Super Soldier

Chapter 1684: The man of the future queen?


When Princess Anna saw the grandmother looking at herself, she still didn't know what the grandmother was thinking. She was embarrassed to say: "Grandma, what are you thinking about?"

Her Majesty smiled and took the hand of Princess Anna, and exclaimed: "What am I thinking, you still don't know? The original grandmother is still thinking, you want your cousins ​​to be better, only It’s a girl, it’s inevitable that it’s too tired, but now it seems that there is such a young and capable young man who is with you, how happy you are.”

"It is very difficult for such a young person to find. If the gas is too heavy, I am afraid that it is not strong enough. If the martial arts are too heavy, I am afraid that I will not understand the righteousness, and such a person can just be a life partner of my granddaughter!"

Princess Anna is a bit shy: "Grandma, you are testing him..."

"Of course." Her Majesty said, "Go, help me to eat, this young man, the more I want to appreciate it now."

Robert on the side was completely shocked. He did not know what his Majesty’s intentions were until now. At the beginning, he was the most disgusting martial artist’s old Mason’s martyrdom. The result was that Xiao Bing was treated as a forgotten year, and later it was very The deep prejudice of Wien provoked Xiao Bing, and the result turned into a confidant between Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing, and later he discovered that the Queen, who had designed all of this before, was actually trying to test his granddaughter...

This Xiao Bing brought him too much shocking place today, just to scare his chin and scare his eyes.

Her Majesty, under the help of Princess Anna, walked into the restaurant. Robert and other personal guards retreated to the restaurant door. At this time, in addition to the Queen’s three, the maid was only in the early 20s. Standing in the rules.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table. It looks like a good meal in ordinary people. It is not particularly rich, and a queen has eaten four dishes and one soup, and it is eaten by three people. It seems a bit simple.

Her Majesty took a dish with chopsticks and sipped it in her mouth. After she swallowed it, she exclaimed: "Yes, the craftsmanship of the kitchen is getting better and better. Mr. Xiao also moves chopsticks. Does it feel that there is no? What is delicious?"

"Oh, no, it’s good to have a look at it."

Her Majesty smiled and said: "Now the country is relying on government departments. Our royal family has rarely intervened. Even if my name is the leader of this country, it is practical that the country really depends on the Prime Minister to support the overall situation. I think that if the royal family can, it is still a little simpler, and it should not bring too much pressure on the country and the people."

Xiao Bing listened to the words of Her Majesty, and she felt a little bit of emotion in the moment. Where do ordinary people think so much, not to mention the heavy burden that a table can bring to the people? y can have such a queen. It is also the blessing of the people of y.

Princess Anna said on the side: "Don't look at my grandmother is the leader of the country. There is no shortage of wealth. The wealth of the entire royal family is actually not the worst of the top rich, but my grandmother never does. Extravagant, whether it is eating or dressing, you see that this dress of my grandmother's body is the latest one, but it is also a set of clothes bought two years ago."

Xiao Bing was amazed. A set of clothes actually wore for two years. Haven't customized new clothes within two years?

Her Majesty smiled and said: "I have always advocated that the civil servants of the country can all be honest and clean. I also advocate that the royal family should not be too extravagant. I hope that others will do this, then should my old lady not lead by example?"

Xiao Bing indulged and nodded and said: "Even if you can think of it, you can't do it. You are indeed a model for the whole country."

The Queen smiled and said: "Is an old woman like me, how much can I eat, how much can I drink? How many beautiful new clothes do I need to wear? So this is not difficult for me, let alone I have experienced World War II when I was a child. In the war, the country was once hit hard at that time, and the country’s economy has once fallen into a trough. The experience of that period is still fresh, and now everyone is rich, but the hard days cannot be forgotten."

Xiao Bing awe-inspiringly said: "Your Majesty, you are really an admirable elder."

The Queen of the y country looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Since you are a good friend of Anna, let me call you a grandmother."

Xiao Bing looked at Anna, but saw Anna’s face showing a happy color. Xiao Bing’s face also showed a smile, saying: “I am a good grandmother.”

"Hey." Queen of the y country smiled. "You are called the grandmother. You are called the grandmother, and the grandmother can treat you as a family member. Come, eat and eat."

When I was eating, I was always warm and harmonious. Xiao Bing’s heart was also a long sigh of relief. Now I can’t say that Anna’s grandmother has really regarded herself as a family member. At least she seems to be not exclusive to herself, even the impression should be It's still very good, so when you are with Princess Anna, at least you can lose a lot of resistance.

After waiting for a meal, Xiao Bing and Princess Anna should go back. Her Majesty the Queen took the Princess Anna out for a while, then there were only two soldiers left in the restaurant, Xiao Bing and Her Majesty.

Her Majesty looked at Xiao Bing and said, "You should guess that I have something to say to you?"

"Yes, look out." Xiao Bing is also a little nervous. After all, he abducted the granddaughter of the family, so he carefully asked: "What do you want to say? I must know all the words."

"Well, I like the sincere young man like you." Her Majesty said, "Hey, I am now older, more than 90 years old, how many years can I live again? Even if I can live for more than ten years." But can my body stay in the Queen's position for so long?"

Xiao Bing is somewhat confused. These are the private affairs of the Queen. Xiao Bing is not sure what she and she are saying.

Her Majesty said: "To tell the truth, my children's generation and grandchildren's children, my favorite is Anna, the most appreciated is her. She is not only like me when I was young. It’s just as beautiful, and it’s important that it’s both internal and external. There’s no such thing as a young man’s heart, and there’s no other royal family’s arrogance. I always think that she is the best person to inherit my position. ""

Xiao Bing was shocked. What does this mean? Will Anna be a queen in the future? The head of state of y country?

Her Majesty looked at Xiao Bing and said, "You must have heard it. Yes, I have the intention to train Anna to sit in this position and become the queen of the country."

Xiao Bing said: "But Anna is a girl... oh..."

Xiao Bing wants to smoke a big mouth. What is the reason? Isn’t the Queen’s Majesty a woman, isn’t she still sitting in this position for decades?

Sure enough, Her Majesty smiled and said: "Why can't women sit in this position? The man sitting in this position is called the monarch, the woman sitting in this position is called the Queen, what is wrong?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "There is nothing wrong with it."

Xiao Bing does not have the kind of patriarchal thinking, so I don't think there is anything about it. What's more, the country has been under the Queen's rule for decades, and hasn't it been good all the time?

It’s just that Xiao Bing’s bones don’t want Princess Anna to sit in that position. Of course, Xiao Bing will not disagree. On the one hand, this is a family matter, and he has not married Anna. He has no right to ask questions. In the second aspect, even if Xiao Bing and Anna are married, they should also respect the opinions of Princess Anna, and let Princess Anna decide for herself, so Xiao Bing is silent.

Her Majesty sighed and said: "It’s very tiring to sit in this position. Although I have been worried about it all my life, and I have been offered it, it is because of this, but I have lost my freedom, no matter what you do. It is placed under the microscope of the media, but sitting in this position also means that you have no rights and glory."

Xiao Bing asked: "Have you asked Anna's opinion?"

"I haven't talked to her yet, but I think she should agree, because no one in the entire royal family is a more suitable candidate for her. But although it is not without precedent to say that a woman is a monarch, I can feel it. It’s such a heavy burden, so I hope someone can carry it with her, then I have to carefully select a man to help her, and you are the best person."

Xiao Bing pointed to his nose and looked surprised: "I?"

"Yes, I have heard of you before. After I knew about you and Princess Anna, I also deliberately investigated and know how good you are. Even now I know that you can do it, if you are just A pure Wufu is actually not suitable for Anna, but now I can safely hand her over to your hand."

Xiao Bing said: "Today is your deliberate test of me?"

Her Majesty smiled and said: "Of course, the most important point is that you two already have an emotional foundation. If there is no relationship between you, no matter how good you are, I can't force you two to come together. I To respect Anna’s choice, it’s fortunate that the object she chose is in line with my vision.”

Xiao Bing touched his nose and originally planned to win the good feelings of Her Majesty the Queen. Then she slowly tried to find the way for Her Majesty to agree with Anna and herself. Now I can’t think of being taken care of, and it’s hard to know.

When Xiao Bing felt that his heart was very happy, Her Majesty suddenly said with a serious look: "However, as a queen of the y country, it is absolutely impossible to share a man with other women. Anna is both appearance and identity. The choice, so I hope that you can only be with Princess Anna alone, keep a certain distance from others, if that, you are the man of the future queen, your descendants will also be the king of the country of y, you Do you agree?"

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