Super Soldier

Chapter 1711: Evil spirit

That grimace does not really exist, but a gathering of evil spirits is just a breath, but other people can't see it, can't see it, can't touch it, only Xiao Bing can see it.

Xiao Bing waved with his hand, and a horrible force swept the past and directly blown away that grimace.

Others didn't notice anything different from beginning to end. Everyone was careful to move forward. Xiao Bing could clearly feel the evil atmosphere surrounding him seems to be trying to invade his body, but all were Xiao Bing's. The cover was blocked, and the red rose released the cover at this time. Zhang Quan’s strength was not enough. He still couldn’t reach the level of releasing the cover, even just touching the edge of the acquired realm, let alone In the congenital state of the sturdy period, even if Xiao Bing and the red rose released the hood, they could not be seen with the naked eye.

At this time, Li Hong’s eyes gradually changed, but his expression suddenly became gloomy, and there was a grievance in his eyes. Xiao Bing was the first person to notice the change of Li Hong. He stopped and looked at Li Hong and said: "Li Hong, you still go out better."

"Why do you let me go out?" Li Hong suddenly became stunned and gnashed his teeth. "Who are you, why do you let me listen to you? Who do you think you are? Who are you?" Tell you, I have long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye. If you are such a person, why can you have such a beautiful woman to be your object? On the world, on ability, where can you be stronger than me?"

Everyone was shocked, although Li Hong had not dealt with Xiao Bing for the past two days, but at least he had never torn his face, but what happened now? Xiao Bing suddenly let Li Hong leave, and Li Hong suddenly broke out.

Zhang Quan frowned and looked at Xiao Bing. Although he was not very good at exporting, he still had a little blame: "Since all have come in, Bing Ge, you still don't want him to go back, and everyone is a companion after all. Well, as for Li Hong, Bing Ge said casually, if you are not happy, let me talk about it, why are you so excited!"

Xiao Bing helplessly said: "Look at him, then talk about it."

"I look at him..." Zhang Quan’s words have not been finished yet, and he stunned. Then he showed a nervous color and hurriedly said, "Li Hong is in the middle of evil. We will lift him out!" ”

After Xiao Bing reminded me that everyone basically saw it, Li Hong’s eyes became completely different from each other. The evil spirit in the eyes was even scared when they saw them.

Li Hongda said: "What are you doing with me? Red Rose, what does this Xiao Bing have? A woman like you who can blame the country and the people will follow him with sorrow. Can't you see me? Don't you know my father? Is the Secretary? I don't know how rich my family is. I don't know if I am here to explore with you, but as soon as I get home, I can go on my career, and I will be able to mix more than one in the future."

Li Hong shouted and shouted, his eyes suddenly filled with lust, and the saliva would flow out: "I just want a woman like you, want you to lie down under me every day..."

The red rose is about to start, Xiao Bing grabbed the arm of the red rose, and then Li Hong shouted at Zhang Xin: "Zhang Xin, what are you proud of? The woman like you is good, but the letter I don't believe that I can hook a finger, I can come a lot at random. If you don't look at you more restrained, it will be more enjoyable to conquer. Will I waste so much time on you?"

Zhang Xin’s face is iron-blue, and almost all of it can be sprayed with fire.

Li Hong looked at Zhang Quan again and shouted: "And you, Zhang Quan, don't think that I called you a brother, how can you spend money on a three-legged cat?" I have already had enough of you to point me to me."

Zhang Quan: "...."

Li Hong still shouted, Xiao Bing suddenly passed, a slap in the neck of Li Hong, directly stunned Li Hong, and then picked up Li Hong, said: "Okay, almost got it, still I can’t finish it!”

At this moment, except Xiao Bing’s face was indifferent, everyone else was not well-dressed. Zhang Xin was even more angry and shivered. “Yong, I don’t think he is such a person.”

"Yeah, I also misread him." Zhang Quan sighed and said, "I can't throw him here anyway. It doesn't look like I need to take him in the future. It's best to keep a distance from him."

"No, it should be said that parting ways." Zhang Xin is obviously completely angry. "We will never know him again, and will be passers-by from now on."

Zhang Quan nodded and apparently agreed.

Xiao Bing said: "Now don't study this. If you are not taking care of this villain for the time being, let's go ahead. I am afraid there is something waiting for us in this forest."

Zhang Quan agreed, and then curiously said: "Bing brother, how do I feel that you and the red rose seem to have no influence at all? We can all be..."

Although Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin are temporarily okay, it does not mean that they have not been affected. In fact, both of them are now forcibly suppressing the negative emotions in their hearts, but the expression of Xiao Bing and the red rose is so natural.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Who knows, it may be because our two physiques are good."

Zhang Quan was puzzled. Although he said that he was dubious about this, he really couldn't think of other possibilities. So he stopped asking, and said, "Let's move on."

This time, when going forward, Xiao Bing specially took a shot of Zhang Quan’s shoulder and patted Zhang Xin’s shoulder. He smiled and said: “Well, don’t be angry, there is no need to know this kind of person. ""

"Well, let's go."

Zhang Xin and Zhang Quan walked with each other and suddenly felt as if they were more relaxed than they had just been. The negative emotions in the heart seemed to be suppressed. The two of them thought they were their own will. The victory over this evil force was a little relieved, but I didn’t know that when Xiao Bing was shooting their shoulders, he quietly used his infuriating spirit to dispel the evil atmosphere in their bodies.

However, although Xiao Bing can now temporarily resolve the evil atmosphere around him, it will definitely erode the bodies of these two people, but these are not enough for Xiao Bing, if it brings dozens of people. Xiao Bing really can't protect it, but there are only three people who need to protect themselves, and they can't hurt them with evil spirits.

Zhang Quan said with amazement: "The horrible feeling of the sinister sensation is still so strong, but I don't seem to be so scared in my heart, and the messy heart has also calmed down."

Zhang Xin said: "Probably because we are not the same as Li Hong, the dark side of our heart is not that heavy."

Zhang Xin is obviously still somewhat worried about Li Hong’s words. Who can actually care? Just as Li Hong opened his mouth and said that Zhang Xin’s woman was almost able to rush to a group of people, especially when Li Hong was still looking for an opportunity to please her, Zhang Xin felt a little disgusting inside. .

The red rose suddenly went to the side of Zhang Xin, pulled up Zhang Xin’s hand, and said with a smile: "Zhang Xin, you are very beautiful, don’t listen to Li Hong’s nonsense, it feels so dangerous here. , you and I still pull hands together."

Zhang Xin gently whispered, smiled and nodded, and then could not help but feel a little emotion, no wonder Li Hong was so fascinated by the red rose, even if she is a woman, when holding hands with the red rose can not help but one heart She has never seen such a delicate woman. When she used her eyes to look at it, she was already shocked and envious of the red rose skin. Now, after really grasping it, she feels it. The whole person is a soft one, just like catching the human hand, but the tofu.

God, how can someone have such delicate skin in the world?

Zhang Xin couldn't help feeling: "Red roses, your skin is so good."

"Is it? Thank you for your compliment." The red rose smiled. "Your skin is not bad."

Zhang Quan coughed a sigh: "That, you two don't feel each other here. This place is not safe. We still pay attention to it. Let's take a closer look. You two are holding hands and walking very well. Let's go ahead and see."

"Good." The red rose and Zhang Xin agreed, and then walked hand in hand.

Zhang Quan looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Bing brother, what do you say in this forest?"

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "If I say that there may be a monster living here, would you believe it?"

"This..." Zhang Quan hesitated. He smiled and shook his head. "I don't believe it. I have been exploring for so many years. I have seen many beasts. I have never seen any monsters."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "So, I know that you will not believe it. In fact, there are more things in this world than we can see. If you can’t really see it, it’s actually the most. Ok, that is a blessing, peace is a blessing!"

Zhang Quan curiously looked at Xiao Bingdao: "In fact, you just cut the hand of Li Hong, I feel that you still have two."

"Well, I used to fight when I was young, so I have a little experience." Xiao Bing said with a smile.

The two talked and talked step by step, suddenly the earth shook with the ground, and in front, Xiao Bing actually saw a light curtain flashing.

(End of this chapter)

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