Super Soldier

Chapter 1681: Are you a warrior or a painter!

"Ah, the grandmother still let Robert take Xiao Bing in the past?"

"Test, I am trying to test it. As my future granddaughter, I naturally want to be able to use Wengwu, so that I can help you with some ideas around you. He basically has no martial arts. Too many can be tested, but I don’t understand it on the one hand. I think Mason will see that they will go into it, and it will definitely be difficult. It’s hard for Xiao Bing to make Mason satisfied, but as long as he has a little understanding of art, Proof is not a pure Wufu who does not understand anything, it is considered to be temporarily qualified to talk to your boyfriend and girlfriend."

Princess Anna didn’t think that Grandma’s grandmother had already seen the relationship between herself and Xiao Bing. Even if it wasn’t just that, she still had an assessment here. To put it bluntly, she was to check Xiao Bing, and her face immediately turned red to her neck. Said: "Grandma, actually I... actually I..."

Queen y looked at her granddaughter with a smile and said: "Don't say that you and he are not that kind of relationship, the grandmother has not reached the level of old eyes."

"Well, yes..." Princess Anna is not the kind of girl who is twisted and pinched. When she sees that she has been seen by her own grandmother, she will not deny it. Moreover, she will let the grandmother know sooner or later. Then, he said, "I really like Xiao Bing. He is also very good to me. I originally intended to tell the grandmother earlier that this matter, but there are still some things that have not been resolved."

"Is there something?" The Queen smiled. "What? Are you afraid that I will stop here? Rest assured, I won't be here, and Grandma is not the kind of unenlightened person."

Princess Anna is embarrassed to say: "The grandmother...not really...not the problem..."

Her Majesty frowned and asked: "What is the problem? Is there really something that is not convenient to say, Anna, I know you, in my children and grandchildren, you are the most promising one, and me. The most optimistic one is definitely not the person who does things like a mother-in-law."

Princess Anna sighed and said: "Because I am one of his many girlfriends, he still doesn't know how to give us all."

After listening to this sentence, Her Majesty only felt that her head was dizzy and almost fainted.

Seeing his own grandmother's face is not very good-looking, Princess Anna hurriedly yelled: "Grandma, Grandma, you are fine, Grandma."

In the Queen's Art Museum, Mason looked ugly and looked at Xiao Bing, and said coldly, "I will ask for advice. I don't know if you have heard of "The Last Supper"?"

"Of course I have heard it." Xiao Bing laughed. "This is the painting by artist Leonardo da Vinci. It is the most famous of all the works created on this subject."

"Yeah," Mason said. "It's not bad. It's better than Robert's kind of inkless person, but I have to ask more than just this. I want to ask you, this painting is not really painted by Dafen. Odd one person, but why is it that only Da Vinci’s work is finally named?

"Because Leonardo da Vinci is best known."

Seeing Mason’s face became ugly, Xiao Bing didn’t know what happened to Lao Mason, as if he had always eaten a gun, and thought it would not be a joke with you, so he smiled and said: “Jokes , joke. Then I explain the explanation, the old gentleman is right, if there is something wrong, you can correct me."

Even if Xiao Bing doesn't understand the situation any more, now I can see that this old Mason is not asking questions with himself, but testing himself intentionally, so the tone has become modest.

Hearing Xiao Bing changed the tone of his speech. Old Mason snorted and his face looked a little better, but he didn't look too much.

Xiao Bing said: "The "Last Supper" painted by Leonardo da Vinci, the characters in the picture, with gestures of horror, anger, suspicion, anatomy, and gestures, eyes and behaviors, are all meticulously crafted. Of course, if I just say this, it must be too simple. It is estimated that even if a junior high school student who has seen a painting can say it, then I will talk about it in detail."

Xiao Bing also has some understanding of art, and Da Vinci has always been very respectful and fond of it. After mentioning this painting, Xiao Bing began to talk about it: "First let me talk about it. The source of the picture of this painting. The Last Supper is based on the New Testament. According to the New Testament Mark, the last time **** went to Jerusalem to go to Passover, the Jewish priest conspiracy was at night. At this time, Jesus’ disciple Judas confessed to the Jewish priest, and the Jewish priest gave Judas 30 dollars. So Judas made an appointment with the chief priest, and the one he kissed was Jesus. On the Passover day, **** sat with 12 disciples and went to the last dinner. He said to the 12 disciples melancholy. I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me. After the 12 disciples heard the words, Or shocked, or angry, or excited, or nervous. "The Last Supper" shows the tension at this moment."

Old Mason nodded and said: "You know very well the legend of "The Last Supper", but this has nothing to do with the painting."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't think so, Mr. Mason, please listen to me. Before you understand any painting, you must first understand what this painting expresses. The artistic conception of this painting, the inside of this painting. The story told by the content is the story that the artist himself wants to express. Only then can you go deeper into a painting. This is to appreciate the painting, not simply to see the painting."

After the old Mason listened to Xiao Bing's words, gradually, the coldness in the eyes began to dissipate a lot. The whole person became calm and nodded slightly. He said, "Yes, it is such a truth. I know this truth at a young age." No matter how much you can understand for "Last Supper", just from your awareness, at least you are more qualified than Robert to enjoy painting in this museum."

Xiao Bing looked at Robert curiously. It seems that Old Mason doesn't like Robert very much. Robert is also a look of embarrassment.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then I finished the history of "The Last Supper", I will talk about the painting itself."

"Well, let's talk, I listen to your opinion."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Looking out, the old gentleman should be a predecessor who has deep insights into the paintings. The younger generation may be a squad, but it doesn't matter. If there are any deficiencies, the old gentleman can advise."

Well, this young man is good, modest, and it seems that I just blamed him.

Old Mason’s feelings for Xiao Bing have become better and better, and even have such a bit of appreciation.

“The Last Supper is 420 cm wide and 910 cm long. Da Vinci not only strives for innovation in painting techniques, but also has a new look in the layout of the screen. The screen layout has always been a row of **** disciples, **** Sitting alone, Leonardo da Vinci let the twelve disciples sit on both sides of Jesus. **** sits alone in the middle, his face is reflected in the bright windows behind him, and he looks solemn."

Old Mason nodded slightly, his face was kind, and smiled and said: "Yes, you observe very carefully."

Xiao Bing continued to look confident and said: "The strong contrast of this painting background allows people to focus all their attention on Jesus. The savage disciples next to Jesus, each person's facial expressions, eyes, movements Everything is different. Especially in the panicked Judas, the elbows touched the salt shaker, the body leaned back, and the face was panicked and upset."

“In various versions of The Last Supper, Judah is usually sitting alone opposite the other; or is preparing to pick up the bread of Christ's soup; Judah is generally bearded with black hair, treacherous; he often takes The purse, hinting at it, is the thirty silver coins he has sold from Christ; if the apostles have a halo on their heads, the aura of Judah may be black or have no halo."

"And **** in Da Vinci's work is the best to identify, he is in the center of the crowd. The identity of Judah reveals that Da Vinci did not use any props; the hand he stretched out is not awkward, looks More like nervousness; he did not separate the crowd, he was mixed among other innocent apostles. But if you look patiently and look carefully, you can still recognize him from the weird postures of Judah and other clues. A little clumsy expression, high scores."

After listening to Xiao Bing’s insights, Lao Mason couldn’t help but brighten his eyes. He did not need to admire: “Not bad.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course, the highlight of this painting is not only that. It is just my own little insignificant little insight. If there are any deficiencies, I hope that Mr. Mason can correct me."

Mason walked over with excitement and reached out to Xiao Bing and said, "Sit down with me on the chair and talk slowly. The correct place is gone, but I still have some supplements to say one. Say, just that we can prove each other's views."

Xiao Bing is also a bright eye, some excited: "This is not to be asked."

Two people walked to the side of the chair, sitting face to face, and then you talked about me in a word, the more you see Mason, the higher the interest, and Xiao Bing is more respectful to the elderly in front of the more respect The more I feel that the old man is erudition about painting, there are too many places that Xiao Bing can't touch.

Robert looked at it all at once and couldn’t insert it at all.

Lying in the grass, are you not learning Wu? How do you still understand painting? And you can talk to the top painters, why don't you go to heaven?

Robert is stupid!

(End of this chapter) 8)

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