Super Soldier

Chapter 1570: Tracked

Xiao Bing three people took the plane directly to the country of y, this trip to the Holy See, Xiao Bing is still a long way from the death of nine, but it is also a lot of trouble, if the Pope still has some reason, plus If the Pope does not want to be used by people, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the three soldiers of Xiao Bing to come back alive. Even if they will not be wiped out, at least some people will die there.

Sitting in the plane at this time, Xiao Bing did not know that the relationship between Jiang Ziying and Ovkar had been so harmonious, but even if he knew that Xiao Bing would not feel anything embarrassed, he would be relieved to face The admiration of an ordinary girl, if she refuses, may only hurt the girl’s self-respect, but in the face of a girl like Jiang Ziying’s national beauty, after she refused, she almost smashed the horse’s nest. The energy of a woman is too big. Unless she is a girl who can see it, who can be hurt because of love and hate?

Speaking of it, the contradiction between Xiao Bing and the Holy See is not what Jiang Ziying has provoked.

Therefore, it is humiliating to know that Jiang Ziying and Ovkar have become better off together. Xiao Bing is too happy to be here, and he is absolutely happy to see it.

Sitting in the plane, Xiao Bing sat in the middle, Gao Fei and the red rose sat on the left and right sides.

The red rose asked: "Xiao Bing, Ovkar was stabbed by people. Since it is not what we did, you said who would do it?"

Xiao Bing said: "This is not a good guess. The purpose of the other party may be two kinds. One is to have a hatred with the Holy See. It can both revenge and push the truth to us."

The red rose nodded.

Xiao Bing said again: "The second possibility is to have a hatred with us. We want to use the hands of the Holy See to give our lives. The former possibility also exists, but we have no way to guess. After all, the Holy See has Which enemies are only clear in the heart of the Holy See. If it is the latter, there are many possibilities... After all, there are many people who have offended me in these years. The ancient Wumen faction hates me. Kunlun hates me, dark. There will also be hate for me in the world."

Gao Fei said: "But no one in the ancient martial arts sects can sneak into the palace and let Ovkar stun."

"It really isn't." Xiao Bing blinked in the eyes. "There are people who have this ability, and they have hatred with us. In my opinion, there are only two, one is Kunlun and the other is Buddhism. ...."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "But it is too difficult to guess this kind of thing. It is directed at us, or it is directed at the Holy See. We can’t guess now. Only soldiers can stop the water. The soil is hidden, I hope that we are just suffering from innocent disasters."

The plane had already flown to the airspace of the capital city of London, and the beautiful voice of the flight attendant in the plane began to alert the passengers that the toilet was about to close and the plane began to fall.

About half an hour later, the plane finally landed at the airport in Lun Dun, and Xiao Bing walked out of the plane.

While walking off the plane, Xiao Bing asked: "Rose, have you been to this city?"

“Come here,” said the Red Rose. “London City, the largest city in the entire continent of Europe, one of the largest financial centers in the world, I am not wrong?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is not wrong, this city is indeed very developed and very prosperous."

Gao Fei said: "I should be able to break up with you here."

Xiao Bing knows that Gao Fei means that he is now out of danger. Even if the Holy See is daring, he will certainly not dare to start with Xiao Bing in the world-class big city of Lundun. Otherwise, I am afraid that the whole world will pay attention to it and even Give y country anger.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Danger is really not dangerous, but it's hard to come out. You don't plan to play more days here?"

"I have no interest." Gao Fei said calmly.

"Well, let's be honest, Goofy, your character is quite boring. Every day, you are always cold and don't want to play. How boring it is."

Gao Fei's tone is cold and cold: "The practice itself is a boring thing. Recently I didn't plan to go back to Kyoto. I just inquired about some dangerous places. I plan to go around and see if I can meet. What is dangerous and provokes its own potential."

"Well, if you are ashamed, then I will not stop you. Where are you going to go to the first stop?"

Gao Fei asked: "Would you like to go with me?"

"Oh, of course not." Xiao Bing said with a red rose, "In contrast, instead of walking with a wooden raft, I prefer to stay with the big girl."

Gao Fei said indifferently: "That would have nothing to do with you. In short, there is anything to call me the first time, I will arrive as soon as possible."

"Well, when are you going to return to Kyoto?"

“It’s half a month, it’s a month or two.”

"Ok, I don't stop you anyway. Anyway, your strength is now the best in the world, so go all the way."

Gao Feidao: "Along the way."

Three people broke up in the airport, Xiao Bing took the red rose out of the airport, the red rose sighed and said: "To tell the truth, I only feel the kind of flying in front of the gossip snake. The breath of fear, I feel like he is coming out of hell."

Xiao Bing suddenly looked at the front and said: "You found out, there are people tracking us."

The red rose squinted and looked forward, but saw all kinds of tourists coming in and out, but two people carrying bags that looked like tourists were attracted to the attention of the red roses. The tourists seem to be Europeans and Americans, brown hair, tall, although the two of them will converge very well, but the red rose still found that the strength of the two people should be reached the peak of the peak.

This kind of strong peak is really worthless in front of Xiao Bing and the red rose. Almost one finger can crush both of them, but in any city, it is absolutely worthy. The top is the master, this level of master is not common.

Red Rose said: "It's not a good master? But... it's not unusual. It's quite rare to meet two foreign masters who are eager to go out, but it's not a rare thing, and they are walking. Be in front of you and me, not behind you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You have not been an agent, so you don't know about it. I used to have a lot of things in the dragon tooth. Tracking is one of them. If you just keep track of others, then it will fall. With the best, the top agents can accurately calculate which route you will travel on, so occasionally you will walk in front of us to ensure that we will not be suspicious."

"Even if this is the case, why do you think that the two of them must follow us?"

"Observation." Xiao Bing said, "In fact, when we just walked into the airport of the group of counties, I found that they both sat on the bench and read the newspaper. When you and I went to the queue, they followed the line. Buying tickets, why are they clearly the first airport, but not buying tickets first, but waiting for us?"

"Oh, this... I didn't notice this detail."

Xiao Bing continued: "At the beginning I noticed this, I still can't completely confirm it. I waited until I found out that they were also buying tickets for Lun Dun, and I was sure they were coming to us. It must be To follow us."

Red Rose said: "Other words would be too good."

"Yes, otherwise it would be too good. After they got off the plane, they deliberately pretended not to know us, passing by us, huh, the more I did, the more I determined that they must be special. To follow you and me, otherwise you will change other normal men, even if you don’t dare to look at you with a bright look or a peek, but always look at you, but they don’t even look at you. Then you will pass by your side without squinting, otherwise they will be interested in it, do not want to cause us to doubt, or else they are standard homosexuality."

The red rose’s face was red, and Xiaoying’s eyes glanced at Xiao Bing, giggling: “You are a boastful and beautiful girl.”

Xiao Bing said with a serious face: "There is no need to turn around, even if it is bright and bright, I have to praise you beautiful, this is a fact in itself!"

"Well, I accept your compliments." The red rose smiled. "If they really are as you said, is it really a gay? It's too coincidental, but it's not entirely impossible?"

"It is completely impossible in itself." Xiao Bing laughed. "Don't forget what I used to do. I used to be responsible for protecting people in the dragon tooth. Sometimes I have to pretend to be various types when performing tasks. People, posing as rich merchants with rich wealth, pretending to be the second generation of the rich, pretending to be an electrician, pretending to be a small white-collar worker, pretending to be a painter, pretending to be a university professor... also posing as a homosexual."

"I don't care what role I play, I have to do absolutely homework beforehand, so I really know too much about homosexuality. They don't really see the difference between them and other people on weekdays, but some of them only have them. The details that insiders can find are absolutely impossible to hide. I have observed that the two of them are definitely not, and they are absolutely normal and can not be normal sexual orientation."

Red Rose looked strangely at Xiao Bing and said: "You still pretend to be homosexual."

"Don't discriminate against them. They are actually a group of normal people. They just like the difference." Xiao Bing said, "The final conclusion is that the two people came for you and me, to track us."

The red rose asked: "What should we do now?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, let them track down, by the way, see what they want to do!"

(End of this chapter) 8)

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