Super Soldier

Chapter 1685: The pressure of Her Majesty the Queen

After coming to Buckingham Palace, Xiao Bing always felt that Her Majesty the Queen of the United States was a kind old man. She didn’t feel the pressure of one and a half points from beginning to end. It was only now that the pressure began to come one after another. Only then did the Queen understand that the Queen was the Queen. She is indeed very kind, and it is indeed very approachable, but also full of wisdom, even treating Xiao Bing as a family, but she still has an important identity, that is, she is the queen of the country.

Queen y looked at Xiao Bing and smiled and said: "I know what you are thinking, but these are not just for me, the old lady, but also for Anna. After all, you are willing to let your most loved children go and Other people share a man together?"

Xiao Bing is a bit embarrassed, and some are speechless. After all, the Queen of the State of Y said that it is too reasonable to say that it is not wrong. This matter is itself a loss, and how could it be blamed for the Queen of the country?

Queen y continues to say: "If you want, Grandma is also an enlightened person. You can also go to other girls after you get married, unless they are willing to follow you without a name, but if you don't want to... ""

"I don't want to." Xiao Bing immediately said, there is no hesitation.

The queen of the y country looked at Xiao Bing with amazement. The smile on his face gradually disappeared: "Don't you love my family Anna, if you don't love it, then I have no choice."

"No, I love Anna, but I also love other people." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "Grandma, you gave me very good conditions, even if it is very cheap, I am a stinky boy, think about it, but that is The man of the queen of the future y, this kind of step-by-step thing, who is not dreaming under the sun? What's more, Anna is still so charming, so beautiful, and still so knowledgeable, is simply a perfect woman."

The Queen of the State of Y said: "But you young man still refused this."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I know that I said these words are quite dance floor, but I can't just stand up to Anna alone, but to live up to the rest, just like I can't live up to Anna for my other women. ""

"Children, it's not good to be greedy. You should understand the truth. If you have a home, you will find it. When you don't come to the end, you will find that the bamboo basket is in a hurry." Queen of the country looked at Xiao Bing, and said with a strong heart, "You are still too young." Otherwise, you should know how to choose."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am still too young now, so I only know how to get it, but I don't know how to go. Thank you, Grandma's teachings."

The Queen of y asked: "So, if you say this, you want to give up Anna for other women?"

"No." Xiao Bing shook his head and said, "I just said, I will not give up anyone."

"You are too greedy." The face of Queen y has sunk. She is over 90 years old, but Xiao Bing finds that a horrible oppression is radiating from her body. Breathing, this is not the sense of oppression of being a warrior, but the sense of oppression brought about by the superior.

Xiao Bing has been in contact with countless big people, such as the number one head of China, such as the emperor of the country of y, and the secretary of state of the country, their bodies look more than the 90-year-old grandmother in front of them. Strong, the spirit looks better, but none of them have ever brought Xiao Ting so horrible oppression, which was owned by a national leader who was born after World War I and experienced World War II.

After decades of state leaders, the Queen of the United States has been casually serious, and immediately the oppressed neighbors are breathless.

The Queen of y looked at Xiao Bing, and the crutches in his hand suddenly paused on the ground and asked: "Do you think that you are the world special soldier, the vice minister of China, can I let you do whatever you want?"

The Queen’s cane was again on the ground, and it was a total of two, and then the eyes were fixed on Xiao Bing’s eyes.

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "No, the Queen’s Majesty said wrong. I never thought about doing what I wanted, and I also know that your royal family is not letting me do whatever I want. I think if I really want you now. The old man is irritated, I am afraid that even if I can live out, I am afraid to peel off the skin."

Xiao Bing suddenly had a sense of crisis. He knew that the Queen must have any cards that he did not know, and he could bring a certain degree of threat to himself.

The queen of the y country snorted and lifted the crutches. Xiao Bing’s eyes were fixed on the crutches. He suddenly realized that it might have been arranged before the Queen’s majesty, if her crutches were on the ground three times. Next, someone will shoot for themselves.

It’s just that your own strength has reached the current stage. Who else can threaten yourself in the world today?

The Queen of y looked at Xiao Bing and hesitated. Suddenly, he slowly put the crutches down. There was no sound. Xiao Bing was relieved, but he was slightly disappointed because he could now give Xiao. There are too few people who threaten the soldiers. The strength of Xiao Bing is now stuck in the middle of the saint. I can’t wait to meet more opponents to stimulate my progress. Unfortunately, this desire is not It's too easy to reach.

Queen y shook her head and sighed and said: "Go back, think about what I said before, you just need to give up other women, and Anna will get married in our country, you will be able to get other people. The glory that can't be obtained in a lifetime is the man who stands at the top of the right. If you don't choose this path, then don't come to provoke Anna. Anna can't share a man with other women. She is the princess of our royal family! ”

Xiao Bing stood up and said: "Her Majesty, I will go back first?"

"Well, tell Anna, wait until you have time to come see me again, I am tired today."

"Good." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "Sorry, let the Queen down."

Xiao Bing knows that he has already angered the Queen of y, and the Queen of y has not turned his face on the spot. It is already very good, so I am also embarrassed to call the grandmother again, but changed her mouth and called Her Majesty.

When Xiao Bing walked to the door, the Queen of the State of Y suddenly muttered to himself: "Why is it so stubborn, in fact, my impression of your child is really good..."

Xiao Bing can feel the disappointment in that tone, but also a few points to hate it. On the one hand, she disappointed herself to disappoint her good intentions. On the other hand, she must be obviously disappointed that she chose beauty instead of Jiangshan.

Xiao Bing walked out of the restaurant and came to the room. Princess Anna was looking at the book in the room and saw that she was out. She immediately stood up and smiled and said, "Come out? Grandma?"

Xiao Bing also smiled on his face and said: "When the grandmother said that she was tired, she would not send us."

"Well, let's go." Princess Anna walked straight and took Xiao Bing's arm. The two men walked straight outside. All the people and guards were full of surprises and looked at Xiao Bing, Princess Anna. This move almost directly clarified the relationship between her and Xiao Bing. The most beautiful princess in Europe actually has a boyfriend, and is still a Chinese, who is not curious? Who doesn't care?

In addition to Buckingham Palace, two people sat in the car, the car all the way to the St. James Palace, two people on the road talking and laughing, the car has been driven to half, on a river, Xiao Bing suddenly said: "Car stop a bit."

The driver immediately stopped the car. Xiao Bing took Anna's hand and smiled and said, "Go and go."


Princess Anna has always been very good, although she is the Princess, but always respects the mood and thoughts of others.

Two people came out of the car and walked hand in hand on the river dam. Princess Anna said: "My grandmother just talked to you about our two things?"

"Well, yeah." Xiao Bing said with a smile.

"The chat should not be very happy, I am not wrong?" Princess Anna asked. "Is Grandma talking to you about the conditions?"

Seeing Xiao Bing’s doubts, Princess Anna smiled. “I didn’t think of it at first, but I’ve already felt it since you came out of the restaurant. Don’t look at your smile, it’s good, but it’s not So easy to hold me. My grandmother must have been talking about what can't be accepted, I guess, guess it is letting you give up the leaves?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "You guessed it."

Princess Anna sighed and said quietly: "I don't know in advance that the grandmother will talk to you about this. I only know that the grandmother is testing you today, and then I am very satisfied with you. If I know, I will stop in advance. ”

Xiao Bing shook his head and grabbed a hand of Princess Anna. He gently patted the back of his hand and smiled and said: "This does not blame you, it is my problem. In fact, I can understand your grandmother, really, Don't say that you are a princess. Even if you change to any other ordinary family, I am afraid that you don't want your child to share a husband with other women. This is a modern society. It is not the time of ancient polygamy, even if it is In ancient times, it was also to be divided into small and large.

Princess Anna sighed, with a gentle smile on her face, said: "Don't feel guilty, I will solve it on the side of the emperor's grandmother. You just need to solve your problem. As for me, you don't have to Too worried, the final decision must be my own."

Xiao Bing felt warm in his heart, but felt a kind of embarrassment and self-blame. He frowned and sighed slightly: "I just feel sorry for you."

"What do you do? Can you still be sorry for other sisters? Well, don't think too much, we can't be happy together forever, I believe you, you will be good to me."

"Well... she said it today, saying that I intend to let you inherit the position of the Queen, and later become the Queen of the country."

"Ah!" Princess Anna snorted, and then she was slightly moved first, then she shook her head and smiled. "I can't do this..."

Xiao Bing moved in his heart and asked: "For me?"

"For you...and for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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