Super Soldier

Chapter 1647: Stubborn hadron

When Xiao Bing was accompanying Rouge, what happened in the Pink Lady has spread throughout Kyoto. The entire city of Kyoto knows that Xiao Bingchong’s crown is angered, killing Zhou Gongzi, tyranically killing the four third-rate families, and even Also let the patriarchs of several families come and apologize in person.

The reason why Xiao Bing did this, the first aspect is to kill chickens and monkeys. After all, the pink-pink ladies are all big people. If they are not shocked, they will be bullied.

However, there is another reason besides killing chickens and monkeys. Zhou Shaoping did not do bad things outside. Xiao Bing once heard that he did not know how many times this style of work was done. The women who were played by Zhou Shao did not have a thousand or hundreds. Many of them are the last to give money, the kind is a lustful greed, one is willing to fight, but the consequences of some women are also very miserable. For this kind of person, Xiao Bing has no time. Going to education, so I simply killed the matter.

As a result, this effect is indeed very good, especially the fact that Xiao Bing is so prosperous now that almost one person can top the top four families. All the people at the same time will also list the rouge and leaves as a woman who cannot be offended. .

In addition, many people have investigated through their own intelligence which woman may have a relationship with Xiao Bing. Although Bi Tingting has done a good job of concealing her work, she has not escaped their investigation, whether it is Bi Tingting or Liu Kexin. Su Xiaoxiao is listed as a woman who cannot be offended.

Xiao Bing did not know that because of his actions, the whole city of Kyoto had begun to stir up. Even the whole of China would be shaken by this. He is still in the room and rouge with rubs, two people over and over again.

Waiting until the middle of the night, the two people stopped sweating, and Xiao Bing turned to get out of bed and smiled and said: "Go bath together."

Rouge is shy: "You go first, then I will go."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I haven't seen it yet. What's embarrassing to take a shower."

However, Xiao Bing also knows that women's minds are sometimes so subtle, obviously have seen each other, but it is embarrassing to take a bath together or sometimes go to a bathroom.

Xiao Bing and Rouge took turns to take a shower in the bathroom, and then came out to lie down on the bed. Xiao Bing chatted and talked and began to fall asleep.

Xiao Bing and Rouge had eaten breakfast the next day, and I was going to look for my ear, but I thought that I had not come to accompany Rouge for many days, not to mention that things were not so anxious, so I stayed in the Pink Lady for a few days now. The people inside the red-pink beauty saw that Xiao Bing was no longer called the Dragon Son, but the boss, but in fact the boss here is indeed Xiao Bing, Rouge is the boss.

Stayed in the Pink Lady for two days, at noon on the third day, Xiao Bing left the Pink Lady and came to the ear of the residence.

It’s still the cabin, and in the yard, the eldest son who is just in his early teens is chopping wood in the yard. There are fine and dense sweat on his forehead, but his face has no trace of expression. He has long been a commonplace.

Xiao Bing still remembers that he once saw a hadron, which was still two years ago. At that time, he was a reluctant face, talking more than himself, being more proud than himself, asking himself what he called, he He said that he was an orphan, his mother died, and his father ran away after gambling. He told himself to live like Xiaoqiang who was not dead, so he named himself Hadron.

Now two years have passed, the hadron is taller than before, and the body is stronger. Although the clothes are still tattered and the hair is messy, it looks like a leopard. The power is not weaker than the power.

Xiao Bing was a little surprised. Two years ago, he didn't look like a martial artist. In two years, he became a master of chemistry.

Xiao Bing walked over and then stopped next to him. He suddenly put the axe down and looked up at Xiao Bing. This time he looked like the last time, full of reluctance and pride, the only difference. It was the light shining in his eyes that made him more eager for tomorrow and the bright future. It seemed that he suddenly found the most important thing in life.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This time you finally have to look at me with your eyes."

"Because we have seen it, isn't it, and I still owe you a drink."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, the last time you promised to ask me to drink, I can't think of the past two years, you still remember."

"My memory has always been very good." Hadron said, "I will remind you even if you don't remember, because I don't like to owe others."

Xiao Bingxiao asked: "When are you going to invite me?"

The hadron suddenly bowed his head and pulled out a few hundred dollar bills from his pocket. Then he looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, who was surprised. He said, "The money is made by myself."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "How old are you this year?"

"Eleven years old."

"Eleven years old." Xiao Bing smiled. "But I think you are already a good man."

The eyes of the hadron flashed a bright light, and the cold face also showed a smile: "With your words, I will not be drunk with you tonight."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, good! Oh, yes, are you really planning to take care of your nephew for a lifetime?"

"Of course." Hadron said, "I said it, he taught me a truth, let me know that I am physically disabled, so I have to take care of him for a lifetime."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am going to chat with my uncle."

Hadron sat down again, picked up the axe and continued to chop firewood: "I invite you at night!"

"Good." For other people, seeing that the other is a boy of about ten years old, and still a boy wearing such a dirty body, part of it must be too dirty, and some people think that should not let A child invites himself to eat, most of them are to refuse, and Xiao Bing promised, and the promise is so serious, because he knows that this is a respect for the hadron!

Xiao Bing walked outside the wooden house, pushed open the door of the wooden house, and walked in.

The ear is drawing in the room. Xiao Bing walked to the front and looked at it. He couldn’t help but squint. The picture above turned out to be a dragon, a lifelike dragon!

And this dragon is so similar to the one on his body, oh no, it should be said exactly the same.

There was a trace of doubt in Xiao Bing’s eyes. The ear suddenly looked up and looked at Xiao Bing. He smiled and said, "You are here!"

The ears look old and a lot older. Every time Xiao Bing came over, he felt that his ears seemed old, so every time he would let Xiao Bing feel very distressed.

Xiao Bing snorted and smiled: "I am coming, my uncle, you are painting..."

"Dragon." The ear said, "The most magical race in China, in the myth of the East, it represents sacredness, and in Western mythology it represents evil and darkness."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I know it is a dragon, just how it feels...."

The ear suddenly said: "Do you see the child outside?"

"Oh, are you talking about Hadron?" Xiao Bing said. "I saw that this child is really good. He is self-reliant at a young age and can even take care of you here."

"Yeah, non-intimate. He is an orphan. I grew up in this village. I have seen him many times. Others are not willing to talk to him. I don't like to say hello to him, but I like to occasionally and He talked a few words. Later, when I was chatting, I told him not to care about the eyes around him. Although those people have many physical health, they may not be like him, and they must be physically and mentally disabled."

Xiao Bing said: "Is it because of your words, so moved him? Even changed? Then he has been here to take care of you?"

"Yeah, I don't really want him to waste time with my old man, but he insists on doing it. His age is not big, but he is stubborn and stubborn than you... then I will Regardless of him."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "It's a funny little guy. I live here tonight, I will accompany you for dinner, then go out to drink with him."

There was a smile on the face of his ear. His face was full of folds. When he smiled, the folds were thicker, but he smiled very happily: "I knew you would like this little guy very much."

"Yeah, the same person as me, of course I will like it very much. Looking at him, I will think of myself as a child. His martial arts talent seems to be very good."

"Well, no hello... It should be said that it is far worse than you. But he is as stubborn as you are, as hard as you, and can make up for it, not to mention that he is not stupid. Compared with most people, he is very Smart, so learning is fast."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "To tell the truth, I want to take him away and be my successor, but now he still needs to stay and take care of you. It is better to go with me."

The ear shook his head and said: "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay here. For so many years, I am used to it, especially when I am old, I don't like to go around. But I think you can be strong. The son is taken away, and if he stays here, he will also bury the talent."

Xiao Bing said: "Then you..."

The ear hoarse smiled: "Do you think I will have no one to take care of?"

Xiao Bing thinks about it too, the information network of the ear is so huge, there must be a lot of intelligence personnel around him, and there will be no shortage of his men. How can he lack the person to take care of him? In fact, Xiao Bing can feel it every time he comes over. In the darkness around this wooden house, there are some people who are very good at hiding, but they know that they are all their own people, so Xiao Bing did not point out every time.

The ear smiled and said: "Let's say, this time I am looking for something."

(End of this chapter)

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