Super Soldier

Chapter 1639: Blackmail success

Dao Xujiao set up his hand and looked at Xiao Bing with a gloomy look. He said, "I will plant it, and I won't offend you anymore, but you don't really force us to die. In fact, we didn't **** it." What artifacts do you have, and you have no artifacts, except for the swords in your hands."

Xiao Bing indulged and said: "You really didn't see a few artifacts we lost? That's weird, but it's because you just lost it, so at least you have to compensate us two." ”

Dao Xuan teaches a deep tone: "We have only two artifacts in Kunlun. The first is the Tianhe sword. The second is the star-shaped chessboard. You have already seen it. You want me to compensate two pieces. That's quite I have dug up the treasures of the two towns in Kunlun, and this is no matter what I say. Not to mention two artifacts, even if it is impossible, unless it is me, otherwise, Even if you razed Kunlun to the ground, I can't hand it out, so I am the sinner of Kunlun."

After the words of the Tao’s teachings, Xiao Bing saw that the other side was really unlikely to hand over the artifacts. Any artifacts were considered treasures of the town, and even the eight sects did not have artifacts. There are not many in the world. Now Xiao Bing knows that his own Tianyun Yunjian, the three great artifacts of the Holy See and the two great artifacts of Kunlun, but there may be, but it is absolutely rare, just an artifact. The existence of this can be a treasure of the town of a big force, how can the Tao can be abandoned.

Xiao Bing himself never thought about getting away the two artifacts of the Kunlun School, so he heard that the Tao Xujiao said so, he deliberately pretended to indulge, and then said: "That's it, as a fixed-minded service. Director, and I am the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Security. The harmonious development of the Guwumen School is my most important, so I can't force you to do things you don't want to do."

Dao Xu teaches: "...."

Other people in Kunlun: "...."

The people of Longmen and the Dingwu office silently looked at the sky in the distance, as if there were any wonderful things in the distance.

The face of Dao’s teaching was slightly relieved, and he said reluctantly: "That I would like to thank Xiao."

"You're welcome, I don't want an artifact, but you can't let me go back empty-handed. On average, an artifact can at least be compared to ten artifacts."

The Taoist Master was shocked and said: "We don't have twenty pieces of artifacts on the Kunlun Mountains."

Xiao Bing is a little unhappy, impatient: "There are always ten spirits? Oh, if there are none of the ten spirits, simply kill yourself and die."

The Taoist Master was helpless, and finally went back to discuss with the elders. These elders all looked a little ugly. They first called a good disciple and told them to go to the arsenal. Soon the disciple Inside the arsenal, I found out that there are eight pieces of spirits. The eyes of Xiao Bing are shining. The Kunlun School is really too deep. The rare spirits are so many in the Kunlun School, but this is not unusual. Tianshan The old man can have ten swords, and the Kunluns have several spirits and strange things, but this time it is really a bumper harvest.

Although it is very exciting in the heart, Xiao Bing is somewhat dissatisfied on the surface, as if it is very disgusting: "There are only eight in total? Too little too little, I see the hands of several elders in Kunlun." It’s all spiritual, it’s not as good as...”

"No," said Dao Xujia, "you know that the spirits of our Kunlun elders have been used since childhood, and they have long been connected."

"Forget it, it's too tricky, so that's it. Is a spirit worthy of ten treasures?"

Dao Xujiao was shocked and hurriedly said: "There can be up to three."

Xiao Bing said: "Three pieces are three pieces, and now I have ten treasures for the top grades."

Dao Xujiao also told his disciples to go to the arsenal. This time, it was finally enough. Xiao Bing got a total of eight spirits and six treasures. This can be said to be a bumper harvest, but There was some secret annoyance in my heart. I knew that I just went straight to the arsenal and picked it up, lest these people have private goods.

However, this has already happened. Xiao Bing is not good enough to continue. First, let the people in the office collect the weapons, and then look at the Taoist teachings and say: "The first condition is just to kill Zhang Zixu. You helped me. The second condition is that these weapons, you have done it. Next, I will release Aidin to me, and I will take it away!"

In the heart of the Tao, there is no hate in the heart. Even at this time, Xiao Bing has not forgotten to provoke distraction, but now he wants to send Xiao Bing away, so he can’t care so much, and hurriedly told his men. Disciple, said: "I don't want to come over to Ayi Ding girl."

A few disciples immediately ran to the hall, and Xiao Bing also looked at the hall. All eyes were looking forward to it. The Taoist teachings suddenly regretted it. Maybe there is no need to regress so much. It is enough to threaten Xiao Bing with Aidin. However, now regret is too late, and the Taoist teaching does not dare to gamble, after all, this is to use the entire Kunlun to gamble!

Not too much, Ayi Ding came out from the main hall. She ran into the white dress and ran quickly toward Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing opened her arms and the two men hugged together. Xiao Bing felt the body of Ayi Ding. Warm and scent, softly asked: "Is it okay?"

Aydin shook his head.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If nothing happens, I will be relieved. There will be no more things in the future."

"Yeah." Aydin nodded.

Xiao Bing looked at the Taoist teachings and said with a serious tone: "Kun Lun's teaching, I hope that you will remember later, whether it is the Diablo World or the Guwumen School, the era of these rivers and lakes affecting China has long passed. It was in ancient times, not in the present. Now it is a society ruled by law. If you are a Kunlun in the rivers and lakes, you should not be too self-righteous. And..."

Xiao Bing’s eyes are very fierce, and he doesn’t put the power of his own power on his own in front of his eyes. The cold road: “Don’t provoke me, otherwise you’re not going to end! Today you thought I Why not kill you?"

Dao Xuan teaches a calm tone: "If you have anything, just say it."

Xiao Bing sneered: "You must feel that because you compensate for this, because I don't dare to fight with you casually, because you are the sage of the sage! I tell you, shit, you are a veteran in my eyes, You didn't offend me. I can respect you as Kunlun. You have offended me. You killed so many people under my hand. In my eyes, you are a good old man."

"I didn't kill you, not because I was afraid of you, not because of other reasons. I don't want China's martial arts community to be too dying. Your Kunlun school must occupy a pivotal position in China. I killed you, but only let the West The world has seen jokes, so I will leave you with this old dog. What about the strongman of the saint's peak? I have seen more people from my childhood than I am. I used to be in kindergarten. Being a child bigger than me, after I officially went to school, I began to laugh at the students in the school. I was an orphan. Several children encircled me, but I never feared it!"

"Who hit me with a punch, Laozi must fight back with two punches, Lao Tzu can't beat him, just cut the bricks directly behind the back, this is Laozi's acting style!"

"The person who beat me, the person who killed me, let me suffer, this kind of thing has no door!"

"Old man, and you old guys and small men!" Xiao Bing's fingers pointed one by one, arrogant and domineering, "Don't provoke me Xiaobing, keep you alive!"

All the people were silent, Xiao Bing snorted and took Ayi Ding’s hand and walked down the hill. Others hurriedly followed. X5

The chest of the Tao’s teachings kept on undulating, and several elders on the side looked at each other with pity, and finally hated: "This Xiao Bing is too arrogant."

"What about that?" asked Daozhang, "Can you beat him? Well, I can beat him, but can you resist the revenge of the Thunder who lived in China? You are better than a thousand troops." Ma? Even if the gods and demons of thousands of years have been sealed, what have we counted in front of the government? Isn’t that the arm of the car?”

Everyone who said the truth of the Taoist teachings bowed their heads. Although they were unwilling, they had to admit that it was really a fight against the whole country. It was not a car to describe a country with a martial art.

Dao Xujiao sighed, and some regretted said: "I regret it, I have remorse, I should just solve the problem after I have closed the mountain, how can I get this Xiaobing's growth?" The speed is so fast, now he is already able to threaten me. One day, sooner or later, even if I am in front of him, it will lose its effect. At that time, let alone fight with the whole China, even if it is with a soldier. Going to fight, why do we fight? How can we fight?"

Suddenly there was an elder whispered on the side: "Teach, why don't we take advantage of..."

The face of Dao Xujia’s face changed, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes. He immediately screamed: “Shut up!”

The elder hurriedly closed his mouth.

Dao Xujiao sighed and said: "Some things don't think about it, don't even try to try it, otherwise, even if we ourselves have to get in, it will not be able to extricate ourselves!"

The words of the Taoist teachings are incomparably deep, and some of the elders have bowed their heads thoughtfully, but the other elder is still unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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