Super Soldier

Chapter 1565: Pope's calculation

From the Pope's study, Xiao Bing came over and returned home. He ran a trip to Europe. Not only did he not have any damage, but he also obtained 'compensation'. Since the extortion of Kunlun, Xiao Bing’s current extortion method It is indeed a pure fire.

After walking out of the Holy See, the red rose screamed and laughed: "Xiao Bing, I found that you don't know who is learning more and more bad now. Let's go deep into the tiger's hole this time. You actually ask for something directly from the tiger." Don't you fear that the tiger will eat you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If he really wants to eat me, why bother to negotiate with us. If I really want to be too big for the lion, maybe the pope will also worry, and even tear the face directly, but this measure I have a good grasp. A bottle of medicine plus a spirit is enough to make the Pope feel painful, but it still does not reach the level that forces him to tear his face. This is the maximum use of their mentality that they do not want to fight for the time being. Come and ask for benefits, and don't touch his bottom line."

The red rose sighed: "The thoughts of your Terran are too complicated. I don't understand it sometimes, but I don't bother to think about it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't make trouble, don't forget that you are also a human race now."

"Yeah, I am also now." The red rose smiled. "In fact, the demon beasts most despise humans, but our demon people all dream of being born out of the adult, able to grow up like people, even if they are still demon. I also hope that I can look like a human being, so ah, the so-called look down, it is all self-respect."

Xiao Bing said: "You don't have a dream come true, you are not just a big beauty, but you still have no demon."

"Our gossip family is the appearance of the Terran itself. There are genes and demon in the body of the Gossip, but the demonness of my body has all been removed. It is indeed a complete human race." The red rose smiled: " How do you plan, when will we leave?"

"Play here for two days, then I will take you to the country to play, how?"

"Oh." asked the red rose. "You are not afraid that the people of the Holy See will suddenly shoot at you? When we leave, there is a thousand things in the house that tell the court to be careful."

"No." Xiao Bing laughed. "Since the Holy See has already spoken, it is impossible to shoot for the time being, but we must be careful. When we leave here, we will find ways to hide our traces. Although the Holy See is Terrible, but the people in the dark are more terrible than the Holy See."

The red rose was surprised: "There are people in the dark? Who are the people in the dark?"

"M country!" Xiao Bing said in a dignified manner. "On the surface, these things have nothing to do with the m country, but I always see the shadow of the m country faintly. I can feel that this superpower is not clear. Dealing with me, I dare not let me catch the flaws, but they actually have a quick attitude towards me."

Although the red rose has not entered the human society for many years, it is impossible to be unclear about the m country. In fact, almost anyone in the world today, from children to the elderly, knows that m is a superpower and m is any force. And the country does not dare to offend the existence, in addition to China's top powers, many other countries in the eyes of the country is just a chess piece, and even if he wants, he can let it annihilate at any time.

But now, Xiaobing can't do it. Xiao Bing is representative of Huaxia. After that, if you deal with Xiao Bing clearly, it is equivalent to tearing the face with China. Even if it is not a country, I dare not do it. The country is indeed a poor grade in terms of comprehensive strength, but it is also a big country in the world, and it can also serve as a deterrent. Moreover, the world's chessboard is intricate and complicated.

However, they are unlikely to want to move Xiao Bing, because Xiao Bing represents the highest force of China's future. Although Xiao Bing was known as the king of the world special forces, they only paid a little attention to Xiao Bing, but they have not reached this level. After all, They know that some of the true top players are not in the special forces category. Those real superpowers are more mysterious than these special forces, but now Xiao Bing is already the top of the mysterious masters, and even the future is very likely. It is many times stronger than Xu Mu. When China is bound to have the strongest Huaxia Pillar in history, this is not what M countries would like to see.

Therefore, while m is reluctant to expose itself, the biggest idea is to rob the fire and find every opportunity to find ways to eliminate Xiao Bing.

The red rose smiled bitterly: "Xiao Bing, your ability is strong, but the enemy who is offended is also stronger than one."

Xiao Bing said very sorrowfully: "This proves that my level is up, otherwise they can take care of me?"

"Oh, it’s quite proud. Well, I’m used to it anyway, then we’ll find ways to hide the trail and then turn around, but we’re not the beautiful princess who still wants you. ?"

"Well... If time is sufficient, we will go to her palace for two days. If it is not convenient, it doesn't matter. Whether it is Kunlun or the Holy See, country m, it is not so easy to deal with me."

Xiao Bing and the red rose went hand in hand to the hotel door and said, "Go back and make up, then I will take you out to see the night scene later."

"Okay." The red rose was very happy to agree.

While Xiao Bing and Red Rose entered the hotel, Jiang Ziying was waiting for Ovkar in the cave.

At this moment, Ovkar is talking to the Pope in the study. The Pope will just say that he has been looking for Xiao Bing’s talk. Ovkar’s face changed slightly and said: “Father, you take the initiative to find the Pope. Speaking and?"

Ovkar does not have to deal with Xiao Bing, but he knows his father. The majesty of the pope is sacred and inviolable. I wanted to be awesome to the Holy See hundreds of years ago, even if the great powers were to the Holy See. Until the development of high technology became more and more intense, the Holy See was finally suppressed by the powerful countries. In order to preserve vitality, this slowly slowly lowered, and the great powers of the world, whether it was y or m, only suppressed the Holy See and let the Holy See yield, but Didn't really intend to destroy the Holy See, is it not a manifestation of the Holy See?

Therefore, even today, the Holy See is still very proud of existence. Except in the face of several powerful powers in the world, the Holy See will never bow in front of any forces, even high above.

And this time the Pope actually went to talk with Xiao Bing personally? And was it blackmailed? How do you hear it is incredible, even if Kunlun does not have this ability?

The Pope sighed and said in a calm tone: "Do you know why?"

Ovkar shook his head and said: "I really don't know, although the contradiction between the power and the Xiaobing forces is because of me, but now the two sides have already enemened, and with the power of our Holy See, there should be no fear for Xiao Bing. Even if you want to kill him, it is not impossible, why are you..."

The Pope said faintly: "This time I want to leave him is an opportunity, and it is not difficult to kill him by his father's strength, but he will naturally die. On the one hand, you are married today, father. Even if he is a hero, he does not want to let blood flow through the church. On the other hand... his current enemy is Kunlun. Why do I have to deal with him personally and suffer huge losses? It is not worth the loss."

Ovkar stunned: "The father's idea is..."

The Pope smiled and said: "Kunlun is absolutely not as simple as we think. They still have no underestimation. Once they are forced to be forced by this aggressive Xiao Bing, they will definitely fight for life and death. I am now leaving Xiao Bing's life, why not wait for that opportunity, let the two sides fight each other and lose both, and then go to the net? When Xu Mu is not enough, Kunlun and Xiao Bing are destroyed, in addition to several major powers in the world, Who is the threat of our Holy See."

Ovkar suddenly realized that he admired the words: "I understand that my father is really far-sighted."

The Pope smiled and said: "When is it that you have a wish? Do not think that I don't know, Jiang Ziying is afraid to be interested in Xiao Bing?"

"Well," said Ovkar. "If he is really gone, I think Ziying can finally get rid of it."

Ovkar thought that every time he mentioned Xiao Bing, Jiang Ziying was always in a different way. Ovkar’s heart was extremely uncomfortable. He wanted to make Jiang Ziying slowly through his own efforts. Fall in love with yourself, but it doesn't mean that he will not hate Xiao Bing.

The Pope saw the thoughts in his son's heart and said, "Go back first. Today is the day of your wedding, and the woman who will accompany you."

Ovkar said: "The baby knows."

“Well, you have made me feel very satisfied recently.”

Ovkar looked at the Pope with amazement and didn't quite understand what the Pope meant.

The Pope said: "This time Xiao Bing came over. You have performed very well from beginning to end. I have never wanted to deal with him. This kind of forbearance is much stronger than before.... I know, before you privately, Xiao Bing Shooting, let our Holy See be forced to form such an enemy, this thing makes the father very dissatisfied."

"Yes." Ovkar played a cold war and said in a hurry. "That's all wrong with the baby."

"Well, your age is still very small, maturity is a process, your progress is very fast, I am very satisfied."

Indeed, it has not been long before Ovkar has spent 18 years old adult rites. Now, whether it is mental or strength, it is far more than his peers. When he is worthy of genius, the Pope has nothing to be dissatisfied with, just think about the future. After leaving his post, hand over the Holy See to such a person, I think the Holy See can be more brilliant.

Ovkar looked at his father and respectfully said: "The baby has gone first, go back and accompany him."


Ovkar walked out of his father's palace and walked to his place of residence, while a mysterious figure walked behind Ovkar's body!

(End of this chapter)

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