Super Soldier

Chapter 1649: I am not a three year old.

Hadron stunned, then his eyes lit up, he was about to talk, suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "Would the old nephew want to go together?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "He won't go."

"Then I will not go." The light in the eyes of the strongman dissipated, and said calmly, "I want to stay here to take care of the blind."

"But, you don't need it at all. I want you to leave with me. He doesn't need your care, and he doesn't want to delay you."

"Then I will not go." Hadron said coldly. "The man has to say something and believe. If I have said it, it will not count after two years. Then how can I learn more skills?"

Xiao Bing decided to look at the hadron, but the hadron did not show weakness, but then asked: "Are you angry?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No, I think it is very interesting, because I found that you are more and more like me, even like my enhanced version. Well, I don't force you to do things you don't want to do, Let's take a break before entering the house. I will go out and buy some food. I will cook this evening."

"Let's go together." Hadron limped and walked toward the gate of the hospital. "I still have something to do. There is a ktv in the suburbs of Kyoto two kilometers away. Someone has been looking for trouble these two days. I promised to help in the past. Remuneration of five hundred dollars."

Listening to such a boy who was just 11 years old saying so mature, Xiao Bing felt distressed and respected.

Xiao Bing promised, followed the son of the hadron, the two people left the yard together, Xiao Bing asked: "Would you not come back to dinner at night?"

"Come back at night to invite you to drink." Hadron suddenly smiled. "Don't look at my young age, but I can drink a lot of wine."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, then I have to have a good look at the night."

After the two people left the yard, they quickly parted ways. Xiao Bing found the market for selling vegetables, bought some vegetables and meat, and then went back to the cabin and started cooking in the kitchen. Because he was an orphan from childhood, Xiao Bing was very I have learned to be independent, so the level of cooking and cooking is good.

The ear was sleeping in the room. Xiao Bing made the meal in more than an hour, then opened the door. Although the ear on the bed could not hear the sound, his feeling of vibration was abnormally sensitive, so Xiao Bingyi He will know when he opens the door.

Xiao Bing saw his ears open his eyes and smiled and said: "You can eat, I will bring the food in. You can see how my craft is."

Xiao Bing put the table in the room, and then the food was put up. A total of four dishes, steamed rice, Xiao Bing also found a bottle of white wine according to the position pointed by the ear, sit down and open the liquor. I poured a cup for myself and my ears. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It’s just to warm up first."

The ear smiled and said: "Do you really want to have a good meal with that child? He is a child."

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you regard him as a child? I know that he is a child, but he does not dare to regard him as a child completely, because it may be a disrespect to him."

"It seems that you really know him." The ear said, "It is a very correct choice to hand him over to you." "Unfortunately, he probably won't leave with me." Xiao Bing shrugged, "I I have already talked to him. This child is very stubborn, but since he has to insist on it, then he will stay with you. Uncle, I think the set of punches you taught him is very high. I think in martial arts, your master may not be worse than what I can teach him."

"If that's the case..." The ear thought for a moment and said, "That should be taught by me for a while. If one day I am gone, I will entrust him to your hand."

"You are gone?" Xiao Bing snorted and asked, "Where is the ear uncle going?"

"The life span of people is always limited." The ear seems to be an understatement when talking about these things. There is no sadness in it. "My age is not too small, and my body is also very obvious. I think that one day, one day, I am going to leave. I hope that the day will come more and more, but the years are not forgiving. Some things will happen sooner or later. I think it may not last for a few years... ...."

Xiao Bing frowned, and some nervous said: "Old class, you are also a martial arts person, what is the age of the martial arts person? What's more, I think your age is not small, but it is also It won't let you say this kind of disappointment."

The ear smiled and raised the glass. He said with a smile: "When you say these things, you can see that you are growing so fast. I am very happy in my heart. Come, let us have a drink."

Xiao Bing and his ears touched the cup and drank the wine in the cup, but they always felt a little bit sorrowful. For those words that had just been said in the ear, Xiao Bing’s heart was still a little uneasy, thinking that he would otherwise Please give me a look at the ear, but these must also get the consent of the ear, so wait until after drinking the wine and talk to your ears. Now, these are also sweeping.

So the two started to have a chat without a ride. After a meal and a drink, the ear put down the chopsticks and applauded: "Your craft is really good."

"Yes." After Xiao Bing listened, he couldn't help but have a bit of flaunting. He said with a smile. "Before I was in Jiangcheng, I was still a chef in the noodle restaurant. The business in the noodle restaurant was particularly hot. Ah, of course, it’s not bad now.”

The ear smiled and said: "It's good. Your future daughter-in-law is blessed. Right, when will you marry Miss Ye before?"

Xiao Bing hesitated a little, this incident has become a heart disease of Xiao Bing, looking at Xiao Bing's expression, his ears frowning asked: "Is there some twists and turns?"

Xiao Bing said to his ears about the situation he encountered now. After listening to it, his eyes looked at Xiao Bing with a complicated look and said: "You are really a passionate person. This thing is easy to handle. If you want to go abroad, for example, if you want to go abroad, it’s because you still don’t want to go out, but if you are young, it’s better to have a wife and a child. It’s always necessary to give the family to Xiao’s family. Have the energy to carefully develop a next generation successor."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The successor is not awkward. Now the most important thing is that paper certificate. As long as you can get married, everything is easy to handle. Oh, but unfortunately, I can’t find one that can make me feel grateful to all. Thank you for your contribution."

I thought about it for a moment, but I couldn’t think of a way. I had to say, "That can only continue to wait for the opportunity."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I will slowly find another way to do this. The uncle of the ear should be sleepy after drinking. If I am sleepy, I will rest early. I will clean up the table. I am in another room this evening. Sleeping with the hadron inside, you don't have to worry about us."


"Oh, yes, my uncle, I just forgot to tell you about it. I will wait for the day to ask Mr. Zhang to refer to the old man to help you check your body? Zhang Lao’s medical method is very remarkable."

"No need." The ear shook his head and said, "My body is clear to myself than anyone else. Even if he is alive, there are no ways in which he can live, die, or be rich, and there are things that cannot be forced."

Xiao Bing always felt a sense of uneasiness from the ear, but since the ear said that he did not need to find Zhang Yizhi, Xiao Bing could not force him to come, but he had to give up. Finally he sighed and said: "So ear If your uncle changes his mind someday, be sure to tell me."

"Reassured, I will definitely."

Xiao Bing packed up the table, brushed the dishes, and then went back to the room and made a phone call to the leaves. Then he gave Liu Kexin a call. Liu Kexin was not in Xiaofu on weekdays, so Kunlun at that time. The faction ignored her, and she did not flee to the city of Kyoto together. Xiao Bing was relieved, at least one person was tired.

It’s just that I have been missing for so long, and I haven’t met Liu Kexin during this period of time. After all, I haven’t seen Liu Kexin for more than two months. I really feel sorry for Liu Kexin. Therefore, Xiao Bing often talks with Liu Kexin or video in the past few days. He also said that he would go back in a few days, and then he would take Liu Kexin to live in Xiaofu for a few days.

After chatting with Liu Kexin for more than half an hour, Xiao Bing heard the sound of the door and began to sound, and then the strong son took the cooked food and two bottles of liquor and walked in.

Xiao Bing smiled and said to Liu Kexin on the other side of the phone: "I don't talk about it today. I am drinking with a little brother. I will call you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Liu Kexin's voice is as gentle as ever. "Let's drink less, go to bed early, then I will go to sleep first, good night."

"Good night, heart."

After hang up, Xiao Bing slammed his mobile phone. The hadron asked: "Call your girlfriend?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, your kid knows a lot."

"I am not a three-year-old child."

When the average person hears a boy who is just in his early teens, he will definitely find it very interesting. Xiao Bing thinks it too, but if you think about it, it’s true. Hadron may not be just a three-year-old child, or even his maturity. The degree is higher than the average young university, just like the original Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing remembers that he is very mature at such a big time, far more than the maturity of other children of the same age.

Xiao Bing turned to get out of bed and took a small table on the ground to the wooden bed. Then the two men sat down on the knees. The hadron said in a serious way: "Open!"

(End of this chapter)

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