

Zhang Zixu pointed to Xiao Bing at the side and angered: "Don't have a bit old man!"

Xiao Bing took a look at Zhang Zixu and dismissed the message: "You are also an old man. After you have solved this old thing, I will solve you!"


Under the wrath of Zhang Zixu, one of your words has just been spoken, and the voice is screaming: "Zhang Zixu, don't talk anymore."

Zhang Zixu had to close his mouth, hate watching Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing sneered, and disdain.

Dao stared at Xiao Bing and asked: "You have to break with us and you are really not afraid to leave your life on Kunlun?"

Xiao Bing smiled, laughed, and said loudly: "They have been giving me all my life since I followed me. Whether it’s a knife or a sea, it’s life or death. We don’t care, you can use it. tube?"

Daosheng said: "You are so sure? Do you know that Kunlun has something you don't know?"

"What about me? What's more, since I came here today, wouldn't there be no preparation? The old man will give you an eye!"

Xiao Bing suddenly Tian Congyun sword held up high, a sword light sky, followed by a few loud bangs between the mountains, but saw several shells directly from the bottom of the mountain, everyone widened their eyes, then Watching the shells fall on the mountainside, rumbling, the earth shook.

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "This time it was bombing halfway up the mountain. The next time it was directly rushing toward you. Today, our life can not be said to be difficult to say, but I dare say that the Kunlun School must be gone."

The face of Dao is getting more and more ugly. Xiao Bing is too embarrassed. This kind of hotness is completely beyond his imagination. What he did not expect is that the country really wants to fire on Kunlun? This is even stronger than the shock that Xiao Bing brought to them. They and Xiao Bing tore their skins, that is, the fish died and the net is broken. In the end, the chances of winning are even greater, but if the country is torn apart, it is almost certain to die. Even the Kunlun faction will really be like what Xiao Bing said, and it will soon disappear.

Xiao Bing looked at the road and asked: "Now you still want to show your so-called underworld with Laozi? The old man, see if your foundation is deep, or the foundation of Laozi is deep, Laozi has a thousand troops. Ma, if you have a great ability, your fellows and disciples are dead, and even if you are lucky, you will escape from Kunlun. From then on, you will be like a funeral dog.

The face of the Tao has changed. The Kunlun disciples are also agitated. Some people are shouting and fighting. The Kunluns cannot bow down with others, but more Kunlun disciples are silent. After all, not everyone ignores life and death. Compared with life, what is the so-called face?

Sure enough, the road was silent, and took a deep breath. He smiled bitterly: "You count, Xiao is long. This time we Kunlun sent to plant it. The army under the mountain is your invitation. Do you have any way to let Are they going back?"

"Since I can come, I can let them leave." The Tian Congyun sword in Xiao Bing’s hands began to point to the Tao’s teaching, saying, "But my people are dead in your hands, what do I rely on? To retreat? Today, Laozi and you will fight together, and will not retreat a half step. I must let your blood flow into the river on the Kunlun Mountains, and the people will roll!"

The face of Dao’s teaching is ugly, and the whole person seems to be old and many years old. He has become somewhat powerless: “Xiao’s chief, we Kunlun admit defeat, and since then Kunlun has never dared to be against you. Please also retreat. In addition, Ayi Ding is on our Kunlun Mountain. I will ask her to come out and return it to you. I guarantee that Ayi Ding is intact and has no hair. ”

Xiao Bing sneered: "Let's bow down and apologize, then you can give it back to me? Old man, you dream, you can not return Ayi Ding to me, everyone on Kunlun Mountain is buried!"

Although the Taoist teachings are angry, but people have to bow their heads under the roof, he is really afraid that Xiaobing, a peerless tiger, really fights with them, and the following troops have brought tremendous deterrence. Thinking of this, the Taoist sighed helplessly and said: "What do you want to say, what do you want?"

Seeing that the church has compromised, many of the Kunlun disciples have shown a look of disappointment, but they are helpless.

Xiao Bing pointed to Zhang Zixu and said: "The person who took the people who attacked me with the Holy See last time was him. Later, the person who took people to go to Xiaofu was him. The leader who brought people to deal with the fairy door was He, so this person must be handed over to me."

Zhang Zixu said: "No, teach, can't compromise with him, teach!"

Xiao Bing added: "The martial arts are solved by the martial arts. I can make a fair confrontation with him and die forever!"

Dao Xujiao’s trembling asked: “Can there be other conditions?”

Xiao Bing smirked: "The other conditions will naturally be there, but this condition must also promise me. Otherwise, we will avoid talking."

Looking at Zhang Zixu’s pleading gaze, Dao’s teaching turned his gaze to other places and sighed: “Well, I promise you.”

Zhang Zixu screamed: "Teaching, how can you do this, everything I do is for Kunlun..."

Zhang Zixu’s words have not been finished yet, Xiao Bing has already rushed to his face, Tian Congyun sword crossed, Zhang Zixu only had time to reflexively raised his arms, and then the whole person was smashed for two halves, corpse on the spot .

All the Kunlun disciples were shocked, and the whole Kunlun Mountain was silent. Then Kunlun’s side was like a dead gray. Xiao Bing’s side began to scream and shout: “God of War! God of War! God of War! God of War!”

This scene has also been seen by everyone who has been positioned by satellite. No one can hear what they say, but they all see clearly that Chu Xiaobing will be second only to Kunzhang in Kunlun’s eyes under the eyes of Kunlun. The teacher Zhang Zixu was killed, and everyone who saw this scene lost all voices!

The people brought by Xiao Bing did not think that Xiao Bing was so decisive and decisive. After all, almost everyone here has seen the prestige of Zhang Zixu. It can be said that in the entire ancient Wu world, Zhang Zixu is almost always said to be unique. The characters, the result was killed by Xiao Bing like killing the cat and killing the dog. They were shocked and then cheered. At this moment, they are infinitely worshipping Xiao Bing, just like the two words they cheered. Xiao Bing is like a **** of war in their hearts!

The body of Dao Xuan’s body trembled. At this moment, his body smashed a few points. This time, the blow was even more serious than the blow of his dead disciple. That time, after all, it was a fair duel, and they were Picked out, but this time it was Xiao Bing who killed him in Kunlun in front of him, and he got his default. That was an incentive for the Taoist teaching to stimulate him to break through to the peak of the saint, and this A heavy blow is a blockage to his way forward, which may lead him to never go any further in his life. Of course, according to his age, reaching this step is also the limit, and even the sage’s peak is even eye-catching. The history of Kunlun is the most advanced existence, so even if he is blocked at the beginning, it is extremely successful. But who is not ambition? Since they have come to this step, who would not want to go further?

Dao Xujiao also noticed that his road to repairing Wu was severed, and his heart became more and more resentful against Xiao Bing, but he was helpless to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't think I can teach the truth or understand some things. Since I am allowed to kill this culprit, I will not go to kill other people."

Xiao Bing can be awkward, almost let the whole Kunlun people understand it. This Zhang Zixu is my kill, but it is also your teaching to allow me to kill, so let’s take a look, in the face of gains and losses, Even Zhang Zixu can be sacrificed, let alone you.

Although he knew that he was being provoked, Zhang Zixu couldn't say anything. He just hoped that Xiao Bing could leave Kunlun quickly, so he said with no anger: "What are the conditions, continue to tell me."

Xiao Bing said: "When your people besieged us in Xiaofu, we have lost a few artifacts in Xiaofu, I hope you can return them."

The people of Longmen Baguio are laughing in the heart, and you are too shameful. When do you have a few artifacts in Xiaofu, don’t you have a sword in your hand?

The Taoism of the Tao is also violent, and Xiao Bing is too shameless in his heart. He is not angry. "We have never seen any artifacts. There are other sects on the scene that day. You go to other sects to ask."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Who doesn't know that you are a lord of Kunlun, even if other sects are robbed, and finally you are not strict in discipline. You should go and ask, I will only ask you for this lord to ask for artifacts."

Dao is not angry: "No, we don't."

"That's okay." Xiao Bing sighed and said helplessly. "Then I have to make up for it. What artifacts do you have in Kunlun? All of them are taken out, and I randomly pick out a few pieces to bring back, so I can barely make up the number." ""

Just pick a few pieces? Reluctantly make up the number?

Dao only felt that the throat was sweet, and a small blood spit out. The elders next to him hurried forward and called: "Teach, teach, you are fine, teach!"

(End of this chapter)

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