Super Soldier

Chapter 1571: Harassment on the pedestrian street

Xiao Bing and the Red Rose went out from the airport and left directly by subway. As a result, they disappeared from the subway.

The red rose sat next to Xiao Bing and whispered: "Is it wrong? Why didn't the two people follow?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How do you know that you are not following, you look at the opposite person."

The red rose curiously looked across, but saw a man in his 30s who was looking at the newspaper. He occasionally looked up and saw that there was no strong breath on this person. It looked like an ordinary person. people.

The red rose asked in confusion: "This person..."

Xiao Bing smiled: "Usually, at this time, the two people are not suitable to continue tracking. They will send a slightly lower person to follow us. This little person looks ordinary, just like an ordinary person. It will not cause any doubts. He is responsible for reporting our whereabouts to the two people at any time, and then the two people will take over at a convenient time. If I don’t expect it, it will be a coincidence, we and the two I live in the same hotel."

The red rose was surprised: "Is it still?"

"Of course, huh, huh, when it comes to tracking, they are just a little sorrow compared to me, but I am the ancestor."

Xiao Bing said that the Longya Special Forces is a very special special force. This special force belongs to the National Security Bureau and belongs to the most elite ace of the National Security Bureau. They have to perform various tasks. Eliminating terrorists, saving hostages, protecting national leaders, assassinating criminal organizations, arresting traitors, etc., so they need not only superb martial arts, but also all other aspects, including assassination, lurking, tracking and so on.

And Xiao Bing as the captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade is the king in this respect!

Red Rose and Xiao Bing sat in the subway for about ten stations, and then went out from the subway. Two people have already booked the hotel through mobile phone software. After coming straight to the hotel, Red Rose and Xiao Bing have just left. Into the hotel, the two foreign backpacks in the airport, the foreigners, also followed.

The red rose quietly gave a thumbs up to Xiao Bing, and then the two did not disturb the two people, went directly to the front desk to register, and then entered the room.

After entering the hotel room, Xiao Bing sat down directly on the bed and smiled and said: "How?"

"It's amazing." The red rose walked over and drilled directly into Xiao Bing's arms, glaring at Xiao Bing's neck and laughing. "How are you going? Do you need to go out and grab the two people?"

"Is it still useful for the wife to go out alone? But I wonder if these two people will have something to do with the attack of Ovkar. Although the strength of these two individuals is far worse than Ovkar, But it is also possible that the people behind them are doing it. It seems that it is really necessary to take them and ask them to ask questions."

The red rose asked: "So what do you do now?"

"I am not in a hurry." Xiao Bing said, "If you kill these two people, there will be other people who will monitor them. Instead, they will be amazed. In the end, they may let the other party take other actions. It is better to wait and see for the time being. Just pretend that you don’t know what you are going to do, go around the same day as you planned, and then grab the two people and ask them before you leave. No matter what you can ask, let’s leave. No, there will be no trouble."

The red rose smiled: "You can really stand up."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How can you do it?"

The two men huddled together and then began to kiss each other. The red rose was very active and enthusiastic, and he took the initiative to kiss him. At the same time, the soft tongue also opened Xiao Bing’s teeth. The two men clung tightly and enthusiastically. fire.

The breath of the two people began to rush, stroking each other, red rose Jiao. Gasping and said: "We are not going out to play?"

"No hurry, I can play with you first...."

Then the two started to play with each other in the room.

In a room opposite them, the two foreigners have been paying attention to the movement of Xiao Bing’s room. One of the foreigners started to call and said to the other side of the mobile phone with a mouthful of m: "They two After entering the room, it never came out again. It took more than two hours to pass. Yes, we will pay attention, it will not be too tight. Understand clearly, it will not be discovered."

After hanging up the phone, the man glanced at his companion and said, "John, when they go out, we don't want to follow them, so as not to be discovered."

John nodded and said: "When they came to Lundun, they must play for two days. The first day is really not necessary to be too tight. Moreover, this Xiao Bing is called the special soldier king. If it is too tight, It will be easy to find out."

The two men reached an agreement. The two men seemed to be very experienced. Unfortunately, they met Xiao Bing, a big expert, but they did not know that they had already been discovered by Xiao Bing.

Three hours after Xiao Bing entered the room, two people came out of the room with red light and then left the hotel with their arms. When they got out of the hotel, the red rose looked behind and said: "The two people didn't seem to follow. ""

"Well, yeah." Xiao Bing laughed. "Besides those laymen, the real top agents will not be too tight. They all know that you will definitely not check out on the first day, even a few days ago. Will not check out, it is estimated that from tomorrow, they will keep an eye on us."

"Oh, the statement here is really much better."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That is of course. Do you think it is very easy to do this? It is not that you have a very good martial arts realm that you can do it. You still need a lot of skills and you have to master others. psychological."

"Yeah." The red rose smiled. "I don't need to master those anyway. It is enough to protect me."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing laughed. "I love to listen to this, let me go. I will take you to the busiest pedestrian street here and take you shopping."

"Okay!" Red roses are not like other women who say they don't have to spend money, they don't need them, and they don't like girls who have to let their men buy things for themselves. Red The character of Rose is that Xiao Bing wants to buy her, she will definitely accept it. If Xiao Bing does not want to buy her, she will not take the initiative to ask for her personality.

After all, money is also outside the eyes of the red rose. She does not have the mentality of spending too much money. She grew up in her home garden, and her temper is particularly free and easy.

It is very close to the pedestrian street that Xiao Bing said. The two people have already walked in about 20 minutes, so Xiao Bing is also the hotel specially selected here, which is the most prosperous location in the whole of Lundun.

Two people walked in the pedestrian street with their arms around. They were all surrounded by foreigners. About half of them were probably y people, and many of them were tourists from other countries.

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and walked up to a few college students and men. He smiled and asked in fluent English: "Can you take a photo with us?"

"ok." One of the blond beauty college students took over the mobile phone. Xiao Bing and the red rose held hands together. After several consecutive shots, she handed the phone back to Xiao Bing and asked with a smile. "Look Can you watch it?"

Xiao Bing took a good photo and smiled and made an ok gesture. He said with gratitude: "Thank you, thank you very much, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, your girlfriend looks so beautiful, you two are very good." The female college student said with amazement.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you, you are also very charming."

"Thank you too, I wish you a pleasant trip."

The two sides resigned each other, and then Xiao Bing and the red rose continued to walk. There are some beautiful ornaments on the roadside, which are not expensive, but represent the characteristics of the local y country. Women are very interested in these, red The rose walked over and carefully selected it. Finally, she picked out a small accessory hanging around her neck and smiled and said, "Buy it for me."

"Okay." Xiao Bing asked about how much money, and then paid the money, the rest of the change was used as a tip.

The red rose smiled and said: "I want you to personally help me wear it."

"Good." Xiao Bing took over the adornment, and the red rose took the initiative to explore the head. Xiao Bing and even the faint can see the plump chest from the red rose's neckline.

The red rose quietly licked Xiao Bing with his fingers and smiled. "What are you looking at?"

Xiao Bingyi smiled and said: "It may be a bit hungry."

"So I want to eat me?"

"The show is delicious!"

Xiao Bing has always been courageous in the face of the red rose, and not so much shy, so she directly flirted, the red rose does not mind, she is sometimes more enthusiastic than Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing helped the red rose to wear on the neck, and then the two men walked hand in hand and continued to move forward. At this time, suddenly there was a less harmonious voice appearing: "Oh, buy a beautiful, beautiful girl!" ”

Xiao Bing turned his head and saw a few young people in their twenties who were dressed up in a hip-hop. They walked over to themselves. Three of them were male and one was female. Four people were tall and the men reached About one meter eight, the woman also reached more than one meter seven.

After Xiao Bing gave them a glance, they regained their gaze. The red rose asked: "What?"

"Nothing, praise you."

It is really a boast, but it seems a little frivolous.

Xiao Bing’s current status has been too lazy to see such a small person. He and the red rose are preparing to go away. These people saw that Xiao Bing was afraid, and immediately stopped in front of Xiao Bing.

Ps: This chapter can be counted in yesterday, which is equivalent to updating four chapters yesterday. There is still one chapter today. Well, continue to add more today.

(End of this chapter)

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