Super Soldier

Chapter 1564: Pope

The wedding banquet lasted for more than an hour. After the end, the guests dispersed, Xiao Bing was about to leave, and the general manager went straight to the front of Xiao Bing and the red rose. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, our pope Waiting to see you."

"Well, okay, you lead the way ahead." Xiao Bing agreed.

The general manager looked at the red rose again and whispered: "Our Pope only said that Mr. Xiao is alone."

"Then there is no need to see it." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "It seems that Mr. Pope does not have much sincerity."

"This." The general manager is hesitating, but finds that Xiao Bing has turned around and left. This directly scared him a big jump. He generally changed to other people. If he was invited by the Pope, he would not rush to run away. Xiao Bing actually refused to give it away, it is simply the life of Clay.

As the general manager, the first thing is to be able to complete everything the owner asks. Now the pope is just asking him to come and ask for an individual. He is directly rejected. If he thinks about it, he will scare his face. I hurried to catch up and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, I think Mr. Pope will be willing to open the door for you."

Xiao Bing’s footsteps stopped and turned to look at Clay Thompson. He reached out and sorted out his clothes a little. He smiled and said: “The clothes are very clean. At first glance, they are a qualified manager, but I want your eyes. You should also be as clean as your clothes, and you should be clear about what people need to say in the future."

Clay Thompson is also a great big man. Don't look at him as a general manager, but how many people in the week are humbled in front of him. After all, he is not the general manager. He is the general manager of the Pope. Outside, he is also considered a high figure.

But now it is said by Xiao Bing, but he does not dare to speak out, because he has heard of this person in front of him, but even his own pope has dared to offend the deaf, so unless it is determined that the Holy See is to He started with him, otherwise he would not dare to act rashly anyway.

Clay Thomson bent a little embarrassed and said: "I was taught, Mr. Xiao Bing, please come with me."


Xiao Bing and the red rose hold their arms together, behind Klein Thomson, along the way, the palace is very large, and there are many guards, some of whom are masters, and even have the strength to break the void. The existence, and Xiao Bing can feel that he has not seen the true power of the Holy See. There is still a power in the palace that he does not know.

Xiao Bing followed this big general manager and finally came to the palace of the pope. He came to the door of the study. Then the general manager stopped and said, "Please come in."

Xiao Bing and the red rose pushed open the door and walked into the study. The Pope was sitting on his office chair and saw Xiao Bing coming in. The Pope’s tone was calm: “Sit down, there is Ms. Red Rose. ”

Xiao Bing and the red rose sat down separately. The Pope’s eyes were full of curiosity and looked at the red rose. The deep and incredible eyes made the red rose have the same feeling that the whole person was seen through, and the heart was completely inside. There is no enthusiasm, as if the whole person has been completely emptied.

Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at the Pope, and at the same time, he reached out and held the hand of the red rose sitting on the side. The whole body of the red rose poured into a warm current, and the whole person began to wake up, and also There is no such feeling.

The Pope looked at Xiao Bing with a surprise. Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "Mr. Pope, first of all, I want to congratulate you on having a beautiful daughter-in-law."

"Thank you." The Pope cleared his throat and placed his arms on the table. He looked at Xiao Bing and said, "Mr. Xiao, I think the next few days, do you want to stay around and I can let My big manager is always with you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It's not necessary, let alone you say this, but it will make me feel that the whole person is empty, and there is a little panic in my heart. What do you want to say, or just say it right, let's get down to business, or Talk about business."

"Well, let's talk about business." The Pope looked at Xiao Bing and said, "To tell the truth, I am not interested in fighting with you. After all, it was because of my daughter-in-law, so you and my son. There was a conflict between the conflicts, and finally it became more and more fierce. Now my idea is to talk to you, what do you think?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Hey, this time, you don't know how depressed I am, every day is fearful, all kinds of trepidation, I am afraid that you will retaliate, or you will play with the Kunlun faction. I feel that my body and mind are exhausted, and the whole body and mind are greatly damaged."

The Pope slightly frowned. The meaning of this sentence, how does it feel like he is cheating on him?

Xiao Bing coughed and said: "Actually, I feel that my person's memory is not so good. It is easy to remember other people's good, forget others' bad, so sometimes if you get any sweetness, you will immediately put yourself All the losses before were forgotten."

After that, Xiao Bing stared straight at the Pope, and the corner of the red rose evoked a smile. This Xiao Bing is really a blackmail habit. Before that, he repeatedly extorted Kunlun, but now he has begun to blackmail the Holy See. .

However, the Holy See is not Kunlun after all. On the one hand, the foundation of the Holy See is deeper than that of Kunlun. On the other hand, the most important thing is that the reason why Kunlun was blackmailed by Xiao Bing is not only because of fear of Xiao Bing, but actually they are also out of the state. The idea, Xiao Bing represents the Chinese government, they do not want to be destroyed by China.

The Holy See is not the same. The Holy See is not on the land of China. It is not possible for Huaxia to fight with the Eight Diagrams. There is absolutely no relationship between them. Therefore, the Holy See can not care about Xiao Bing's extortion.

The Pope really frowned slightly, a little unpleasant.

Xiao Bing said: "If you really don't want it, then that's it, but before I and my friend almost died, the Pope must know it and if it wasn't because my friend and I were attacked by you. If we are seriously injured, we will not take the opportunity to be attacked by Kunlun. As a result, so many people have died. Mr. Pope wants to talk to me. I also have the meaning of saying peace, but if I just say it casually, I will say it. We won’t fight each other in the future. If you have written off in the past, you can agree if you think about it.”

The Pope was slightly indulged and his face was somewhat relieved. Xiao Bing’s remarks did have a deep truth. Just as Xiao Bing said, if he changed his position, he could agree that he could open his mouth. It is said that peace is because the previous failure is not the Holy See. The Holy See is not without damage, but it is definitely not the one that suffers big losses.

The Pope nodded and said, "Well, well, I agree with you. Then come and talk to me, how can I be willing to talk about it. But I must remind you, I just want to live in peace. It’s not that you are afraid of your strength, so don’t try to deal with me like a lion’s big mouth like Kunlun. It’s best to say something realistic.”

"Good" Xiao Bing said, "The two spirits are good."

When the Pope's face changed, Xiao Bing said first: "Don't forget, before I was almost dead with Gao Fei, and so many people died, two spirits in exchange for these losses, no loss."

The Pope was sullen and began to sink into it. In fact, in his eyes, this is still a bit of a loss. After all, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are still alive, and their Pope is not afraid of Xiao Bing, but only I don’t want to have too many losses, just in this case, they need to meet the wishes of Xiao Bing.

The Pope was indulging, and Xiao Bing was not in a hurry. He was waiting for him. After a few minutes, the Pope said: "There are too many spirits. Our Holy See is not incapable, but you know the spirit. The device is not casually like a big carrot. Even if it is in the world today, it is considered to be a treasure that many masters have to fight for. This is a bit of a mouth, is it a bit? Too greedy"

"That's good, I take a step back." Xiao Bing didn't hesitate without hesitation, and acted decisively. "An instrument, plus a bottle of good healing medicine, even if it is not a medicine, must be close." At the level of the elixir."

Xiao Bing has regressed, but it is not too much to regress. However, the Pope is not a stingy person, but he can’t seem too stingy, so this time he couldn’t continue to refuse, and he nodded and agreed. Said: "I agree, then a spirit plus a bottle of healing medicine."


The pope shouted to the outside: "coming people"

Someone outside pushed the door and came in. The Pope commanded: "Take the handle of the axe in the arsenal and take another bottle of crab medicine."

"Know, Pope." The man hurried back. Not long after, he walked in with a spiritual axe and a bottle of medicine. The Pope gave him to Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing. It was smelled in the hand, the pill had no problem, and the axe above the axe was full of aura.

Xiao Bing collected all of them and smiled and said: "Mr. Pope, we will not be enemies from now on."

The Pope’s face finally showed a smile: “Okay, no longer an enemy.”

Xiao Bing walked over and reached out, and the two men's hands were held together. At this moment, the two giants temporarily entered the peace stage.

Ps: Sorry, today is my grandfather's 90th birthday. I went back to my hometown for the birthday of my grandfather these two days. I updated my question. I will have three normal chapters tomorrow. I will return it back after the day after tomorrow, and I will not owe it. Baidu's latest chapter of "Super Soldiers" is free to read for the first time.

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