Super Soldier

Chapter 1648: It’s a little crazy!

Xiao Bing first said that he planned to reorganize the Longmen, and then said to his ear: "I have discussed this matter with Longmen Eight. They have no opinions. Now I want to ask you to go out and take charge of intelligence. ”

The ear asked: "Do you mean to ask me to sit in the office like you?"

"Yes." Xiao Bingdao, "I can also help you declare it and help you apply for a position at the director level."

The ear smiled and said: "It sounds really good. If you put it in ancient times, it is equivalent to a folk organization that is compiled and reused by the state. It is estimated that everyone expects such a happy ending."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is the uncle of the ear agreeing?"

The ear shook his head and smiled and said: "Uncle still thank you for your kindness, but this is not for me, and you have to know that the Ministry of National Security has its own intelligence department, and their intelligence system is more powerful, if you are still alone. Set up an intelligence system, what do you think of other people? What about the intelligence department over the Ministry of National Security?"

Xiao Bing frowned and said: "I have also considered this issue. The poison fox has analyzed it for me, but I think..."

"I understand," said the ear. "You are thinking about me, but you still don't have to. I am an old man of such a big age. Do you still care what the director is? What's more, if I am really included, I have The information I have will be greatly discounted. Now I am hidden in the dark. When I am in the clear, we will greatly reduce the deterrence of anyone else."

Xiao Bing sighed and asked: "Uncle Ear, this is a rare opportunity, you really don't plan..."

"Don't plan," said the ear. "I don't have any interest in these fame and fortune. If it's money, I already have a lot of money on hand. If I say rights, I am an old man and have nothing. What is the use of rights for future generations?"

Xiao Bing sighed: "If the uncle of the ear really disagrees, then I will not be stubborn."

"Well, I will continue to be responsible for your intelligence system in the dark, but I don't need to let the country know."

"I understand." Xiao Bing said, "Maybe your decision is correct, but you feel too wronged."

"There is nothing wrong with it." The ear smiled and then coughed up.

Xiao Bing hurriedly walked over, patted the back of his ear gently, his ears waved his hand, and sighed and said: "The age is big, the body is not as good as one year, so you said that those fame and fortune for me Useful?"

Xiao Bing looked at his ear and looked confused. "So I am more curious. Uncle ears, you have done so many things for me these years. Without you, the gantry is definitely not going to be today. What are you doing for?" What?"

The ear smiled and said: "The sense of accomplishment, I just want to see you grow up step by step. My age is already so big. What I want to see most is the birth of a miracle. You didn't let me down. Ah... you have grown faster these years than I thought."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Uncle ears, although you said so, I always think that you are very different from me. To be honest, although you are doing things for me, but in my mind, I will always give you As my uncle, I will be like my loved ones."

The ear smiled gratifiedly and said: "I also treat you as a relative of mine, rest assured, uncle will not let you down, never make things that can't help you."

"Uncle Ear, you don't have to say this, I believe in you."

The ear suddenly said with a serious face: "Child, I want to remind you, never trust anyone, even the closest person around you."

Xiao Bing frowned, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I am afraid I can't do this."

The ear sighed and said: "Hey, what I said is true, you will never think of anyone who will betray you, even if it is for me, no one is worth 100% trust. The more trustworthy people will hurt you when they betray you. If you want to achieve great things, you must keep this in mind. The true superiors have no absolute relatives and no absolute friends. !"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "If I follow the words of my uncle, I am afraid it is just a laity, and I will never be a true superior."

The ear said: "This world is more sinister than you think. Whether it is people, gods, demons, beasts, their hearts will never be guessed. If people around you betray you, you can even let You lose your life, even if your cultivation is deep."

Xiao Bing looked at the ear curiously and asked: "Uncle Ear, why should you remind me of this?"

"Because I hope that you can safely finish the end that no one else can ever reach, and be able to do things that no one else can ever do. If you want to do this, in addition to the unparalleled talent, Must be able to live with it all the time."

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle Ear, I remembered what you said. Although I can't do what you said, I will definitely live well."

When I looked at Xiao Bing and opened my mouth, I seemed to know that I didn’t need to continue to squat again. Because the character of the person could not change in a few words, he shook his head and said, "I can only expect you. I don’t want to do anything like that, otherwise, as long as I am alive, even if I am chasing the end of the earth, I will not let anyone who betray you.

Xiao Bing looked at his ears in surprise and saw that the ears were so serious. Although the age of the ears was so old, the determination in the eyes was so firm.

Xiao Bing’s face showed a smile and smiled. “Just like the uncle of the ear, you said that you can’t believe me anybody, but let me doubt you, how can I do it?”

The ear said: "Don't talk about it, what do you want to eat at night, I let the hadron buy food and come back to eat for you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The Hadron seems to take care of it, but without him, today I will personally give the uncle of the ear to cook, let the uncle of the ear **** craft."

There was a bit of warmth in the eyes of the ear, and smiled and nodded.

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle, you should rest first, I went out to buy food."

"Yeah." The ears looked a little tired, so they lay down on the wooden bed and started to rest.

Xiao Bing walked out of the wooden house and saw that the hadron had started to punch in the yard. Xiao Bing smiled and stood watching. The boxing method of this hadron was alive and kicking, with a strong breath, one person. The martial arts can see a person's character. His boxing method is clean and neat, and there are not too many tricks. Although simple, the moves are very fierce.

After waiting for a set of punches by Hadron, Xiao Bing patted the palm and praised: "The uncle of the ear seems to give you a good training."

Hadron said: "My boxing method has been practiced for a few months, and at least a dozen times a day."

Xiao Bing was slightly moved and asked: "Is it every day?"

"Every day is insisting." Hadron said, "The old nephew said that there is no shortcut for martial arts to go. If you want to have a deep foundation, you must practice hard, so the more you practice, the more you can become skilled and you will eventually be able to I reached the realm of fire. The old nephew asked me to play forty sets of boxing every day, but I thought, my age is still small, the starting line is not lost to others, but if the same boxing method, everyone else plays forty sets every day. I can practice eighty times, then I have practiced twice more than others. Isn’t it the equivalent of running out of the starting line earlier? If I practice three times more than others, then I am not even those Can genius compare?"

Hadron’s words are very reasonable, but it’s hard to do. It’s a time to fight down and it’s going to take a while. If you play more than a hundred times a day, it’s almost equivalent to the time of eating and sleeping every day. When you are punching, you must know that in addition to eating and sleeping, he still wants to chop firewood, cook and take care of his ears every day. Doesn't that mean that he spends almost a lot of time sleeping every day, all in a crazy practice?

It is no wonder that he can become a martial artist from a layman in just two years. He is simply a martial arts fan, and even his efforts are even dare not to think about Xiao Bing.

The next words of Hadron let Xiao Bing stunned: "I have to go out and find some work to do every day besides practicing boxing. I have a lot of strength now, so sometimes I will go to help people move bricks nearby, and sometimes Helping some of the nightclubs in the suburbs of Kyoto to drive away some of the mantles and rogues."

Xiao Bing lost his voice: "How much time can you sleep every day?"

"Four plus one?"

Xiao Bing asked: "What is four plus one?"

“Sleep four hours a night, sleep one hour every day at noon, so you have a lot of energy every day.”

Xiao Bing took a breath of cold, knowing that he was a little boy who was just eleven years old, but he had to do so many things every day, and he had such energy. This kind of suffering is probably something that ordinary adults can't afford.

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but say: "In fact, we are doing things with perseverance, but in the short term, there is really no need to be as hard as you are. Your body is still growing. If you delay your body, come to you. Say it is the most terrible thing, do you know?"

"The nephew also said this to me, but I feel that my body grows very fast after practicing martial arts."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "That doesn't work. The rest is also a break. I didn't treat you as a child. I know that you have a strong perseverance, but your body is a child. Right..."

Xiao Bing looked at the hadron seriously and asked: "Is there any interest in going with me? Leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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