Super Soldier

Chapter 1686: Don't you continue to get tired?

Xiao Bing and Princess Anna sat down on the river dam. Princess Anna said with a smile: "The Queen of y, it sounds really domineering."

"Really." Xiao Bing said, "Y country has been one of the world's hegemons since ancient times. Although the dominance is not talked about now, it is definitely a top power, and y is also considered to be a few in the world. One of the countries that retain the monarchy, and even the status of the royal family of the y should be on the top of the country."

Princess Anna said: "Yes, the country is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch is a well-deserved leader. Although this leader is still nominal in most of the time, it does not mean that there is really no energy. It is possible to be such a queen. It is equivalent to possessing money, rights, and status that other people do not have, but it also loses freedom and lacks happiness."

Xiao Bing said: "Rights and influences mean that one should pay attention to his words and deeds, just like those stars, and they are always watched."

"So I said, it is also for myself. The relationship between me and my grandmother has always been very close. She has always been somewhat eccentric to me, so after I told you to help me that night, she was angry with the Prime Minister directly. She usually does not interfere with the affairs of these countries, except that the Prime Minister occasionally goes to ask her for advice."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I can see it, she cares about you."

"But because of this closeness, I also saw how the grandmother was worried about the country in the past few years. She also saw her hard work. Others can only see her glamorous side and only see my emperor. Grandma is one of the most powerful people in the world today. It is the most powerful woman, but there are more things that others can't see."

"She is not interfering with the political situation now, but she always cares about the lives of the people, cares about the development of the country, and cares about the international status and influence of the country. She does not want to have her own influence on the stability of the country, so in addition to regular annual In addition to giving advice to the Prime Minister, she has never been concerned with the real specific issues. I can see how much she is worried about the country, how worried she is, and how much pressure she is under."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I always think that your grandmother is a good monarch."

"Well, I think so too. I am talking about it." Princess Anna smiled. "The grandmother always said that I am very good. She bothered me and appreciated me, but I never envied her life. I have never imagined that I would be the same person as her one day."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Do you know that you and the leaves are very similar, but unfortunately she has not been able to get rid of her fate, and now she is still running for the Yeh Group every day."

"Well, but I can get rid of it, because I have parents, uncles and uncles, and many brothers and sisters. Any one of them can inherit the great cause. The royal blood is not just me."

Princess Anna suddenly smiled, Xiao Bing curiously said: "What are you laughing at?"

Princess Anna leaned back in the arms of Xiao Bing: "It looks like Grandma is really happy with you."

"Oh? How do you see it?"

Princess Anna looked up at her man and smiled and asked: "If you are a king of the country of y, you want your granddaughter to inherit his own big position, would you be willing to let your granddaughter choose a foreigner? ?"

Xiao Bing suddenly realized that he nodded. "The average person may not accept it. His granddaughter is nothing, but the next generation of granddaughter's bloodline is not pure, and it is very likely that the next generation of granddaughter will be The heir to the monarch..."

“Yes,” said Princess Anna. “As a result, one day, the true monarch of the country may not be a pure y country.”

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "I didn't think about it before."

"You didn't think about it, but my grandmother must have thought about it. Even so, she still agreed that I chose you and proved that she is really very optimistic about you, so it will be an exception."

Xiao Bing thought about it. It seems that this concept is indeed. According to the wisdom of the Queen of the State of Y, she is almost impossible to think of these things. Especially the case of such a great heir, she will think before thinking, Xiao Bing smiles. After a cry, said: "So, this time the rejection may be that I really let the Queen down."

"It doesn't matter, this does not blame you, I will explain it to Grandma in the future." Princess Anna said, "In fact, it is good that you refused."

Xiao Bing looked at Anna Princess in surprise: "This... are you kidding?"

"Not a joke," Anna Princess said with a wry smile. "I like Xiao Bing who will not abandon other women in order to become a queen. If you really choose me, I will be happy because I can always be You are together, but I am also disappointed, because the man I like changes the principle of his own rights."

Xiao Bing spit out a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If I say this, I should be glad that I have not promised it. You will really comfort me."

Princess Anna suddenly smiled and said: "If you promised today, after a while, how do you explain to the rose sister?"

Xiao Bing smiled, indeed, if you don’t resist the temptation today, you don’t have to wait until the day is changed, today is enough for your own headache.

Jiang Feng gently licked his face, the two did not feel very cold, but it was very cool, and the coolness made people feel refreshed.

Xiao Bing glared at Princess Anna. The two men quietly leaned on the river dam and thought about their own thoughts, especially Princess Anna. Then she had a lot of work to do, and Xiao Bing categorically rejected Her Majesty’s proposal. Princess Anna knows that even if the grandmother loves herself more, she must also discourage herself from going with Xiao Bing. After all, who would want her granddaughter to become one of the many women of a man? Especially Anna herself knows that she is such a good woman.

After the two people blew for a while, they felt a little calm down. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the water. This is a sentence of our China. Have you heard of it before? Rest assured. The next time, we each have a task, we must work hard for each other's happiness, you try to convince your grandmother, I am trying to get the Chinese side, but I will not drag your hind legs, I Be sure to show it to your grandmother, that is, even if you are one of my women, I will give you happiness."

Anna looked up at Xiao Bing, Jiang Feng gently swayed the bangs of Princess Anna, and Xiao Bing’s heart could not help but tremble. At this moment, Xiao Bing only thought that Anna was beautiful.

"Well, I will work hard with you, come on!"

Princess Anna extended her little finger, and Xiao Bing also extended her little finger. The **** hooked together: "Come on!"

The time is getting late, at nine o'clock in the evening, Princess Anna whispered: "Xiao Bing, let's go back."


"This time you live here with me, will it be too late to miss you and Rose's two-person world?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing else for the time being. I can take her outside for a long time, not bad for these few days."

China’s side has been settled for the time being. The eight martial art schools of Guwu did not dare to have any action. Basically, they were completely surrendered to Xiao Bing. The dark world has always been dominated by Xiao Bing, and the Kunlun side has temporarily It has also been hit hard. It will be estimated that it will not be arbitrarily moved. As for the Holy See, it is just a handshake with Xiao Bing. It is estimated that there will be no other movements.

The only thing is...

Xiao Bing looked back and looked at the distance. The vagueness was still able to detect that someone was tracking himself in the distance. Although the other side was hiding very well, it was a pity that he could not escape the feeling of Xiao Bing.

Who is the person who tracks Xiao Bing? This is the biggest problem, but the other party can't count anything for Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing just doesn't want to be a stunned snake now, so there is no rash action.

Xiao Bing took Princess Anna back to the car, and then the car drove back to St. James' Palace.

Back to the palace, the red rose has fallen asleep, of course, it is also possible that the red rose is to create a chance to give Anna Princess a separate, so Xiao Bing will not live up to the beauty of the red rose, Xiao Bing and the red rose are lying There was a lot of rain in the room.

The next day, after the three days of the three days, the two talents got up and then had breakfast. Princess Anna asked: "Are you ready to leave?"

The red rose looked at Xiao Bing and Princess Anna and smiled and said: "I don't care, I can live for a few more days."

Princess Anna smiled and shook her head: "In fact, it is unnecessary. Rose sister, I know that you want Xiao Bing to spend more time with me here... Xiao Bing, if you still want to go around and play, then Don't let me stay here for too long, just as I went to Buckingham Palace for a few days, and I stayed with my grandmother for a few days. You know, Grandma may not be in a good mood now, waiting for me to talk. ...."

Xiao Bing sighed and looked at the red rose: "Then let's go today."

The red rose asked: "Are you really tired of a few days?"

The red rose gave the words so thoroughly, even if Princess Anna was a little too embarrassed, but thought about it and felt funny, Rose sister has always been such a fast person, Anna has been in contact with the red rose these days, suddenly thought of The two red roses directly said that they would not bother her and Xiao Bing to go to bed together at night. The current sentence is really nothing compared to this.

Princess Anna smiled and said: "Not tired, Rose sister, after actually knowing you and Xiao Bing, I realized that you Orientals are bolder and more arrogant than our Westerners."

When I heard Princess Anna say so, Xiao Bing and the red rose couldn’t help but laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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