Super Soldier

Chapter 1710: Terrible Saar Forest (one more)

After a short break, they began to hurry again. They apologized before saying that Xiao Bing, who is sorry, is talking and laughing. On the surface, Li Hong is a cheaper man who is pulling his head and showing a dejected look. talk less.

This day is followed by various difficulties. If they are a very experienced and powerful team, if they are here, they will come here. I am afraid that even if there are ten lives, there will be nothing left.

After another night, at 10 o'clock in the morning of the third day, Xiao Bing stopped a few people, and their eyes finally appeared the demonized forest, even when they were still from the forest. A hundred meters away, Xiao Bing can already feel the evil atmosphere filled with the whole forest. The breath can even be seen through the naked eye. It seems to be in the crazy teeth of Xiao Bing, and it also tempts Xiao Bing immediately. past.

Zhang Quan’s face was dignified: “The front is the Saar Forest. This forest didn’t know if anyone had come before. Anyway, the map has never been marked, and even people in neighboring countries have never heard of it. Later, the name of the Saar Forest was temporarily made by another of my adventurer friends. For the sake of convenience, it was very dangerous. The last time we just walked to the edge of the forest, we quickly quit."

Zhang Xin and Li Hong also looked slightly nervous. Zhang Xin said: "You may not feel anything here, but after you step into the forest, you can feel what seems to attract yourself. The same, and there is a feeling of erect hair."

Xiao Bing and the red rose glanced at each other. The strength of Xiao Bing is the middle of the saint. Although the red rose has not yet reached the saint, it has also reached the peak of the Tianzun peak. Others may not see it, even if it is the strength of Zhang Quan. Not enough, but they can see the evil atmosphere through the naked eye, the incomparable evil, Xiao Bing even feels even if compared with the original Eight-Different Snake.

At this time, the road between them was suddenly flattened, and the front was a smooth road. Such a flat road seemed to seduce them and let them pass.

Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Quan and said: "You are waiting here, I will go in with the red rose."

Li Hong immediately said loudly: "So dangerous things, you still have to wear Miss Red Rose? I don't know if you are a boyfriend, you don't have a long heart, you have to pull your girlfriend to do the backing... ""

The red rose said: "Thank you for your concern, but I am willing to go with Xiao Bing."

The red rose gave Li Hong a sudden death.

Zhang Quan said next to him: "Now is not a time of vindictiveness. In fact, I think this time Li Hong is right. Miss Red Rose, you are still waiting outside like everyone else. It is really dangerous. I am accompanying the brother. Go in together, no one else will follow."

The red rose smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Quan smiled and said: "You have not been in, you may not know the terrible degree inside. The kind of fear is not what you really see, but as soon as you step in, you will feel an evil from the depths of the soul. The power is coming in, even directly into every pore in your body..."

"I know, but I still have to go in." The red rose smiled. "Xiao Bing is my man. Wherever he goes, I will go where."

"Hey." Zhang Quan sighed, his eyes looked at the red rose with admiration, and said with a serious face: "Bing brother can get you as a girlfriend, I really don't know the blessings that I have cultivated for many generations."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I think so too. Let me go in with my girlfriend. Let's wait outside. This time, let everyone come together and you are already very uncomfortable. You can't let everyone follow me. It is."

Li Hong said: "Since he said this, then we are waiting outside."

Li Hong is now obviously full of fear of the forest. Seeing that the red rose is so persistent, the heart feels a bit of a fat, and it seems that he has no blessings. He can’t get this woman, but at least he can retreat. Second, to save your life is the most important, and then to pursue Zhang core.

Zhang Quan shook his head and said: "Zhang Xin, Li Hong, you two are waiting here. After we come out, let's go back together. If we can't come out... then you will go back. I am with you. The soldiers went into the Saar forest together."

When Li Hong saw that he could not move Zhang Quan, he said to Zhang Xin: "Zhang Xin, then I will wait here with you."

"No." Zhang Xin seems to be entangled, and finally decided what, and then a firm face said, "Since it is an explorer, there is no reason to retreat, right brother, since you have to go in, then I have to Follow along."

Zhang Quan stunned and hurriedly dissuaded: "No, it is too dangerous. The last time you noticed, Li Hong has just gone in and has not gone out for a few tens of meters. He immediately went into flames, and you must feel the body inside. There is a force that is ready to move. If you go in again this time, you may not be so lucky."

"Yeah." Li Hong also hurriedly said, "How good am I to stay with you here, we are taking risks, not coming to death, why should we go in?"

Zhang Xin glanced at Li Hong and said: "If you just look outside, what adventure? If you are afraid of danger, wait here, I will accompany you in."

Li Hong’s face changed. Others also persuaded Zhang Xin. At last they saw that they could not persever. Zhang Xin’s appearance was Sven, but the bones were very stubborn. In the end, Zhang Quan had to agree and look at Li Hong. Said: "Then you are waiting here alone, twenty-four hours, if we have not come out, you will go back yourself."

Li Hong opened his mouth and finally looked at Zhang Xin with a bit of sadness and closed his mouth.

Zhang Quan said to other people: "After you enter, you must go slowly. No matter if anyone feels that they can't control their emotions, they must first say it, and then we all withdraw. Or let that person withdraw immediately and meet with Li Hong."

Everyone agreed.

Zhang Quan spit out the gas and said: "I am afraid there will be danger next. The most important thing is that we can't do too much preparation work, because there is nothing inside, even I don't know. So, let's first If you are experiencing a powerful poison, they may not be afraid, but if they only encounter ordinary poisonous worms, they will definitely hide, at least to ensure that we are not concealed. ”

"it is good."

After this preparation was completed, Zhang Quan was the first to lead the way, and everyone set off together.

Li Hong stood in the distance, watching everyone go further and further, and then looking around, always feels gloomy, and couldn’t help but sneak a sigh, hurriedly chased him up and shouted: "Wait for me. I will follow them in the same way."

The people looked back at Li Hong and Li Hongjun: "There is a blessing that enjoys the same difficulties. You must take risks. I can't leave everyone alone."

Looking at Li Hong's face, everyone guessed that he did not dare to be alone here, but no one broke, just waited for Li Hong, and then continued with Li Hong.

Li Hong is behind everyone, and he hates Xiao Bing in his heart. He hates to die. In his opinion, if it is not Xiao Bing who wants to come over, he will not follow. Now it is good, but it still has to be renewed. Entering the horrible Saar Forest, I just hope that this time I will not encounter the weird thing of the last time.

The closer to Saar Forest, the more Xiao Bing can feel the evil atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Bing’s eyes are shining with excitement, and the whole person is excited, and my heart is thinking, I am afraid There is really a horrible guy in the forest that I don’t know, although it’s really risky, but the more dangerous Xiao Bing is on the road of martial arts. The more he wants to try, especially after reaching the saint, every level is extremely difficult to break through. He is now looking for every opportunity to challenge himself and make a breakthrough!

It’s just that Xiao Bing doesn’t dare to care about it, especially when he is following so many people. Although he wants to take risks, he has to protect these people’s well-being. Otherwise, they will be tired of these people’s lives.

Standing outside the forest, Li Hong shivered a little, and Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin had awe in their eyes. The two of them spit out a few breaths. Zhang Quan said: "After a while, be sure to keep your head clear and keep yourself. A firm will, especially Li Hong, you need to pay attention to the most."

“Reassured.” Li Hong said, “I have experience this time, and certainly not like the last time...”

This is also the reason why Li Hong wants to go along with him. Saar Forest is of course very dangerous for him. However, he has experienced this danger once. He feels that since he has experience, he may avoid it this time. And if a person is outside, if you come to a tiger or a cheetah here, his life will not be guaranteed, so he carefully weighs it. Although he does not want to step into the forest, he still decides to follow. Let's go in together.

Finally, Zhang Quan first entered the Saar Forest, while Xiao Bing was the second, then the red rose and Zhang Xin, followed by Li Hong tightly behind.

At the moment of entering the forest of Saar, Xiao Bing’s eyes seemed to have a picture. A horrible face made up of evil spirits seemed to be looking at himself in front. The face opened like a black hole, greed. I want to swallow up these people!

(End of this chapter)

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