Super Soldier

Chapter 1682: The provocation of the kendo master

Xiao Bing sat there with Lao Mason for more than half an hour, but the more he talked, the more speculative he was. If he didn’t interrupt, they certainly didn’t necessarily talk about it. Robert bit his teeth and walked. In the past, I coughed and screamed at Xiao Bing’s clothes. I looked at me with a look: "Hey, that, I will take you around and go around!"

"This one……."

In fact, Xiao Bing is very happy to talk to Lao Mason. I haven’t planned to leave so early. But if I come here, I really should look at a few places. I can’t just go to the Queen. Art gallery.

Xiao Bing hasn't talked yet, but the old Mason on the side is mad: "Well, you are a Robertson. I am here to meet a young man who can say a few words. You are eager to take my Xiao brother." Where is it? You are purely coming over and my old man can't get through?"

Xiao Brothers? About thirty people, you are already more than seventy, this is where the generations!

Robert looked at the old Mason screaming at himself, the whole person was crying, I was recruiting who provoked it, the key queen has already arranged it, if the delay here is too long, the next place No time has passed, and I will not be able to complete the task.

I heard that I came to the Queen's Art Museum. I know that Mason has always been not very pleasing to the eye. I have never wanted to come. As a result, Her Majesty is not allowed to accompany her. This is a good thing. It is completely offensive.

Robert 尴尬 laughs, Xiao Bing does not understand how this old Mason looked so Robert is not pleasing to the eye, and knows that he has stayed here, Robert must be very embarrassed, so he smiled and stood up and said: "Old gentleman, this Once I came over, there was something else, then I will come and disturb next time."

"It doesn't matter, don't bother, don't bother, I have the opportunity to come over often, I am the old man, they are very difficult to talk to me. After all, all of them are dead wood."

Xiao Bing and Mason took two sentences, and they even had some sympathy. When they went out from the museum, Robert breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Xiao Bing like a monster and cautiously asked: "You still know how to paint. ?"

“The paintings are a bit worse, but they are more appreciative.”

Xiao Bing said that this is true, although he said that he will also paint, but can only say that it is not bad in the amateur, after all, the industry has a specialization, even if his talent is amazing, it is impossible to pass a few The special training of the year will draw the painting to the level of the top painter. However, in terms of appreciation, he does have a master-level eyesight. In those years, he mainly studied the appreciation and theoretical knowledge. I can’t think of it today. It’s working.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But this old gentleman is really interesting. I am very willing to chat with him. Oh, yes, how do I feel that his attitude towards you is not so friendly?"

Robert smiled bitterly: "He is not a bad attitude towards me. He is the least arrogant person who wants to fight and kill, but what he hates most is me... he is most unreasonable to others. But when I met me, it was good to not blast me out."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I am a bit curious about this, is it that you offended him."

"Well... I once had a few friends with me at the entrance of the museum. I said something, he didn't really like it."

"What did you say?"

"I just want to make a painting. Just take a pen and smear it. Some people don't know it and become a famous painting. It's much simpler than martial arts."

Xiao Bing thought of Mason’s temper and couldn’t help but smile: “If you say this, even if other people listen, they will be angry, let alone the old man who just got it. It’s no wonder, haha.”

Robert is also a look of embarrassment, said: "I was just casually talking, joking, did not expect to be heard by Master Mason. Her Majesty is very respectful to Master Mason, I have to be every time Going around the museum, if it’s not because of the Queen’s... today, if it’s not because I’m going to take you to see it, I’m saying that I won’t go in.”

"Well, thank you, where are we going to go next?"

"Concert Hall, Equestrian Hall..."

"Okay, then trouble Mr. Robert leads the way."

Then Xiao Bing went to several famous places in Buckingham Palace. After basically turning around, Robert said: "Next I want to take Mr. to go to the swordsmanship."

"Okay." Xiao Bing's eyes lit up, although Xiao Bing knew that things were more complicated, but Xiao Bing was still a warrior inside, and the swordsmanship hall was naturally very interested.

Xiao Bing and Robert walked into the swordsmanship hall, but at this time, there were people practicing swords in the swordsmanship hall. The Jianguang Ruhong was always flashing in the hall, which made people feel dazzling.

Robert's eyes lit up and stood on the side and only felt fascinated.

Xiao Bing looked in his eyes and nodded secretly. This person seems to be forty years old. Not only has martial arts already stepped into the realm of Tianzun, but the kendo is not weaker than the Chen Baijian he encountered at the beginning. There are some hidden people who are deep and hidden, not as simple as they think.

After the other's long sword was sheathed, he slightly rubbed the fine sweat on his forehead and then looked at Robert. He said: "Robert, you are coming, you should know that I am practicing this time every day. Sword, I don't like to be disturbed when I practice the sword. What does this person do?"

Robert said to Xiao Bing: "I used to explain to him."

"it is good!"

Robert walked up to the man and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Wien, this is the top master from China. Xiao Bing, I just heard him say that the kendo of the country is a small path, not worth mentioning, so deliberately Come and take him to open your eyes."

"Oh?" Wien's face changed. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Bing, who stood at the doorway ten meters away, but saw Xiao Bing nodded to himself with a smile. His fire immediately ignited. Ok, I still dare to laugh at myself.

Wien immediately snorted and said loudly: "I heard that there is a saying in Huaxia that it is called a sword and a sword. Is that right?"

"Oh, yes, the sword, the sword, the axe, the hook... This is the weapon spectrum."

"Yeah." Wien nodded, then asked proudly. "Do you think that the kendo of your China is stronger, or is the kendo of our country better?"

Xiao Bing didn't think that the other person actually asked himself this way, and his attitude was so proud. He suddenly raised a few points of triumph. He said with a smile: "The world is martial arts out of China, and Huaxia martial arts out of Shaolin. In science and technology, it may be Your Western countries are still better than they are, but in terms of martial arts, China is still stronger."

Wien snorted, his face was unhappy, carrying his hands, and some disdainful words: "If you say this, do you think that your swordsmanship in China is stronger than the swordsmanship of our country? Then you said so, Naturally, there are some skills on the body. I don’t know if I dare to compare with me."

The excitement of Robert’s heart in the side was finally completed, and all the tasks of Her Majesty were completed. Although she did not know why Her Majesty had to let Xiao Bing irritate Wien, why do they have to let them try, but as long as the task It will be done.

Robert immediately pretended to be pretending: "Oh, Mr. Xiao is a guest, if it hurts, it’s not good."

Wien faintly said: "It doesn't matter, it will not happen until the end."

Robert looked at Xiao Bing. Although he was looking forward to his heart, his face was deliberately pretending to be helpless. He asked, "Mr. Xiao, what do you think?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This... I don't want to bully people."

"What? Bully?" Wien directly bombed.

Robert’s heart was excited. I didn’t expect the task to be so good. I didn’t need to add fuel to my side. The arrogant attitude of Xiao Bing alone was enough to ignite the war. Haha, is this Xiao Bing not knowing Mr. Wien? The kendo masters in the royal family of y, even the princes are vying to learn swordsmanship with Mr. Wien. Even the Queen’s Majesty is very respectful to Mr. Wien. Although you say that the realm of strength is definitely strong, but before I can I haven't heard that you are a sword master. You are not looking for abuse.

Robert was happy in his heart and hurried to the side, saying in his mouth: "I will decide this, you will not mix well."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then compare it to the test. I don't insult you. If you just fight the duel directly, I can crush you by virtue of the realm, but that's better than trying the sword." I will directly suppress the power to the peak of Tianzun, and then come and try it with you. How do you see it?"

Before Xiao Bing did not say that the other people had not felt anything, but when he said this, Weien realized that the other side’s realm was above himself. He immediately showed a horrified color in his eyes. Road: "Don't you... Is your realm already stepping into the saint?"

Robert is more dangerous and falls to the ground. My goodness, I am actually playing with a saint? That is a saint, and you can pinch yourself to two fingers.

Suddenly he saw Xiao Bing smiled and smiled at himself, and immediately sweated. It seemed that Xiao Bing had already seen that he had intentionally provoked this trouble to him. Her Majesty, I will have this later. Don't look for me for a kind of mission. You are going to kill me. You actually want me to provoke others and a saint. This is not my life....

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "We don't distinguish between saints and sages now. It's just a trick. You don't want to try Huaxia and y, who is stronger? You dare not?"

After Xiao Bing finished, he looked at Wayne and his eyes burned.

(End of this chapter)

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